The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 718: The Land of Returning to the Spirit and Inheriting

The list of materials for making quantum jade core listed by Yanzi has a total of nine items.

Among them, there is only one main ingredient, waste source crystal.

It is the kind of source crystal that has used up the source energy. It must be natural, and the quasi-planet or planet-level powerhouse will not be condensed after death.

In addition, six of the other eight materials are produced by Spirit Star, and they are not too expensive materials.

The only trouble now is the lack of these two.

These two are names, Xu Tui heard it for the first time.

One material is called meteor ash, and the other material is called amethyst crystal.

In Bluestar's knowledge system, these two kinds of materials do not exist. After Yanzi's explanation, Xu Tui roughly understood the output and source of these two kinds of materials.

According to Yanzi, the amount of these two materials in the quantum jade core is very small, only a little is needed, but they are very critical.

No, absolutely not!

Both materials have something to do with the evolution of the universe.

According to Yanzi, meteor ash is a kind of paste produced when the stars fall. After experiencing the various energy quenching of the falling stars, the properties will be very stable.

It can be said to be the key stabilizer of quantum jade core.

Amethyst crystals, which generally come from the inner core of a planet, are the toughest substances found so far.

Without its enhanced bearing, the quantum array core cannot withstand repeated strong energy shocks, and at the same time, it is also one of the key substances connecting the energy inside the planet.

As long as it is used, after the quantum transmission channel is formed in a special way, it can continuously absorb the energy of the planet itself from the interior of the planet and maintain its own operation.

Generally speaking, these two materials appear around the crashed or exploded star. According to the state of floating in space, in theory, it is possible that the spiritual star may also exist.

Therefore, Xu Tui came to look for the Empress Ling at the first time.

Yanzi gave Xu Hui relevant features and images.

"Have you ever seen these two things in Lingji Star?" Xu Tui asked Linghou.

Ling Hou watched for a while, then slowly shook his head, "I haven't seen it before."

"Let the Ant-Man Antmon under your command search the entire Spirit Star and find clues about these two items, including the clues of the source crystal ore, and you will be rewarded with 100 grams of source crystal when they find it." Xu Tui said.

The Queen's eyes lit up slightly, although this reward was not too tempting to him, but 100 grams of source crystals was a lot.

"Good lord."

"How long will it take to complete?"

The Queen thought for a while and reported a number, "Sir, it will take five days."

"Okay, I'll wait for you for five days."

These two materials are related to the production of quantum jade core, so Xu Tui can't hang himself on a tree after the spirit.

There is a probability of finding it on the Spirit Star, but the probability of not being found on the Spirit Star is even greater.

"Huang, use the remote sensing quantum radars of Lingwei 1 and Lingwei 2 to search for floating objects and passing celestial objects in the surrounding space.

If you find any characteristics that match these two things, let me know right away!

In addition, I will order Lavis to go to Lingweiyi to stand by, and if there is any discovery, and the Hunter disc fighter can't intercept it, he will be launched immediately. " Xu Tui said.


When Xu Tui gave Ah Huang the order, the Queen Ling also reported to Xu Tui again, "Sir, the order has been given.

In the past few days, the movements of the ant commander and the ant general may be frequent, and only they can control the countless ant beasts. "

Xu Tui nodded, "Empress of the Spirit, the lifespan of an ant beast is usually ten years, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Hou immediately thought of something, and his huge eyes trembled suddenly.

"Sir, do you want to..."

"Previously, the Mechanical Spirit Clan set the period for the ant beast to return to the spirit of seven years. If the ant beast's lifespan is only ten years, then we hope that these ant beasts can also return to the spirit before they die," Xu Tui said.

Guiling refers to the fact that when the Mechanical Spirit Race was breeding and controlling them, all Ant Beasts must enter the Yunling Center when they are seven years old, and then they will be programmed to die.

After death, all the spirits will be collected by the equipment in the Yunling Center, and finally gathered in the silver box in the spirit room.

This thing, the value is very important.

If this method is used on one's own species, such as the Blue Star-like humans raised by the Spirit Race, Xu Tui will not use it.

But when it is used on Ant Beast, Xu Hui will not have any burden on his heart!

Think about it, a few days ago, Xu Tui liberated the Ant-Man family, but now, he wants the Ant-Man to return to the spirit again.

There is a sense of sight that a teenager who slaughtered a dragon in just a few days has become an evil dragon.

After looking at the spirit, Xu Tui added, "Of course, you can return to the spirit after you grow up to eight or even nine years old without having to use seven years."

The Queen of Spirit looked at Xu Tui with her huge eyes, "Sir, there is no problem with the ant beast returning to the spirit. Fundamentally speaking, the ant beast is not my kind at all.

There is no need to let them live to the age of eight or nine before returning to the spirit, seven years old can, even six-year-old ant beasts can return.

However, on the side of Ant-Man, I hope the adults can think about it and give us more time. "

The Queen's words made Xu Tui a little surprised. Xu Tui didn't expect that the time when the ant beasts returned to the spirit would not matter to the Queen.

"Tell me about your request?" Xu Tui asked, thinking of another question, and quickly asked Ah Huang to check, and let Ah Huang check the number of ant beasts in the machine star each year.

"Sir, Ant-Man is my same kind, but Ant-Man grows slowly, I hope Master can delay the return time of ordinary Ant-Man and Ant-General collectively.

Ant Shuai's policy of killing one out of ten, I hope the adults can change it and be more relaxed. "After being controlled by the Mechanical Spirit Race for so many years, the spirit queen's personality has been worn away, and she is only cautious, and she does not dare to directly mention the conditions.

Distressed for three seconds.

"Be specific?"

The queen's huge eyes rolled, "Sir, the ant beasts in the evolutionary realm have to return to the spirit before the age of twenty-five. I hope to postpone it to the age of thirty. The ant generals will return to the spirit randomly after the age of thirty. , I hope it can be postponed until the age of forty.

As for the ant commander's policy of killing every 10 and 1, can adults add 1 15 to 1, or 1 to 13. "

Hearing the Queen's tone, Xu Tui felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

This is the weaklings!

This is the weak race that is controlled and enslaved in the universe. Even the conditions are so pitiful!

Seeing that Xu Tui was silent, the Spirit Queen thought that Xu Tui was dissatisfied with the conditions he offered, and hurriedly added, "If your lord thinks the increase is a bit large, then you can reduce it a little more. I just ask your lord to give us Ant-Man. The living environment of the family, relax a little!"

At this moment, in the resonance of Xu Tui's mind, there was a feeling that he was about to cry immediately.

It really is......

At the same moment, Ah Huang sent the relevant data to Xu Tui, and Xu Tui glanced at it and understood why the Queen of Spirits didn't care about the time when the ant beast returned to the spirit.

Ant beast's life level is relatively low, but its reproduction is extremely fast. Before the Mechanical Spirit Race has not descended to above Lingji Star, Ant beast can be said to be the disaster of Lingji star.

In the records of the Quantum Data Center of the Mechanical Spirit Race, when they first descended, they even discovered that Ant-Man massacred Ant-Beasts on a large scale.

ecological balance.

Since the Machine Spirit Race established the Yunling Center, a large number of Ant Beasts have been controlled to return to the Spirit every year, and the ecology of Lingji Star has slowly recovered.

Adhering to the principle of inexorable grace, Xu Tui did not give more lenient conditions, and only counted the time to return to the spirit according to the spirit queen herself.

As for the Transmutation Realm Ant Commander, killing 1 out of 15, it will probably take several years for the Transmutation Realm Ant Commander to get together 15.

That's what made the Queen of the Spirit full of thanks.

"After the Spirit, I'll add one more!"

Hearing this, the Queen became nervous again, for fear that Xu Tui would put some heavy shackles on them again.

"You have also seen that there may be a war next! You Ant-Man family, in the future war, as long as you have made meritorious deeds, you can directly exempt some Ant-Man from returning to the spirit according to the meritorious deeds.

Can let them die. " Xu Tui said.

As soon as this statement came out, the Queen was shocked, "Sir, is it true?"

"Of course! As long as you behave well, even your entire Ant-Man clan may be exempted from returning to the spirit."

This time, the queen was completely excited, too excited.

"Don't worry, my lord. In the future, on the battlefield, our Ant-Man family will charge for the lord and will never back down!"

At this moment, the queen is looking forward to it. The Ant-Man family is about to return in its prime, and she is afraid that it will be rewritten by her.

Xu Tui was a little sad about the performance of the spiritual queen.

This is backwardness, this is ignorance.

In the data sent by Ah Huang, among the total amount of spirits generated by the Spiritual Storage Center of the Tool Spirit Race, the generation of Ant Beasts is as high as 75%.

And although the spirit contributed by an individual Ant-Man is hundreds of times that of a single Ant-Beast, the number is not the same as that of an Ant-Beast, but it is too large.

In the future, even if all the Ant-Man were to lose their lives, the loss of the silver box that Xu Tui reduced would only be one-fourth.

completely within the acceptable range.

And what is Xu retreating more?

There is an extra death squad called the Ant-Man family who want to make a contribution!

Looking at the excited Linghou, Xu Tui nodded, and then looked at Linghou with interest. The idiom of Linghou is very slippery.

"Empress Ling, you said your language was taught to you by the previous empress Ling, is your inheritance passed down by word of mouth?" Xu Tui asked suddenly.

Ling Hou glanced at Xu Tui, a little embarrassed, "Sir, is this inheritance true or not?"

"How to say?"

"It was passed down by word of mouth, but it was not taught to me directly by the previous generation of spiritual queens. Usually, the previous generation of spiritual queens taught me some languages ​​and exercises, but this is very difficult to learn, so I can only learn about it.

And before the last generation of spiritual queens will end their lifespan, they will send me to the place of inheritance. After I accept the inheritance, there will be countless knowledge and languages ​​in my mind, and these things will become very familiar!

The ant commanders and ant generals under my command basically need five to ten years of study to master the basic language. "The Queen said.

"The place of inheritance? Can you take me to see it?" Xu Tui asked.


The Queen Ling agreed so happily that Xu Tui was stunned.

Xu Tui thought that the place of inheritance would be the secret of the Ant-Man family, or even a taboo, and would never allow outsiders to enter, but the Queen of Spirit agreed so happily.

After a long time, the Queen Ling took Xu Tui to a valley in the eastern mountain area of ​​Lingji Star. In the valley, there was a cave.

"Sir, please come with me." Ling Hou glanced at Xu Tui and said.

Xu Tui didn't hesitate, and followed directly, making Ling Hou's heart not only stunned.

The adult in front of him is really not afraid at all.

He even dared to follow her into the cave alone.

Is this brave?

Still very confident in his own strength!

Queen Ling felt that from her observations these days, it should be the latter.

The cave is very clean, there is no odor, and you can see the traces of cleaning.

But very deep.

The rhythm all the way deep into the ground.

On the wall of the cave, every few hundred meters, there is a stone that can emit light. Although it is not bright, it is barely visible.

"Isn't this three kilometers deep into the ground?" After walking for a long time, Xu Tui said suddenly.

"Yes, my lord, our inheritance is in the deepest part of the earth," said the queen.

After going all the way for half an hour, a huge stone gate suddenly appeared in front of him. Seeing the stone gate, Xu Tui thought about it, and threw a lighting magnetic rod to illuminate it.

First, I carefully observed the surroundings, and scanned the mental sensing layer by layer.

No traps were found.

But the stone gate in front of me includes the entire mountain wall, and the materials seem to be somewhat special.

Xu Tui's psychic sense penetrated less than half a meter, and he couldn't go any further.

What kind of material is this, it actually has the ability to shield spiritual power?

Out of curiosity, Xu Tui slowly stroked Shimen with his palm, ready to take some samples and take them back for research.

In the scientific and technological system, the discovery of a new material may lead to a material revolution, that is, to promote the rapid progress of science and technology!

What restricts technology is often materials!

However, the moment Xu Tui's palm touched the stone gate, the red jade slip in Xu Tui's mind suddenly flourished. .

Powerful, terrifying, fierce, warm, like a wave!

Xu Tui was shocked!

The huge spirit queen on one side was frightened by the aura of the red jade slip in Xu Tui's body, and actually collapsed to the ground!

The eyes are full of horror!


At the beginning of the month, I ask the big guys to guarantee the monthly ticket support, thank you!

Guaranteed 8,000 words tomorrow.

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