The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 353: Respectfully please canopy

Meng Haopu continued: "There is no canopy for the thunder method. This statement may be an exaggeration, but the thunder method of Leibu's authentic Shenxiao faction does not have a canopy and does not show true magical powers."

Yi Liunian asked: "You said it was tricky just now. Is it because my Thunder at Vientiane Gate is not powerful enough?"

Meng Haopu replied: "The thunder technique in the door is powerful, but whether it is the five thunders and light palms or the five thunders heavenly heart, it is essentially a thunder attribute attack technique based on its own spiritual power, at most It is the aid of the thunder element that mobilizes the heaven and the earth, not the way that Fulu asks the gods to drop thunder."

"The opponent's spellcaster not only has a cultivation base above me, but also borrowed the power of the formation, so that they can take turns to drop lightning strikes within a considerable range."

"This is why the three of us have to join forces."

"The power of the Songyuehui can resist and weaken the power of the sky thunder, but it can only passively defend and cannot eradicate it. One is that the cultivation base is not enough, and the other is that it cannot solve the problem of the opponent asking the gods to drop the thunder from the air."

"The same is true for me. I know Lei Fa, but I am not good at summoning thunder."

"This time, fortunately, there is Elder Chen Hong from the magical rune Tiandun gate. The secret rune in his gate has the method to summon the canopy to throw thunder."

"But according to him, with his skill, this talisman needs to be made on-site. Not only does it cost a lot of repair, but it is also difficult to say whether it will succeed. In addition, even if it succeeds, how powerful it is, whether it can defeat the opponent’s evil Thor’s power is still unknown. After he is weak, he cannot continue to strengthen the role of the talisman."

"Unless the sect master of the rune Tianyao visits in person, the effect can be guaranteed."

"Isn't it enough for a few powerful people to join forces?" Lin Xian asked in surprise.

"When we work together, we are able to counteract the opponent's spellcaster and the power of the formation in terms of the level of cultivation. The problem is that there is no absolute certainty in the battle for the dominance of the sky thunder."

"Only by attacking poison with poison and breaking thunder with thunder, can it be used as a deterrent. At least for a period of time, there will be no more thunder in the sky of Dali Mountain, so as to buy time for the follow-up counterattack of the Songyue Society."

"For this, the old man thought of a last resort."

Everyone waits for the following.

Meng Haopu’s gaze fell on Hualanting’s body. He slowly said: "Hualanting, the Dantian pill you cultivated is a rare pure thunder attribute. The effect of getting twice the result with half the effort is sure to succeed and maximize the effect."

Hua Lanting was taken aback. He didn't expect Meng Haopu to have this idea. Then he said, "Okay, no problem."

Meng Haopu's face solemn: "Don't rush to agree, the old man will tell you the ugly things first."

"Leidan's thunder-urging talisman is like a sky thunder hooking the ground to fire. It is a perfect match, and the effect is leverage. The premise is as long as you can bear it."

"The first level, to be able to inspire the **** rune."

"You have just entered the Seven-Star Big Dipper realm, and you are very reluctant to urge the higher talisman. Seeing that your spiritual power is stronger than a person of the same realm, you should be able to do it with our help."

"In the second level, after Fulu urges, you will face the blocking and interception of the opponent's formation and the power of thunder. This is mainly dealt with by the three of us in the Jade Lake Stage. You need to persist through this period of time until Fulu breaks through the obstacles."

"The third level, please God succeed. The sky thunder is fighting in the sky. Although it is safe on the ground, as the person who launches the talisman, you have to withstand a part of the force of the sky thunder."

"Every pass is very dangerous. A little carelessness will lead to a small loss, and you will regress at the slightest level, but at the same time you will die."

"Because, this time you are the carrier of the power of the talisman, and our three elemental powers will also be transferred out through your body."

"During this process, your body and mind will bear a tremendous load. However, don't worry too much."

"First, this time we are contributing to the Songyue Society. They have promised to contribute a treasure Dragon Tiger Purple Gold Pill. This pill can provide you with huge spiritual power and protect your body from being overwhelmed. ."

"Second, our three veterans will pay attention to your situation at any time. Once you are weak and you reach the limit you can tolerate, we would rather fail in the plan, and we will stop immediately."

"With these two guarantees, your life is safe, your cultivation level should not fall, and the damage will not be too great."

"But I still want to remind you solemnly that you must think carefully about whether there are other emergency and life-saving methods to deal with unexpected situations, so as to avoid any mistakes."

Hua Lanting didn't answer right away. After carefully sorting it out in his heart, he raised his head and said: "Elder Meng, I know that is great, and I will pay more attention and prevention. If you need me, I will go."

Meng Haopu nodded with satisfaction, then paused and said, "Lanting, the old man raised this matter to Geyuehui and Chen Zhu after careful weighing. For you, risks and opportunities coexist."

"You are the star of hope in my door. The old man is not your direct teacher, so you shouldn't take too much risk. On the other hand, this opportunity is very rare."

"You know that after the Seven Stars and Big Dipper, you have to cultivate hard and change the space of advancement with time. Except for some treasures of heaven and earth, the power of the medicine is weakened. So if you want to speed up the growth rate, this kind of nine days When Lei Li tempers the body, natural power refines the mind, and the three Jade Pool powerful protectors, it can be said to be met but not desired."

"If you can do so, with your deep foundation, you will leap up one or two steps, things can be expected."

"Of course, for your own safety and not to let the old man go back and be scolded to death, you must do what you can. Don't be brave. If you can't stand it, you must retreat. Do you understand? Remember this."

Hua Lanting said: "You always rest assured, the disciple knows it well."

"Okay, I'll invite them over, and you will wait in the apse training ground."

Soon after the Vientiane Gate disciples arrived at the venue, Meng Haopu and the elders of the Songyue Society also came.

The name of the elder of the Xiongjia Yaochi realm was Xiong Hu, and he was an uncle of the president Xiong as a demon. He was tall and magnificent, with a red face, walking tigers and tigers, he saw Hualanting, his eyes were swept away, and he smiled:" Sure enough, young and promising, there is a dragon and a phoenix among the people. Good!"

"Don't talk about the gossip. Come on, Brother Hua, this dragon and tiger purple gold pill treasured by this association is yours, so I have to worry about it later."

For a Yaochi realm great ability, willing to put down his body and talk to a younger generation like this is considered a sincere punch.

Hua Lanting bowed and thanked him, took the pill, and sat on the ground cross-legged to dissolve the medicine.

Meng Haopu and Xiong Hu each sat cross-legged behind him, waiting intently with their eyes closed.

A moment later, there was a vague sound of thunder rolling in the sky.

At this time, Chen Zhu appeared. He was bathing and changing clothes before making preparations for making amulets and asking the gods.

Chen Zhen is thin and dry, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, but his forehead is full and the sky is shiny. He is a strange man with a strange appearance.

Wearing a vestment, after walking in small square steps, Chen Zhu stood in front of the altar surrounded by yellow cloth.

Taoist painting amulet rituals generally include procedures such as timing, opening the altar, inviting gods, casting spells, drawing amulets, enlightening spirits, and sending gods. Words, symbols, etc.

Chen Zhu first burned incense and prayed, then took out a Leizhi Peach Wood Sword, stepped on the gang to fight with each other, walked down with a set of fasting rituals.

Afterwards, Chen Zhen muttered a word, and a yellow brocade appeared out of thin air, without any wind in front of him.

Retrieving the peach wood sword, Chen Zhu took a ruler-long pen from the book case and dipped it with cinnabar, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out, misting in front of him.

Refining blood!

The brush stretched out, stained with its own blood, and then paused and floated.

Chen Zhu made sword fingers and changed his handprints. The index finger of his left hand and right hand was straightened, his left little finger was on top, and his right little finger was hooked. The thumb stretched into the gap between the **** and the ring finger.

He knocked his teeth nine times, chanting the curse of heaven and earth. He knocked on the five links of his teeth, recite the canopy soothing mantra, and passed the five strokes of Yanjin. After that, tap the left tooth again to hit the sky bell; then tap the right tooth to ring the sky chime; tap the middle two teeth again to hit the sky drum, each with seven passes. After that, he meditated on the magic rune Tian Dun Men secret mantra, and began to draw the charms.

The Taoist book says: Fu has no form, but spirit is based on air.

The technique of Fulu uses natural law to capture the power of the wind, clouds and stars in the sky, and transforms various graphics and text shapes on the empty scene. The strokes of Fuzhi are flexed and stretched, like words but not words, like pictures but not pictures, and the urn is the secret text of the name of the gods and taboos recorded in the runes.

Fulu is a language that communicates between humans and gods. It magnetizes cinnabar, qi and blood through its own aura, and induces changes in the vitality of heaven and earth.

The Hualan Court behind him listened carefully. He could not hear the secret curse of the **** Fu Tian Dunmen, but the curse when Chen Zhu finally printed the runes was clearly audible:

Dongjia Qian Yuanheng, heaven and earth in the palm of the hand.

Five thunders quickly dropped their qi and entered my thunder round.

Tian Jing Yuan Yuan, the land is widely used in Sichuan, the thunder gong strikes the rod, and the electric mother system is extended.

Emperor Qianyuan's Yin was covered, and Xuanyun was unbiased. Good fortune develops, everything is scarce.

From east to west, north to south, arbitrarily safe. Thunder and lightning, changes are unpredictable.

A sharp drop, a sharp drop, shows the true shape quickly.

Marshal Canopy is here, and the magical soldiers are in a hurry!

The talisman paper shines with yellow light, and the figures and seals on the talisman shine lightly.

Consummation of merit! Fu Cheng.

Chen Hong sat down slowly, swallowed the next Qi-returning medicine, turned to face Hua Lan Ting, dragged his fingers, and Fu Lu floated in front of Hua Lan Ting.

A sound transmission poured into Hua Lanting's ears, it was a secret language that urged Fulu to be sent.

Hua Lanting meticulously wrote down, and while silently reciting, he walked freely and infinitely, circling the Lei Dan in his abdomen.

At this time, Lei Dan was full of colors, unable to distinguish the specific colors, and slowly started the rotation, only he could feel the brilliance flowing, wandering up, and the secret spell in his mouth.

The bright yellow talisman paper began to shake, and there was a crackling sound.

The power required for activation is huge, and it is not his skill that can be achieved at this time, and Lei Dan's speed gradually slows down.

Hualan Court invigorated and stimulated with all its strength.

If it is three times, there is a sense of exhaustion.

At this time, the powers of Meng Haopu, Xiong Yu, and Chen Hong were gradually injected.

He said that it was easing, and Hua Lanting could not accept it easily. There was nothing abnormal in his whole body, and the aura in his body was swelling.

Leidan got help and turned and glowed again, and the thunder talisman in front of him trembled more and more fiercely.

It was too late and it was almost In the blink of an eye, a small gap appeared on the surface of Leidan, and there was electric light overflow.

This was because Leidan could not bear the pressure and showed signs of damage and cracking.

The three big powers slightly increased the input, and Leidan bridged again and turned at high speed.

At this time, Hua Lanting's reaction had been reflected on the surface of his body, his complexion was red, his body was swaying, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

What is more painful is his spirit.

The tearing pain caused by the injury of the inner alchemy acts on the body, nerves and spirit at the same time. This impact is complicated and unspeakable.

Clenching the teeth, we must rely on external force.

However, this is only a small pass in the first level.

Greater and more tests are yet to come!

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