The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 351: Natural disasters

That night, in a hall at the entrance of Yangcheng Geyue Hall, the disciples of the Vientiane Gate were sitting and chatting, and only Lin Xianjing buried his head and looked through a pile of files.

Hua Lanting asked him, "Xian Jing, what are you looking at? Is there any news about Master Heshang and Lin Fengzhi in the daily information of these song and moon meetings?"

Lin Xianjing replied while tidying up: "Xiong Chengmao has once again confirmed that Master Heshang and Lin Fengzhi have joined the Taihe Sect and Tianyi Sect respectively after they came to the Thick Earth Continent. Lin Fengzhi led people to destroy the Wuying Sect and disappeared After that, Master Heshang has appeared in many places, but his whereabouts are erratic. Xiong Ba said that he would notify us as soon as there is news."

Lin Xianjing raised the file in his hand again, and continued: "Every day in the Songyue Club, the ordinary daily information about the various aspects of the Thick Earth Continent is here. Except for the two masters of Heshang, there are other confidential and confidential information. I can’t see the important content of the jade slip, but in the past few days, I have discovered two things worth paying attention to from the public information."

"Ah, oh", Hua Lanting became interested, and was good at digging out valuable information from the public surface information through clues. This is Lin Xianjing's strong point. He walked over, ready to listen.

When Lin Xianjing was about to talk, there was arguing noise from the side. He glanced sideways, and it was Yi Liunian who was arguing with Song Feifei.

Song Feifei took a sip of water, stood up, condescending, and said something loudly to Yi Liunian gesticulatingly.

She danced and danced, talking about rising, her saliva splashed, and some sprayed onto Yi Vannian's face.

Song Feifei was a little embarrassed at first. Seeing Yi Liunian was wiping, he immediately pretended to be angry, and said in an irritating voice: "What's the matter? Brother Liunian, you despise me."

Yi Liunian was no longer as irritable as he was when he was young. Seeing Song Feifei looking anxious, he put a smile on his face and said, "No, I'm just rubbing it evenly."


Song Feifei drank again at this time. After listening to Yi Liunian's words, he did not expect that he would be so tolerant. For a while, he couldn't hold back, and a sip of herbal tea was sprayed on his face.

Yi Liunian turned to Lin Xianjing: "Xianjing, don't care about your mother-in-law, brother, it's not time for me to go to bed and wash my face."

Lin Xian couldn't help but stunned: "I blame me, I don't have a good education. You two keep your voice down, I'm talking about business with Lan Ting."

"I found two strange things."

"One is about the Taihe Sect and the Tianyi Sect. These two heretical cults, one south and the other north, usually do their own bad things within their sphere of influence, and the well water does not offend the river."

"But recently, in the places where many disputes occurred on the Houtu Continent, people from two sects appeared at the same time, and they were still in peace. This is a problem. I suspect that Taihe and Tianyi have secretly joined forces. NS."

"If so, what do they want to do?"

"The second thing is about wildfires."

"This incident didn't attract my attention at first. At first, there were only sporadic records in the intelligence. The problem was that it became more and more frequent later, which was abnormal."

"Where is it abnormal?" Hua Lanting asked.

"Mountain fires are not uncommon in this season, but one is that these wildfires have occurred in the mountainous areas where some cultivation sects are located this year, and the other is that the fires will reignite repeatedly after being extinguished, causing heavy losses to these sects, and some have to be forced to Moving away, the third is that the resurgence of mountain fires is mostly caused by sky thunder."

Hua Lanting said: "It's a pity that she didn't bring her husband this time. He was able to communicate with the trees, flowers, and grass. He should be able to find out the reason. Or, should we ask the merchants on the thick soil continent to send the news back to him and ask him?"

Lin Xian was surprised and said: "It is also a way, I am afraid that the information exchange is too slow. I specifically asked the people of the song and moon society. They said that there are many eucalyptus trees in the area where the incident occurred. It is very extensive, because the land is sparsely populated, and based on past experience, eucalyptus trees can quickly recover and grow after wildfires, so that vegetation and ecology can be restored."

"Eucalyptus?" Someone suddenly said in the corner.

The speaker is Wan'an.

Wan An is a man in his thirties with an ordinary appearance, the kind of person who can't be found when he falls into the crowd.

After he was rescued, he learned that the only relatives in the world, Wan Taigu and his wife, had passed away, because he was sad, and because he was still new to the people of Wanxiangmen, and his cultivation level barely passed the pill formation realm. Low self-esteem, so I always shrink in the corner and droop my head silently.

Hearing Wan An's words, Lin Xian asked in surprise: "Brother Wan, do you know what's going on?"

Wan An shook his head: "I don't know why the wildfires are rampant, but I know a thing or two about the habits of eucalyptus."

It turned out that Wan An's aptitude was average, and he was not interested in martial arts cultivation, so even with the guidance of a famous teacher like Wan Daigu and his wife, his cultivation has been slow. But he grew up in the mountains and forests, and he knows plants very well, and most of his energy is used in this aspect. This time he came to the thick soil continent not for other reasons, but wanted to take the opportunity to investigate and study the local vegetation.

Speaking of what he was good at, Wan An immediately became savvy and talked freely. After his explanation, everyone understood what eucalyptus is all about.

The vitality of eucalyptus is extremely tenacious.

Because the heart of the eucalyptus tree is deeply hidden in the branches, natural wildfires can only damage its surface. As long as the core is not damaged, the eucalyptus can quickly resurrect and give birth to new shoots and young leaves.

The reason why other trees and vegetation failed to recover was because their tree cores were on the surface. After the roots were damaged, they could not germinate new branches from the branches and could only re-germinate from the roots underground.

In addition, everyone knows that sunlight is a precious resource in the forest. The more sunlight is exposed to it, the more energy the plant can produce, and the more vigorous the production will be.

Therefore, in order to get more sunlight, plants will desperately grow upwards so that they can occupy the most advantageous position.

However, it is the eucalyptus that is the first to recover. In addition, the core of the tree is not damaged. The new buds germinate from the branches. The eucalyptus will preemptively occupy a favorable position. The leaves of the eucalyptus will block the sun and make it difficult for the sun to shine on the ground. , This will cause other vegetation to receive less sunlight, so that it will grow slowly and even die.

In addition, the seeds of eucalyptus have a hard shell, which is not easy to germinate under natural conditions and needs to be calcined in a fire. The seeds of other plants will burn to death at high temperatures and lose their vitality, which also caused the earliest and fastest recovery of eucalyptus.

The consequence is that after each wildfire, the number of eucalyptus will increase substantially.

Because of this, the fire can help the eucalyptus to survive and grow better, and eucalyptus can be said to be a tree that loves fire but is not afraid of fire.

In order to attract fire, eucalyptus evolved to enrich its leaves with oil.

This is why the presence of eucalyptus makes it difficult to extinguish the fire after the wildfire.

After the fire, eucalyptus has largely replaced other vegetation, and more and more eucalyptus will inevitably lead to a larger fire area and more difficult to control once a fire occurs again.

In nature, abundant vegetation is a good thing, because plants are autotrophic organisms that can convert sunlight into energy for storage. Herbivores obtain energy by eating plants. Carnivores then prey on herbivores, and after carnivores die, The corpse is transformed into new energy, which is a virtuous circle.

However, the increase in eucalyptus is not the case.

Eucalyptus is very bad, and they have another characteristic-they have evolved toxicity to avoid being eaten by herbivores. Only a few animals such as koalas can break down this toxicity and can feed on eucalyptus.

If there are more eucalyptus, other animals will face the threat of food shortage.

The hegemony of eucalyptus is also reflected in other aspects.

Plants want to survive better, in addition to fighting for sunlight, they also need water and other nutrients. However, eucalyptus has a well-developed root system, which can absorb a large amount of water and trace substances in the soil, resulting in land desertification and loss of fertility.

Eucalyptus is a tree species that has been very successful in evolution. The location of the center of the tree, the oil of the branches, the hardness of the seeds, the toxicity of the leaves, and the developed root system all give them an advantage in ecological competition.

But the consequences are also terrible. In areas with a lot of eucalyptus, the frequency of fires is high, the number of other vegetation is small, and the local ecological environment is distorted.

After speaking, Wan An said: "This is the eucalyptus that I know about. As for other abnormal phenomena you mentioned, such as sky thunder, such as threatening the survival of the sect, I don't understand."

Lin Xianjing was silent for a while and then said: "Natural disasters often occur, and they are not terrible. They have been like this for many years. But if we add man-made disasters, things will be difficult to tell."

Hua Lanting asked: "Do you mean that there are human factors in it?"

"I don't have any evidence yet, but my instinct tells me that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

While discussing, someone from the Songyue Club came in to find Hua Lanting and Lin Xianjing, and handed them a letter, saying that Xiong Chengmao asked to bring it over.

In the letter, Xiong Chengmao said that there are frequent fires in the mountainous area where the Songyue Club is located. The fire is huge, and it has already caused manpower damage. Even the great efforts of the conference can not completely prevent the occurrence of wildfires. The situation is very serious. Weird, the Geyue Club has even made preparations for the relocation of its headquarters.

Xiong Chengmao has no time to take care of other things now. He suggested that the people at Vientiane Gate should wait where they are, and contact them after the Geyuehui is settled.

After reading the letter, UU read www. After discussing it, everyone at Vientiane Gate felt that something was weird. They decided to rush to Dali Mountain in Fancheng, the headquarters of the Songyue Club as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, everyone set off and traveled swiftly all the way.

Chen Zhiyuan and the elder Chen Zhu of Shenfu Tiandunmen also decided to walk with them after the end of the Qimen Dunjia Taoist exchange meeting.

In a few days, they entered the scope of Dali Mountain.

After entering the mountain, what you saw along the way was really devastated. At first glance, many places saw large tracts of scorched earth, no grass growing, and eucalyptus forests where clusters of new green grew.

Going further up, the mountain gates of the Songyuehui have now all been burned down, and many of the buildings in the first half have become ruined and charred, and the people of the Songyuehui have retreated to the latter half of the area.

After the announcement, Xiong Chengmao hurried out to greet everyone, sighed as soon as they met, and after receiving everyone in, under questioning, Xiong Chengmao elaborated on the specific situation.

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