The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 352: Marshal Leibu

The matter was similar to Lin Xian's surprise, and it was even more serious.

There are eucalyptus trees all over Dali Mountain. In the past when the sky was dry and windy, it was not surprising that there were several wildfires, and the impact was not significant, but this year is full of weirdness.

First, the eucalyptus grows extremely fast after recovery, and it will soon be able to form again, reaching the basic scale of continuing to cause wildfires.

The second is that the thunderstorm season has long since passed and the thunderstorm season has not yet arrived. However, the thunderstorms have occurred frequently at night recently and it is easy to ignite wildfires.

Third, these eucalyptus trees are extremely rich in grease, which makes it difficult to extinguish fires.

Fourth, the toxicity of the leaves of the eucalyptus trees has increased, and the poisonous smoke formed by wildfires has threatened the monks.

Extinguishing ordinary wildfires is not difficult for cultivators. Generally, a few large-scale spells will solve the problem.

But this time is completely different. Geyue will dispatch a large number of people to fight the fire, but due to the above reasons, especially the factors of grease and poisonous smoke, the low-level cultivators will be damaged. Only the middle-level cultivators can protect themselves. The above was able to stop the fire from spreading. In a few critical situations, Da Nang made a move to keep the core part of the headquarters from falling.

Moreover, the old and new fire scenes formed by the eucalyptus forest have surrounded the headquarters, and often multiple fire spots are activated at the same time, so that Geyue will miss each other and be overwhelmed.

These are not counted, the most terrifying thing is that the fire contains the intractable thunder power, which is the most terrible.

You know, the mountain guard formation and guard society formation of the Songyue Society are not vegetarian. No matter how fierce an ordinary open flame is, no matter how strong it can be shaken, even the mountain gate is not burnt down now, and it is almost at the point of retreat and migration.

After hearing Xiong Chengmao’s description, Lin Xian asked in a deep voice, “This is not a natural disaster at all, it is a man-made disaster like a fake replacement. Baye Xiong, don’t tell me that Geyue will be a famous place on the thick soil continent. One of the intelligence organizations, you didn’t have any detection or actions."

Xiong Chengmao smiled bitterly: "Big brother, you are right. It is a man-made disaster, not a natural disaster. It does not require any professional judgment. The Songyue Club will naturally have its own analysis and arrangement, and all signs point to the Taihe Education ."

"But we are still a step slower and are controlled by others."

"The most difficult thing is that the situation is already established. Although we can resist and counterattack, the current dilemma is whether to abandon the headquarters here."

"Obviously, the other party had planned a long time ago. We have now discovered that the eucalyptus trees in the mountains have mutated. In this superficial mountain fire disaster, only the combination of the sky thunder and the eucalyptus made us tired, but there was no sign of human intervention."

"In addition, Taihe Jiao has also made advance arrangements in other areas. Several of our top powerhouses have been transferred out to deal with other affairs before, and now there is only one Yaochi realm power in the headquarters."

"The smart thing to do is to give up here and try to fight back, but Tangtang Geyuehui was not driven away by people but by the wildfire. It is really hard to swallow this breath."

"But my father has decided that if he doesn't figure out a way tonight, he will abandon the headquarters tomorrow. In addition, after the ravages of sky thunder, mountain fires, and poisonous smoke, the environment and air here have deteriorated and it is not suitable for cultivation. The ground."

Hua Lanting asked, "Where is the difficulty?"

Xiong Chengmao replied: "The crazy growing eucalyptus forest is relatively easy to handle. There are always methods to limit or clear it. The key lies in the sky thunder. The sky thunder threatens us at any time, making it difficult for us to carry out a thorough investigation of the large area of ​​eucalyptus forest. Clean up."

Lin Xian was surprised that this was not the problem. He asked: "From the information of the Songyue Society, this situation occurs in many places on the Houtu Continent. What do you think?"

After hesitating, Xiong Chengmao sighed: "You are right. I faintly feel that Taihe teaches this game a lot, but what is the Dafa? What is their purpose? It's not clear yet."

"Eucalyptus fires have occurred in many places, and in the central region, they have occurred in turns. What I don't understand is that the injuries are not large, and some small sects that are unable to cope with it have disappeared. Forced to leave, so I can't figure it out."

"Don’t talk about more, I can reveal a little. After exploring the situation of Dali Mountain and Tianlei, the Da Neng in my society suspected that Taihe Jiao had deliberately deliberated, and he had mutated the eucalyptus spells in various places very early. , The abnormal movement and rotation of the sky thunder is also the result of an extremely powerful formation operation."

Lin Xian was surprised and silent.

Everyone discussed for a while, and no more conclusions were drawn.

It’s not the turn of the younger generations to make up their minds on these important matters. Hearing Xiong Chengmao said that Meng Haopu and Chen Hongye had been invited into the inner hall for discussion by Xiong Zuoyao, the president of the Songyue Club, so everyone went to have dinner first. .

After dinner, the Vientiane Sect disciples were gathering together. At this time, Meng Haopu came in with a double-faced Jiao, and summoned them to say something.

Meng Haopu looked around, his gaze stayed on Hualanting for a moment, and then said: "You have all heard about it. I have discussed with Elder Chen Hong and President Xiong of the Shenfu Tianyaomen at the upper level of the song and moon meeting. After a while, a decision was made."

"Our idea is that the several parties will work together to solve the problem of Tianlei's frequent occurrence in Dali Mountain. If it succeeds, it will be able to keep the nest of the Songyue Club."

Yi Liunian asked, "Isn't it difficult to say that this place is no longer suitable for cultivation?"

Meng Haopu said: "First, it is shameful to give up the headquarters to shake the roots. It is time-consuming and laborious to find a place to rebuild. Whenever possible, the Geyue Club does not want to make such a move."

"Secondly, if we do it, we have found a way to solve the problem. It has opened a gap in the still-obscure overall layout of the Taihe Church. It is not necessary to follow the path and bring out and disintegrate the other party's conspiracy."

"As for the environmental and spiritual pollution problems, only without the haunting of sky thunder and eucalyptus, it should be able to recover soon."

"The third point is that Chen Zhu and I are here, so I can help Geyuehui to give it a try."

Lin Xian asked in surprise: "What did you decide to do?"

Meng Haopu: "Tonight will be a joint action, but things are a bit tricky."

"That's it. The old guys of us all judged that the sky thunder did not occur naturally, but was the effect of a certain evil formation. In other words, the sky thunder was attracted by people's summons."

After listening, everyone didn't have any surprised expressions.

Asking the gods and attracting thunder is a common occurrence in Taoist cultivation content and magic techniques.

Meng Haopu continued: "Summoning the gods to descend from the sky with spells or other methods is mysterious to mortals, but we know that there is something. The inner mystery may not be fully understood. The effects and effects are real."

"Not only my Taoist school, but other cultivation sects or belief systems also have similar secret methods. Regardless of righteousness and evil, although the gods they believe in are different, the types and attributes of the heavenly thunders summoned are different, and they are not false."

Turning the conversation around, Meng Haopu said: "Let me ask you, as far as you know and learn, what is the situation with the Leibu Immortal God in my Dao Sect?"

Hua Lanting replied first: "Taoist gods are mixed with myths and legends, and the system is more complicated, and this is also reflected in Leibu gods."

"According to the prevailing saying, Lei Zu Lei Sheng Pu Hua Tian Zun is the highest-ranking Thunder God, in charge of Lei Bu, the full name is Nine Tian Ying Yuan Thunder Pu Hua Tian Zun, in charge of all the laws of thunder and lightning in the world, the Lord lives and kills the glory, rewards good and punishes evil. , Xingyunbuyu, slashing demons and eliminating demons, etc. It is also said that Puhua Tianzun of Thunder is the incarnation of the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng and is one of the six imperials."

Lin Xian continued in shock: "Wang Lingguan is also a famous protector of Taoism, with red face and beard, wearing golden armor and red robe, glare with three eyes, revolver and right whip, he is also the **** of thunder and fire, also known as the **** of thunder. It also collects plague and poison."

Yi Liunian continued: "Lei Gong and Dianmu are ordinary Leibu messengers. The Lei Gong shape is like a strong man, with a naked belly, two wings on his back, three eyes on his forehead, a red face like a monkey, a sharp lower jaw, and his feet trembling like an eagle. , Holding the wedge in the left hand and the mallet in the right. It is said that there are thirty-six celestial generals in the Lei Bu envoy."

Zhuge Yun said again: "Leibu Taoist Temple is Shenxiao Yufu. It is said that there are three provinces, four houses, six houses, east and west Huatai, Xuanguan Miaoge, various divisions, and various branches. It is very huge."

"The three provinces are Lei Ting Tai, Lei Ting Xuan, and Lei Ting Du provinces; the four houses are Jiuxiao Yuqing Mansion, Dongji Qingxuan Mansion, Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion, and Dongyuan Jade Mansion; the six houses are Taiyi Inner Court and Yushu Yuan. , Wuleiyuan, Doushuyuan, Shiyangyuan, Xiandu Huoleiyuan; the divisions include Tianbu Tingsi, Penglai Dushui Division, Taiyi Thunder Division, Beidi Thunder Division, Beidou Conquest Division, Beidou Defense Division, Jade Lei Ting Jiu Si and so on."

Feng Qingjun added: "Leibu God will do many things in the sky thunder method. In addition, in addition to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements of thunder, people often say that the five thunders are divided into sky thunder, land mine, water mine, **** thunder and social thunder. Those are the Lei Emperor of the Five Fangs: Lei Emperor of the East Booming the Gate of Heaven, the Lei Emperor of the Scarlet Sky in the South, the Lei Emperor of the Great Darkness in the West, the Lei Emperor of the Northern Overwhelming Sea, and the Lei Emperor of the Central Huangtian Benglie."

Meng Haopu nodded slightly: "You have said a lot, but you have forgotten an important person. This is the righteous man we are going to invite tonight. He is here, or whether it is his clone or projection. Or what Bicco restrains and suppresses the thunder-attributed evil **** that is spurred by the Taihe teaching circle."

"Hua Lan Ting, do you know?"

"Ah!" Hua Lanting patted his forehead, "I remember, you said, Marshal Tianpeng!"

"Marshal Tianpeng is not the previous life of Zhu Wuneng of the Eight Commandments in Zhiguai Huaben, but a very important deity in Taoism. He is the head of the four Arctic sages under the seat of the Arctic Ziwei, and one of the famous Taoist gods of war."

"The Taoist scriptures say that the marshal canopy has three heads and six arms, red hair, scarlet clothes, red armor, and feet; the left hand is tied with the canopy seal, the right hand shakes the emperor clock; the left hand holds the axe, and the right hand seals the seven stars; With a rope on the left and a sword in the right, leading the soldiers with 360,000 horses, you can order the thunder father and the electric mother, the wind boy and the rain teacher, the fairy boy and the jade girl, and the feathers, each holding a golden sword, and riding on the evil spirits and black spirits of the Northern Taixuan, There are five colors in the air, descending from the altar."

"It's also said: Where you practice thunder, you can't use thunder without a canopy. If you practice thunder alone, you can't show it without a canopy."

"Hey!" Meng Haopu said, "This is this one."

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