The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 377: Prehistoric creatures

There are not many things that are truly unprovoked.

Hua Lanting remembered the three words Deinonychus instantly because he had seen it.

I have not seen this monster, but I have seen related descriptions in the book.

This creature used to be the overlord of the world in ancient times.

People on all continents, who have the qualifications and conditions, mostly focus on cultivation, but in the long life, there are always some people who have other concerns and all kinds of weird hobbies. Whether it is to pass the time or personal interests, let There is more color in this world.

This includes a generation of ancestor Dao Hanzhen who lived in the Vientiane Gate of Freedom. His ancestors had a wide range of interests and learned a lot after practicing.

His old man did not spend time studying this kind of creature, but collected a lot of the results of his predecessors. These notes are stored in the Taoist School, and now they are covered with dust, and few people have read them.

Hua Lan Ting is just one of these few people.

From the notes, he knew that this extinct creature was named "the terrifying lizard" by later generations, but Daohan Zhenren vividly called it "dinosaur" in his notes.

Dinosaurs are no longer ancient creatures, but prehistoric monsters. They have ruled the mainland for tens of thousands of years. They are reptiles with strange appearances and huge differences in size. Some dinosaurs eat meat, some are vegetarian.

There are hundreds of species of dinosaurs, and the origin and extinction causes have become a mystery, and future generations can only study from the remains of bones.

What Hua Lanting saw was just one of them-Deinonychus.

In the dinosaur family, Deinonychus is a smaller species, but it is agile and clever. It has terrifying claws on its fore and hind limbs. It is a very dangerous carnivorous predator dinosaur.

Deinonychus means terror claws, especially the second toe on its hind limbs. This sharp claw can adjust the angle, and it can poke forward and downward toward the prey in the largest arc when attacking. Deinonychus loves this claw very much, and even puts it away when walking to avoid wear.

When Hua Lanting was trying to fill up the information of the dinosaurs, the strong Haixue Gang was exhausted in the process of chasing and fleeing Deinonychus, and could no longer support it.

Although this person's cultivation is better than Hualanting, there is no one who can't show his cultivation here. The powerful body can only be beaten in front of Deinonychus's claws. At this time, he was attacked by Deinonychus. The rising wind overturned the ground. As soon as the Deinonychus raised its foot, the claws of terror poked down, and the man was ripped apart and died.

It's not that Hua Lan Ting can't rescue. First, it's too late for the distance. Second, Xunzhen said that the Haixue Gang are all damned people, and the rescue is useless.

Witnessing the death of a profound bead expert under the claws of the Deinonychus dragon, Hua Lanting was shocked at the same time, the expression on his face stiffened.

The chameleon lizard and the octochi array spirit in the sky blue smoke issued a warning to him.

What one beast and one spirit say is: This is not a fantasy formation, Deinonychus is a real existence. What's more frightening is that under their perception, the strong Haixue Gang is really dead, instead of, as Yu Jia said, the losers will be teleported out without losing their lives.

This is a lot of trouble.

Hua Lanting held his breath and dared not move.

As far as he knows, Deinonychus is not an individual acting alone. Because of its small size, Deinonychus hunts in groups to deal with large carnivorous dinosaurs. One appears here, and there must be others. Around.

As he expected, when this one was tearing the corpse, several Deinonychus who followed came up to pick it up.

It wasn't until the strong Haixue Gang was gnawed that there were only a few pieces of bones left, that the Deinonychus didn't even want to disperse.

After waiting for a long while, Hua Lan Ting dared to carefully descend the tree, flying away from her legs, and Saya Zi ran in the direction she was looking for.

The sense of origin can’t be released anymore. It’s so weak at this time. In order to prevent the dinosaurs from losing their lives like the Haixue Gang, Hualan Ting has a strong spirit of 120,000 points along the way, running and stopping, and constantly watching the wind and grass. , Ready to fly onto the tree at any time, for fear of bumping into the existence that can't be offended.

What was terrible? Hua Lanting heard the roar again, and the vibration from the soft ground was even worse than the previous time.

He immediately climbed up the tree, used his hands and feet to reach a high place, and looked in the direction of the sound.

There are dense branches and leaves, nothing can be seen, only the continuous movement caused by the destruction of branches in the distance.

After hesitating for a moment, Hua Lanting decided to take a closer look.

He is still close to the level of the secular warrior who has opened up the second line of the governor and governor. He started to exercise lightly and jumped along the trunk of the big branch. When he was about to approach, he stopped. Look down the probe.

After a while, even though he was prepared in his heart, he was still taken aback.

As before, a person is being chased by a dinosaur.

I didn't pay attention to that person this time, because Hua Lan Ting was shocked by the dinosaurs.

In fact, there are so many huge beasts in the realm of cultivation, many of them are bigger and terrifying than dinosaurs, but once the prehistoric monsters described on the paper actually appear in front of you, the visual impact formed is even more shocking.

This dinosaur was even more terrifying than Deinonychus. It was two or three times larger. Its front and back body was five feet long, tall and mighty, and its weight might not be four or five thousand jin.

It has a very large head. Its mouth is more than three feet long. It can be opened very wide. It is full of two rows of sharp teeth. The entrance of the prey is absolutely impossible to escape. ,

An important indicator to measure the attack power of dinosaurs is the size of the mouth, which must be carnivorous.

The forelimbs of this beast are relatively short but strong and powerful. Each of its claws has three fingers like a scimitar. The hind legs are tall and sturdy. Each of its feet has a toe with claws. There is also a thick and long tail with a ridge on its back. There are dozens of triangular protrusions on the part.

This species Hualanting also knows that it is the famous theropod killer in the dinosaur family-Allosaurus. Only a few large sauropod dinosaurs can compete with Allosaurus.

This lone Allosaurus was running on a rampage, chasing the person in front of him, and all the small trees and low branches that blocked it were broken by its body or opened with its sharp claws.

Looking down, when Hua Lanting noticed the person being hunted, he recognized that this person was actually Yu Ding, who was with him when he came.

Yu Ding was embarrassed. One of his legs should have been injured while escaping, and he was limping.

Yu Ding was just as unlucky as the Haixue Gang who died before, and soon after coming in, he encountered a predatory carnivorous dinosaur.

The person who died was faced with a petite Deinonychus. It was not that he had never thought of going up the tree to escape, but under the hunting of the agile Deinonychus, he never found a chance. He relied on the impressive physical strength and dexterity of the Profound Orb Realm. Sex has come to the last moment.

What Yu Ding encountered was a more ferocious Allosaurus, and he was so flustered that he didn't even think of going up the tree at first.

No wonder Yu Ding was panicked. Anyone whose survival and Tu Qiang's cultivation base suddenly disappeared without a trace would be unacceptable and unresponsive for a while.

Fortunately, although Allosaurus was fierce, its size and weight determined that it was not as quick and agile as Deinonychus, and Yu Ding was prevented from dying on the spot when they met.

But when he woke up to climb the tree, Allosaurus's size advantage allowed it to control a certain height. It was at that time that Yu Ding was wounded in the thigh by the claws of Allosaurus.

Now it was even more difficult for him to get rid of the opponent's chase. If it hadn't been for Xuanzhu's physical body that he could withstand several non-frontal claw attacks of Allosaurus, Yu Ding would have been buried in the belly of a dinosaur.

Seeing that it was Yu Ding, although the other party had spoken harshly, how could Hua Lanting care about it at this moment? He wanted to help.

Seeing the Allosaurus stepping violently, Yu Ding, who was not good enough, was thrown up by the shock. He might not have escaped the fore-paw slap that followed Allosaurus. Hualanting didn't dare to rush to the Allosaurus directly. In hand-to-hand combat, he waved his hand and launched the lightning bolt.

Hua Lan Ting is a master of hidden weapons in the secular world, and the lightning strike wood accurately hit one of the eyes of Allosaurus.

The perseverance was limited, and the lightning bolt could not penetrate deeply, and only blinded the Allosaurus.

The Allosaurus was attacked suddenly, suffering unbearable pain, roaring again and again, abandoning Yu Ding, his nose fluttered, and at the same time looking around, he found the hiding place of Hualanting, and came to the tree in a rage.

Hua Lanting continued to sprint upwards, the Allosaurus couldn't reach it, and angrily continued to beat the trunk with its thick tail.

The forest here is sparse a lot, the trees are not as thick as the deep ones, and the trunks of the allosaurus have made them fall far away.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Hua Lanting jumped up high and jumped to the tree next to it.

Allosaurus followed.

Hua Lanting looked at the timing, and shook his hand again, a light of gold and silver pierced straight out.

After arriving here, the items in the storage space are not available. Yu Ding and the Haixue Gang’s weapons and magic weapons are all used by the Profound Pearl Realm. After losing their cultivation base, even if they can get them out, If it can't be used, the weight of a weapon can't be absorbed.

But when Hua Lanting took the lightning strike wood in his hand, by the way, he kneaded the gold wire and iron wire into a ball and held it in his palm. This was a good weapon.

At this time, the golden wire and iron wire are magical, long and short, and are not restricted by the space formation on the island. Although there is no blessing of true energy, their sharpness is enough, straight from the left eye injury of Allosaurus. Stabbed, coming out from the eye on the other side of the big head.

Allosaurus’s brain was damaged, which is fatal!

However, the Allosaurus was large in size and strong in vitality. It could not die for a while. After tossing under the tree for a while, it suddenly stood still, and then crashed into the ground like a pile of golden mountains and jade pillars.

Yu Ding survived a catastrophe and was in shock, waiting for the Allosaurus to die before he walked over.

When the two got together, Yu Ding was very grateful to Hua Lanting.

Yu Ding's injury was not serious. After bandaging, the two picked up some wild fruits and belly. After regaining their strength, they did not dare to stay for a long time and continued to go outward.

After walking a long distance, finally out of the dense virgin forest, no other dinosaurs were encountered.

Tall trees began to become Deciduous trees, low shrubs and herbs gradually increased, and swamps began to grow.

Later, they came to the shore of a long and narrow lake. When they were walking along the lake, a giant python suddenly appeared on the water in the middle of the lake. As more and more giant pythons appeared on the water surface, The behemoth emerged, and its body was much longer than the Allosaurus. The first giant python they saw was only its slender head and neck.

Yu Ding was the shadow of a cupbow snake. Seeing this, he was so scared that he was about to run away while pulling Hualanting.

Hua Lanting pretended to smile and said relaxedly: "It's okay, this is a plesiosaur, who eats grass and fish, and doesn't eat people."

Yu Ding will be suspicious. Here are a few more plesiosaurs popping up in the lake. As Hua Lanting said, plesiosaurs do not look towards the shore at all, they are leisurely playing and preying in the lake.

Regardless of watching the rare strange dinosaurs, they continued to walk along the shore.

When they walked to the middle of the lake, the two suddenly stopped and glanced face to face. They were all faces and surprises.

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