The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 387: 1 shot back to the horse

"It's already too late when I rush over."

"They, unfortunately, encountered the first army of monks invaded by the Thick Earth Continent."

"The evil tiger is no match for a pack of wolves, let alone the seven of them. Poor, in the end they couldn't even find the bones."

"The old man's hatred is hard to calm. Although he has repeatedly ambushed the monks of the thick soil mainland who are few people alone, it is still difficult to understand the overwhelming hatred in my heart. A difference in thought, my old man has harmed them."

Seeing Mu Feng's grief, Yi Liunian couldn't bear it, and walked over to help him: "Senior, people die like a lamp, and people can't come back to life after death. Please keep your sorrow and change."

Mu Fengyin's face was blank, and he muttered: "Cultivating immortals is vague, and there is no hope of eternal life. Is there no future life as a human being? If it is not for the full vengeance, I really want to go with them so that I can reincarnate as soon as possible and get together again."

"Amitabha Buddha", Zhuge Yun explained, "Predecessors, life has birth, old age, sickness, and death, minds have birth, abiding, difference, and extinction, the world has spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and the world has success, dwelling, and degeneration. , Emptiness, everything in the universe is cyclical."

"Life is not the beginning, and death is not the end. Sunrise and sunset will come again when they go. People will have hope in the next life. The cycle of cause and effect. If there is predestined relationship, they will meet each other."

"People have the mystery of the yin, because they can't see the future with their own eyes, so I don't believe that there is an afterlife."

"Actually, the air people can't see it, and the sound wave people can't see it. Kindness and love are also invisible and colorless, but can you say that they don't exist, and they don't exist?"

Hua Lanting also somehow comforted Mu Fengyin, who has become a lonely but lonely old man who has grown up to cultivate, think about the eight people of the Starlock Longkong Sect who all like poetry and prose, then said:

"Senior, the sun yesterday can't dry today's clothes, please cheer up. Don't you smell--

A mayfly is alive in life, and in a blink of an eye, the aconitum changes its head.

How long can it be in a hundred years? There is no reason for a bullshit.

Where was Chu Han back then? Xiao Cao has been fully rested in the past.

When you drink alcohol, you must drink, and Qingshan will laugh and worry. "

Mu Feng smiled bitterly: "Well, there is no reason for a nonsense... Yes, the old man still has not finished his business."

Lin Xianjing thought that for a person to get rid of pain as soon as possible, he needs to divert his attention to other things, so he asked:

"Senior, did you find anything after you came in?"

"This is the hatred of destroying the door. How can the old man give up, knowing that two fists are hard to fight against four hands, and no matter how many enemies are killed, it will not help, so he sneaked into the central patio with the secret method of the teacher, like you, hope to find Useful information is provided to the Four Breaks Alliance, so that it may be able to solve the problem from the root."

"There are some clues to the matter, so I just want to share it with you."

"Could there be a problem with that Jade Emperor Temple?" Lin Xian asked in surprise.


Mu Fengyin said: "My Star Lock Changkong Zong was once brilliant in the past, and the two most proud skills are the unique secrets of stargazing and formation."

"Unfortunately, if you want to achieve the ultimate in these two martial arts, you need at least the cultivation base of the Yaochi realm. Later, due to the decline of sect talents, few people have done it. Although the techniques have not been lost, there are none that can be used."

"The old man is fortunate. One is that his understanding of the principles and mechanisms of stargazing and formation has surpassed the previous generations, and the other is that he has recently advanced and can barely try to use it."

"In my opinion, the key to the Tianyi School and Taihe Sect's use of the central patio lies in the twenty-eight-seat temple in the Jade Emperor Temple."

"You mean, by absorbing the power of the starry sky, the Twenty-Eight Sudden Temple can break through the barrier between the two continents with a formation method, so that the Thick Earth Continent can enter directly?" Hua Lanting asked.

Mu Fengyin shook his head: "I am not sure of the real situation. But it is obvious that a large formation of twenty-eight nights, and it is not enough to call it that first. Based on my exploration and inference, there should be twenty-eight in the central patio. The same Jade Emperor Temple, with such battles, can only have this power."

The four took a breath, twenty-eight! The Tianyi School and Taihe Sect have been conspiring for a long time.

Yi Liunian was excited: "Senior, now that the crux is found, you said, with our strength, not to mention destroying the Jade Emperor Temple, it is always possible to destroy it? As far as I know, no matter what kind of formation, once It will be unsustainable if there is a defect."

Mu Fengyin shook his head again: "Young man, what you think is too simple. Listen to the old man."

"The first point. It is not too difficult to draw the power of the stars. But the group of statues in the Temple of the Twenty-Eight Suspension are very magical, and it can decompose the cold and lonely air in it."

"You know, these stars have not existed in the universe for hundreds of millions of years. Even if they are only the power ingested from afar, the accumulation is extremely terrifying. These cold and lonely star powers are particularly difficult and difficult to resolve."

"The second point is that the formation of the Jade Emperor Temple has another mystery in blessing the monks with the help of the star power absorbed by the Temple of Twenty-Eight Sustains."

"In other words, the twenty-eight statues in the Twenty-Eight-East Temple are all high-ranking monks of the Tianyi Sect and Taihe Sect, or the loyal party members they snare. Most of these people only have the Profound Bead and the Born-born Realm, but they are blessed in the formation. Below, it can be raised to the level of different stages of the Jade Lake Realm."

"Think about it, there are twenty-eight people, twenty-eight Jade Emperor Temples, and there are as many as 784 Jade Lake Realm powers who stayed in them to keep the formations running..."

Hearing this, the four of them no longer took a breath, even if these people can't leave the formation, this lineup is shocking to the world, this formation is unheard of.

Mu Fengyin continued: "Nothing is perfect or impeccable. In order to test, the old man has broken into or infiltrated several times, and found some flaws, and of course he was injured as a result."

"For example, in the twenty-eight temples of each Jade Emperor Temple, there is only one with the highest cultivation base and the strongest vitality, and only seven statues in a certain direction can move freely, and the others are in a dormant state to maintain the formation. Running."

"For another example, these people's Yaochi cultivation base depends on the formation, so they are temporarily promoted to this level. There is still a big gap between their strength and the real Yaochi state. If they consume too much, they will fall back to their original cultivation base. ."

"Also, they can't leave the Jade Emperor Temple too far, otherwise they won't be able to maintain it. That's why I hide here. They will not easily go deep into this distance to hunt and hunt."

"Finally, I estimate that the evil star power they rely on should be harmful to the body. Once the formation fails as a whole, these people may hardly die well."

"The third point, the old man will answer the little brother's question just now."

"From what the old man’s formation has learned, the 28 Jade Emperor Temples, the 28 Group Statue Temples, and even the same kind of stars in the 28 places must be interconnected. This is the real one. It's a headache."

"Specifically, if a statue is destroyed, a deity is dead, even if it is a few, it has little effect on the formation. Even if a Jade Emperor Temple stops functioning, the remaining 27 formations can still have enough. Completeness, so as to exert sufficient effect."

"Moreover, because of the close and complex connection between each other, the damaged area can be repaired quickly."

"Is there no way to crack it?" Yi Liunian asked.

Mu Fengyin shook his head for the third time: "Perhaps, there are several I can think of. However, it is too difficult."

"The first one is to gather enough manpower to attack all at the same time, at least most of the Jade Emperor Temple, and be able to destroy it."

"Obviously, you know how difficult it is for Monk Xianzhou to enter the central patio. How can it be possible to silently get such a large number of monks in?"

"In addition, the locations of the twenty-eight Jade Emperor Temples are very secretive, and they are still moving. With people, it may not be possible to find all the locations of the Jade Emperor Temples."

"Furthermore, the opponent is the twenty-eight Yaochi powers within the formation, how can we break through without a higher number of high-level powerhouses?"

The four of them looked at each other, this is an impossible task.

"The second type is to destroy a certain star in the same position in the twenty-eight temples at the same time. In other words, if all Jingmuya fall in a similar time, then the twenty-eight constellations will be weakened as a whole due to incompleteness, and some Killing has no effect."

"The third type is to cut the connection between the 28 Jade Emperor Temple formations at the same time."

The four people poked their mouths and barked their teeth, and the difficulty of the second and third methods was not much smaller than that of the first.

Everyone raised their eyebrows and gathered together for a small discussion.

If what Mu Fengyin said is true, the situation is clear, but they can't solve it.

Hua Lanting and Lin Xianjing decided to send the news back first, and then stay in the central patio for three days, further confirm and try to detect more information before they withdraw.

Lin Xian asked Mu Fengyin in surprise: "Senior, if we want to find out the specific locations of the 28 Jade Emperor Temples, do you always have any suggestions?"

"This is also the reason why the old man stayed and didn't leave. The people in this area have already been figured out. No matter how far away they are, they are really incapable."

"There are also tricks. One is to calculate with the heavenly secret technique. The old man will not. It is estimated that this large-scale and powerful formation has a very high defensive power, and it is not what you can do."

"Another method. Since every twenty-eight-tenth temple is connected, it is possible to find clues from it. If you can figure out the law of the movement of the formation, it would be but the old man has tried several times. When they were discovered by the other party, they were too crowded and couldn't beat them."

Lin Xian said in surprise: "You are a single figure and hard to sing with a lone palm. It is better for us to cooperate and move the tiger away from the mountain first, and attract the seven gods on duty outside the temple. The other stars are dormant. You can send another person to the temple to detect it. ."

Mu Fengyin looked at them: "The four boys are strong, but Qixu is the seven Yaochi realm. Even if it is a fat man with a swollen face, the old man doesn't want to watch you lose your lives."

"Don't worry about this, we know in our hearts that we are not desperate, and it is okay to entangle for a while. What I am worried about is that the opponent has been alarmed, will they send additional personnel to guard and search us?"

"Not in my experience."

"First, the Houtu Continent is also facing a lot of pressure and is struggling in manpower; second, they are extremely confident in their formation, thinking that a few salted fish cannot pose a serious threat, and this huge formation is not afraid of local destruction."

"That's good, let's plan, turn around and kill, and return the carbine."

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