The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 435: Char-grilled whole lamb

If you don't see the coffin, you can't cry. Since people have said that fire prevention, theft and prevention of girlfriends are popular in the market, who knows that this girl is not cheating herself?

Hua Lanting pretended to be silly and stunned: "What is it? Miss girlfriend, how can you not understand your aunt? I haven't seen it for so many years. Aunt Miao, I have nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Palace. I really have something to ask for."

Abu’s best friend shrinks her pupils and her eyes are like needles: "I’m not honest. Although I have been up to the mountain for many years and I have not returned to the tribe for a long time, I still remember things clearly when I was young. I don’t know about other places. Look at the Aken tribe and the Nuoda tribe. On the grassland, there is no sycamore tree at all. Although I am fat, I don’t want to rub the sand in my eyes. I want to fool me with a five barrel?"

Hua Lanting sneered: "Miss, my girlfriend, isn't that a hurdle? I'm bluffing those big bosses, I can't tell you that you can fire a cannon when you get out of five tubes."

Abu’s girlfriend smiled and looked straight at Hualanting: "Return Aunt Miao, right? Don’t admit it yet."

"Well, I might as well tell you that my best friend has a natural ability. No matter who I am, as long as I have taken a picture of this person, I can remember the person’s voice, face, smile, and demeanor. Ten, plus my sense of smell is better than that of a dog, I know if you are aunt meow."

Hua Lanting was surprised, and simply stopped pretending, anyway, the purpose of coming was to recognize and show Abu brothers and sisters out, and the mystery couldn't continue.

He dispelled his disguise, restored his original appearance, and said with a serious face: "Girlfriends, in the Hualan Court, Vientiane Gate, Xuanxianzhou, Xiashu, I have been entrusted by Arkansas, your brother Abu Dhabi, and your sister Abu Jixiu. Rescue you and Abu Sharjah from the sacred mountain."

Abu’s best friend did not have the surprise and excitement that Hualanting expected. Instead, she fumbled and leaned on the red cloth quilt that was piled up high behind her. She folded her hands and narrowed her eyes: "Come again, you don’t bother me, I’m also annoyed. Woolen cloth."

"For so many years, since I went up the mountain as a hostage, I was sent to Xiangji Kitchen because I didn't have the talent for cultivation. The Holy Mountain sent people to pretend to be a clansman to test me several times. After so long, I did this again. Is it interesting?"

"To be honest, take 10,000 steps, even if I am dissatisfied with the holy mountain oppressing the tribe, what can I do?"

"I have seen the power of meditation on the holy mountain here, and I live a leisurely life and eat a heart-warming and fat body. Both the external and the tribal family, and the internal and Sharjah brothers, all have been unable to communicate for many years. One hand is only the power to tie the chicken and slaughter the sheep. What storms can be turned up?"

"You guys are full of food, do you have nothing to do? Are you boring enough to have fun in role-playing?"

Hualanting was speechless.

In just a few words, he heard that Abu’s best friend has not been easy these years—as a hostage to be a sacred mountain, long-term away from relatives and swaying in the back kitchen alone, a girl’s body is shaped like this, it’s still not possible. Cultivation, maybe there is no idea of ​​resistance in my heart...

In any case, do what you have promised, first pick out the words clearly and see the situation.

Without further delay, Hua Lanting flipped his hand, took out the token that Arkansas gave him before he died, and said, "Abu girlfriend, look, what is this."

Abu’s girlfriend took it, first glanced, and did not speak for a while, she held the token tightly in her hand, and closed her eyes for a long time without saying a word.

For a long time, there were tears in her eyes, she suddenly opened her eyes, and murmured: "This can't be wrong!"

"Before the ancestors of the family passed away, they would drip blood on it. The feeling of having a strong blood line from generation to generation can't be wrong!"

Afterwards, she tremblingly asked, "So, the rumors are true? Most of the radicals and elder brothers and sisters died in Shuxuanxianzhou... If this thing was given involuntarily, it is in the hands of non-Abu family members. If you don’t stay for long, your blood will inevitably dissipate."

Hua Lanting sighed, and there was no need to conceal the matter at this time, so he briefly explained how he met the Arkansas and Abu brothers and sisters, and finally said: "I promise to save your brothers and sisters out, and wait for the opportunity to lead the tribe. Overthrow the rule of the Three Sacred Mountains, avenge the chief and your brothers and sisters, and restore the glory of the tribe of the Holy Land."

Abu’s girlfriend sobbed for a while suppressing her voice, and quickly wiped away her tears, and simply said: "Let’s talk about it, what do you plan to do and what I need to do."

"As a member of the Akon tribe and the children of the Abu family, my best friend, Abu, takes revenge on the holy mountain as my own duty. , But I believe in the prophecies of the major heads that the glory of the tribe of the Holy Land and the glory of the family will return sooner or later!"

Hua Lanting stretched his hands: "It's true that I don't know why most of the radicals predicted that the opportunity came from the east and the opportunity lies with me. What I can do at present is to try to save you and Abu Sharjah. Now I have found you smoothly. Do you know where your brother is?"

Abu’s girlfriend said: “After they brought me and my brother Sharjah up the mountain many years ago, they were under house arrest at first and let us do some handyman duties. Later, they tested us for some reason. I pretended that I had no ability to understand the art of meditation. With the appearance of understanding, they gave up on me, but my brother was taken into the back mountain, and there has been no news ever since."

"If I want to live, I can only behave in a muddle-headed manner and wait to die. After a long time, they no longer pay attention to me and let me hang around here. I was living well in Xiangji Kitchen, and I also found some opportunities. I know the meditations everywhere in the mountain, but no matter how I look into it, there is no definite news about Sharjah's brother, only that he is not dead."

Hua Lanting pondered: "This is troublesome. I don't have much time. If I can't find Abu Sharjah after doing my best, I have to take you away first."

"Just you come in alone?" Abu's girlfriend asked.

"I still have companions to respond, but my strength is limited. I have to go in and out quickly."

Abu’s best friend said: “There is a situation. I heard them say that the land bridge has changed. Two sacred mountain masters led a lot of people down the mountain to check it. At this time, it should be a time when the mountain is relatively empty.”

Hua Lanting said: "This is good news, but I don't know much about the specific situation inside the sacred mountain. It is really difficult to detect the news of Abu Sharjah and rescue him in a short time. By the way, which two are they? The holy mountain has left?"

The Myoko Sacred Land, the Three Sacred Mountains, represents more than one meaning.

The Three Sacred Mountains, first of all, is a collective name, the unified name for the meditation forces that currently rule the Myoko Sacred Land.

Secondly, the Three Sacred Mountains refer to the three forces.

The Three Sacred Mountains is a meditation organization formed by the unity of three religious forces similar to the cultivation sects of other continents. It is called Tiansheng Sect, Earth Sage Sect, and Ming Sage Sect.

Third, the Three Sacred Mountains often refer to three people, that is, the heads of the three forces are respected as the Sacred Mountains.

At present, the leader of Tianshengjiao is named Fanai, the leader of Earthshengjiao is named Miyouyuqiluo, and the master of Mingshengjiao is named Pichengsu. The strong.

Abu’s best friend replied: “It’s Fan Ai and Mi Melancholy Kira who are walking. Picchensuo, who usually doesn’t show up very much, stays behind. I heard them talk about trail rumors. This Pichensuo is hurt and has been in the back mountains for a long time. Stay in seclusion, heal and practice."

Hua Lanting thought for a while: "Girlfriend, you just said that you have some contact with the holy mountain. Think about it, is there any way I can get into the back mountain? Live, maybe you can ask about the whereabouts of Abu Sharjah."

"No matter how difficult it is, I have to give it a try. For the sake of the present, I want to quickly save people when the other party is empty. All I can think of is this."

Abu’s best friend turned her mind and said: “The Xiangji Kitchen is responsible for purchasing ingredients and processing, and providing food for all parts of the holy mountain. No one I can know is a high-level person.”

"Going to the back mountain is no better than the front mountain. The investigation and defense are very strict. There are several levels of checkpoints and several arrays along the way to scan and identify, especially the innermost level. If there is no summon and warrant, people in the front mountain will die."

"Let me think... there is, there really is such a one."

"This person is called Arles. He was originally responsible for fighting abroad and suppressing the resistance of the tribes from all over the country. He has only recently been transferred to Houshan to take up an important position. He likes roasting whole lamb the most, but my other cooking skills are commonplace. The roasting of whole lamb is the best, and Arles will often order it and let me prepare it for him. I have seen him a few times because of this."

"The problem is that it's a matter of chance. Who knows when Arles will come in. I have no reason or way to ask for the sheep to be fed to him."

Hua Lan Ting was also puzzled.

At this time, Lin Xian was shocked and called him in the sky and blue smoke.

After communicating, Hua Lanting asked Abu's best friend: "Do you have anything in your hand? Arles touched it, as long as you have his breath."

"This happens to be. The iron drills he uses for skewers are sent back to be cleaned every time. They are specially used for special drills. After washing, there should be residual breath."

"Then it will be easy, you can bring it to me."

It turned out that Lin Xianjing and the others had an idea after listening to the dialogue between Hua Lanting and Abu's best friend in Qingyan Yuli.

With the improvement of the cultivation base and the recent exchanges and training in the Vientiane Gate after the gathering, the Tianji four sons have made new progress in the cooperation of the Tianji technique.

The secret technique of heavenly secrets, mysterious and mysterious, as long as there is something that retains the breath of Arles, as long as Arles is not at a very high level of cultivation or proficient in the magical techniques of heaven, the four of them will be able to seduce Arles in the underworld after casting the spell together. Greedy, made him think of eating roasted whole lamb.

In this way, they have the opportunity to enter the back mountain.

This trick worked. It didn't take long for someone in Houshan to order that Arles would eat whole lamb roasted on charcoal from Abu's best friend.

Abu’s best friend immediately started, and then, as before, brought a helper, Hualanting, and the two carried the roasted whole lamb and the utensils and ingredients for the meal and rushed to the back of the mountain.

With the special waist cards issued by Arles, the two were not subjected to too strict inspections along the way, and passed through several passes before arriving outside the house where Arles lived.

After Abu’s best friend signed up at the door, Hua Lanting, who still looked like Aunt Miao behind her, took a deep breath and exhaled. In his heart, Lin Xianjing and others were ready to see the mobile hand raid, and opened the door together and took a step. And into.

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