The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 370: I just huh

Ninghai, it is not accurate to say that it is a coastal city, because this city is not located on the mainland, but on an island.


It’s just that this island is a bit strange, or that the sea area is strange. The water level was high for a period of time, making it a lonely island over the sea, and for another period of time, the water level was low, and land was exposed, making it a peninsula, and This phenomenon has nothing to do with the rise and fall of the tides.


The five people at Vientiane Gate arrived at the coast some time behind the merchant fleet. By the time it was night, Ninghai was in an isolated island state. At this time, the teleportation array was closed. Although the moon was high tonight, no ferry was willing to go to sea at night. Must wait until the next day.


   There is no way for the Hualanting four people. It’s no problem to float for a while without a trace on the water. There is no such ability and need to swim across the vast sea, but it is difficult to find the truth.


Leading them to the beach, Xunzhen took out an object from his arms and threw it out. The object grew in the wind and fell on the surface of the sea. It turned out to be a large spider that was as high as a foot and four or five feet in length. The whole body was as black as ink. The chest and abdomen are flat, with eight long legs propped up, floating with the waves.


   Xunzhen made everyone stand up. After injecting vitality, Big Spider's eight legs flicked, lightly pressed against the surface of the water and slid out, sprinting far away in just one click.


  With the increase of Yuanli, the big spider glide on the sea like a gallop, fast and steady, without any water splashing, like a fast boat rushing to the depths of the sea.


   Hualanting, they seemed to be walking by the wind, they couldn't help but marvel at it, and they were amazed.


   Carefully observe that the spider is real, with its body, joints, eyes and eyes complete, but it's broken, but it's not a living thing.


Big spider’s eight long walking feet are divided into base section, rotator section, leg section, knee section, tibia section, posterior tarsal section, tarsal section and tarsal section. They are extremely flexible and powerful, and the steps are covered with densely packed bristles. It can help the body to adjust when the air current vibrates, and can generate buoyancy on the water surface.


   Everyone ask Xunzhen what a good baby this is.


   "This thing is called Black Widow. It is a different species of spiders. It has a mediocre web-forming ability and is not very virulent. It has the advantage of being extremely hard, but also extremely light and fast. It is amphibious and difficult to capture."


"I also got it by chance when I was fighting in the group. Unfortunately, I was half dead when I caught it. Later, I asked the elders of Dongming Peak to make it into a transportation tool. It didn't cost much to drive and it was suitable for long-distance raids. Use it."


The five people galloped on the sea like stepping on the water. Under the bright moonlight, a line of water that pierced into the depths of the sea appeared on the gleaming silver water surface, which was different than flying in the air. feel.


  The sea breeze is blowing, they are floating slightly on the deep sea, and when Xunzhen raises the speed to a level, the excitement of galloping gradually appears.


   The four were excited.


   Lin Xianjing said to Yi Liunian: "Fleeing, I heard that you have been praised several times in the Zhidao Academy recently. How about it, why not write a poem in the face of this situation?"


   Yi is a little embarrassed.


   He only started literacy and hyphenation after he entered the door. Although he has made significant progress in learning poetry and essays over the years, it is difficult for him to improvise a high-quality poem.


  Even Hua Lan Ting and Lin Xian Jing, they can't export them at any time.


   You know, the ancients will be famous through the ages when they make a poem in seven steps.


Yi Liunian refused to bow his head easily in front of Lin Xianjing, forced to search his stomach, and said with a dry cough: "Listen well. That, um, say yes-the sea view in front of you is beautiful, I wanted to chant poems and give the world. Culture can only hold the grass waves so big."


   Lin Xian was shocked, covering her face with her hand, and sneered: "It's not a brother, I say you."


"The boundary of language is the boundary of your world; the texture of language is the texture of your life. The lack of expression and the lack of language are the ultimate poverty. Nowadays, the younger generation is being hollowed out. Many people open their mouths and have only one sentence. Cao Niu crosses the world."


   "Some people think that the ancient poems are too pretending to be true and straightforward. They think that such words are convenient, concise, easy to understand, and they are very happy and energetic, and they are proud of it."


   "Actually, I like it too, and I don't object to it. But after this sentence, you have to say something."


"I heard that when we were on the Thick Earth Continent, a place in Xianzhou was hit by a natural disaster. Some countries in the secular world knew about it. In order to flatter the sects, they tried every means to send in a batch of useful supplies. The postscript wrote a sentence called—


   How can you say no clothes? Go with the child.


  The mountains and rivers are different, the wind and the moon are in the same sky. "


"We don't care about the intention for the time being. As far as I know, the first two sentences come from the "Book of Songs" more than 1,300 years ago in the secular world, and the last two sentences are derived from the Japanese people's evidence. At the same time, he can still express his meaning with just the right expression."


   "It's a pity, the world is changing, and people's hearts are not ancient. Those beautiful language is no longer admired by future generations, and even met with contempt and ridicule. On the contrary, popular slang words and popular slang have become popular."


Lin Xian was shocked, but Yi Liunian refused to accept it and interrupted him to retort: ​​"Xian shocked, if you let this go in the past, buddy, I can still be stunned by you, but now is different from the past, you It sounds reasonable, but it can't stand scrutiny."


   "For a long time, many people think that ancient poetry is something that literati can understand, very tall."


"As everyone knows, the original authors of the Book of Songs you are talking about are actually a group of illiterate people. The beautiful words in your mouth are all from the mouths of the people in the farming fields. That's it."


"Feelings, emotions, do you understand? Even if it is folk songs, people don’t just sing it casually. The so-called "no sadness or joy" can only be felt by the simple truth. Express it in an important way, instead of what you asked me just now, to express your sorrow for the new words."


   "Furthermore, if you care about me, I made a poem, didn't I? This is progress."


   Lin Xian was shocked, of course, not to pass the time, retorted: "Admittedly, you also have some truth, I do not disagree that the poems are derived from the folk and are the expression of love when they are strong."


"My point is that now people's language function is degrading, people's life perception is reduced, and aesthetics has become ugly. Not only is information acceptance fragmented, but also emotional expression muscles are weak, and they resist the ancient civilization and cultural heritage. Absorb the essence."


   "I don't have to ask to imitate the ancients, but you can't have waves in your heart, but you will be speechless except for a sentence that is so beautiful. At least you have to be able to associate, imagine and express visually."


"You remember that when you first went up the mountain, you and I had a conversation with Lan Ting. I can express every word you say more beautifully in ancient Chinese and ancient poems. This shows that the popular sayings in your mouth are nothing but ancients We have not made progress since we came down."


   Yi Flowing: "How come there is no progress? This is too arbitrary."


"A few days ago, when I was in class at the Academy, my husband asked us to use the word confiscated to make a sentence. Someone said that the master confiscated my spiritual stone is so simple and innocuous. However, my fellow brothers and I also made my husband look at him with admiration. Golden sentence. For example:


   "Time confiscated my youth;


  Sunlight confiscated the rainwater on the ground;


   Mother’s hug confiscated my fear;


   The children’s laughter confiscated the coldness of winter. "


   "Isn't this fragrant? Why did we pick up the teeth of the ancients?"


   Lin Xian sneered in surprise: "Hehe, okay, let me give you an example."


   "Hehe, the word you have used recently. What you don't know is that it has been used by the ancients for more than a thousand years, and you just picked it up again."


   Yi Flowing Nian looked dazed this time.


   Lin Xian said in shock: "Forgive you for not knowing. Has the poet Wei Zhuang heard of it?"


Yi Liunian said: "I know, his most famous poem seems to be: Everyone says that Jiangnan is good, and tourists only like Jiangnan old. In addition, I remember Jiangnan music now, when I was young, and my clothes were thin. Riding a horse and leaning against a bridge , Red sleeves all over the building."


   Lin Xian was surprised: "This is this one. It seems that you haven't read all of his Five Bodhisattva Poems. One of them is like this:


   advise you to be drunk tonight,


  Zunqian Mo talked about Ming Dynasty affairs.


   cherish the master's heart,


   Wine is deeply affectionate.


   must worry about spring and leak short,


   Mo complained that the gold cup is full.


   I met wine and huh,


   Life can be geometric. "


   "Have you heard? Hehe when you meet wine, not drink."


   Yi Liunian was rather speechless: "It's really there, I'm just huh."


   "However, this does not mean that we have inherited the old saying you like, activated it again, and gave it a new meaning. This is a good thing."


   Lin Xian was speechless after being surprised.


   The two continued to argue.


   Finally, the two of them gradually blushed, and they were about to quarrel.


   Lin Xian said in a loud voice: "The surname is Yi, what did you do before? Is Hu Chuanman addicted?"


Yi Liunian did not show weakness either: "The surname is Lin, what did you do before? I told you clearly, I used to be equipped with a lock and a key. If you can't use the key to fit the keyhole, how can it not work? people!"


   Lin Xian was surprised: "Hehe, I'm a fortune teller, I specialize in people like you who are dissatisfied with proven truths."


   Yi Foonian: "Hmph, may I have the key, do you have it?"


   Lin Xian was surprised: "Hum, hum, add one, fortune-tellers, what does the fortune teller count?"


   Seeing the two get angry, Hualan Court, who listened happily, came out to complete the game: "Two, two, don't quarrel, speak publicly and rationally, and mother-in-law is reasonable, let me summarize and be fair."


   "Language and writing are the projection of the thinking of an era, and the popularity of crude vocabulary can indeed reflect the vulgarity of people's emotional spirit and the withering of spiritual aesthetics at that time."


"The Central Thick Earth Continent used to be all-inclusive ~ Later, after becoming more hostile, my Dongfang Shuxuanxianzhou became open, absorbing many languages ​​from the other four continents, and was also influenced by the vulgar world. Influenced by traditional culture, our vocabulary and speech are becoming more and more diverse. This is a good thing and a trend."


   "Xian Jing said that the young generation's faulty cultural lack, language poverty, etc., also exist. But I am not too worried about this."


   "The era always moves forward from generation to generation. Each generation has its own characteristics, characteristics and missions. Temporary and occasional retreats and detours cannot change the general trend of history."


"From this point of view, during and after young people grow up, they will have collective and conscious self-reflection and self-correction, especially after the current wave hands the responsibility to the back wave, there will be backbone forces to stand up and provoke. The burden of that era."


   "Young and frivolous, even ignorant, fearless, and vulgar, does not mean that they will not be affected by the heritage flowing in the blood and engraved in the bones. I believe that they will find a path that suits them with an attitude of sublation."


   As soon as Hua Lan Ting said this, he heard Xun Zhen suddenly stop and shout: "Stop. Boys, an enemy is coming. Prepare for war!"

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