The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 349: Peng flies in anger

Hua Lanting thoughtfully, this is very similar to the real world and the dream world mentioned by Yun Yiqi.

Hearing what he said, Qi Ling said: "All dharmas are connected, it is the inner taste. The six paths of reincarnation and the world of bliss in the Buddhist school also have this meaning."

"In the world of overlapping structures, the hidden world is the subject of the complete world."

"That is to say, in the explicit world, the subject of all things is in the hidden world; in the explicit world, the motives, motives, and driving forces of all changes in all things are also in the hidden world."

"I can use two concepts to help you understand."

"One is the illusory and real illusion simulated by the illusion in the formation."

"In the created situation, the virtual reality scene that the monk can see, hear, and feel through his spells is just like the explicit world, and the real world where the caster and the person in the battle are located is like the hidden world. ."

"In terms of the large structure, the illusion and the overlapping structure world are very similar in composition, and both are made up of two completely different real worlds overlapping at the same time."

"The virtual reality scene is virtual reality, but it is also a real existence, not nothingness, but a material existence with its own attributes."

"All the subjects in the virtual reality scene are derived from the real world, and all the motivations, motives, and motives for running the virtual reality scene are derived from the real world. The two are overlapping relations, and there is a complete correlation. "

"The second concept is three-dimensional and four-dimensional, multi-dimensional space."

"In the overlapping structure world, the explicit world is the three-dimensional space that humans can feel, while the invisible world is the four-dimensional and high-dimensional space that human senses cannot feel, or even can't imagine."

The level of life in the high-dimensional space is higher than that in the three-dimensional space. The motivation, motivation, and power that control all in the three-dimensional space exist in the four-dimensional space. "

"It needs to be explained that parallel spaces are not related to each other, just like two straight lines on a plane. Without human intervention, there will be no overlapping intersections. The subject of each world is itself."

The overlap is the concept of mutual relations, just like two intersecting straight lines on a plane, overlapping at the intersection.

"But the overlapping structure world is not the same as the point intersection of two straight lines. The explicit world completely overlaps the implicit world, and the implicit world is much larger than the explicit world. It is similar to a point and a line on a plane. The straight lines overlap, this point is completely on a certain point on this straight line."

"The dominant world completely overlaps the recessive world, and the recessive world does not completely overlap the dominant world."

"According to this theory, the one in the Daosheng one refers to the hidden world."

"The second of the two in a lifetime represents the world of overlapping structures. The one above the second is the recessive world, and the next one is the dominant world. The recessive first, then the dominant."

"Two begets three, three does not represent a number. The point is the one horizontal in the middle of the three, which means that after the overlapping structure world is formed, there is a kind of energy substance that connects the two together, and this is the complete structure."

"Three births of all things. All things have overlapping structural world attributes. Anything has a part in the hidden world and a part in the explicit world."

"Everything bears yin and embraces yang, and is connected by an energy substance like glue to complete it."

"Qi, used to describe this connected energy substance, requires long-term systematic training to feel it."

"But Qi is only used for description, and its essence is different from the sense of Qi in cultivation. Only people at that level can experience it."

"Specifically to your current situation, the Liu Ding Liujia state is full of Qi and transforming God, that is, the later stage of the stage of refining Qi and transforming God. At this time, Qi transforms into God. Be strengthened."

"The next seven-star Big Dipper realm is the stage of divine feet entering the emptiness, that is, the stage of refining the emptiness, and the physical body can initially communicate with the universe, heaven and earth."

"The original self is the **** of desire, the self is the **** of consciousness, and the superego is the soul of the soul. Entering the seven-star Beidou stage of the ascendant stage, which is equivalent to the reborn state, is already a stage between the **** of consciousness and the original spirit."

"Big Dipper Seven Stars, you know which seven acupuncture points of the upper body are referred to in the Free Wuji Gong."

"The Big Dipper is towards the North Pole."

"Beidou and Jixing as a whole are called'douji'. Douji is at the center of the rotation of the starry sky, and the stars revolve around it, just like the ruler in the sky."

"The ancients used the Big Dipper to deal with the four fingers to determine the seasons. The Big Dipper is also known as the maker of the order of heaven and earth. Spring birth, summer growth, autumn harvest, and winter storage all follow the direction of the Big Dipper. ."

"So, Mengbisheng Huashan's back mountain is called Douji Peaks."

"In the Big Dipper seven-star realm, the fighting is extremely focused. What you have to do is to thoroughly penetrate the seven stars, and the energy is directed to the heart, completing the endless cycle."

"You have to remember that thinking is not just a function of the brain. The heart is not only a tool for transporting blood, but also an organ of thinking."

"Therefore, people will say that when you worry, understand, understand, and have a clear mind, you can think about it if you have a heart, you can get it if you think, and you can't get it if you don't think."

"What I can help you is to ingest a bit of the mysterious energy substance that links the hidden world and the explicit world mentioned earlier."

"Don't underestimate this loss, it is precious enough to help you break through, and it can also have a follow-up impact on your future ascension, making you far beyond the ordinary born-out monk at this step."

"However, how to accept this loss, you need to grasp it yourself. If you can't stand it, you will give up your previous efforts, and then you will have to upgrade. If it goes well, your cultivation path will be smooth before you enter the Yaochi realm."

"You, get ready."

Hua Lan Ting listened to the warning and emphasized it, but the more important it is, the more nervous it is, and it is difficult to enter the state of concentration.

He forced himself not to think about advanced things first, and silently recalled his cultivation process since the beginning.

After thinking about it a few times, he thought that the most comfortable and natural state of mind when facing a breakthrough was the one in the secret realm of Vientiane Xintianquan.

That state of mind can be explained by the words of Elder Chen Lv'an:

Trained to look like a crane,

Thousands of Panasonic Two Letters.

I came to ask Wu Yuyue,

The clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle!

The state of the cloud in the blue sky and the water in the bottle can also be described in other words:

Don't be surprised, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; leave or stay unintentionally, look at the clouds in the sky.

This term also originated from traditional Taoist thought.

To do things for people, only by seeing pets and humiliations as ordinary as flowers blooming, can the mood be peaceful.

If you don't like it, you don't worry if you lose it. Only when you see and stay change like a cloud, can you be indifferent to nature.

The three characters "look in front of the court" have a lot to hide in the small building to unify, regardless of the meaning of spring, summer, autumn and winter, while the three characters "look at the sky" again show the broad sense of magnifying eyes and not competing with others for shortcomings. Yunjuan Yunshu has the realm that a man can bend and stretch. It is similar to not being happy with things and not being sad. It is quite the open-minded and romantic style of the Wei and Jin dynasties.

Feeling that Hua Lan Ting has entered a state of concentration, the device spirit casts spells, ingesting the traces of mysterious matter left by the ancestors.

At the beginning, Hua Lan Ting felt as heavy as Mount Tai, which was an unbearable weight to the body. The joints all over his body creaked and seemed to break at any time.

After a short while, when he tried hard not to care about it, looking for the leisurely meaning of looking at the flowers and flowers in the front of the court, like a divine enlightenment, an energy comparable to the substance entered from the top of his head, quickly wandering around his body and limbs. Then it turned into nothingness, giving him a sense of fullness and ease with the unbearable lightness of life.

As I closed my eyes and looked inside, the seven acupuncture points on the chest lit up in turn, a ray of light shot from the handle to the heart, and then there was chaos and darkness in front of my eyes, and the feeling of silence and loss suddenly grew.

The heart is full of despair and helplessness, but the body is extraordinarily solid and heavy, with full of breath.

Two extreme feelings made him very uncomfortable.

After that, Lei Dan was about to move at the Dantian in his body, and the golden light became more and more prosperous, but it seemed that he could not break through the confinement of the physical body.

After repeating this a few times, Hua Lanting felt that he was about to lose consciousness.

At this moment, Qi Ling uttered a long voice, chanting:

There is a fish in Beiming, whose name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don't know how many miles it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng. Peng's back, I don't know its thousands of miles; it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging down from the sky.

Finally added a sentence like a great drink: Peng, fly in anger!

This remark awakened Hua Lan Ting, with golden light in front of him, and his heart was dazzling.

Hua Lan Ting has a clear understanding.

There are fish in Beiming.

North, in the five elements, belongs to water and kidney, and is the land of Tibet.

Ming means an extremely dark place, dark and far-reaching, without an end.

Anything that wants to rise, wants to achieve something, anyone wants to soar into the sky, has to go through a long, dark, and desperate period of darkness. The thing to do is to continuously absorb, hide, and reserve.

Turned into a bird.

Transformation means from nothing to something, from life to death, and from quantitative change to qualitative change.

And what?

The original meaning is the hair on the cheeks.

In "Shuowen Jiezi", the horizontal on the top of the character represents the nose, and the oblique underneath represents the person. The two vertical bars on both sides represent the hair on the temples, and the two vertical bars in the middle represent the beard under the mouth.

Interpreted from the perspective of hieroglyphics, and, represents this process from top to bottom.

"Moreover" is the relationship of continuity, which means progressive, compliant, and the transition of "however".

Shun, for him, it is a matter of accumulating a lot of money, and wanting to turn the gods into vain! It is to turn a cocoon into a butterfly!

Turning a cocoon into a butterfly means-fly!

Soaring into the sky!

Flies in anger!

Anger is not angry.

That is when the time comes, the horizon is widened, and the field of vision is broadened. It is the size of Kun that does not know how many miles, or the back of Peng, who does not know how many miles.

Yes, it flies in anger, and its wings soar into the sky like clouds hanging down from the sky.

It is the Dapeng who rises in the same wind in one day, soaring for ninety thousand miles!

Anger is to rise up! It's Endeavour! It's Fenfei!

So, he, Hua Lan Ting, really can.

It's flying!

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