The Great Storm

Chapter 1170 Fire Aegis

Sensing that the heat rising from him was rising at an extremely fast speed, Mo Yancheng immediately felt anxious: "What's the situation? According to the information provided by An Yishun, Luo Xiaoyan, a native, is afraid of fire, but from his Judging from the shooting situation, the power he has cultivated contains terrifying fire power. It seems that the knowledge and information about Luo Xiaoyan provided by An Yishun to me is not of much use value..."

Realizing that he would not be able to stand normally in the current battlefield space due to the continuous release of the flame power, Mo Yancheng immediately changed his battle strategy and touched Luo Xiaoyan's palm.

At the same time, he used a secret technique to quickly incorporate the flame power rushing towards him into his body for future practice.

As more and more flame power was sucked away, the flame light filled the battlefield space weakened and became weak...

Whether it is Luo Xiaoyan or Mo Yancheng, standing directly in the burning flames, with the defense of the two of them, such a little flame burning power cannot pose a threat to them respectively.

"How did you put away the flame power? Are you unable to handle it now? If you feel that this game is not enjoyable, I can help you to continuously release the flame power..." Sensing Mo Yancheng's abnormal behavior, Luo Xiaoyan Naturally, he could see through Mo Yancheng's heart at a glance. While shouting at Mo Yancheng, regardless of his care, he urged the power of the Fire Spirit Holy Bead that was already integrated with the fire attribute to continuously release the fire attribute power, This space was completely covered and filled with flames.

"Damn bastard... what do you want to do?" Sensing that the burning power of the flames has reached the limit he can bear, and now that the power of the flames is getting stronger and stronger, he immediately feels extremely annoyed, and hastily pulled Lifting his throat, he shouted to Luo Xiaoyan.

"If you want to play with fire, I will help you, and provide you with the power of flames that is more pure, more stable, but slightly more lethal. I hope you can enjoy it..."

Luo Xiaoyan sneered, and at the same time increased the intensity of the spell, continuously outputting the flame power into the surrounding space, thus making the flame power in the surrounding space stronger and stronger.

Soon, the high-energy heat here was so powerful that it could easily melt steel.

"Don't think that if you do this, you can play me to death... If you really think so, you are wrong..." Sensing the power of heat energy filling the entire space, it was already close to the defense of his flesh and blood. At the highest limit, his defense may collapse at any time. Facing the extreme danger brought by the burning flames, Mo Yancheng, who was extremely depressed, roared at Luo Xiaoyan, and at the same time, cast a spell from the treasure space, took out a blooming The talisman of Dazzling Precious Light, and then imbue it with power to activate it.

With the injection of power, the magic talisman instantly releases a dazzling light,

It turned into an oval shield, only enveloping Mo Yan City.

Mo Yancheng propped up the shield, and through his insight, Luo Xiaoyan could see clearly the defense of the shield condensed: "The fire shield has the effect of resisting the resistance of fire attribute power... but Resist the full blow of the fire attribute power released by the monks at the super holy level... the attack power of the fire attribute power released by the monks below the super holy level is completely immune... the duration is one hour..."

"My original intention was to use the power of the fire to force him to surrender, but I didn't expect that there was such a life-saving talisman in his hand... This guy, in order to defeat me, even used such a precious thing , It's a pity that such a valuable talisman is used here, it's really a pity." Seeing the scene in his sight, a faint helpless smile appeared on Luo Xiaoyan's face.

"Damn bastard, I really didn't expect that you would have such a means to force me into such an embarrassing situation. If you didn't have this treasure in your hand, I would have been plotted by you right now... Since you chose to kill me , I have no reason to show mercy to you, let me die..."

Relying on the protection of the shield power, he was not afraid of the rapid attack of the fire attribute power released by Luo Xiaoyan. Mo Yancheng immediately roared at Luo Xiaoyan, and at the same time, he took out a sword from the treasure space, swung it swiftly, and opened it. Sword glows with astonishing lethality pierced through the area covered by the flames and slashed towards Luo Xiaoyan.

Mo Yancheng's cultivation has reached the initial level of the holy level. If he combines what he has learned with the fighting skills he has practiced, and practice diligently, a monk at the initial level of the holy level will not be his opponent at all. .

It's a pity that although his ability is strong, and at this time, he chose the strongest means to deal with the enemy, but he can't pose a threat to Luo Xiaoyan at all.

Seeing that the sword light created by Mo Yancheng was about to touch Luo Xiaoyan's body, Mo Yancheng saw a ray of light released from Luo Xiaoyan's body, turning into a defensive shield, protecting his body...

Puff puff……

A series of impact sounds sounded.

It's just that, after the impacting blade light touched the defensive shield propped up by Luo Xiaoyan's body, it immediately collapsed, turning into a blazing light, collapsing and disappearing.

What Luo Xiaoyan is using at this moment is the sixth level skill "Tiangang Body Protection Technique" of the strongest defense secret technique "Royal Way Jue".

The defensive effect of this body protection secret technique is to increase the defense by five times on the basis of his own combat power and strength. Although Luo Xiaoyan's current cultivation level is not high, it is only a perfect fairy level, but his strength and defense are blessed by the six clones This makes him already have the capital to compete with the monks at the Xuanxian level and the perfection level.

Right now, Luo Xiaoyan released the body shield, whose defensive power has increased by 200% on the basis of the perfect height of the Xuanxian level. It is naturally no problem to be able to resist Mo Yancheng's powerful secret attack.

Seeing that the killing power of the sword light he created weakened one after another, and none of them were able to tear the defensive shield propped up by Luo Xiaoyan, a faint look of horror appeared on Mo Yancheng's face immediately. He said in his heart, "How can his defensive shield be so strong? Even monks at the holy level had to back away from my attack, but he resisted hard, and there was no trace of tearing on the defensive shield." ...What the hell is going on here? Could it be that the defensive shield condensed on his body at this moment, like mine, is the power of high-quality talismans?"

While thinking about it, the sword light that Mo Yancheng created had already plundered the defensive shield propped up by Luo Xiaoyan, and then the sword light and the shield disappeared almost at the same time.

In fact, this kind of result happened intentionally by Luo Xiaoyan. When he saw the last sword light slashing at him, he immediately cast the spell immediately to release the secret skill of "Tiangang Body Protection Technique".

Luo Xiaoyan did this, naturally, to frighten Mo Yancheng and force him to immediately choose to admit defeat, so as not to fight until the end, when he realizes that his strength has been exhausted and he cannot continue to fight at all.


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