"Nima's, I'll just say that this guy Nakata Ying is ruthless, and Brother Tiger was abolished by him!"

"Grass, Nakata Ying, this bastard, Lao Tzu really wants to kill him!"

"It's so infuriating, forty-five seconds, it's too late to even admit defeat, Zhen Nima is depressed!"

"In this Samsung Cup, we have been abolished by two in Huaxia, I hope Chen Yang and Yun Chao will never have any more accidents!"

"I'm going to Chen Yang soon, I hope to fight for us!"

"It's not easy to play, Chen Yang's opponent is Taiguo's broadcaster, and this hanging hair is very strong!"

"The last Southeast Asian Martial Arts Conference, it took eight minutes to lose the battle between Boqiu and Nakata Ying, Chen Yang wants to win, it's not easy!"


Domestic boxing fans exploded all of a sudden!

Liu Shihu is very popular in China, and because of his righteousness, many fans regard him as an idol!

When they saw Liu Shihu being beaten in the ring and vomiting blood, everyone felt very uncomfortable!

The next few games,

No one was in the mood to watch it, and many fans were worried about Liu Shihu's safety.

Nakata Ying's kick with a volley was too lethal.

After Liu Shihu was taken to the hospital, he was quickly sent to the emergency room!

After the fifteenth game,


It's Chen Yang's turn to play!

Chen Yang VS Broadcasting!

"Chen Yang, I won't say anything superfluous, come on!" Li Shengtao encouraged.

Chen Yang nodded, did not make a sound, but slowly walked to the ring.


All the fans in China are looking at the TV screen, and everyone is full of anticipation!


The bell rings for the start of the game!

Chen Yang didn't hesitate, only to see him kick the ground suddenly under his feet and smash his fist over!

Playing Muay Thai masters, there is not so much attention!

The key is to see who is faster, who is stronger, and who is more ferocious!

Muay Thai fighters focus on the legs and knees, while the chest is the weakness of the defense.


As soon as Chen Yang opened, he launched an attack, and he didn't give the ball any chance to kick at all!

Suddenly exert force, use speed, and prevent the ball from opening up the distance!

Truth be told,

If you're in the ring with one of the best Muay Thai fighters, it's unwise to distance yourself.

Muay Thai fighters have fast legs, and the key is to be particularly hard!

They began to practice their legs from an early age, kicking them like they were playing against rubber trees, and training their legs like pieces of iron.

The best way to fight against Muay Thai fighters is to use your speed to attack aggressively.

A stormy attack that makes it impossible for the opponent to get up!

The speed of the kick is inherently slower than the speed of the fist.

Boqiu was shocked, he never thought that Chen Yang would actually take the lead in attacking.

And the target of the fist is his chest, if you are hit with a punch in this place, you will be injured if you don't get it right!

"Hmph, you want to hit me with your fist?

The reflexes of the ball are very strong, take two steps back!

Then, he raised his leg and kicked, swept his leg fiercely, and swept towards Chen Yang!

However, a scene that shocked all the domestic audiences appeared!

I saw that Chen Yang did not retreat in the face of the fierce tiger-like leg sweep, but got up at the same time and kicked in front of him!

The second of the twelve Tan legs,

Two-way cross ghost drill - step on the legs!

Raise your legs, and then slam down!

Generally speaking, Tan's second way is rarely used to attack, usually to defend!

Use your leg elevation to step down and block your opponent's kicks!


The leg stepped the sweeping leg of the ball, making a dull sound.

Pedal Pedal ......

Boqiu's face changed, and there was a piercing pain in his calf, which made his legs tremble a little!

"What kind of leg is this, how is it so fast?"

Boqiu stopped his figure and glanced at Chen Yang in disbelief.

His leg sweep is very famous in Taiguo, and even Muay Thai champion Sidichai doesn't dare to touch it!

But now, Chen Yang stepped on his leg and completely cracked his leg sweep!

At the moment when he was shocked, Chen Yang's Tan leg continued to exert his might!


Nine ways to capture the dragon and grab the jade belt!

Tan Leg Ninth Road - Whip Leg!

A loud bang came out, and a powerful impact instantly kicked the left leg that was standing on the ball,


The ball was like a football on the ground, and it was kicked away by Chen Yang.


His left leg was kicked off by Chen Yang and fell to the ground, covering his leg in extreme pain!

At this point,

It can be clearly seen that his calf part was violently attacked, resulting in a fold!

You can imagine how fast the leg was and how fierce the power was!

Chen Yang didn't have any strength!

"If you can win, you will beat me to death!"

This is what Li Shengtao said before the game, especially after seeing Gu Ming and Liu Shihu being seriously injured by their opponents!

Chen Yang had a wave of anger in his heart, and it completely broke out at this time!

Twenty-three seconds!

From the time the game bell rang to the time the ball fell to the ground and was seriously injured, the time was exactly twenty-three seconds!


The audience was completely dumbfounded!

"This ......"

Your uncle, this is the end?

Damn, it's too fierce, isn't it?

That's the ball broadcast, the top Muay Thai fighter in Taiguo, the runner-up of the Southeast Asian Martial Arts Conference!

He is considered the strongest Muay Thai master of the Samsung Cup Taiguo delegation.

Why was it only more than 20 seconds before he was kicked and broke his leg by Huaxia Kid?

This Nima ended too quickly, right?

When did such a powerful figure appear in Huaxia?

Could it be that Muay Thai is only killed in seconds in front of the Chinese people?

Hell yes!

All the audience at the scene looked at the ball that fell to the ground in disbelief,

They didn't doubt the strength of the broadcaster, you know, the broadcaster is not a rookie, his strength has long been proven!

The only explanation is that the Huaxia kid is too strong!

At this point,

The domestic audience gathered in front of the TV was also so shocked that they couldn't speak for a long time!

It's over?

Damn, it can't be, right?

Why didn't it take long for Chen Yang to scrap the ball with one kick?

It can't be, it can't be!

It was only when the referee announced the result of the game, and then the medical staff came to the stage to send the ball to the hospital, everyone was completely shocked.


Domestic fans are boiling.

", KO broadcast the ball in twenty-three seconds, Chen Yang is full of firepower, and it's a mess!"

"Your sister, I'm not mistaken, right?"

"Damn, this breath is comfortable, Chen Yang killed the ball in twenty-three seconds, Lao Tzu is very excited now!"

"Grass...... I'm speechless, what ...... I do?"

"It's not...... How can Chen Yang know how to use the leg method? He has never used the leg method in domestic competitions?"

"Yes, it's so strange, Chen Yang's leg technique is too terrifying, much more terrifying than his fist technique!"

"There's nothing strange about it, I think Chen Yang probably didn't want to hurt people in China, so he didn't use his leg skills, his leg skills were too strong!"

"It must be so, otherwise if he uses his leg skills in the country, who can stop him for a minute?"

"Ma, Ridao and South Korea, these hangers, must be scared now, haha......!"


All the fans in the country jumped with excitement.

Even, many fans shed tears of excitement!

Huaxia finally raised his eyebrows at the Samsung Cup Martial Arts Conference......

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