The Great Storm

Chapter 892 Playing with Demon Realm 3 Experts

Centipede Huang, who turned into his true form, immediately manipulated the huge jaws like sharp blades to attack Luo Xiaoyan.

Although Centipede Huang has manifested his true form, his combat power has improved, and his strength is estimated to have surpassed Luo Xiaoyan's state, but his movement speed is slower than Luo Xiaoyan's.

At the moment when he and Luo Xiaoyan were about to meet, Luo Xiaoyan suddenly changed his attack method and kicked Centipede Huang's jaw directly.

The force of Luo Xiaoyan's kick was not strong, but it was enough to kick Wuhuang's head upwards, so that the jaws and teeth he controlled could not pose a threat to Luo Xiaoyan at all.

When Centipede Huang's head was kicked up high, Luo Xiaoyan quickly approached and punched Centineus Huang's abdomen repeatedly, only knocking his huge body back one after another.

Intense severe pain emerged in the body.

Affected by the severe pain, Centipede Huang's reaction movements became sluggish.

After he regained his composure, his huge body was already sent flying out of the area covered by the phantom array force by Luo Xiaoyan.

After forcing Centipede Huang back from the power area of ​​the phantom formation, Luo Xiaoyan quickly turned back and hid his figure under the cover of the power of the phantom formation.

The purpose of Luo Xiaoyan's doing this is naturally to deceive Wuhuang and other demon masters. The formation he arranged here is just a phantom formation to cover himself in battle and increase the chance of defeating the opponent. It does not have other functions .

Centipede Huang immediately returned to human form after Luo Xiaoyan hit the area covered by the phantom power, and then endured the pain in his body, and said to An Tanbing and Guanchen: "There is a mysterious phantom power in the space ahead. The old thief we hope to find is hiding in the phantom formation. The old thief is not weak. With my own strength, it is unrealistic to defeat him. It takes several people to join forces to make it possible. kill."

"Are you sure that the space you just set foot in is really just a phantom space?" An Tanbing confirmed.

"Yes, that's for sure." Centipede Huang nodded.

"Brother Centipede, is the old man you saw in the phantom array holding a sword with precious light?" Guan Chen asked.

"When he fought me, he didn't use a sword." Centenary Huang replied.

"He wears a gray Taoist robe, and his beard and hair are gray?" Guanchen asked.

"A lot of old ways,

These are all characteristics... Can you ask about some more personal characteristics? " Centipede Huang frowned.

"This... the old man I met has no obvious personal characteristics, he looks very ordinary... only the sword in his hand is particularly conspicuous... it is the highest-grade weapon treasure I have encountered." Guanchen said .

"Whoever he is... But if he dares to fight against us, he is doomed to pay the price with death..." An Tanbing was not interested in the words of the two arguing. The man uttered such a murderous sentence, and then dodged straight away, rushing into the area covered by the power of the phantom array.

Seeing that An Tanbing had entered the area of ​​the phantom formation first, Guanchen and Wu Huang stopped talking nonsense and immediately followed them into the area covered by the phantom formation.

Luo Xiaoyan knew in his heart that if he wanted to kill Wuhuang, Guanchen and other demon masters, he had to use the secret technique of "Royal Dao Jue" to do so. He set up a phantom array here, with the purpose of using the power of the phantom array to deceive the demon masters After he performed the "Royal Way Jue" secret skill, the gathering of thunderclouds in the sky was impossible for all the masters of the Demon Realm to detect immediately, which could prevent the Demon Realm masters from having sufficient time to escape from the "Royal Way Jue" 》The killing range of secret skill power.

Therefore, after seeing An Tanbing, Wu Huang, and Guanchen, the three masters of the Demon Realm, entered the area covered by the phantom array, Luo Xiaoyan did not hesitate at all, and immediately used the secret skill of the fourth heavenly killing move "Thunder Punishment" in "Royal Dao Jue", The intention is to kill the three masters of the magic domain who rushed into the area covered by the power of the phantom array.

As the ultimate move of "Thunder Punishment" was performed, pieces of dark clouds carrying the power of thunder calamity immediately gathered at high altitude above the area covered by the power of the phantom array, brewing a tyrannical killing power of thunder and lightning.

This mighty scene, because of the cover of the phantom formation power, the three masters of the demon realm, Wu Huang, Guanchen, and An Tanbing, did not notice it at all. After they entered the area covered by the phantom formation power, they immediately searched for Luo Xiaoyan. The trace of the figure, hoping to hunt him down and seize the treasure in his hand.

Luo Xiaoyan knew that if he did not show his figure in the area covered by the phantom array power and let them continue to release their exploration power to search, the situation of the thunder calamity power being bred in the sky above might be investigated by the three masters of the demon realm, and then quickly If he retreated, his plan to kill the enemy would be ruined.

So, when the three demon masters entered the area covered by the phantom array and began to search for his figure, Luo Xiaoyan took the initiative to show up.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoyan is holding the Nirvana Sword, and the power that naturally escapes from his body emits traces of gorgeous precious light. He stands on the auspicious cloud and stands there like a real fairy.

Looking past the three demon masters, Luo Xiaoyan smiled and said: "Are the three looking for the old man?"

"Boss, the old man I'm talking about is exactly him." After seeing the old man played by Luo Xiaoyan at the moment, Guanchen immediately reminded An Tanbing beside him, "This old man's fighting power is extremely strong, and the sword in his hand is very powerful. It is sharp, so be extra careful when dealing with him."

"No matter how strong he is, he will die today." An Tanbing casually responded to Guanchen, then turned to look at Luo Xiaoyan and asked, "Has the treasure in the depths of the ancient forest already fallen into your hands?"

"The old man has obtained several treasures in the primitive ancient forest. I don't know which one you are referring to?" Luo Xiaoyan saw that the three did not make a move, so he didn't bother to do it, because in his opinion, the longer the three procrastinated, the more they waited. Knowing that he only needs to lure them down, and he can kill the three of them as he wishes without doing it himself. For him, it seems easier, so he chose to deliberately tease the three of them, talking nonsense with them, and wasting time.

"Okay, very good..." Hearing that Luo Xiaoyan did get the treasure, An Tanbing laughed excitedly, and immediately said bluntly, "Hand over the treasure quickly, and I will spare you..."

"As long as you hand over the treasure, you can escape me? This seems to be a cheap thing for the old man... The old man was still worried just now. You are looking for the old man, one is to seize the treasure, and the other is because the two of you were killed. Revenge for the demon comrades killed by the old man..." Luo Xiaoyan responded with a smile.

After hearing Luo Xiaoyan's words, An Tanbing, Wu Huang, and Guanchen lost their composure, and their expressions became obviously ugly.

"You mean to say that you were the one who unleashed the power of thunder and calamity in the primitive ancient forest to attack our four masters and giant pythons in the Demon Realm?" Centenary Huang asked in surprise.

"You were struck by lightning, but that has nothing to do with the old man. The old man just happened to be there. When he saw the two monsters of the giant python and the Demon Realm were severely injured, he made up his sword and sent them back to the west. seems to be like this... ..." Luo Xiaoyan pretended to recall the scene at that time, and said to An Tanbing and the others.

"Damn old thief, I'll kill you." After hearing the fact that Hei Scorpion and Yin Lingjiao were killed by Luo Xiaoyan, the anger in An Tanbing's heart soared to the extreme in the blink of an eye. At the same time Luo Xiaoyan yelled so loudly, he already dodged out and rushed straight to Luo Xiaoyan, intending to kill him with one punch.

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