The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 350: Lakeside Rafting

Hua Lan Ting, at the age of less than 30 years old, advanced to the Seven-Star Big Dipper Realm and became the core disciple of the Vientiane Freedom Gate.

Qi Ling said: "Congratulations. Congratulations. I think that the old ancestor Daohan was nothing more than that. Since him, you are the second person in the history of the door."

Hua Lanting didn't care about being proud at this time.

Just upgraded, the first time he went to heaven, how could he control it well.

At more than ten feet on the ground, Hualanting was struggling, dancing, gesticulating, struggling, and struggling.

Then a green onion was planted head down, and he planted himself directly into the ground.

Qi Ling seemed to cover his face and couldn't bear to look straight. After muttering a few words to Hua Lanting, he quietly disappeared.

Seven-star Beidou cultivators can make preliminary communication with heaven and earth, and coupled with their own powerful spiritual power, they can drive themselves to produce reaction forces to break through the constraints of gravity and carry out a certain degree of flight.

But the first brother Hua Lanting still doesn't have a good grasp of the angle, strength, and speed. After several attempts, all of them fluttered in the air irregularly like a firework that smashed into flames, with a swollen nose and swollen face.

Fortunately, there was no one in the surroundings. He, who first tasted the beauty of flying, practiced with perseverance and unbelief. After an hour, he was finally able to soar more comfortably in the sky.

After resting for a while, he took out the five-star seven-element Kong Changjue jade slip and browsed it. After knowing his mind, he awakened Feng Qingjun, Chen Zhiyuan, Xiaowu, Xiaoli, and Xiaojiao according to the instructions before Qi Ling left. I rushed to consolidate the seven-star Beidou realm's ascending stage realm, the second daughter and the first lizard and one Jiao chose the appropriate content in the Kongchang Jue to learn, and Xiaowu repaired the reciprocal eight-pole cloud light array by himself.

He didn't tell Qi Ling about the matter, only that he met the old masters who lived here in Vientiane and Freedom, used magic weapons to save them, and instructed him to break through, and left a gift of Kong Chang Jue.

The double-faced Jiao informed Meng Haopu of their current safety situation. After a few days of delay, when everything was ready, Hua Lan Ting opened the secret realm passage by the method informed by the spirit of the device. They left Lishan and returned to Dangyang City.

This trip was a big success, not only captured Deng Ling, but also rescued Wan'an, and basically because of the strength and luck of the Hualanting team, no other people were used. On that day, under the deterrence of several powerful men such as Meng Haopu, the five-party inspector of the Taihe Sect saw that the balance of power was not dominant, and quickly retreated.

What's more gratifying is that Hua Lan Ting took the lead in breaking through into the Seven-Star Big Dipper Realm.

In the next few days, the people of Vientiane Gate stayed in Dangyang City, participated in the Qimen Dunjia Taoism Exchange Conference, and had friendly discussions with their peers in Daguan Pavilion.

This afternoon, at the end of the conference, after three days of busy work, before leaving, Chen Zhiyuan led everyone to a small lake in Lishan called Furong to play and relax.

The surface of the lake is not big, but the water is blue, like a gem set on Lishan, and because of the high altitude, the haze of moisture throughout the year has given the lake a thin veil.

Lakes and mountains, rippling water, and the scenery is very pleasant. After walking along the lake for more than half a circle, everyone boarded a wooden boat together and went boating on the lake.

They brought drinks and food, and after drinking and drinking, Yi Liunian, who has now grown in knowledge, said: "Come here, with such a good time and beauty. If there is wine and no poetry, wouldn't it be bad for the scenery? Who will accompany me to chant a few ancient poems to cheer? "

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Yi Flownian said to himself: "Every layman has no Yaxing, so let me come first and throw a jade to attract a brick. Cough cough, listen."

"Huaijun belongs to the autumn night, walks chanting the cool sky. The pine nuts fall in the sky, and you should not sleep."

After finishing speaking, he said in a complacent way: "It's a good mood! Junior Brother Xian Jing, are you sure you don't come with a response?"

Lin Xianjing didn't want to pay attention to him. Song Feifei next to him didn't want to see Yi Liunian alone, urging him: "Xiao Linzi, **** him."

Lin Xian was shocked and said helplessly: "I don't feel drunk in the wine, and the falling flowers fill my clothes. When I start drunk at the creek and the moon, the birds are also scarce."

"So wet, so wet! Lan Ting, continue to frustrate him." Song Feifei agitated.

Hua Lanting took a sip of wine and said: "The west wind blows the old Dongting waves, and the king of Xiang has white hair all night. After being drunk, I don't know the sky is in the water, and the boat is full of clear dreams and the galaxy is pressed."

Song Feifei clapped his hands: "What a boat full of clear dreams crushing the galaxy, you are too waves and too long in Lanting. It's your turn, Zhuge."

Zhuge Yun looked at the surface of the lake with blurred eyes, and said: "I am a comfortable person in the world, and I can linger everywhere in the rivers and lakes. I swept away the red dreams of purple mosques, and collected smoke and rain."

"You have a fan", Song Feifei boasted: "Fishing freely, Zimo Hongchen. The fleeting years is much better than your quiet and sick moaning."

Yi Liunian sneered: "Haha, woman. You can do it, you can do it."

This time I stabbed the hornet's nest. The sitting Feng Qingjun, Huo Huixiao and Gu Chenfeng were okay. Song Feifei, Chen Zhiyuan, Xue Tao and Feng Lian quit, and got up together to become angry at Yi. Chen Zhiyuan said: "Yi Fellow Daoist, what do you mean by this? Look down on our women?"

Facing the four menacing women, Yi Liunian was a little bit embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Where and where, I dare not dare. I mean, um, I mean, there are differences between men and women, and different ways of thinking. There is no superiority. It’s bad, it’s just that sometimes I can’t understand it. But I will show respect.”

Xue Tao refused to let it go, and asked: "Why is it different? You can give a few examples to illustrate. If it makes sense, the sisters won't pursue it."

Yi Liunian was squeezed to the corner, watching Hua Lan Ting and the others did not help him, so he had to say: "Well, I will give two examples from my own personal experience. This is more convincing. Let me declare first, I didn't mean to offend. , Just to prove that men and women think differently."

"It is said that when I was in the Yanbei Guoyi in the Shuxuanxianzhou secular world, I was dragged to a blind date by the master for the first time in my life. The girls are very open-minded and don't care about things outside the body."

"I said I didn't have a lot of money, and the girl replied that she had lived with me but not money. I said that I hadn't bought a house yet, and the girl said she had lived with me or not."

"I'm so happy, it seems that people don't dislike me being poor. Who knows, the girl asked me if I like wide noodles or fine noodles when eating. My brother has little experience and said that he likes fine leek leaf noodles. As a result, the girl said She likes wide-faced faces. She thinks that we are not suitable and we can't live together. The first time I looked for someone, I just blew it like that."

"Later, we escorted a car for a big family's bodyguard. That family's daughter was very short, and she had a small jewelry box of her own that couldn't be placed on the carriage shelf. Seeing that she was going to find something to step on. At that time, I couldn't hold back, and walked over to help her lift the box up."

"After I did this good thing that I thought was supposed to be helpful and helpful, she not only didn't thank me, but instead blamed me, saying that she actually hates people who act like men like me."

"I was dumbfounded, with question marks on my face, and black lines on my head."

"She went on to say that she could find a way to put the box on it. I just helped her without asking, which made her feel offended."

"She also said that I would make her feel that women are worse than men, and that it made her feel unfair and discriminated against her."

"I was speechless, and told her you don't be angry, or I will help you take it down, and you can play it again by yourself?"

"She said that's not necessary. She doesn't hate me, she is just talking about this."

"Oh, it's really hard for me to understand this kind of brain circuit in women."

Seeing Yi Liuian’s explanation was stumbling. It was no longer the usual brief and smooth, and he couldn’t talk anymore. Hua Lanting couldn’t bear it, and came out to make a round of it: "Okay, okay, Flowing is just an expression of a fact, and does not represent his views and opinions. Stand, please let it go."

Feng Lian refused to give up, and pointed the finger at Hua Lanting: "Well, you can talk about the differences in facts, opinions, and positions. We will let him go if we make it clear."

Hua Lanting thought for a while and said: "A person's expression can be roughly divided into facts and opinions. Facts are true and false, and opinions are not right or wrong."

"If you look at it carefully, you can subdivide it. Including facts, opinions, positions, and beliefs."

"Look at the facts first. For example, it's very cold today. Is it true? Really not, dripping into ice is the truth."

"The cold is just your personal opinion."

"Facts are an objective existence independent of human judgment. Of course, this is also in most cases. The real world is sometimes so complicated that you can't judge the facts."

"For example, if you look at the front of a cylinder, you say it is a circle. If you look at the side of the cylinder, you will say it is a square."

"When you look at a mountain, you look at it as a ridge and a peak."

"The fact that the fish see in the fish tank is that the world is spherical. The fact that you see is not like this."

"But overall, the facts are the least controversial part. We can only say that our understanding of the facts is not comprehensive."

"Viewpoint is your opinion of a fact."

"You think dripping into ice is very cold, because you feel cold. You think dripping into ice is okay, because you are hardy and feel not too cold."

"The structure of your knowledge, your environment, the way you perceive, etc., determine your point of view."

"Why are there so many disputes and fights in this world? Because people live in different environments and perceptions."

"If you get together with each other, there is little crossover, you can still have peace. If you are connected, you will definitely be shocked by each other, quarreling with each other, and feel that what you represent is the truth."

"Then what is a position? A position is a viewpoint that is influenced by position and interests."

"You said that the dripping water makes it cold or not? If you are a landlord and old wealthy, once you say it is cold, you have to heat the kang for the long workers. So while you shivered and added clothes, you said that I am not cold, I am not cold."

"At this time, you have nothing to debate, unless you and him can adjust to the same position and interests, otherwise there will be no consensus."

"It's like a debate. You hold a positive point of view. At this moment, the host suddenly asks the two sides to exchange positions. You will also put the opposing point of view to the top, and in the end you even believe it yourself."

"There is no right or wrong at this time, only winning or losing."

"Don't argue with positions that have positions and interests."

"That's why it is said that children only talk about right and wrong, and adults only talk about benefits. Because children generally have no position and benefits."

"As for faith, if you believe in Buddhism and he believes, this is more powerful than standpoint."

"Faith is a completely self-consistent logical system. Everyone believes that what they believe is right, and they have no standpoint."

"Yes, faith is all right, because you can't prove it is wrong. This is logical self-consistent."

"You have to know that there are a lot of logically self-consistent but contradictory beliefs in this world."

"The logic is self-consistent within the faith, but contradictions outside the faith."

"At this time, you can only choose."

"Everyone can have their own beliefs. Attacking the beliefs of others, you are unlikely to win, and you are likely to lose this friend."

"When a person is the **** deciding the head, all you have to do is to tell him-maybe what you said is good for you and right."

"Conversely, we must always reflect on ourselves. Is my expression facts, opinions, positions, or beliefs?"

After Hualanting finished speaking, Yi Liunian hurriedly changed the subject and gaze while the four girls were still in the air, shouting: "Hua Zi, I heard that you have entered the Seven-Star Beidou Realm and reborn? Everyone is here today, so why don't you give us a performance? The wind is flying, stimulating us, so that we can speed up the pace to catch up with you."

Hua Lan Ting has basically mastered the flying skills ~ ~ is now soaring into the sky.

Yi Liunian was the most restless, his light speed was second only to Hua Lan Ting among the crowd. When Hua Lan Ting got up, he leaped up vigorously, grabbed Hua Lan Ting's ankle directly, and was taken into the air.

It's fun!

Then, all the people on the boat drew a gourd, stringed one by one like a solitaire, and fell down like a kite string.

This is the centipede ascending to heaven.

Everyone yelled, enjoying the fun and excitement of flying into the sky.

The problem, no matter how strong Hua Lan Ting is, can't help such people "hold back".

Planted one head and fell into the lake.

Appeared in the lake for a while, with more than a dozen chickens.


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