The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 365: Life energy

The white-haired old man hurriedly came over to reconcile, after the teacher was unnamed, there was contact between the two, and the other party invited the Vientiane Sect disciple to sit over and talk together.


   After chatting, Hualanting and the others learned that these seven people belonged to the same sect, and belonged to the Starlock Longkong Sect in Western Xianzhou.


   The Star Lock Changkong Sect was once a famous school.


However, there are only a few who can survive the winds and waves of the long history. The Starlock Longkong Sect has now withered. Since the death of the old master, only these eight members of the sect have been accepted one after another. Disciple.


   Except for Duguyong and Luo Shuiying, who were in love and killed each other, the one who accompanied the teacher to talk anonymously was called Chao Jishuai. The pair of seniors and younger sisters were Hang Yinian and Xue Bing, and the white-haired old man was named Feng Lai.


   They also have a big brother named Mu Fengyin, who is nearly a hundred years old. After the master left, he has been passing on art on behalf of the master.


   The eight people are very affectionate, and they are all obsessed with poetry and songs. They have a special liking for literary and Taoism. They used to practice together for a long time. Until ten years ago, Mu Fengyin decided to shut himself and attack the Yaochi realm in order to revitalize the sect.


   Mu Fengyin found a spiritually energetic cave retreat in the mountains near the central part. The remaining seven people scattered around to practice. Everyone made an appointment to meet once a year to report on their progress and progress.


   This year coincides with the ten-year period. After they gathered, they were going to the mountains, waiting for Mu Fengyin to leave.


   Two groups of people drank and chatted, because they were both good writers, after facing the scenic view of Qiongdao Taiye Pond and meeting friends with literature, the two sides formed a friendship.


   After the wine and dinner, both sides waved their hands and said goodbye, rushing to each other.


   Soon, Meng Haopu returned to Mengbisheng Huashan with Hualanting and others.


   Wanan was arranged to enter the construction site, and the others went to their respective peaks. They found that the atmosphere on the mountain was a bit tense, and there were fewer people walking around on the mountain roads than usual.


   Hua Lanting went to see Yun Yiqi first, and Yun Yiqi asked about the process of this trip. He was very satisfied with the advancement of the Seven-Star Big Dipper Realm after he was struck by lightning again, and thought it would be beneficial to perfect his Leidan.


   Hua Lan Ting asked why he urged everyone to come back.


Yun Yiqi didn’t elaborate on this, but only told him that the Vientiane Gate of Freedom, including Shuxuan Xianzhou’s Tianji Da Neng, has recently calculated that Xianzhou will be a catastrophe. The strange thing is that the time and place are very vague, and the details of the cause and result. It is more difficult to see clearly.


   This has aroused serious concerns from all major sects.


It’s not a big deal to predict the future, but everyone can’t figure it out. Even if it’s a strange thing, it shows that the matter is big and quite big. The secrets of heaven are bound to be deceived by great magic power a lot. The handwriting is not ordinary.


It's about the safety of a continent, and all the factions couldn't help but not pay attention to it. Except for the continuous sound of ventilation, everyone began to recall their disciples. Although they were not clear, they could not make targeted arrangements, but they were all struggling and taking precautions. The rumbling of the wind.


   Yun Yiqi told Hualan Ting to ignore these matters. The elders were concerned about these matters. The current task of the younger disciples was to seize the time to cultivate and improve their cultivation.


   Next, after feeling the current situation of Leidan in Hualanting's belly, Yun Yiqi instructed him to further consolidate it with the Nine-turn Great Returning Pill Method.


At the end, Yun Yiqi asked: "After you advance, you are not only the first of the sixty generations of disciples, but many disciples of the previous generations have not reached your height. Now, you are in your mentality or practice. anymore question?"


   Hua Lanting thought about it very seriously and replied: "Master, my disciple feels a bit contradictory and swaying."


"On the one hand, as you said, I have gone very fast. If you want me to cultivate a strong heart, I am also doing it deliberately, especially after I can fly to the sky, I also want to fly higher. Fly farther."


   "In the past few days, I have seen a lot of great powers in the Yaochi realm. I also want to act like them and stir up the situation. In the future, I can give pointers to the country, wave Fang Qiu, and die at any time, until he emerges and soars.


   "On the other hand, at the beginning of learning the Tao, the disciples did not have much lofty ideals and ambitions."


"Now I have achieved something. I can fly as soon as I can fly. I will stop when I hit a branch. It will not break if I accidentally fall on the ground. It is not so tired, but also very pleasant. It is not too dangerous. In fact, do it. A little free bird is also good."


   "Besides, even if you become a strong man like Meng Xingsan, it will inevitably end in ash, why bother? The big Peng spreads his wings and hates the sky, why bother? In the end, he must be at ease when he becomes a fairy?"


Yun Yiqi nodded: "Comfortable and comfortable, watch the clouds and the clouds, be a wild lily with its own spring; or work hard, become famous, and be a big bird that fights the sky and covers the sky for ninety thousand miles. ."


   "You can answer this question from different angles. You just came back today and need a rest, so I won't start working as a teacher, just talk about it."


   "Happy life, contentment, and contentment are a way of life. Aspiration, unwilling to be ordinary, forge ahead is also a life choice."


   "As a teacher, I don't have to be so entangled, because it will fall into the lower class."


   "Whether a person is living or flying high, there will always be ups and downs in his life. For an individual, the magnitude of turbulence has high and low, but it will always be a wave-like cyclical curve."


"Therefore, there are times when you have to accumulate momentum at the bottom of the valley; there are times when you want to meet well and prepare to be restrained and forbearing; in some cases, when you need to climb a hill, you must be unvented and try to be strong; in others, you need to rise to the top. When you don’t advance or retreat, you have to rush forward bravely."


   "Master, do you mean to do the band?" Hua Lanting asked.


   "Hmm. Of course."


   "You are at a time when you are full of energy and creativity. The potential and possibilities are limitless. It is the time to build up your momentum."


"As for being a teacher, my spirit and spirituality may still be at its peak, and energy and physical strength have begun to decline. Whether or not I can reach the top is questionable, but the momentum is indeed declining. In addition to the responsibilities I bear, I will pay more attention to and please myself, and Caring for the people around you, the ideal goal of becoming immortal in your early years is not so sure to be achieved."


   "This is one of them. You are still far from the stage of retreat and self-reliance. You have to fight for it."


   "This second point, about the amplitude of the band and the height of life."


   "Whether there is a fate is one thing, and there is still a fight to be verified."


   "We practice cultivation for a long time, and ultimately cultivate energy. Not only the quantity is huge, but the quality is even higher and more refined. I remember a senior Da Neng once taught me a saying, and now I share it for your reference."


   He said: "The energy of a life is equal to the length of life multiplied by the width of life, multiplied by the height of life, and finally multiplied by the density of life."


   "The length of life is the number of lifespans. The so-called long-lived life, if a monk does not die violently, he will live longer than ordinary people."


   "The height of life. The so-called sight can also be done if it is. If you can look down at the world from a great height, you will naturally see far and wide. What I am talking about here is the vision, the size of the layout, and the degree of mind."


"Let's talk about the breadth of life. Little knowledge is not as good as big knowledge, and a small year is not as good as a big year. Your knowledge and wisdom determine the angle and dimension of your view of things. The more diverse your footholds and perspectives, the more comprehensive and thorough your understanding of things. Seeing a mountain is a mountain, seeing a mountain is not a mountain, and seeing a mountain is a mountain. This is the truth."


   "There are length, width and height, and finally the density of life."


"The teacher likes to drink tea, and I can taste more than a hundred kinds of tea, each with its own unique smell, and the same kind of tea produced in different solar terms also tastes different. Tea is a very complex and three-dimensional drink. ."


"A cup of tea, from when and how it was picked from the place of origin, to the processing methods in the process, to what water, equipment, and method of brewing, every link and detail , Will give life to this cup of tea and make it unique."


"And when you take a sip into your mouth, the tea soup swirls in your mouth, and different parts of your mouth and tongue feel different at different times. Swallow slowly, gradually moistening your throat and stomach, or burning or warming. , And the fragrance diffuses, between breathing and breathing, you can even appreciate the natural fragrance of tea that absorbs the essence of the earth's soil, sun and moon light, rain and morning dew, etc., and then is fried by hand. , You may sweat a little bit, you may relax physically and mentally, you may feel refreshed, or take a nap in the afternoon. Whatever you want, in short, this is one of the manifestations of the density of life."


   "The density of life is the degree to which you experience the subtleties, complexity, and richness of things."


   "You cannot fully control the length of life. But the height, width, and density of life can be improved to a certain extent, or to a considerable extent, through hard work."


   "You know the arithmetic. If each increases by 10%, what will be the result of the multiplication? If it is 20 or 50%? The energy of life can be more than doubled."


   "The energy of your life is likely to determine the high point of your life band."


   "This is the second one."


   "However, what the teacher wants to tell you is that you have worked hard at the time you should work hard, and you have also used clever methods and skills. This may still not be enough to support you to become a god."


   "Huh? What else?" Hua Lanting asked bitterly.


"There is a sky outside the sky, there are people outside the man, and a mountain is higher than the other. Most people will be restricted by their own experience, the circle they live in, the society they live in, and the time they live in. When faced with great changes, It is difficult to break through the shackles."


   "You must remember that you study poetry to develop a poetic mind, you study arithmetic to cultivate logical reasoning ability, and you travel the mainland to understand different cultures and civilizations. But these are not enough. These are just tools."


   "There is only one thing that you need to learn for life, and that is imagination!"


"The Xuanzhu Mirror is nothing, and the Yaochi Mirror can do it by many people, and the Shifang Infinity Mirror is not the ultimate. You have to ask me the specifics, I can't give you the answer. But if you imagine what you can be the most. That’s it, it’s probably hard for you to even do it."


   "Only when your brain breaks through the sky, you dare to think what no one has ever thought of, and always constantly build and update your own new imagination for the future, can you walk out of your own way of becoming a god."


   "A fairy is nothing more than an advanced person who has evolved. In order to evolve, in addition to working hard, you must have the ability to imagine."


   "It is said that a long time ago, part of a group of monkeys used imagination and hard work to slowly walk upright, make tools, and eventually become humans, while the other part became today's gorillas."


   Hualan Court: ""


   Six months after this day, Hualanting and others practiced with peace of mind, and there was nothing wrong in Xianzhou.


   As time goes on, many schools gradually forget the predicted crisis, and their days return to their usual ease.


However, some far-sighted sects and organizations, including the Vientiane Gate, have never put down their vigilance. Although they do not know when the crisis will come, they have been making preparations intensively, including the reserve of various resources. Secretly, the business of big businessmen has become more frequent and popular.


   On this day, Hua Lan Ting and others have a new task.

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