The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 364: Drunk setting sun

Shao Feng and Shan Tianchong had nothing to do with each other. They planned to continue wandering in the Thick Earth Continent together, so the disciples of the Vientiane Sect and the two set off after saying goodbye.


   After crossing the sea and entering Shuxuan Xianzhou, Meng Haopu didn't make everyone rush back to the mountain and allowed them to repair for three days. Everyone was tired after several battles on the Thick Earth Continent.


   In the afternoon of this day, they passed by a place called Xieyang Town, where the scenery is very beautiful, especially the scenery of the dome in the suburbs is very famous, ten people went to the island to play.


   Qiong Island is located in a natural lake. The lake is called Taiye Pond. It is famous for its autumn scenery in Xianzhou and is named "Taiye Qiubo". Although it is not yet autumn at this time, the scenery of Qiong Island also lives up to its reputation.


  The island is full of scenery on all sides, the small peaks in the middle are full of pines and cypresses, and the mountains are all exquisite and clear Taihu rocks from afar. The distant view is beautiful and lush, and the peaks and mountains are hidden from close, and the pines are lush.


   There is a poem on a stone tablet on the island saying: Qingfeng suddenly leans against the water and lonely trees, and the green cypresses walk around the temple. Qiao Song came to the deep stream, and the strange stone inlay vacated the Taihu Lake.


   When the sky dimmed, Meng Haopu and Longma Double-faced Jiao disappeared. Ten people went to the island to find a restaurant for dinner.


   Tomorrow will speed up and rush back to the door, everyone simply let go of the drunk tonight, eating and drinking, and soon became slightly drunk.


At this time, the setting sun was slanting, and looking from upstairs, the lake was sparkling with gold, and the quiet shadow was deep. Yi Liunian didn’t know if he was drinking too much. He leaned on the fence and brought the wine to the wind, and said to himself: “It’s too quiet, Lan Ting, do you still have that high-energy air-explosive bomb, throw one."


Hua Lanting rolled his eyes to him: "Do you think it is Chinese cabbage? That is the secret weapon that Teacher Feng and Master Cat demon have done countless experiments before they succeeded. The air-blast bomb blasted the lake, you really chew. Peony, burning the piano and boiling cranes, too will have a terrible view."


   "By the way, I haven't understood the difference between your Dongmingfeng experiment and the experiment. Tell me about it." Yi Liunian asked drunkly.


   Lin Xian rushed and said, "Come on, let me solve your doubts, brother."


   "For example, there is a lump of **** in front of you. You don't know if it is delicious or unpalatable. You decide to have a bite. This is called an experiment."


   "What about the experiment?" Yi Liunian asked in a blink of an eye.


   "Well, you heard that **** is ugly, but you're not sure, so you want to try and verify it. This is called an experiment."


   Yi Liu Nian hiccuped: "It makes sense."


"Xian Jing, your thinking is really good at retrograde. Your mind really allows wisdom to expand. However, why do I listen to this example? I understand, brother is only you in front of you! So you are That's it."


   "Hahaha", everyone laughed, it seems that Yi Liunian didn't really drink too much.


   Everyone was joking, a group of people came up from downstairs and attracted their attention.


   At this time, there is only their table in the wine shop, and this group of people is even more conspicuous.


   There are seven people in total, all of whom have kung fu. They have different levels of cultivation. Among them, there are old and young, male and female, the youngest is in their 30s and 40s, and the elder has all white hair and beard.


   It’s nothing, the eye-catching thing is that everyone’s dress is very simple, although not shocking the world, it is not the clothes of ordinary people in Xianzhou.


   Such as the old man in front of the head, wearing a white fish suit, wearing a Thai crown, and walking with a red shoe.


   There is a person behind him, eight feet in length, two buns at the top, purple-red appearance, beautiful mustache and beard, green robe and straw shoes.


   One more person, wearing a crown of Yunxia five mountains, wearing a short brown soap cloth robe, a mixed-color silk ribbon on the waist, a bronze sword with horizontal stripes on the back, and hemp shoes with two ears on both feet.


   The seven people sat at a table next to the disciples of the Vientiane Gate and ordered dishes and drinks.


   was very elegant at the beginning, and there was not much noise when the ambitions crossed, and they talked softly.


   However, it seems that everyone is not good at drinking. When they are too strong to drink, the voice of the speech is raised, and the content of each other's words starts to be unfocused.


   I don’t know if it’s talking nonsense after drinking, or gathering people in groups. They are naturally straightforward temperaments. In short, they are all strange things that make the ten people of Wanxiangmen listen to each other speechlessly and sometimes with smiles.


   At first, it was a burly but white man who drew a few cups and then beat his chest, cried bitterly, and cried very sadly.


A person next to him asked, "Brother Wuming, let’s gather from everywhere this time, and go out to the middle to find Senior Brother. It will take half a year for you to go back and forth. Are you homesick? You didn’t hurt us well before leaving. Sister-in-law?" "It hurts, stop, brother, I divorced her."


   "Quiet? Why? You said such a big thing? Sister-in-law, is there someone outside of her?"


   "Oh, ugly. I didn't check if there is anyone outside of her. Yes, there is someone in her."


   "Reversed her! I said before that, you can't get your hands off, and my brother will kill her in two for you, killing her!"


   "Hey, forget it. Your sister-in-law hasn't had a good life with me. I can't help with the family all day long. It's the brother I owe her."


   "What's the matter? Do you still want to continue to be friends with her in the future?"


"You don’t understand, brother. It’s impossible to be friends with someone who’s really loved. You’ll feel soft when you meet, and you’ll fall for a hug. Even if you look at it more, you’ll want to have it again. For home."


   Across the table, opposite the two, the two girls are holding each other's hands, and one is crying to the other: "Sister Yi Nian, can you understand my sister my heart?"


"Obviously that person is still there, and you can find and contact him, but you just know that he will never belong to you. That feeling is really particularly uncomfortable even though there are 10,000 reasons to want to see him, but you can't find one. See his identity." "Emma, ​​Junior Sister Bing, you got dumped again? Senior Sister is here, tell you, say sorry to yourself, because you are always hard for others and hard for yourself. You can grow longer in the future Heart it."


   "Unfortunately, sister, I don't have any resistance to handsome men."


   "Handsome, handsome, and you can't eat it."


   Her sister Bing lowered her head and slammed two bowls of rice, and said with a little star on her face: "You don't understand, handsome can't be eaten. But, handsome, it can serve meals, but drink if you can!"


   "Also, sister, you don't know, that kid is too sweet to talk, and he has a very interesting mood."


"He once said to me that my heart is broken without forgetting, when will the two meet. Shepherds the ox in front of the Hanshan Temple, with the word mouth and a knife. Your eyes are not Lin Xin's promise, if you don't have the intention to fly by yourself. You can Guess what it means?"


Senior Sister Yinian said with a disgusting expression: "It's all the old tricks of slicking your tongue to deceive you little girls. Tell you, those are the rest of the senior sister's generation of playing, what's the difficulty, what's the meaning? But it's just: I miss you very much today, just these six words."


   "Sister, you are really a senior, do you have a good experience to teach your sister?"


   "Ahem, haha, no experience, only lessons..."


"I think at the beginning, the man told me that some people have summarized the things that many people will regret when they die. The top three are: failing to talk about an unforgettable relationship, failing to do what they want to do, and being influenced by emotions. Live a lifetime."


   "Sister, I fell, and I follow him at all corners of the world."


   "What happened later?" Junior Bing asked.


"Oh. Later, I heard that he had a new love. From then on, the great hero in my heart has battled the battlefield for another girl and splashed blood. My sister can only say to him in my heart: Just love it, and I will accompany you. Here it is."


   "Humph, later, I always thought that if I knew that the time we were together was so short, I would save a little bit."


   "Later, the elder sister came to realize that she was talking about a never-forgettable relationship, she did what she wanted to do, but was left with pain for a lifetime. You listen to her and forget him."


   "Sister, I think too, but I can't do it."


  While the two sisters were chatting, another man and a woman on the other side of the table uttered truth after drinking, but they quarreled for some reason.


  The woman stood up and said: "Duguyong, you will be fierce to me! If you are fierce, my old lady will slap **** away, and I will ignore you again!


   Du Guyong was also furious: "Luo Shuiying, you have a kind!"


   Luo Shuiying did not hesitate to raise his leg and left.


   Duguyong stepped forward and grabbed her, and then shouted: "Listen to me and finish! I mean, you have a unique temperament that is irresistible and unparalleled in the world!"


   Luo Shuiying softened suddenly.


   Du Guyong grasped Luo Shuiying's hand tightly: "Ying. The car is far away from the horse Yangyang, remembering the monarch and the emperor, and you cannot forget it. Junan travels to the west and enters the Qin Dynasty, and I wish to follow the emperor for the shadow."


   Luo Shuiying replied with teary eyes: "Dugu Monarch. The monarch is in the shadows and the shadow is gone, and the concubine wants to be in the light."


   As soon as they heard that the two were facing a poem, the burly white man groaned sadly on the side: "Hey, pity my teacher is so nameless and full of resources. I can't keep a woman. It's sad. As the saying goes.


   I and Chunfeng are both passing by, and you take the autumn water to see the galaxy. "


  The person next to him shook his head: "Che Yaoyao, Ma Jianli. Jun travels east to east, east to east, and flies to the west."


   The younger sister Bing who was opposite also felt sentimental: "May I be like a star, like a moon, bright and bright every night."


   Her sister Yi Nian continued with the last sentence: "The moon is temporarily obscured, and the stars are always bright. Leave it to the moon to recover, and the three to five will be full."


   On this side, Yi Liunian asked Hua Lanting in a low voice: "What does it mean to make a total of three and five."


   Hua Lan Ting replied: "Three-five-five-five-five-fifteen months, which means that the full moon is full and full."


   Among the seven, only the old man with white beard and hair has been drinking himself to the Taiye Pool alone, shaking his head and singing:


   The waves are vast, and the sun kisses the sea and converges the light.


   The gulls are high and low, and they sing in secret.


  The mast forest is getting denser and returned to Hong Kong through the gap of the sail.


   The shore is as flat as a stone, and the sand is as fine as powder.


   Green screen and flowered walls, and benches looking far away.


   Migratory birds came from far away, and Mu Hui danced and was vast.


   Swim with beautiful women, arrogant and magnanimous in spirit.


   When he heard that his companions started to recite poems, he looked back at the six and sighed:


   I know that lovesickness is hard, but I still care about you.


   After a few thoughts, I would rather bear the pain.


   Before I knew you, I was helpless and helpless. After I knew you, there was no cure.


   A word of love, it's hard, it's hard.


   But in the end, the bridge goes to the bridge, the road goes back to the road.


  While the people at the Wanxiangmen were listening with gusto, Dahan Shi Wuming swayed and stood up, looking as if he wanted to go downstairs to relieve his hand.


   But he was drunk and walked unsteadily, and walked obliquely to the side of Gu Chenfeng at the Vientiane Gate table, and suddenly said to Gu Chenfeng with his big tongue: "Robbery."


   Hua Lan Ting and the others were only slightly drunk, but they were not drunk. As soon as they heard this, hula la stood up, and someone even revealed the weapon.


   Shi Wuming was surprised by everyone's actions, and hurriedly straightened his tongue and said:


   "A few, misunderstanding, I have an accent. I mean, sister, please, where is the stairs? No, it's not robbery."

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