The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 368: 3 ups and 3 downs

Outside the mountain gate, the Hualan Ting four people waited for Shou Zhenzhen to ask for your peace.


  Hua Lanting: "Uncle Master is early."


   Lin Xian Jing: "See the real person Shouzhen."


   Yi Nian: "Worship the boss."


   Zhuge Yun: "Good elders."


Madam Shouzhen’s face was smooth without a trace of wrinkles, and he smiled innocently: "Hello, babies. I don’t know, I thought you were greeting four of you one by one. Let’s do this, everyone will be familiar with each other in the future. Not being polite, just call my real name Xunzhen."


   "The merchant fleet has already taken one step ahead, so we won't travel together. Anyway, their fleet can't get up quickly. We just need to stay with them far and near. The road to the east, five of us are free."


   Although the truth-keeping face is young and the eldest brother does not violate the peace, but their grandfathers and grandfathers are also several generations older than them in terms of age, the Hualanting four naturally have nothing to say.


The five people came down the mountain, Shouzhen looked up at the sky, today the wind is beautiful, white clouds are blooming, the sun is not big, the breeze is breezy, Shouzhen looked at the four people again, and said: "The merchant fleet has gone. It's far away, and I can't help but get out of the mountain gate. Do you want me to fly and catch up with you?"


   "Good, good." Yi Liunian was the first to applaud.


   Among the four, only Hua Lan Ting has the ability to take off. There is such a good thing, even Lin Xian, who has always been calm, and Zhuge Yun, who has been indifferent, showed longing expressions on their faces.


   Shouzhen laughed, stepped up into the air, and waved his sleeves. The four of them were supported by Zhen Qi. They rose from the ground effortlessly, rose slowly, and flew higher and higher.


   The ground quickly moved away, the scenery became smaller and smaller, and the field of vision gradually enlarged.


   The same is true of the green mountains and green waters.


It’s not that the four of them have never left the ground, but it’s still the big girl getting on the sedan chair when walking at such a high altitude. The fleet of merchants has become a short black line on the scroll of the earth.


   The airflow in the high air began to become cold and turbulent, and the breathing was a little difficult. The four of them didn't care and looked around excitedly.


   Yi Nian: "All the birds fly high, but the lone cloud goes free. It's cool."


   Lin Xian stretched out his hand in shock, as if to touch the clouds drifting leisurely: "It turns out that the bird's eye view from above is this kind of rushing. It looks at the small mountains and looks very beautiful. It's cool."


   Zhuge Yun also shook his heart: "A good view. I stepped out of the world, and the road was empty. Wonderful."


   Hua Lan Ting had never dared to fly to this height before, and said: "Let's peek down at Gaoniao, and hear the shocking wind. Sa."


Shouzhen was on the side, and suddenly smiled: "Smelly boys, it's hard for Bala to let you come up, not for you to enjoy the scenery and chant poems. It's so cool, right, do you want to be handsome? Why not, let's get some excitement ?"


   Hua Lan Ting and the others have not reacted yet, they just feel that they have suddenly lost their support under their feet.


  Four people, falling from a height!


   This is really caught off guard, joy and sorrow, like a trip on a tall building, the Yangtze River's heart is broken and the boat is broken!


   The four of them stepped on the air, their bodies were unbalanced, their hands and feet moved at a loss, they rolled and fell sharply, and the hairs all over their bodies suddenly rose.


   This is no joke.


   They had a time of extreme excitement. They fell from the air when they organized a trial through the gate behind the Three Mountains and Moon Realm, but that was a distance of hundreds of meters at best, and there was no danger in the end.


   This time the height is more than 100 feet.


  Where is this free walk, a proper free fall walk.


   All four of them could not help but exclaimed. It won't be too long for them to fall to the ground. They instinctively started to save themselves.


   Hua Lan Ting can stay in the air, but he can't now. He stopped by himself. What about the three brothers who can't fly?


   With quick hands and quick eyes, Hua Lanting grabbed the nearest Lin Xianjing, and the two sank together, then froze for a few turns.


   Zhuge Yun continued to fall, but Yi Wannian was blown away by the airflow, farther away.


   Only for a moment, Hua Lanting raised his hand and waved out the gold wire, wrapped Yi Liu Nian's waist, and pulled him over with force.


   Yi Nian felt the direction and strength of the pulling back of the gold wire and iron wire, jumped up an somersault, fell from the top to the top of the two people's heads, and then sat straight on the shoulders of Hua Lan Ting.


   With the help of the momentum of falling and the downward pressure of Yi Liunian, the three of them accelerated their descent and reached Zhuge Yun's side as they approached the ground.


   The four of them slapped, punched and kicked at the same time.


   Everyone's cultivation base is not weak anyhow, and finally forcibly turned the kinetic energy potential energy of the vertical charge into a horizontal fall, and fell to the ground.


   With their feet on the ground, the four of them just lay down and gasped for breath, with lingering fears, their complexions were blue, pale, ruddy, and sallow.


   A true voice came from my ear: "Not bad, better than I thought. Come on, let's continue."


   hadn't had time to calm down and scold his mother in his heart, the four of them flickered and were taken high in the sky by Shouzhen, and were thrown down again.


   Fortunately, the four of them have cooperated for a long time, and the short time of ascending was completed in brief words.


   This time, Shouzhen sealed part of Hua Lan Ting's abilities by means. He was able to move, but he couldn't fly, and the four of them were separated and dropped far away.


   Although Shou is really an elder, under such a play method, the Hua Lan Ting four do not want to be passively rectified, they must fight back!


   just got a "not bad" comment, this time we have to make progress and strive for better performance.


   So, they made a move.


   This time, their countermeasure is not to resist.


   To put it bluntly, it's a shame.


   Shouzhen wouldn’t throw them to death anyway. Since there’s no danger, why bother to struggle? It’s better to enjoy it.


   The four of them leaned back on all sides, relaxed their limbs, letting the air current roll them down, listening to the whistling wind in their ears, watching the surrounding white clouds change, and feeling the thrill of extreme weightlessness in the vast world.


   And also, when you have pleasure, you shout: ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah ah, hum, hum...


   As expected, they were soon held up by the gentle airflow, soft as cotton and extremely flexible.


  Shouzhen was silent for a moment and said: "Good boy, there is a kind of, whoever is serious in the game loses. Humph, see who plays it."


   "Come on again. If you want to feel it, let you feel the addictive feeling of the spinning trapeze in the air, and you will soon be able to break into the Seven-Star Big Dipper Realm. Learn the skills of flying in the air in advance and conduct adaptive training."


   "This is the punishment for your non-violent non-resistance and inaction!"


   While talking, the four of them saw that Shouzhen took out a black, non-slippery, autumn rope with gold wire, which was much thicker than Hualanting's gold wire, and it could also be long or short, soft or hard.


   This is a true weapon, named Huang Jinsheng.


  Shouzhen shook the golden rope. After the ropes on both sides encircled the four people, he went up into the wind and reached the sky again, playing juggling while flying.


I saw Shouzhen a big loop with one arm, rounding the four of them, dancing like a windmill, turning his hands for a while, playing with a long stick, turning the rope from left to right into a stick flower, and then using the rope as a gun to practice in the air. Marksmanship started.


   Hualan Ting’s four are like four grasshoppers **** by a rope. They are turned upside down and turned upside down repeatedly. What is tossing is dizziness. They are not forced to suppress their cultivation, so they almost spit out their breakfast.


   "The disciples of the Vientiane Gate must have quality and are not allowed to vomit. There may be people underneath, and they must not pollute the flowers, flowers and grass, otherwise you will be punished to go down and lick them." Shouzhen reminded.


   Shou is really an elder of his own mentor, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and the four of them finally begged for mercy when they couldn't hold on.


   Shouzhendao: "Wait a little longer, the time is not yet."


   After another moment, they can't distinguish the north, south, east and west completely. When their bodies are limp and hanging on the golden rope, Shouzhen stopped his hands: "Next, let you go back to the ground."


   "Ah!" The four of them are weak and have difficulty speaking out.


   "In view of the current situation, I will give everyone a real qi. How to use and play is up to the individual. It is agreed in advance that whoever will let me save, it is okay, but after landing, whoever will return to the mountain by himself."


   After finishing speaking, Shouzhen tapped a finger on everyone's head, then shook the golden rope and loosened it, and everyone fell for the third time.


   The high-level Yuanli in the Yaochi realm was pure and strong. After entering the body, the four immediately regained their vitality and became free to move. Only Hualan Ting still could not fly.


   This time the distance between the four is not far, and they have the experience of the previous two times. They did not act in a hurry, tried to stabilize their figure, and communicated loudly in the whistling of the wind.


Halfway through, Lin Xian was surprised to take out a newly cast large shield. Zhuge Yun took out his Liuyun gun and pierced the shield vigorously with a shot. The two used the force of impact and counter-shock to resolve part of the falling momentum. Turned out to the sides.


   Hua Lan Ting continued to fall, and at the same time it issued a move "to put aside life", the gold wire and iron wire were extended, enclosing the waists of Lin Xianjing and Zhuge Yun, and the two were pulled back by him.


   The two slammed into each other with the force of pulling back diagonally, once again the guns and shields hit each other and rushed out, and took the Hua Lan Ting a few feet away.


   Repeated this several times, and the three of them continued to buffer the force of the fall and gradually approached the ground. UU Reading


   In terms of practical effort, Yi Liu Nian is the highest among the four.


He raised the golden wrong knife in the air, spinning at a high speed like a dhara, and with the first comprehension of the "Extreme Path Flowing Years" quasi-Dao domain ability, he created a spiritual power "parachute" that can slow down the speed of falling. When staying, the three of Hua Lan Ting gave him a little support and leverage.


   Just like that, the four of them are getting closer and closer to the ground.


   However, the four of them are almost exhausting their true energy, and it is difficult to repeat their tricks.


   This infuriating energy is foreign and can only be used temporarily.


   Lin Xianjing and the three of them could no longer control their bodies after each struggle for the last time, and they fell to the ground respectively.


   At this height and speed, it is still very dangerous to fall.


   Yi Flownian shouted: "Lanting, it's up to you!"


   Hua Lan Ting itself has the highest cultivation base, and has absorbed a part of the true qi in the air with the thunderbolt. At this time, there is still room for energy.


   He, in the air, launched "Step by Step Thousands of Miles".


Lin Xianjing, Zhuge Yun and Yi Liunian are connected at three points, forming a straight line diagonally upwards. Hualanting flashes three times in succession, first holding Yi Liunian, then Yi Liunian grabbing Zhuge Yun, and Zhuge finally holding it. Lin Xian was shocked.


   Four of them rolled to the ground, flipped and unloaded, in a panic, but finally landed safely.


  :. :

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