The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 376: Monster in the forest

According to past practice, the assessment channel is located below the other side of the mountain, and they need to climb over the mountain.

However, just as the nine people were about to leap over the mountain, the sky was suddenly overcast, and there was a torrential rain in an instant, pouring like a pour, just as if the sea was inverted.

If you are in a hurry, flying in the rain is not impossible. Everyone is a strong cultivator, and you can isolate the rain by putting your zhenqi outside the protective body.

The problem is that in addition to heavy rain, there are also thunder and lightning in the sky from time to time, which can be dangerous.

In desperation, the nine had no choice but to climb the mountain obediently.

This was exactly what Zhonghua Lanting had. He hadn't fully recovered yet, so he just used the time on the road to continue his exercises and breath adjustments.

Although the mountain was roadless and muddy and slippery, it was not a problem for these people. They quickly reached the top of the mountain and made three trips on the way. Hua Lan Ting walked with the other two Yu family Xuanzhu experts.

One of the old men with white beard and hair had participated in the last assessment. He was regarded as an old horse who knew the way. He took the two of Hua Lan Ting and plunged into the mountain on the left.

This person was kind and kind, named Yu Ping, and when he met Hualanting, he said softly: "Young man, you are very powerful. With such a level of cultivation at such an age, it is really terrifying to be able to pass the Xuanzhu cyclone."

Another young Yu Jiaqiang Yu Ding is not so friendly, and snorted in his nose: "I think it is just a fluke. I am afraid it is not a small waste. Please don't drag our team in there later. The hind legs are good."

The aura on the island is full, Hua Lanting is seizing the time to regain his breath, and has no time to pay attention to the person's yin and yang strangeness, only smiles and nods to the old man.

When the three of them climbed up the mountain, the sky just before the cloud was overwhelmed and the sky cleared in the blink of an eye. After the thunderstorm passed, the sky suddenly became blue and the sky was bright.

The three of them looked towards the bottom of the mountain on the other side. In the valley, a faint light flickered in the distance.

Yu Ping said, "That's right, there is the entrance to the Xuanzhu assessment channel. We have a thunder strike against the wood, so we can enter without hindrance. Go, go down the mountain."

The trees on this side are more luxuriant, but the **** is much steeper. At this time, the wind and rain stopped, and the three of them flew up and swept down along the top of the dense forest canopy.

When I approached the foot of the mountain and passed the last treetop, my eyes suddenly brightened. Below was a long **** with a light gate at the end.

Hua Lan Ting was about to take advantage of the momentum, but was held back by the old man.

"No! The air is restricted from the beginning of the **** to the Guangmen, and Yaochi Da Neng can't fly, so he can only walk."

Hua Lanting took a deep breath and made him unable to fly. It is easy to say that Xunzhen can be easily done, but it is difficult to ban flying Jade Lake's great power. This place is indeed evil.

Yu Dinghu said, "Look, there is a rapid over there, formed by torrential water on the mountain caused by heavy rain. It gathers into a river along the low-lying part of the terrain, and ends straight into the Guangmen. I think we might as well as a small boat drifting down."

This idea is feasible. The three of them don't need to be boats. They cut off the three big trees with magic skills, float the trunks on the water, and stand on them and control them down the river.

The **** was steep and the water was rushing. They soon reached the middle section of the slope. Hua Lanting suddenly shouted: "Look! Rainbow!"

"What's so strange, all the fuss, I just had it." Yu Ding disapproved.

Hua Lanting said: "No, you look at the middle of the rainbow."

The rainbow after the rain is indeed common, but Hua Lan Ting is right. The rainbow runs through the light gate. The colorful neon colors are distinct on both sides, but the middle part looks weird in this position.

The seven colors are distorted and twisted like a twist, which is even more weird when set against the water vapor.

There was something abnormal, and the three of them wanted to stop observing, but at this moment they were going down the torrent, and it took a little effort to slow down. What surprised them was that there seemed to be a suction force coming from the front, as if there was an invisible big hand. To drag the three people to speed up and rush down.

The suction is so strong that it is difficult to resist.

How to do?

After all, Yu Ping is older. Although he didn't see such an abnormality last time, he didn't panic. He pointed out and hit the light door with a burst of energy. The result seemed to be hitting an invisible barrier. Ripples made up of seven-color light waves appeared at the landing point, rippling away in circles, and showing a ripple-like jitter, which gradually faded and disappeared.

After testing, feeling the strength of the rebound, Yu Ping yelled: "Take out the lightning strike wood and use a powerful spell to attack! Let's break in!"

After hearing the sound, Hua Lanting and Yu Ding took out the thunder-strike wood in their hands, and at the same time each uttered true anger.

In a few blinks, the three of them came to the light gate.

Then the moment the light lines caused by the spell passed through, time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Hua Lanting's eyes turned black, her scalp was tight, she felt blank in her brain, and the log under her feet moved forward inch by inch like slow motion. The air in her lungs was about to be suffocated as if vigorously sucked away.

What is puzzling is that even though he can't see, if he is stagnant, the surrounding scenery seems to be vivid, and he is falling backwards quickly.

At the beginning, the ground was covered with gravel and gravel. It was very dry, and there were no tall trees. There were only low coniferous cone trees and low ferns, all with pointed and thin leaves. .

Next, the climate seemed to be warmer and humid a lot. With bushes and bushes, almost all the ground was covered with plants, the land was verdant and the height of vegetation also increased.

Later, with swamp lakes, green grass, shrubs and large-leaf trees, shrubs and ferns were replaced, and various flowering plants appeared, and the mountains and rivers became prosperous.

This period of time should be very short, because the feeling of suffocation will pass immediately, the eyes can see, and everything is back to normal.

The thinking ability and the five senses of audiovisual smell and taste are normal, but Hua Lanting exclaimed.

He rushed out of the light gate and fell to the ground extremely fast, beneath a huge rock covered with moss.

Instinctively a light somersault, Hua Lan Ting will escape the close contact with the rock.

This was a successful and beautiful dodge, but he froze for a while after landing, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

He moved his hands and feet again and stood there for a while, after walking a few steps, Hua Lanting finally confirmed that he had lost his cultivation!

To be precise, it is not that the cultivation base has been lost, but that it cannot be used.

Lei Dan was still there, but it was eclipsed, unable to turn, and any technique could not be activated, so the spell naturally could not be issued, as if it was sealed.

Now, he has changed back to an ordinary person, including his perception.

I tried it, but fortunately, the physical body has not changed, and the strength of the body is still at the level of the birth state.

What the **** is this place?

How can this be?

Xunzhen is right, this place is extremely scary.

It is one thing to lose the ability to fly. If Yao Chi Great Power targets him, he can accept it if it is sealed, but it is obviously an extremely vast space, but he is suppressed to the point where he can't use his cultivation base.

Even if it is the formation method, it would be unbelievable if the Bengzi, Xuanzhu and Jade Lake monks who entered were all like this.

As far as he knows, first of all, the formation itself must be extremely powerful, in addition to extremely clever design and layout, it also needs massive energy support. Secondly, the person in charge of the formation must have an extremely powerful cultivation base in order to control the formation.

This, how can it be done by the legendary Shifang Promise Realm, a super power with the possibility of breaking through and becoming immortal.

Could it be said that the three major powers of the East China Sea came in person?

One is that it is impossible, and the other is that those three are probably not up to this level, right?

Hua Lan Ting was puzzled, and no longer bothered about it. The most urgent task was to find a way out.

He is the only one here, and both Yu Ping and Yu Ding are not seen. The current situation is very different from the previous assessments introduced by the Yu family, combined with the weird rainbow when passing through the light gate and the scene of suffocation. , He felt that this assessment should have undergone an unknowable change.

Observing the environment again, it is quiet and gloomy as the evening, and the surrounding trees can’t be surrounded by anyone. It is more than ten meters high, covering the sky above the head, and you can see the spider web-like dust hanging on the canopy of the high tree. At the same time, the ground is the soft dead branches and leaves that have accumulated for many years.

He is in the primeval forest.

At this time, it was daytime, but it was difficult to tell the direction. According to the subtle differences in the branches and leaves of the trees, Hualanting moved toward the sun where it was supposed to be, and adjusted the direction from time to time to avoid getting lost and making circles.

The cultivation base is not there, but fortunately the physical strength still exists, he can walk through the dense forest quickly.

After more than an hour in this way, I was quiet and afraid of people along the way, and I couldn't even see a small animal. The only change was that the trees were sparse.

Hua Lanting had just sat under a giant tree with a diameter of over a meter, and suddenly heard the voice of someone calling for help coming from a distance, mixed with the roar of a beast.

Standing up, Hua Lanting thought for a while, climbed up the shortest branch of the giant tree, and leaped along the staggered branches of the tree towards the direction of the sound.

Not long after, he could feel the slight vibration from the ground on the tree.

How big should this beast be.

Just thinking about it, through the gaps between the branches and leaves, he saw a scene that shocked him.

One person is running up and down, not from the Yu family. Look at the mark on his chest, he is from the pirate East Sea Star Haixuan Gang!

This time the assessment is really messy, and it stands to reason that the three independent assessments will not be linked to each other.

Before he could think about Hua Lanting's eyes were attracted by the monster chasing after that person, and he was sluggish for a while.

It was a strange beast he had never seen but seemed to have an impression.

The size of the alien beast is twice that of an ordinary person, and its body length is about one foot long. Its head is like a crocodile and its body resembles a lizard. Its skin is rough and scaly. Walking on the ground with two hind feet, his head is large, his mouth is open, and there are serrated teeth inside. Although the forelimbs are slender, they have three pointed long claws and a thick tail.

The monster's actions were slightly awkward, which enabled the man of the Haixue Gang to survive to the present by relying on his dexterity.

The way monsters hunt their prey is very special.

First leaped to the target, stretched out a forelimb to grab it, one of the hind feet will land on one foot, the other foot will have a sickle-like claw on the other foot and then step on it, the tail swaying strongly to keep this The balance of various attack methods.

For no reason, three words popped out of Hua Lanting's mind-Deinonychus!

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