The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 719 Conditions and Double Repair

Although the scarlet jade slip in his mind was uncontrollably flourishing, Xu Tui did not panic. This was not the first time.

However, this time, the aura of the red jade slip was more intense than the previous few times.

In the breath of the explosion, there is more of a fierceness.

Xu Tui sensed it carefully. It was the breath of the little sword on the back of the red jade slip.

This little sword has taken shape?

Xu Tui is not so sure.

Xu Tui's mental power slowly poured into the red jade slip, comforting and controlling the red jade slip.

However, after the mental power was injected, Xu Tui immediately understood the meaning of the red jade slip.

Behind the stone gate, there is something the red jade slip needs!

Judging from the intensity of the information fluctuations in the feedback from the red jade slip, it is very important.

When Xu Tui was exploring the directions that the red jade slips sensed in Blue Star, such as Mount Tai, such as the Temple of the Sun, the reaction of the red jade slips was much lighter than this.

What is behind the stone gate?

Xu Tui turned around and was stunned again after seeing the paralyzed spirit on the ground.

"Empress Ling, who are you?" Xu Tui was stunned.

"Sir, the aura that erupted from your body just now is too terrifying! It's vague, and it seems to be a little bit similar to the aura of our ancestors!" said the queen.

"Ancestral God breath?"

"You have ancestral gods? Why don't you see your worship?" Xu Tui wondered.

The Queen Ling pointed to Shimen, "The ancestral gods enshrined are in Shimen, and I have only seen them once when I received the inheritance."

"What is the ancestor god? How did you accept the inheritance?" Xu Tui wondered.

The Queen Ling made Xu Tui gestures for a long time before Xu Tui understood the general idea.

It is a stone sculpture, but the shape of the stone sculpture is very vague.

When accepting the inheritance, you only need to kneel in front of the stone carving.

This made Xu Tui a little stunned.

According to the reaction of the red jade slip just now, combined with the previous situation, Xu Tui instinctively speculated that there may be a similar jade slip inside.

But I didn't expect it to be a stone sculpture!

The demand for the red jade slip is still very urgent.

However, when Xu Tui's hand left the stone gate, the red jade slip would immediately quiet down.

This stone gate is really magical.

"Open it." Xu Tui ordered the spirit queen.

As soon as these words came out, the half-kneeling Spirit Queen had a bitter look on her face, "My lord, I can't open it."

"Can't you open it? You can't open the place of your inheritance?" Xu Tui didn't believe it.

"The experience in the inheritance that I have accepted is that this stone gate can be opened once every sixty years."

"I remember, you said it's been a hundred and twenty years since you became a spirit queen? With this time, it's enough to open it twice." Xu Tui said.

"That's true, but my lord, there are still conditions to open the stone gate, you need energy! In the inheritance, it is said that the inheritance is deep in the ground, and it constantly absorbs the energy in the depths of the planet.

In addition to the interval of 60 years, it has to wait for it to absorb enough energy. "The Queen said.

"How to judge?" Xu Tui asked.

"The color of the stone gate. The stone gate is light yellow now. When the stone gate turns completely white, it can be opened." Ling Hou said.

I didn't pay attention to the color before, but I will see that the stone door is indeed pale yellow, and at the bottom, there is a little bit of white.

However, is what the Queen said true or false?

"Then according to your estimate, how many years will it take to open it?" Xu Tui asked the spirit queen.

"My lord, according to my estimation, it is estimated that it will take thirty years to open this inheritance land again." The Queen touched Shimendao with her tentacles.

Hearing this, Xu Tui sneered, "It will take 30 years to open, you are taking me to see a lonely, come to play with me!

Make me wait here for thirty years? "

The Spirit Queen was helpless. Before she brought Xu Tui back, she did not expect that this place would trigger a change in Xu Tui's aura, making Xu Tui want to enter so much.

"My lord, I absolutely dare not do this. My lord, in the process of opening the inheritance land,

If the time and years are not enough and the energy is not enough, there is a way to speed up. "The Queen said.

"Oh, what method, tell me quickly?" To be honest, the red jade slip reacted like this, and Xu Tui was really curious about what was behind the door.

"Put in the source crystal to speed up the energy absorption of Shimen."

"How much to invest?" Xu Tui asked.

"My lord, I really don't know this. I've never tried it before! But it's easy to know. Just put in a few grams of source crystal and try it out, and you can roughly calculate it."

After speaking, the queen looked at Xu Tui, as if waiting for you to test, she would not take out the source crystal anyway.

Her source crystal is precious.


Mind Resonance understood the spiritual retreat of the queen, and slightly despised it. With some pain, she took out ten grams of source crystals and threw it at the bottom of the stone gate according to the instructions of the queen.

Now the stock and output of source crystals are relatively scarce, and the cultivation is somewhat lacking. Xu Tui is indeed a bit painful.

Amazingly, when ten grams of the source crystal was thrown at the bottom of Shimen, Xu Tui's mental induction, the source energy in the source crystal was quickly sucked away by Shimen.

In less than a minute, the source energy in ten grams of source crystals was completely absorbed.

What's even more amazing is that the bottom of the stone gate is light yellow, and a small area visible to the naked eye has turned white.

It turned into the white that Ling Hou said in his mouth.

From this point of view, the Queen of Spirit really didn't lie, and what she said before was true.

I threw another ten grams of source crystals, and changed positions, but the changes were still the same.

Three times in a row.

Xu Tui looked at the changes in Shimen thoughtfully. If he used the current data to infer the change in the small area of ​​Shimen turning white after each source crystal was put in, he might have to continue to invest two thousand to four kilograms of source crystals before it could be opened.

"How, how many source crystals are needed to open the inheritance land?" Xu Tui asked, looking at the spirit queen whose tentacles were touching the stone gate.

A minute later, the queen slowly retracted her tentacles and said slowly, "Sir, I need 3,100 grams to 3,300 grams of source crystal in my induction, so that the Shimen can absorb the energy and then open."

Xu Tui's heart moved slightly, and the Queen's perception was much more accurate than Xu Tui's.

After finishing speaking, the Queen said, "Sir, if you invest now, you can also turn it on. The thousand source crystals that you rewarded me before, I can donate all of them. You only need to provide another 2,300 grams of source crystals.

In addition, no matter what benefits the adults get, just add 2000 grams of source crystal to Shimen. "

The Empress Ling was still very stingy before, but this suddenly became generous, which made Xu Tui a little surprised, "Why are you so active?"

"My lord, to tell you the truth, we can accept the second inheritance. After the second inheritance, many things that I didn't understand before may be understood, and I can improve myself.

My lifespan is about two hundred years old, but for the continuation of the race, I cannot easily carry out a second inheritance.

Now that there are adults who have sourced crystals and supplemented the consumption of Shimen, I can get some benefits, and naturally I can try to carry out a second inheritance. "The Queen said.

Xu Tui was stunned.

The feeling is that he is regarded as a big-headed rich man, and this is the way to actively open the place of inheritance.

In fact, judging from the reaction of the red jade slip, Xu Tui wanted to be the tyrannical rich man.

The reaction of the red jade slip will never lie to him!

It should be good to get it!

But the problem is that Xu Tui is now very poor.

Not to mention the source crystal that replenished Shimen's energy after it was opened, and the source crystal that opened Shimen now, Xu Tui had to use up all his wealth.

After thinking about it, Xu Tuan had put an end to Stud's urge.

In Shimen, there may be good things, but the harvest is not necessarily.

But Yuanjing can actually improve his strength.

The most terrible thing is that you have the source crystal in your hand, and you don't panic. This is a strategic resource. It can save your life at a critical moment, and you can even throw it at Lavis to let Lavis explode in combat power.

If this is going to be a stud, Xu Tui doesn't even have an emergency source crystal in his hand.

At present, the source crystal output of Lingji Star is only 30 grams a day and 900 grams a month.

The problem of source crystal shortage must also be put on the agenda.

Under the expectant gaze of the queen, Xu Tui turned and left, "This is the inheritance place of your ant-human race, if I go in, what if I take the benefits you should take?

You think about it, think about it, we will open it again.

Well, I'll give you three months to think about it. "

After speaking, Xu Tui stepped on the flying sword and walked away in an instant.

Seeing Xu Tui's retreating figure, the Queen Ling was stunned, she wanted to say that in three months, she had already thought about it clearly.

Open, as long as she can complete the second inheritance, it doesn't matter how much benefit Xu Tui gets.

Without Xu Retire's help, she would not be able to complete the second inheritance on her own.

However, Xu Tui walked away very resolutely, and Feijian formed a beautiful S shape, not even giving the queen a chance to speak.

After thinking for a while, Ling Hou secretly gave Xu Tui a thumbs up.


Still, Lord Xu Tui did things smoothly and even gave him a three-month consideration period.

If this is the Machine Spirit Race, it will definitely blow the door and enter.

In the distance, Yu Jian flew fast, Xu Tui, with a depressed look on his face.

Go so bright!

Just poor!

If he had 10,000 grams of source crystals in his hand, he would have smashed the inheritance base of this ant-human race long ago, and he would have waited three months later.

The main reason is that there is no source crystal in his hand, otherwise, Xu Tui doesn't want to wait a day!

Half an hour later, Xu Tui came to An Xiaoxue's room, feeling a little sullen because of his poverty and illness.

Because Xu Tui and An Xiaoxue have lived a semi-public life without shame and shyness, and the commander-in-chief Ah Huang has used his power for personal gain, so Xu Tui has prepared a larger room for An Xiaoxue, lest The movement was heard.

When Xu Tui arrived, Anna was in An Xiaoxue's room. Seeing Xu Tui coming, Anna let out a soft sigh and quickly got up.

"The head of the regiment is here, then I'll go first, Xiaoxue, you guys are busy!"

Anna's words, "You are busy," made An Xiaoxue blushed. She didn't know what to say, and she was at a loss.

Xu Tui, whose face was already thick-skinned, smiled and waved at Anna, who closed the door for the two of them kindly.

Before closing the door, Anna said to An Xiaoxue, "Xiaoxue, the head of the regiment is so strong, I really envy you!"

Xu Tui: "?......!"

After Anna left, An Xiaoxue's pretty face sank and she was a little unhappy, "You in the daytime! Although...but you should also pay attention to the influence! I..."

An Xiaoxue pinched the corner of her clothes, a little unhappy, Xu Tui came again in the daytime...although...but...

"No, Xiaoxue, you're wrong, I'm coming here, it's really not about you, it's you and Anna who misunderstood, it's you who misunderstood!" Xu Tui quickly explained.

An Xiaoxue blushed again, could it be that she was wrong?

Maybe they really want to go wrong?

"Then what are you doing here with me?" An Xiaoxue asked.

"Xiaoxue, I'm here to find you to study Shuangxiu!"

As soon as these words came out, An Xiaoxue blushed pretty, and after talking for a long time, it was still the same thing. She understood the word double cultivation.

An angry An Xiaoxue slapped Xu Tui with a mental whip.

Xu Tui was stunned, stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

"Xiaoxue, don't be so filthy, okay? When I say double cultivation, I mean the two of them cultivate together to speed up their cultivation!

Not the double cultivation you think! "Xu Tui quickly explained.

"How can the two of them speed up their practice together?" An Xiaoxue was puzzled.

Xu Tui explained his thoughts to An Xiaoxue, and An Xiaoxue seemed to understand a little.

Xu Tui said cheaply again, "Look, I said that you are unhealthy, dirty, and thinking on a crooked road..."

"You are filthy!"

The shy and angry An Xiaoxue had already kicked Xu Tui's ass firmly.

Of course, this is Xu concession.


Continue to ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, ask for the support of the big guys, there are double!

I beg!

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