The Great Storm

Chapter 893: Demon Extermination Plan Failed

With the support of experts sent by Haoxi Divine General's Mansion, Lie Tianfu can be said to be impenetrable now, and no one dares to hunt for Tianfu's ideas again.

But the support leader, Ao Qingfeng, was still cautious in his actions. In order to ensure the safety of Lietianfu, he sent four generals including his general Sun Sulong to lead Lietianfu's disciples to form another outer line of defense in the area outside the Lietianfu city defense.

Sun Sulong, the person in charge of the southern defense line, is currently drinking and eating meat with several subordinates in the main tent. A patrolling soldier under his command hastily entered the battalion commander, and then directly reported to Sun Sulong: "General Sun, high altitude above the northeast corner of the primitive ancient forest. In the area, a large number of thunderclouds containing the power of the Heavenly Tribulation appeared, covering an area of ​​more than ten miles. According to our experience, in that area, either someone is going through the Heavenly Tribulation, or there are geniuses and earth treasures born to go through the Tribulation. Sun Da Would you like to go over and have a look, General?"

Sun Sulong is a person who has seen the world, so he naturally knows what it means for the thunder cloud containing the power of heavenly tribulation to appear somewhere. After listening to the soldier's report, Sun Sulong immediately put down the wine glass in his hand and led a group of more powerful soldiers from the Lietian Mansion , hurried to the area where Jieyun appeared in the sky.

The speed of Sun Sulong and the others was very fast, and they rushed to a mountain outside the area covered by the thunder and lightning robbery cloud before the thunder and lightning robbery cloud could be released.

"General Sun, have you seen the clues of this thunder and lightning robbery cloud?" After reaching the mountain peak, the silver-armored entourage beside Sun Sulong stared at Jieyun for a while, then asked Sun Sulong with a frown .

"The catastrophe cloud of this level is enough to make monks at the middle stage of the immortal level feel three points of fear. If there are human monks or strange creatures in the area covered by the phantom array below, once the creatures survive this catastrophe, in the future It will definitely pose a threat to the Lietian Mansion..." Sun Sulong pondered for a moment, then waved his hand directly to his subordinates and ordered, "Immediately use the secret long-range attack technique to attack the area covered by the phantom power below, interfere with the tribulation passer, and destroy him to pass the tribulation. Let the one who crosses the catastrophe successfully survive the catastrophe."

"Yes, General Sun!" After listening to Sun Sulong's order, all the followers responded directly and respectfully, and immediately dodged out, reaching the outer edge of the area covered by the phantom array to stabilize their figure, and then directly used the long-range attack secret technique, releasing a ray A force with astonishing lethality shot overwhelmingly at the area covered by the phantom array.

In the area covered by the power of the phantom array, Luo Xiaoyan is dealing with three masters of the Demon Realm, waiting for the power of the Thunder Punishment Secret Technique to be fully accumulated.

Seeing that the Thunder Punishment Secret Skill power was about to be accumulated, a series of attack powers suddenly appeared, one step ahead of the Thunder Punishment Secret Skill Power, and killed in, which made Luo Xiaoyan feel extremely annoyed.

The three masters of the Demon Realm had set up a phantom formation for Luo Xiaoyan here to lure them into the phantom formation. They had ulterior motives. When they noticed this situation, they immediately realized that the crisis was coming.

Hastily chose to retreat at the first time.

Seeing the three demon masters retreating, Luo Xiaoyan felt very helpless in his heart. He knew that chasing was meaningless. Without the help of the secret skill of "Royal Dao Jue", he would never be able to kill the three demon masters. He set off to catch up, and cast spells to disperse the thunder and lightning robbery clouds, and then dodged to the sky to find out who had released the secret ultimate move into the space of the illusion formation, which interfered with his plan.

Arriving at the high altitude above, drilling out of the area covered by the power of the phantom formation, and seeing the masters of the Lietian Mansion appearing in sight, I felt extremely annoyed in my heart, and immediately shouted to all the Lietian Mansion people: "What do you mean? Why did you suddenly attack? Prevent the old man from hunting down the devil? Could it be that you are really on the same front as the devil in Tianluo Mansion when you hunt the people of Tianluo Mansion?"

"You old bastard, which eye of yours saw us save the devil?" Facing Luo Xiaoyan, the middle-aged man standing still in the sky roared loudly at Luo Xiaoyan.

"The demons were originally trapped because of your interference. Now they have disappeared without a trace. You are outside, so you naturally saw the three escaped demons. Since you chose to open your eyes and talk nonsense, I really have nothing to say Today, the old man is not in the mood to entangle with you bastards, hurry up and get out of here, don't stay here, it will make the old man feel bored." Luo Xiaoyan replied coldly.

"Immortal thing, let us go, who do you think you are? Let us go, we have to go..." The middle-aged man sneered, turned his head and shouted to Sun Sulong who was standing on the top of the mountain, "General Sun , There is an old man with good strength here."

"Get him captured by the general." Sun Sulong replied to the middle-aged man.

"Okay." The middle-aged man replied, and turned his head to order the followers, "Come on, capture this damned old man and bring him to the general to wait for his punishment."

"Yes!" Everyone took the order, and they showed their weapons one after another, darted out, and swarmed towards Luo Xiaoyan.

"A bunch of rubbish, if you want to deal with me, it's like a dream." The moment everyone approached, Luo Xiaoyan made a move.

Faced with this kind of person who has already listed him as an enemy and vowed to put him to death, Luo Xiaoyan will naturally not hold back his hand, not to mention that he does not have the slightest favor for the people of Lietian Mansion.

bang bang bang...

Soon, Luo Xiaoyan exchanged hands with the masters of Tianhunting Mansion, and a series of impact sounds resounded.

Then, a series of figures were blown out of the battle circle by a powerful force.

Not long after they flew out of the battle circle, they were blasted by the force that penetrated into their bodies, turning into a puff of blood mist floating there.

"This old thief's strength is so overbearing... Even a super god-level cultivator would be blown away by the overbearing power contained in his punching force... The skills he cultivates must be high-end, so we have to find a way Got it!"

Seeing the scene in his sight, Sun Sulong frowned slightly, and when he saw that the hunters who participated in the siege of Luo Xiaoyan were about to be killed, he waved to the subordinates who followed him, ordering them to act immediately, Attack the big formation and trap and kill Luo Xiaoyan.

All of Sun Sulong's subordinates obeyed Sun Sulong's words. After his order was issued, they rushed out one after another, set up an encircling attack formation, and attacked Luo Xiaoyan.

This group of people is not weak, and they are all masters at the later stage of the super god level. They were carefully selected by Sun Sulong from the masters of the Lietian Mansion.

Besieged by the formation they set up, even ordinary monks at the early stage of the immortal level may be trapped and killed by them, resulting in a tragic end with no bones left.

Sun Sulong might be able to get his wish by using this group of carefully selected men to deal with other people, but it is not realistic at all to use it to deal with Luo Xiaoyan.

This is because Luo Xiaoyan's current strength has reached an extremely high level, even if Sun Sulong does it himself, there may not be a chance of winning.

Therefore, the joint attack formed by all the people did not pose any threat to Luo Xiaoyan at all. During his light dodge and dodge, Luo Xiaoyan dodged the joint attack that everyone jointly played, and then the one who was far away from him The closest two were directly punched and kicked by him.

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