The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 386: Jade Emperor Temple

Hualanting's consciousness snake walked, walked and stopped, came to the vicinity of the light zone, and lurked for a long while, probed the brain and continued to approach.

Stopping in front of him, he felt the situation at the edge of the light zone at close range, and he further confirmed his judgment.

Here is the formation method, the state is similar to his Ziwei Star Dou Guantian Secret Art, all of which are processed after absorbing the power of the stars.

This is easier to handle.

If you want to enter the formation silently, the difficulty is that it is easy to trigger the prohibition when you first penetrate into it. Since it is all the power of stars, Hua Lanting's consciousness immediately began to operate through visualization. .

At the beginning, he was cautious, and gradually curled starlight hung down, falling onto and enveloping the invisible and colorless Hua Lan Ting's consciousness.

Above the born-out state, the consciousness of the monk is no longer called spiritual consciousness at this time, it is generally called the original consciousness, and the thing transformed by the breath of heaven and earth spiritual energy in the body is called the original energy.

When he felt that the shape and concentration were similar to the inside of the formation, Hualanting's primordial consciousness slowly advanced into the light zone.

Everything was as usual, nothing unusual, except for a sudden chill and shivering involuntarily.

After getting used to it, his primordial consciousness moved a little bit, and gradually rose up, wanting to see what's inside from a condescending position.

The star power inside the light zone is abundant, still in the form of dense fog, and it is quietly changing with an extremely slow and seemingly regular rhythm and path.

Ascending to a height of about five feet, the four people in the distance increased the intensity of the output together, and slowly could "see" some of the internal contours clearly.

In the shadow of the shadows, this seems to be a temple, they are in the position above the second door.

Looking south, there are two stele pavilions in front of the gate of Toudao, and a stage outside. After entering the gate, there are wing rooms and guest rooms on the left and right of the first courtyard. On both sides of the second gate are the bell tower and the drum tower.

Going further in, picking up the steps, passing through the platform is the nave, and on both sides are the east and west side halls and the side halls.

After the nave is a large courtyard, at the end is the dedication hall as an altar, followed by a tall and majestic hall. On both sides of the hall are two side halls, which are called Duodian in traditional architecture.

This pattern is not too strange, and there is nothing unusual in these halls, but when Hualanting feels intently, he realizes that it is not the hall called the Jade Emperor Hall that attracts the star power, but the right side of the largest courtyard. The side hall with a length of more than ten feet long without paying much attention.

There is a plaque on the entrance of the temple, inscribed with the letter "Twenty-Eight Temple Temple".

The door of the temple was closed tightly, and a wooden sign was inlaid on the lintel with a few small characters:

Different animals are like flying stars, and hundreds of thousands are like a game of Go.

as well as:

Majestic sky,

The stars enter the sea.

Correspondence on the ground,

More than Spring and Autumn.

Hua Lanting knows that the first two sentences are taken from the poems of Du Fu and Bai Juyi respectively.

Of course he is no stranger to twenty-eight nights.

The ancients divided the starry sky into four regions, corresponding to the four elephants of Yi, namely, the Eastern Blue Dragon, the Western White Tiger, the Southern Suzaku, and the Northern Basalt. , A total of twenty-eight nights.

The Five Elementsist Yuan Tiangang brought together the twenty-eight lions and twenty-eight species of animals, and suffixed each star with the words of sun, moon, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth to form twenty-eight three. Combination of words and deification.

Could it be that the twenty-eight-tenth temple is the cardinal of the formation here, you must find out.

With twelve minutes of vigilance, Hua Lan Ting's primordial consciousness squeezed in silently through the crack of the door.

Although the temple is dark, it does not hinder consciousness to explore.

Sure enough, a clay statue of twenty-eight nights was enshrined in the temple.

Hua Lan Ting swept through one by one, and couldn't help but be amazed.

These statues are kind to old men, women are dignified, civil servants are steady, and warriors are mighty. Not only are they portrayed as lifelike, Mu Mu Yongyong, and vivid, their postures look forward to flying, the clothes and ribbons are flying gracefully, and they are magnificent and ready to show.

Even Hualan Ting, who has seen many statues of Taoist temples and Buddhist temples, feels that this place can be said to be the best in the world in terms of sculpture skills.

This made Hua Lan Ting a little forgetful, and he carefully admired the Seven Eastern Blue Dragon and Seven Sleepers that happened to be right in front of him.

The image composed of the green dragon and the seven lions resembles a blue dragon, appearing in the eastern sky during the spring equinox. They are horn, kang, di, room, heart, tail, and Ji.

The first one is Jiaomu Jiao.

The horned star can be interpreted as being located on the horn of the blue dragon. The wood refers to the wood of the blue dragon genus. The horned star means that the essence of the horned star looks like a dragon, and the dragon is similar to a dragon but has no horns.

The dragon's horn is the first charge to kill, and is the most adept at fighting.

When he was slightly distracted, he was still sighing for his lifelikeness, and he was about to say eight words. Hua Lanting suddenly felt that a line was highlighted next to him, no, it was a few extremely powerful auras.

No good, it was found!

It's really lifelike and ready to come out. It should come out right away.

That side is where the Southern Suzaku's seven lodgings are located. The head of the Suzaku's seven lodgings, the statue of Jing Muyan moved!

The statue was alive, and the strong wind blew out. It looked like a person, but it gave the crowd a feeling of dogs coming together and barking.

Jing Muya, belongs to the wood, and is a wild dog. The combined star cluster is shaped like a net, hence the name Jing. Jing Su is like a head-on net and a bottomless ocean.

This breath, the proper power of the Jade Lake Realm!

Hua Lanting was horrified, but he came back to his senses.


Run away!

Yuan Sense suddenly exited the door and returned along the path, like an electric flash.

Jing Muyan flew over like a big net supported by a dog's head, chasing after him.

When Hua Lan Ting was about to escape from the formation, Jing Muya took a shortcut from the air to catch up and threw up, like a humanoid dog with stretched limbs.

Before the person arrived, the breath had enveloped the front, back, left and right of Hualan Ting Yuanzhi.

If you cut the connection and abandon this part of your consciousness, it will not be a big problem for the Hualanting four. They will be able to recover for a period of time, so that they can escape as soon as possible in the distance.

But Hua Lan Ting refused, how could he not think about several countermeasures if he was discovered before entering.

The mind of the body in the distance moved, but it was attached to the original consciousness. The consciousness of the chameleon lizard and the octochi array spirit, which was restrained and concealed, was activated immediately, and the original consciousness wrapped in Hualanting retreats violently. In the meantime, the breath of Jing Muyan was enveloped.

Between the flashes of thoughts, the original consciousness returns to the noumenon.

The Hua Lan Ting four turned back, and Sa Yazi ran away.

The purpose of this trip is to detect the situation and should not be held back for a long time.

Er Zejing Muyan also came out of the light zone, followed by his mind, and with a whistle, there were a few more breaths in the light zone.

A Jade Lake Realm is already scary, if there are more, don't run at this time, but when will you wait.

The four rushed all the way and entered the mountain jungle, and under the cover of the undulating terrain, they flew low and fast across the treetops in the forest, in order to cover their breath and get rid of the other's mind tracking.

With the steepness and change of the mountain, Jing Muya himself didn't know if he led people to chase him up. His thoughts were intermittent, and it seemed that the mountain and forest terrain played a role, and he was expected to escape the search.

The four of them didn't dare to be careless, descended to the ground, looking for the rugged valley, and rushed to and fro.

After a while, there has been no sense of crisis like maggots attached to bones and shadows for a while, and the four of them are planning to slow down and take a rest.

At this moment, there was a deep and bursting shout from the side of a mountain that was pierced obliquely: "Find this place, then let the fish die!"

The people followed, and a black shadow suddenly jumped out. Before the four of them could see clearly, the storm-like spells came over.

This person is not Jing Muya, but he is also a great power of the Yaochi realm.

Although the four of them were not disturbed, they cooperated with each other, and each had their own abilities to fight with the incoming person.

Ping-pong-pong, you come and me, only then will you have time to see the people who come.

This person is an old man, thin and withered, with a haggard face, and a dull look. He has a kind of demeanor when he raises his hands and feet, but he seems to be injured, so that the four of them can resist without any tricks.

Without further ado, the opponent is not in the strongest state, and other strong men cannot be found here as well, so they must cut the mess quickly.

The Hua Lan Ting four have roughly figured out what is false and true, and they want to release a big move together, striving to create a chance to escape in a short time.

Unexpectedly, the old man took a step ahead of them. He jumped out of the circle with a false move. He surely glanced at them and said, "Wait, you are not from the Jade Emperor Temple. This technique, this technique, this age, you , Is it the Vientiane Gate of Freedom?"

The four of them also heard the strangeness at this time and felt something was wrong. Hua Lanting clasped his fists: "Yes, I'm from the Vientiane Gate, dare to ask you always?"

The old man felt sad: "Then you must know Duguyong, Luo Shuiying, Shi Wuming, Chao Jishuai, Hang Yinian, Xue Bing and Feng Lai."

It turned out to be him!

Although Hua Lanting and the others had only one relationship with the Duguyong Seven, they were deeply impressed, how they could not remember the seven disciples of the Starlock Changkong Sect.

Then this person should be the contemporary sect master of the Starlock Longkong Sect and the big brother of the seven, Mu Fengyin.

"You are the senior Mu Feng Yinmu? It's really a flood of water rushing into the Dragon King Temple. The younger Hua Lanting and the three seniors are polite."

"The old man is Mu Fengyin. Why are you here?"

Although Hua Lan Ting did not completely let go of his guard, the two continents have now met with swordsmen and soldiers. There is nothing to hide. He only said that the four of them mixed in to listen to the news, alarmed the people in the Jade Emperor Temple and were hunted down. .

Mu Feng's face was shocked: "After so many years of retreat, I have finally broken through. Has the world changed? You can reach the state of birth in your thirties? Can you easily enter the central patio? Old man, sure enough, are you old? …"

Lin Xian was shocked to see Mu Fengyin looking haggard, UU reading turned the subject away: "Senior, you always venture in to spy on intelligence? Didn't the other seven accompany you?"

Mu Fengyin suddenly slumped, the momentum of the Yaochi realm disappeared, and he turned into an old man who was about to die. He sat down slowly with his hands on the rock wall, tears streaming down:

"They, they are no longer there. The white-haired man gives the black-haired man to the old man, why is it so embarrassing!"

"What?!" The four exclaimed in unison.

"You also know that the seven of them came to my retreat and waited for me to leave. I first ascended to the Yaochi realm when I was a hundred years old. I told the old man about you."

"The eight of us are called brothers, and the old man is much older. In fact, we love father and son like father and daughter. I originally imagined that we could bring the seven to revive the prestige of the teacher, but unexpectedly, we will become a permanent formula."

"Because the old man wanted to stabilize his realm and settle a few grievances, he asked them to return to the sect to wait, but half a day later they received an emergency call for help."

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