The first round of the Samsung Cup knockout round,

It was not affected in any way because of Gu Ming's serious injury, and the game continued!

The second bout began quickly......


Scene 6,

Yun Chao VS Songba!

Although Songba is very strong, he has a high reputation in Asia.

However, Chen Yang believes that Songba is not Yun Chao's opponent!

The horror of Bajiquan, Chen Yang has a deep experience!

The attack power of this fist is extremely fierce, and it is not weaker than Muay Thai!

Moreover, Yun Chao is a top master who has comprehended the power of Bajiquan, and there should be no problem in dealing with a Muay Thai master.

Chen Yang even felt that if Yun Chao was not injured, it would be possible for him to enter the top four with his strength.

The game was fierce!

Both are aggressive fighters and play very fiercely!

Songba's Muay Thai kicking is very fast, but in fact, Muay Thai's attack methods basically rely on kicks and elbows, and fists are not used much.

Therefore, Muay Thai masters are usually very strong in their legs.

Of course, it's not that Muay Thai masters are bad at boxing, you know, Muay Thai fighters have achieved good results in the ring with their fists even if they don't use their legs!

Even though Songba's attacks are very ferocious, the elbows are very terrifying!

But when Yun Chao broke out with the attack of the Eight Extremes Fist King Kong Eight Potentials, Songba's strength was still a little different!

The two fought fiercely for five minutes,

In the end, Yun Chao took advantage of the moment when Songba retreated, seized the opportunity, and knocked Songba to the ground with a slashing of the mountain!

The mountain splitting is extremely powerful, fierce and domineering, Songba fell to the ground and was injured, losing his combat effectiveness!

The game is exciting and enthusiastic!

The atmosphere at the scene, as the war progressed, became more and more enthusiastic,

The audience's screams were as if they were a kind of sick cheers, which made Chen Yang deeply feel the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Samsung Cup Martial Arts Conference!

Yun Chao won, qualified for the promotion, and reached the top 16 of the Samsung Cup!

The next game is the seventh......

Scene 8......

Scene 12,

Liu Shihu VS Nakata Ying!

When Liu Shihu and Nakata Ying were seen walking to the ring, the audience was calm.

Few people cheered, and few people shouted and cheered!

Only some viewers from home to the scene and viewers from Hijima came to cheer for the heroes of their country!

South Koreans, on the other hand, did not say anything, and looked like they were watching the show.


The atmosphere in the country is quite different.

"Tiger, come on, kill him!"

"Fuck your sister, that's the champion of the Southeast Asian Martial Arts Conference, Nakata Ying, the top master of Hijima, what do you do?"

"The tiger is dangerous, just admit defeat, this one has no fight!"

"Yes, throw in the towel, we won't blame you!"

"Nakata Ying, this hanging hair, is very poisonous, the tiger's injuries last time were not completely healed, don't be crippled this time!"

"Alas, if we want to achieve good results in this Samsung Cup, it seems that there is little hope!"

"Hurry up, hasn't Yun Chao already won? Besides, Chen Yang hasn't started a war yet!"

"That's it, Chen Yang hasn't fought yet, don't be ambitious!"

"Don't be funny, can Chen Yang beat South Korean Cui Hongwan? Can he beat South Korea's No. 1 master Li Chengzan? And that Indonesian "Demon King" Anthony, do you think Chen Yang can win?"

"I didn't know until I beat it!"


Chen Yang was in the audience, secretly sweating for Liu Shihu!


The bell rings,

Nakata Ying took the lead in attacking, not giving Liu Shihu a chance to make a move at all.

The whip leg kicked Liu Shihu fiercely, and the force was extremely violent, targeting both sides of Liu Shihu's ribs.

Liu Shihu is a Muay Thai practitioner, and his ability to resist strikes is extremely good.

But at this time, he didn't dare to resist Nakata Ying's whip leg at all.

He is well aware of the horror of Nakata's whip legs, and if he fights hard, he will definitely be kicked away.

"What a speed!"

Taking two steps back, Liu Shihu's face changed greatly.

Nakata Ying's leg skills are indeed very powerful, and the kicking power of extreme vacuum karate, he has a very deep understanding, fierce and domineering!

Liu Shihu kept retreating, but was rubbed by Nakata Ying's leg.


Liu Shihu broke out in a cold sweat!

"Nima's, I can't fight, I'd better admit defeat quickly!"

Just when he wanted to admit defeat, Nakata Ying's legs slammed over one after another!

Kicks, whips, side kicks......

Fierce as a tiger, like a storm, it instantly submerged Liu Shihu!


A whip kick kicked Liu Shihu's body on the right side.

At this time, Liu Shihu gritted his teeth and counterattacked with a punch and smashed it into Nakata Ying's leg!

But the speed of the whip leg was too fast, and the explosive power was terrifyingly powerful, Liu Shihu stumbled and almost fell!

At this moment,


Nakata Ying suddenly volleyed into the air, and with a sharp volley kick, he kicked Liu Shihu in the chest.

Just like an off-string bow and arrow, the attack power is terrifying!

Liu Shihu's face was pale and he wanted to fall to the ground and admit defeat!

It's just that Nakata Ying didn't give him any chance to admit defeat at all.


Volley kick, the lethality is extremely terrifying!


Liu Shihu fell three meters away, blood gushing out of his mouth.

He struggled to get up, but he couldn't, at this time, he only felt black in front of his eyes and his brain roared!

Then, Liu Shihu fell down with a puff and fainted completely!

The kick hit the vital part of the chest, and the broken rib punctured the lung, and his breathing became rapid, and he was in danger!

The medical staff rushed to the stage for first aid,

Forty-five seconds!

Nakata Ying shot fiercely, and beat Liu Shihu to a serious injury in forty-five seconds!


The camera of the live TV broadcast was facing Nakata Ying, and I saw him spit in the direction of Liu Shihu with disdain!

Then he stretched out his little finger and pointed down in the direction of the delegation of the Chinese Martial Arts Association.

behaved extremely arrogantly, the key is the eyes, extremely disdainful!

"Nima's ......!"

Chen Yang clenched his fists, and couldn't help but rush up and teach the other party a hard lesson!

"Chen Yang, don't be impulsive!"

When Li Shengtao saw Chen Yang's actions, he quickly grabbed his arm and said in a deep voice:

"I know you're angry, and I'm angry! You want to fight him, and then you have to win your first big game, or you won't even be qualified to fight him!"


Chen Yang exhaled and calmed himself down,

He nodded, and didn't say anything!


Even Yun Chao could feel that at this time, Chen Yang's body exuded a fierce murderous aura!

Yes, it's murderous!

A feeling of wanting to kill rose in Chen Yang's heart!

He is relatively familiar with Liu Shihu, and Liu Shihu even wants to practice national art with him.


Before he could teach Liu Shihu to use his national arts, he didn't expect him to be seriously injured by Nakata Ying!

In this battle, Liu Shihu wants to recover, at least for more than a year!

That's right...... Don't I have a healing potion?

Damn, how did you forget this!

Suddenly, Chen Yang remembered something, and his eyes lit up!

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