The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 436: Stubborn

Arles is a disciple and a proud disciple of the sage Picchensau. He is a rude, bloodthirsty man and a habitual warrior. He is a big boss on the other side. He was transferred back and arranged a spare job, in order to let him practice with peace of mind, and at the same time stay by his side or give him personal advice at any time.

Arles has another task tonight. He originally planned to take a nap first. Suddenly he wanted to be together for some reason, his head was hot, and the gluttons wanted to eat roasted whole lamb. Even he himself was a little inexplicable, but he didn't care too much about it. Think carefully.

There are always more rules on the sacred mountain than when outside, and he is not comfortable with it anytime and anywhere. In addition, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit advocates not to suppress people's desires too much, and believes that desire is the source of promoting the progress of the world. power.

Therefore, when he smelled the mutton smell floating in and the attractive aroma of the condiments, Arles couldn't help but shake his apple a few times, and the halazi was about to flow out. He waved his hand to let them in.

Just taking a look at Abu's best friend and Hua Lanting from the corner of his eye, Arles shifted his gaze to the golden and fragrant roasted whole lamb.

Abu’s best friend is as fat as a hill, and is almost stronger than a fat sheep. Hualanting’s Aunt Miao’s face is like a dry bark. Arles is really disgusting. He deliberately calls two concubines after the big meal. Coming over to serve, he threw out two spirit stones and said, "It's my best friend, the animal clothes have grown again. You have been working hard all night, so let's go back."

The reason why Abu's best friend has eaten the figure that was once slender with a waist and a full grip is so stalwart, in fact, it is also a wonderful way to protect yourself in the land of tiger and wolf.

She had nothing to do with her, and while she had nothing to say, she unloaded the fat sheep with Hua Lan Ting, and awkwardly arranged it for Arles on the table.

Arles was a little impatient and waved his hand to drive the two out. Somehow, his head suddenly became dizzy, the world turned around, his body crooked, and his head was lying motionless on the fat sheep's face.

Arles was taken.

Arles has a good cultivation base, and has the strength close to the Jade Pond Realm. However, the chameleon lizard and the Octopus Array Spirit, who have recently broken through, are also very strong.

The two of them are not enough, and the four sons of Tianji are assisting with the technique of Tianji. If it is still not good, the last bit of Ambergris King’s leftover is put in the roast lamb and the condiment.

Everyone worked together enough for him to drink a pot.

If something goes wrong, Hualan Ting is a real Yaochi realm cultivation base, plus the cat demon, child rat, and tortoiseshell tyrannosaurus, it can also be unexpected and restrain the opponent without disturbing others.

Arles was stunned.

There is not enough time tonight, there is no time for a little interrogation. Besides, the suppression of Arles by the dragon lizards is also very strenuous. It will not last long. Hualan Ting simply launched the soul search technique directly. Anyway, it is full-time everywhere. The hands of Arles who suppressed the rebellion were stained with the blood of the herdsmen in the Holy Land. They belonged to the people who are full of evil and surviving, and are not worthy of pity.

Poor Arles is about to rise to the level of Yaochi, and is expected to climb to the holy mountain state of the sacred religion in his lifetime, and enter the list of candidates for the future three holy mountains of the Myoko Sacred Land, only to be overwhelmed by a fat sheep roasted to the outside and tender inside. It can be regarded as his retribution.

With Hualanting's brutal and rude soul search, Arles was gradually dying from torture, and his mind was stirred into a mass of paste.

While performing the operation, Hua Lanting shared the relevant useful information with Lin Xianjing and others: "Yes."

"The Three Sacred Mountains have a secret plan that Mimi has been executing in secret for a long time and has yielded initial results. The purpose is to quickly create a group of young superpowers for future battles on Shuxuanxianzhou and other continents. "

"The Three Sacred Mountains have always been plagued by the low number of meditations and insufficient high-end combat power. In the process of fighting with the Tianma Devil Land Bridge over the years, bad things have turned into good things, allowing them to slowly explore and figure out a series of magneto-magnetic storms. Way."

"You're just a small test of the formation like the one we broke through. The most powerful thing is the secret method of cultivating young and powerful people."

"The people cultivated by this plan are called'Holy Warriors'."

"After countless failures and the deaths of tens of thousands of test products, we finally have phased results. So far, nearly 100 people have succeeded."

"Don't underestimate this one hundred people. How old is this old guy in Arles? He should be two hundred years younger. These holy warriors are no worse than us. Some are younger than us, but they all have the Profound Bead Realm. The left and right repairs, and all of them are cold-blooded and cruel, only knowing to kill."

"Those hundred people on other continents are not enough to control the situation. The key is that the Three Sacred Mountains already have mass production methods, which is terrible. Think about it, thousands of them, and they can continue to produce. The high-level killing machine makes people shudder."

"Of course, there is a benefit in everything, and there must be a disadvantage."

"The Sacred Warriors have strong attack power and extremely strong protection. They are immune to most of the attacks of cultivation techniques. But on the one hand, the price they pay for this is that they will have a serious overdraft of vitality, and they will not survive long without going to the battlefield. They don't know it themselves."

"On the other hand, once the protection is breached, the Sage Warrior will quickly lose combat effectiveness and become a useless person, unable to recover through continued practice and pill treatment. It basically consumes the opponent's cannon fodder."

"But these people are of too high a rank. No single school can withstand such a confrontation. If the number can really keep up, it will be an absolute threat to any continent."

"Abu Sharjah is one of them and one of the first successful trials."

Lin Xian was shocked and thought for a while and said: "We can't solve this matter now. This important news must be reported to the door and the various factions in Xianzhou can be prepared early. The top priority is to rescue Abu Sharjah and bring him back intact. With a real object for research, everyone can always come up with a solution to deal with it."

"Where are the people in Abu Sharjah now? Is there a way to get close?"

Hua Lanting frowned and replied, "Difficult. This plan is very confidential. Only the Three Sacred Mountains themselves and a handful of high-level figures from the Sacred Mountains can understand the details and participate in the specific operations. Arles only knows the general situation and is not qualified yet. And smell the details of training."

Lin Xian was surprised and said again: "No, it's not about getting a training method, but trying to find Abu Sharjah and take it out."

Hua Lanting didn't answer, he was cruel, and continued to search for souls. Finally, his eyes lit up and said, "There is a door."

"The road to heaven is infinite. Although Arles did not intervene deeply, as a close friend of the plan leader, Picenso, was appointed a peripheral task, which is to search for and capture suitable strong men in the rebellion from the outside to become Death row prisoners, after the seal must be cultivated, they will hone their offensive and defensive capabilities and martial skills by training the saints and the warriors."

"Late night tonight happened to be an opportunity. Arles was going to send in a few people who had been captured recently. The name of Abu Sharjah was on the list to accept the battle."

Lin Xian said in surprise, "That's good. Lan Ting and Abu's girlfriends are posing as death row prisoners, so that they can see the child. Once they succeed, they will find a way to escape from the mountain. Lan Ting, don't kill Arles, leave him in a sigh of relief. , And point to him to take us in."

Hua Lanting nodded.

Lin Xian was shocked and thoughtful, and interrogated the situation of the rear mountain in Arles, the location of the holy warrior, and the current situation of the holy mountain's mighty Picenso, and then formulated several plans based on this, and waited for the time to start. action.

In the second half of the night, Arles, who was restrained in his consciousness and unable to resist, went out. First he went to the death row and picked up a few criminals who were targets for practice. Two of them were replaced by Hualanting and Abu’s girlfriends in the dark. Into the depths of the back mountain.

The holy warrior was placed in a place within the hinterland of the back mountain. Arles personally came forward. There was no trouble on the road. After arranging other people, he led the two to find Abu Sharjah.

Everyone has his own residence, and there is an independent venue for performing martial arts.

Abu Sharjah looks great and looks powerful. He let Arles in and laughed: "I'm working, I'm so bored these days, I just move my muscles and bones."

Some demented Arles did not say anything, but the agitated and uncontrollable Abu girlfriend exclaimed impatiently: "Brother Sharjah, I finally saw you. See who I am? Let my sister take a good look at you. ."

Abu Sharjah's face was dumbfounded. He didn't know this person. Isn't this voice the same as his sister Abu's girlfriend, whom he was thinking about.

Abu's best friend was removed from her disguise, revealing her original face.

When the brothers and sisters met, they were crying and crying.

After the excitement, Abu Sharjah asked: "I want to die my brother. Bi Shengshan once said that I will meet with you in a while. Tonight, this is the Arles lord who brought you in?"

Abu’s girlfriend said: "Fart! Whatever he does, I don’t care about Picasso, I don’t care if you are safe. Brother, to make a long story short, get ready, hurry up with me and run away."

I don’t want Abu Sharjah to take a step back, watch Arles and Hualan Ting vigilantly, and stare at Abu’s best friend: "What’s the matter? Are you crazy, sister? The Three Sacred Mountains treat me well, teach me to practice, and give me With a powerful force, Bi Shengshan promised to let me go home soon, and lead the Aken tribe to fight for the holy mountain, recreating the glory of the Abu family in the past."

This time it was Abu's best friend stunned.

Lin Xianjing and Hua Lanting had basically imagined the various situations that might be encountered in and out, but they didn't expect Abu Sharjah to say these things.

According to the performance of Abu's best friends, they take it for granted that Abu Sharjah should also bury the hatred of the Three Sacred Mountains. In the mountains, the sacred mountain will emerge as soon as the time comes.

It seems that they are wrong.

Indeed, Abu Sharjah was an ignorant child when he entered the mountain. Over the years, he was completely brainwashed by the Three Holy Mountains. Now he is a disciple of the Holy Mountain and believes in the lies of the Three Holy ~ Abu’s girlfriend was shocked and anxious, and said angrily: "Brother, are you confused! Are you faint! The Three Sacred Mountains slaughtered our tribe, slaughtered our people, and slaughtered us arbitrarily. The chief and eldest brother and second sister were sent out by them. East invasion, already dead. You, how can you recognize the thief as the father!"

Abu Sharjah shook his head: "You are wrong, my sister. Everything the Three Sacred Mountain does is to find a new living space for the Holy Land tribe, and the sacrifice for this is avoided. You and I are great Abu The descendants of the family should charge forward regardless of life and death. This is our glory."

The two of you argued with each other.

Hua Lanting shook his head in his heart when he heard it. It was obvious that the poison was deep and stubborn.

Time is running out, so join by yourself and convince Abu Sharjah with logical presentation of facts and reasoning as soon as possible.


If common sense, justice, logic, and reasoning are always useful, then what else must be done...

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