The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 371: East China Sea Star

The four people in Hualan Court looked around after hearing the sound.


   The surrounding sea is calm and peaceful, and there is no enemy in sight or perception.


   Seeking the truth: "You don't have to look for it. What you can't sense will appear in a while."


   "Who is it?" Hua Lanting asked.


   "It looks like a pirate."


Seeking Truth: "In history, there have been few violent conflicts between the world of the sea and our continent. Usually, there is nothing wrong with each other, but there are also contacts between the two sides, especially the exchange of exotic treasures between each other. "


   "The products in the sea are abundant, and the sea beasts can basically be self-sufficient, but there are also things on the mainland that are needed by the strong in the sea. Human monks have more needs for the treasures of the sea in the sea."


"The lifespan of the sea beasts is long, much longer than that of our humans. The way is the vicissitudes of life, and the world and people on the road change quickly. This makes it very inconvenient for the sea beasts to trade, so they set up an agent to entrust some family members. Zongmen is responsible for the transactions between the two parties for a fixed and long-term period."


   "The Yu family in Ninghai City on the island we are going to is one of them, so this island is also called Yu Island."


   "On the coast of the East China Sea, there are two other agents, representing different large ethnic forces in the sea and doing business on land. One of the two is an organization of giant thieves in the sea, named East Sea Star."


"The Yu family still abides by its duty. For generations, the ancestors have been relying on legitimate business to base themselves in the East China Sea. This East China Sea star is a real pirate. With the support of the sea beasts behind it, it burns, kills, plunders, and does everything in the coastal area, ordinary people and Xiuzhen. The sects are all being bullied, but they can't help but secretly call them the Haixue Gang."


   "The Haixue Gang is rampant in the land of the East China Sea, and even the Yu family's goods dare to rob, and the friction between the two families is constant, and the situation is in flames."


   "I thought it was close to Ninghai, but I didn't expect to meet people from the Haixue Gang."


   In fact, Xunzhen also wronged the Haixue Gang this time.


   The coastal forces in the East China Sea have their respective geographic divisions. If it is not necessary, it is night again at this time. There are few ships and people traveling, and the Haixue Gang will generally not cross the border to cause trouble.


   The "Black Widow Spider Ship" was too conspicuous under the moonlight tonight, which was almost as bright as daylight. It was discovered by the patrolling Yacha post of the Haixie Gang in the distance.


   The goal of the big spider itself is not big, but the speed is too fast, and the formed waterline attracts attention.


   If the big spider is alive, its eight feet can hold down the splash, almost without a trace, but the eight limbs that rely on secret methods to maintain vitality and are driven by zhenqi and mechanical formations will not have this ability.


   The patrol post reported the situation to the pirate ship docked in the offshore looking for prey.


   The commander on duty on this ship is named Jin Tuo. After following and observing, he salivated and decided to take a snatch.


   The speed of the black widow is too dazzling.


   Haixue Gang has a lot of various boats and other marine transportation tools, but apart from the mount of the helper Zhu Luoyu, because the black widow only haunts inland rivers, Jin Tou has never seen such a fast-moving treasure on the water.


   If this can be won and dedicated to the gang leader, it must be a great achievement. As long as a quick fight is made, there is no big problem of breaking into the territorial waters of Ninghai Yujia in a short time.


   It’s not the weak who have such treasures. Time waits for no one. In a hurry, it’s too late to summon people. As a powerful Xuanzhu, Jin Qu only had time to get the three masters of the born-out realm among the three ship pirates to follow.


Seeking truth to drive the water spider to walk on land and rivers is no problem, but he lacks the experience of sailing on the boundless sea, and he did not deliberately control the water spider to advance in a precise direction and route, so he gradually became familiar with the conditions of the sea and was good at distinguishing. Several people from Xiang's Jin Qu chased up.


   Xunzhen continued: "The other party must rob the Black Widow. The four of you must protect me. Let me see your true combat power, and remember that you must not use your hands on outsiders."


   "People have become pirates for their own reasons. They may not be treacherous people, but Haixue has done a lot of evil, and everyone's hands are bloody, so you don't have to be merciful when you start."


   "At the same time I warn you that the Haixue Gang is extremely vicious and acts fiercely. It is always clean and tidy when plundered. It will never be muddy, it will come and go like wind, and it has always been cutting grass and roots. You have to be careful."


   "The comer is not good, and the opponent's strength is better than you, etc., and I shall protect you, but in that case, I will not be able to make me look at you differently, and I will lose my blue eyes in the future. Um, understand?"


   "The disciple understands," the four of them answered together.


   The time he spoke, there was movement in his eyes.


   front, back, left, and right, the other side outflanked from four directions.


   The four of them each drove a small boat made from the remains of what they didn’t know.


   With the speed of the water spider, after speeding up again, he could rush out of the neutral position and be surrounded. They wanted to test the four people, but they did not accelerate. They were surrounded by the four boats of the Haixue Gang shortly after.


   Xunzhen is nowhere to be seen at this time.


The Hualan Ting’s four also wanted to come up with the general name first, and the Haixue Gang’s four people, as Xunzhen said, had already decided to rob, and saw that the other four young people were not old, although their strength was good. If you don't have enough skill, you don't want to talk nonsense at all, and you will go straight ahead.


   Halfway through the journey, the four of them jumped into the air. Except for Jin Tou empty-handed, the other three showed off their weapons and fell on the water spider.


  On this side, the Hualan Court lifted into the air, floating above, and the other three people did not reach the Seven-Star Big Dipper Realm, so they could only wait in place.


   Did not start the fight, our side fell in the limelight.


   The first person to shoot was named Zuo Daoqin, who was still in the air, and a long sword with a strange thorn in his hand took off and flew towards Lin Xian.


   Lin Xian Jing’s kite-shaped dovetail shield was damaged several times, and now the large shield built by Jingdong Mingfeng is renamed Zihua Qilin Shield, and the flying sword is greeted.


   The shield and the sword intersected, and Zuo Daoqin's first blow turned out to be an all-out effort. In addition, his cultivation base was higher, and the sword tip pierced the shield half an inch and got stuck on it.


   Lin Xian was shocked unexpectedly, and his whole body was shaken.


   Without hesitating left, Dao tilted towards the left, and then he waved his hand and sucked, the long sword retracted, and Lin Xian was shocked and left the water spider with a shock.


   Lin Xian was shocked in the air, shook his arm, and shook off the long sword. Then he had to return to the water spider by the force of the shock to avoid falling into the water, so he might not be the opponent of the pirates who have lived on the sea for a long time.


   Just retreating, he suddenly felt dangerous.


   Several objects bypassed the shield and attacked him.




   The barbs on the Zuo Dao Qing sword are actually refined swordfish that have been refined for many years. Under his drive, they turned into a living body, breaking defenses at close range, and their sharp long mouth pierced Lin Xian's heart.


   Lin Xian yelled, Dan Tian was very angry, and his body plummeted, freed from the attack of the swordfish, and landed on the sea.


   Fortunately, he has a large shield to float on the water, and Lin Xianjing stood on it.


   The swordfish’s attack failed, and more swordfish flew down from the left-handed long sword. The swordfish formed a sword rain cover, and the long sword was also caught in it, stabs from it.


   At the same time, other people also started.


  The weapon of another born master Tong Lin is directly the body of a live tiger shark with a length of ten feet, with its sharp mouth and steel teeth biting towards Yi Liunian.


   Yi Flies the year to block with the wrong knife of gold.


   Tiger Shark twisted, let the blade pass, rolled to the side, swinging its tail towards Yi Flowing.


   Yi Liu Nian was inconvenient to move on the water spider, and wanted to resist with his body, but Tong Lin sent out a few strong qi in mid-air.


   The tiger shark followed like a shadow, with its big mouth open and its teeth like jagged teeth.


Yi Liunian and Lin Xianjing's choice were the same, falling and avoiding, luck radiated spiritual power, lightly tapped the water surface with the wrong sword of gold, and could soar up. When he staggered with the tiger shark rushing straight down, he turned in the air. The body changed its direction and attached to the tiger shark.


   The tiger shark has spirituality, learns the appearance of Yi Liunian and accelerates. With the idea of ​​bringing him into the water, its supernatural powers can be fully utilized in the sea.


   Yi Flowing Nian is faced with the choice of following or getting out. The problem is that it is not easy to return to the water spider after getting out.


   The third place master came to Zhuge Yun.


   This person is Lu Xiong, who is tall and powerful, and likes close combat. When he approached, he smashed his head with a stick, intending to knock Zhuge Yun into the water with a powerful sinking trick.


   Zhuge Yun is good at fighting, and he is not afraid of long-range and close combat.


   Under this kind of situation where both parties have weapons, passive blocking is not done by the master, because when the strength is similar, the blocker will only be shaken and surrender the initiative.


   The essence of long weapons is not smashing and sweeping, but stabbing.


   The essence of close combat is that whoever gets in close first has the advantage.


   No matter how clever the opponent is, it takes time to lift a stick and strike down.


Zhuge Yun’s Gaotian Liuyun gun was clamped under his arm and held in his hand. He just looked at the timing and quickly stabbed his finger forward. The tip of the gun was lightly and cleverly placed in front of Lu Xiong’s chest. It's the point of attack, and where you click, it depends on whether you are going to die or be injured.


Lu Xiong was also a master of art. Seeing that the tip of the spear protruded in front of him, his two-handed sticks stopped hitting him, he turned around and let the spear head pass, and he reached Zhuge Yun's right side, swaying like a bear step, and approached his back palm. When the shot was shot, the bear's paw set clear waves and hit the right side.


   If Zhuge Yun blocks, the palm moves upwards, it will be changed to bear paws, full of face and face, and the end is powerful.


   Zhuge Yun is your tough and hard temper, one-handed cat washes his face, his left palm shakes in front of his eyes and scratches, while protecting his face, volleys the opponent's chest attacking palm.


   The palms intersected, and he let out a dull sound, Lu Xiong seemed to be unable to do so, so he flew back.


This palm was Lu Xiong’s false move. His long stick was transformed by a sea snake. At this time, the stick turned into a snake. The thick bucket of sea python wrapped Zhuge's waist. Lu Xiong wanted to pull Zhuge into the water by retreating. .


   Hua Lanting met an empty-handed Jin To in the Jin To said that he was empty-handed, and his attack weapon was the ubiquitous seawater.


   I saw him making continuous shots with both hands, the sea was making big waves, and several waves rushed towards Hualan Court one after another. The water was swift and the water power was heavy.


   Hua Lanting flashed a few times, but the waves grew more and more, and they began to spread out in a fan shape. The water vapor filled with Jin Take's true energy, which was endless, and it took a lot of effort to stand out.


   Hua Lan Ting moved repeatedly, and was about to rush out. Jin Take, who was already ready to go, patted both hands and cast a spell on his mouth.


   The sea water around Hualanting suddenly gathered inward and condensed into a hard and cold ice ball, which quickly froze him inside.


   Jin Too is still casting spells to reinforce the cone-shaped iceberg on the sea.


   For a while, within a few rounds, all four of Hualanting were in danger.


  Xunzhen had warned them, but before the battle, he really realized what the Haixue Gang meant to behave fiercely and cleanly.


First of all, the four people started the fight without much talking, and the shot was a big move with full force, and if they found that they could not take the enemy with one blow, the tactics were immediately changed to take the opponent away from the water spider and make them Lost a place to stay and fell into the unfavorable situation of entering the sea.


   It seems that I don’t know how many times this set has been used, and it has become a fixed tactic of the Haixue Gang.


  The next thing to do is to beat the dog.

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