The Great Storm

Chapter 1171 Can't stand it, choose to give up

"I can't even break my secret skill defense. You are not my opponent, so you should admit defeat quickly... As time goes on, it doesn't make any sense to you, it will only be a waste of your own good time..."

Luo Xiaoyan's observation ability is meticulous, and his ability to control the battlefield is astonishingly tyrannical, but seeing the shocked expression on Mo Yancheng's face at this moment, he quickly took the opportunity to shout to him, to He presses.

Luo Xiaoyan did this in order to force Mo Yancheng to admit defeat in the easiest way, and he didn't have to use the strongest attack method against monks at the holy level, so as not to expose his real combat power.

However, Luo Xiaoyan's goal was not achieved as he wished.

Because Mo Yancheng is a dead-headed person. He believed that he had a defensive shield to protect his body when he had not tasted defeat. With Luo Xiaoyan's strength, it was simply unrealistic to break through his defense and truly defeat him. .

Therefore, after Luo Xiaoyan's voice fell, Mo Yancheng looked at Luo Xiaoyan and smiled coldly, then jumped out and swung his sword straight to Luo Xiaoyan.

In his own opinion, the killer move created by Mo Yancheng is extremely perfect, it completely seals off all Luo Xiaoyan's space to move and dodge. Attack power, it is possible to escape a catastrophe.

It's just that, in Luo Xiaoyan's eyes, his attacking moves are full of loopholes, and he can handle them easily only by using ingenious maneuvering and dodging techniques.

Luo Xiaoyan knew in his heart that Mo Yancheng chose to fight him at this moment because he was protected by the defensive shield. Once the defensive shield was damaged and he could not withstand the high-energy heat wave, he would naturally choose to give up.

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Xiaoyan did not choose to confront Mo Yancheng head-on, and used his maneuvering and dodging techniques on his own. With his super observation ability, he avoided Mo Yancheng's powerful sword swings, slashing, stabbing, Pick and other powerful attack moves.

The attack plan that was originally thought to have all failed. This result made Mo Yancheng feel extremely surprised and shocked, and thought to himself: "How did he manage to avoid my attack? Could it be that he has the foresight? Before I made a move, I predicted which part of his body I would attack, so I made a precise dodge and move in advance? If this is the case, then this guy is really difficult... No, it can't be like this To continue, I have to think of a way to force him to fight me head-on, otherwise, once the power of the talisman on me disappears, then I will be really in danger..."

After thinking for a while, Mo Yancheng still couldn't think of a good coping strategy, so he chose to use words to anger Luo Xiaoyan,

When he was dealing with it, he made a mistake, so he could take the opportunity to attack Luo Xiaoyan.

However, facing Mo Yancheng's provocative words, Luo Xiaoyan ignored them at all, and acted according to his own thoughts, moving and dodging, and finally dodged Mo Yancheng's fierce offensive.

"This damn guy, why didn't he fall for it? Why didn't he want to fight me head-on? Could it be that he knew in his heart that if he fought me head-on, he had no chance of winning at all, so he chose to deal with me slowly, intending to consume all the energy condensed in me? Defensive shield... After I lost the protection of the defensive shield, did you start attacking me?" Seeing that Luo Xiaoyan was not fooled at all, Mo Yancheng felt extremely depressed and anxious in his heart.

"Don't tell me you only have such a little ability, you only rely on moving and dodging to fight with others? Are you a man? If you are a real man, then fight me head-on..." The more I thought about it, the more depressed I became. After a shot to split the air, he finally couldn't help it, and roared loudly at Luo Xiaoyan.

"Even if your throat is broken, I will not fight you head-on as you wish, because in my opinion, fighting you head-on is not the best fighting strategy, and the result of doing so will only make you angry I wasted my power for nothing, and it is of no benefit to me." Luo Xiaoyan responded with a smile.

"You..." After listening to Luo Xiaoyan's words, Mo Yancheng was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but he didn't know how to deal with it, so he could only bite the bullet and continuously used sword techniques to attack Luo Xiaoyan.

Whether it is Luo Xiaoyan or Mo Yancheng, without the intervention of new combat forces, the outcome of the battle will not change much.

Therefore, when Mo Yancheng used the power of the talisman to strengthen the defensive shield on his body and began to gradually weaken, the depressed Mo Yancheng had no choice but to give up.

Because he knows in his heart that once the defensive shield is broken, Luo Xiaoyan only needs to release the fire attribute power with burning power that surpasses the defense of his flesh and blood to deal with him, then he will be doomed.

"Damn guy, you are lucky this time, I admit it, the next time we meet, I will make your life worse than death." After choosing to give up, Mo Yancheng shook his head slightly and sighed, shouting such a sentence at Luo Xiaoyan, and then Holding the sword and flying out of the battle circle, he turned around and cast his spell to roll up his competition token and smash it directly.

Breaking the command symbol means admitting defeat.

Therefore, the moment the competition order talisman was broken, the treasure space immediately released a tyrannical force, directly rolling up Mo Yancheng and sending it away from the battlefield space.

"The result has come out... The result of the 16-to-8 competition has come out so quickly... That aborigine has won the monks sent by God's Realm. It's really amazing..." Seeing Luo Xiaoyan's victory, everyone watching the battle in the hall, All the guys who were not optimistic about Luo Xiaoyan's victory had shocked expressions on their faces.

"How can he be considered a winner? At best, he was lucky. He met a cowardly guy who was afraid of death. He actually chose to give up fighting when he had a chance to kill his opponent in the end, and chose to admit defeat..."

Some people are extremely dissatisfied with Luo Xiaoyan's victory, and even think that Luo Xiaoyan's victory in this way is not a skill at all.

In the 16-to-8 duel, except for the fight between Luo Xiaoyan and Mo Yancheng, which seemed unremarkable and made people feel very speechless, the other seven matches were all very exciting. Do your best to win the final victory.

About half an hour later, Pang Zinan defeated his opponent and got a ticket to the quarterfinals.

Immediately after, the one who won the opponent was Qingyan Xianjun, and then seven people including Oxford Lie, Yin Siming, Honghe Xianjun, and Cangpeng Shengseng.

However, after the war ended, everyone could see from the appearance and appearance that the two monks Honghe Xianjun and Yin Siming fought too hard, which led to the end of the war now. Completely slowed down.

"In the first match, you fought so hard, everyone wanted to win the championship... It's a pity that there is only one champion... The harder you fight, for me, that is a very beneficial thing. "

Seeing the current situation of the victors appearing on the battlefield, a faint expression of excitement appeared on Luo Xiaoyan's face.


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