The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 348: 8 Turn of Worship

Yes, in the misty mountains in the past years, there was an ethereal octopole cloud light array left to him by the old ways.

Nothing said that day, this formation is a living formation. After the formation spirit grows up, the formation can be controlled by the formation spirit to move and walk, or it can become a boost for Hualanting.

Before setting off, Hua Lanting felt deeply in his heart. He went to Wulan Mountain alone and regained contact with the formation spirit. He learned that it was time for the formation spirit to be collected by him and lead the movement of the formation, so he let the formation spirit Entered into the sky and blue smoke and jade close by.

This came in handy.

Although the big formation is strong, it is not realistic to say that it can suppress a strong Profound Pearl at once, but with the help of the chameleon lizard and the dragon horse double-faced dragonfly, it is different.

The sky blue smoke jade has been extracted by dragons and lizards, so the internal space expansion speed is very slow, and the efficiency has not been greatly improved. It can't accept the power of the Jade Pond realm. It can barely accommodate one dragon, one lizard and one spirit. .

There is not much room for the three spiritual creatures to move inside. Maybe it is the fate of the ears and temples... Maybe it is the fate of the three lives in the previous life. Despite their different species, ages and temperaments, it is inevitable to fight and make trouble, but they have established friendship in a short time to get along. , And even worshipped the hand, the spirit is the eldest brother, the chameleon is the second child, and the double-faced dragon is the youngest.

The three spirit creatures are not weaker than Deng Ling, so Deng Ling was quickly dragged into the formation, and Hua Lanting, Feng Qingjun, and Chen Zhiyuan also entered the formation.

As soon as the four met, Hua Lanting said: "Go, go, and the great power of Taihe Teachers will come over soon, and I can't afford it."

Array spirits do not have a physical body, and they usually don’t want to manifest themselves. They just say: "I know, you know, it’s not easy to walk on the ground after the Array is launched, and the goal is too big. I will sink into the soil and run away. Master, you three first Rest, I will deal with the one named Deng first."

After a while, the array spirit's voice sounded again: "Okay, this guy is dizzy, and it's handed over to you."

Deng Ling was used to it and threw it to the ground.

Hua Lanting said, "You can, have you settled a Profound Bead Realm so soon?"

"That's, I can't reach it outside, and I can't help him if I get in the battle. Octopus lost, obsessive psychedelic obscurity, ecstasy of cloud light, ecstasy of * character. Humph, fight with me, he is almost too." Array Spirit said triumphantly.

The chameleon said: "Boss, forget it, kill it, save trouble, you made the old man half dead, what's the use?"

The array spirit said: "Little lizard, you are not old-fashioned. The Profound Bead realm is powerful, and also knows the secret prediction technique. Who doesn't want such a little brother? Look at it."

"First, he can be the master’s humanoid sandbag for training. It can be said to be hitting and pounding, pulling and pulling, kicking and kicking. It is best to use it as a training target."

"Second, he can act as the master's imperial thug. When it's appropriate, he will close the door and let the dog go, and he will be an adult Tibetan mastiff when it is thrown out. It is perfect to deal with some rat-like eagle dogs."

"Thirdly, he can act as a substitute for the master. He usually protects him from wind and rain, and when he is in a hurry, he can block his guns, swords, and knives, which is equivalent to an extra life."

"Don't you think? Little Jiao."

The double-faced Jiao nodded: "The eldest brother said that as long as you control his mind and make him obedient, he can practice on his own without consuming food and training resources. It is a shame to kill. The second one has no brains. Leave him alone."

"Huh? I have no brains? Little San'er, don't you want to get mixed up? Big brother has seen him for a long time, and I am convinced that he is stronger than me. What qualifications do you have to say about me?"

The chameleon lizard was in a hurry, and he ran the dragon horse on both sides of the dragon and said: "You little boy, when the three of us bowed, you didn't even know that the eight bows at the turn of the eight bows meant eight directions. I said a lot of the vows of bowing. , It's good for you, just one sentence-me too."

"Your blood is purer than me, I think, is this knowledge? I have eaten more salt than you have eaten!"

"Why didn't you die?" Double-faced Jiao argued, "You wouldn't know how to ask you to make a nickname for Big Brother."

"How do you start? The octopole cloud light array of Shun and Ni, six words juxtaposed, without emphasis. Xiao Shunzi is like an eunuch, Xiao Nizi is like Xiao Nizi, so called Xiao Ba, but he is the boss, Xiao Ji Zi sounds like a small Ji Zi, Xiao Yun is also a female name, Xiao Guang doesn't like it. It's not easy to handle like our little lizard and Xiao Jiao."

Hua Lanting listened amusedly beside him. None of the three was younger than him. He wanted to be called a little lizard Jiao. He said, "It comes from Wulan Mountain. I will call it Xiaowu from now on."

After solving the problem of addressing, Hua Lanting suddenly thought that after coming in, he didn't see Feng Qingjun and Chen Zhiyuan. After asking, Xiao Wu replied: "I let them go to sleep, and men do things, so women shouldn't be mixed up. "

The chameleon lizard said: "Xiaowu, you are biased. The female cultivator is also a human being. Xiaofeng is still your master's daughter-in-law. Don't engage in sexism."

"Furthermore, you have no gender distinction. Xiao Jiao is a hermaphrodite. I have reservations about your views."

This time the double-faced Jiao stood on the side of the dragon lizard: "Yes, Xiaowu, this is your fault. The times are different, and men and women are the same."

The array spirit was waiting to refute, and suddenly there was a violent shaking, making everyone unstable.

The formation spirit said: "It's troublesome, Taihe Sect's Yaochi Realm Great Power has caught up, and the formation is very difficult to resist."

The dragon lizard said: "Brother Xiaowu, don't you always brag about being the world's strongest Eight Great Formation? You can resist the strong attack of the Yaochi realm without breaking."

The Array Spirit said irritably, "Brother Little Lizard, you can't help me. It's okay to deal with one. Taihe Jiao is now an ambassador to the five parties. Three of them are guarding against Elder Meng, but the other two are here. Yaochi Great Power, who can stand this. Don't say it, hurry up and help me defend the enemy, brother is going to run away."

The shaking of the big formation is getting more and more severe, and you can feel the violent impact from the outside in the formation, Hua Lanting is a little nervous: "Can you sink more?"

Array Spirit replied: "I can't do it at present, the formation can't block the two Jade Ponds for too long, and the first line of defense has been broken."

"What should I do then? I'll call Elder Meng and the others over."

The Array Spirit remained silent and did not answer. After a while, he said: "Strange, I suddenly felt a mysterious call that made me feel close and fearful. It was ordering me to come closer."

"What do you mean?" Neither Hua Lan Ting nor the Dragon Lizard nor the Double-faced Jiao felt anything abnormal.

"That's the way of communication between our array spirit and machine spirit. You can't notice it. You fix yourself. I want to speed up and flee. I must rush over before the array breaks. That voice gives me a sense of security. Wrong."

The Array Spirit started a crazy drag racing underground, sometimes stopping quickly, sometimes changing lines, and avoiding attacks.

The two Jade Pond realms flew side by side at low altitude, and the light of magical magic bombarded the ground. It was nothing to shake the earth and destroy the earth. However, the shocking force produced by the cracking of the rocks and the dust splashing caused great damage to the formation method. The exterior has fallen apart, and only the central core is still running at full speed.

I didn't know where I was, but Jing Ling Xiaowu yelled: "Everyone hold on! I'm going out!"

The big array got out of the ground and slammed into a mountain.

The two powerful blows hit the large formation without rock and soil protection at the same time. While the sky was spinning around, Hua Lan Ting could see the outside scene from the damage, and cool breeze poured in.

The next blow of the opposing team is coming again.

The broken array slammed into the rock wall before the attack fell.

The faint brilliance flashed, and the remnant array got in as if being pulled in by someone.

The Yaochi realm's powerful attack fell, and this rock wall remained motionless, and then turned into dust and scattered.

On the ground and underground, there were no traces of living creatures anymore, and the large array disappeared with everyone.

Hua Lanting opened his eyes from the darkness, and the light gradually brightened. The shadows of the surrounding trees were swaying, the air was filled with mist and the sun was colorful, and there was the sound of gurgling water and birds singing not far away.

"Hehe, don't take the usual path, come in from the side door with a spare key."

The voice was familiar and unfamiliar.

Hua Lanting breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the ground.

This must be another ancestor mystery, and another avatar!

After relaxing, feeling disrespectful, Hua Lan Ting got up and saluted.

Qi Ling chuckled and said, "It's okay. It doesn't matter if you go through the back door or use the alternate lock key of the Octopole Cloud Light Array, it's all for the right person to come in."

It seemed that he was looking at Hua Lan Ting, and after a while, Qi Ling said: Yes, yes, Liu Ding Liu Jia realm created the peak of the extreme stage. Well, I got it. "

Hua Lan Ting has passed through several secret realms, and when he heard that there was a door, he licked his face and said, "The weapon is so powerful, is there any secret method to teach me? Come and listen."

Qi Ling scolded with a smile: "You kid, you have forgotten your home, but it's okay. Just bring your mind."

"There are three things that suit your current situation. One is that the old man can help you break through into the Seven-Star Big Dipper Realm; the other is a technique, which is more complicated, and you can share it with your female companions as appropriate; and the other is a kind of energy and harmony. The powerful magic weapon you can use with your current ability."

"But before that, the cutscene still has to go. In fact, it's nothing, the old rules, play a palindrome. I'll say one, you can draw three as you like."

"The mountain is high and the birds fly around."

Hualan Court tasted the first product and said to himself: "The mountains are high and the birds are flying around, starting from the second word, the birds are flying around the mountains, the birds are flying around the mountains, the birds are flying around the mountains, the birds are flying around the mountains. There is!"

"The first one, please come and eat! Come and eat, please! Come and eat, please come, please come, eat, please come and eat."

"Second, fried eggs with parsley, fried eggs with vegetables, fried eggs with parsley ~ fried eggs with parsley, fried chicken with eggs and parsley."

"Are you hungry? Almost mean, I'll be the last one, right?" Qi Ling said.

"Yes," Hualan Ting hurriedly said: "How beautiful the flowers bloom, how beautiful the flowers bloom, how many beautiful flowers bloom, how many beautiful flowers bloom, and how many beautiful flowers bloom."

"It's not very smooth. No, this time the old man will deduct one and give you something, but when you come up with a unique one, the magic weapon can be unlocked."

Without waiting for Hua Lan Ting's defense, Qi Ling continued: "I'll tell you about the method to help you break through. You should collect this second exercise first. The name is-Five Star Seven Yuan Kong Chang Jue."

"If you want to make a breakthrough, you must first know the concept of the overlapping structure universe."

"According to this theory, the complete world is made up of two real worlds with completely different attributes. One of the real worlds is felt by people’s senses and is called the explicit world. The other real world is not felt by people. To, call it the hidden world, or the hidden universe."

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