The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1140 One for two (please vote for recommendation)

Others in the Sword of Judgment did not attack Xian Naier. She was already too far away from Yueguang and the others because she was chasing Lu Li.

So, they changed their goal to half-stepping with a smile.

Hanxiao Banbuepian was originally well protected. Wushuang City used this formation to trap and kill many people who wanted to attack them first. However, due to Lu Li's mistake, the situation was out of control and they chose to kill them first. Lu Li, get rid of this bug that allows you to fight against five in the Lanyu Arena.

Xian Naier was able to discover Lu Li's foothold and beat him out, not blindly.

They had been practicing on this map for a long time. Various stealth thieves in the guild would leave various traces when passing through the swamp. Through this observation experience, Xian Naier keenly caught Lu Li.

She should be proud, after all, there are not many people who can defeat Lu Li.

Unfortunately, Lu Li was harder to kill than they thought. He only had half a tube of blood left, but he suddenly jumped up a lot, and then various kinds of damage were reduced. The March rain in the distance was sharp against the mosquitoes. Attacking pets can restore a lot of health points to him easily.

Hanxiao Banbuepian was already shouting for help. It was not that he didn't have self-protection skills, but unfortunately the results were not ideal.

The three output professions of the Sword of Judgment, Moonlight, Maomao Loves Meat, and Luoying Memories, are using their bloodthirsty effects to deal crazy damage to Hanxiao Banbu Dei. If no one comes to stop him, Hanxiao Banbu Dei has almost no chance of surviving. possible.

"Keep killing!" Fatal Golden Pants glanced at Lu Li's health and gritted his teeth and roared.

His teammates could only continue to throw their skills at Lu Li. They weren't sure if they could save him if they turned around now, but as long as Lu Li didn't run away, he was definitely dead, even if the March Rain increased his health. No, not to mention that March Rain has been controlled by the mosquito-eating pet several times in a row.

This time, the pet brought by the fasting mosquito does not have high attack power, but it has many control skills and is specially used to destroy the opponent's healing profession.

Lu Li took a breath and used the special effects on the ring just before the fatal blow was about to fall on him.

Netherworld Ghost Claw (Dark Gold): Damage 36-48, Agility +42, Strength +28, Critical Hit +25%, Special Effect 1: When your attack hits consecutive critical hits, there is a 50% chance of triple damage the third time. , Special Effect 2: Throat Wiping Skill Level +1, Special Effect 3: Netherworld Ghost Claw, instant cast, after use, it causes 600 points of damage to the target, 50% of which is converted into the caster's own health, and after receiving It will continue to reduce the target's armor by 30% in the next fifteen seconds. The equipment requires level 50 and durability 215/215.

Although he now has a better legendary ring, the special effects on the Ocean Wind are not so suitable here, and he also plans to save it, so after seeing the selection of Wushuang City, he changed to the Netherworld Ghost Claw.

This ring made his critical hits very crazy. Just now, Xian Naier was critically hit by him twice in a row. The third time, it actually triggered three times the damage. In one round, most of her health was gone.

The special effect he used was the third special effect of the ring, which caused 600 points of damage to Xian Naier, who had less than 1,000 health left.

These 600 points of damage were not enough to send Xian Naier off the field, but Lu Li converted 300 points of health from these damages, and also caused 30% of Xian Naier's armor damage.

The diagonal slash of Fatal Golden Pants can theoretically cause 300 to 400 points of damage to Lu Li. With Lu Li's HP of less than 200, it is impossible for him to withstand this blow, but because of these 300 points of HP What's more, Lu Li didn't fall down immediately.

He didn't feel that it was a pity that he was about to die. He tilted the dagger upward and hit a three-star wipe across the throat.

Lu Li's Throat Wipe was originally at level five, and the Netherworld Ghost Claw was added to another level. Even three stars was enough to send Xian Naer away.

As a result, Lu Li and Xian Naier turned into white light one after another, one step faster than Hanxiao Banbu Dian, but Hanxiao Banbu Dian didn't keep them waiting for too long. This big breast saved his opponent countless times, this time But before his teammates could save him, he turned into a white light after using up his control and damage reduction skills.

One for two!

Lu Li was very satisfied with this result. Although his attack was high, he had to have a chance to strike first. Moreover, in comparison, thieves are a squishy profession after all, and their role in team battles on maps like Dustwallow Swamp is limited. .

If you replace the opponent's treatment and legal output, this business will not lose money no matter how you look at it.

In the following battle, he became an ordinary bystander. From the perspective of a bystander, he could more clearly observe the performance of his teammates in the battle.

What surprised the audience was that Wushuang City, which was missing one person, was not crushed in a one-sided manner. Lu Li was not surprised at all. It would be really strange if it was really one-sided. In any case, he is still a candidate for the finals. How could a super club lose in one fell swoop?

Besides, if the points gap between them and the Sword of Judgment is too big, then they will completely lose the opportunity to go further, so what are they still doing with their trump card?

By the next season, all of these equipment will probably be eliminated.

Therefore, the madness shown by the people in Wushuang City immediately suppressed the four people in the Sword of Judgment, especially the deadly golden pants who actually summoned an earth dragon, causing large amounts of damage wherever it passed, and there was also a certain probability of being stunned. The target dazzled Lu Li.

If this was equipment with special effects, Lu Li would have to borrow it even if he had to pay a certain price.

This thing is really awesome!

Maybe Fatal Golden Pants didn't expect the situation to change so quickly, otherwise he wouldn't have waited until now to use it.

Both sides' alternate players Qing Qi Gujiu and Mu Qiu rushed over, and the lineup was further strengthened. Wushuang City's crazy performance also reaped rewards. Luoying Memories, who also lacked many life-saving means, was defeated by a magician with only half a cigarette left. Zhao hit twice in a row and was sent out of the arena.

Lu Li watched the racers in Wushuang City resisting stubbornly, and saw the number of people on both sides decreasing continuously, and he didn't look too disappointed.

Instead, I thought with joy that this earth dragon in the deadly golden pants could try to borrow it. With only half a cigarette left, he actually used a big move in seconds, and it still hit consecutive critical hits. If it were equipped with special effects...

Must borrow it too!

The entire Wushuang City is simply a treasure trove for him. He is really lucky to have negotiated this condition when he met Soul Eater before.

It doesn't matter even if he pays some benefits. For the finals, Lu Li must strengthen his strength as much as possible. He believes that the City of Glory will also take such measures, and they have a deeper foundation. I am afraid that even if the Sword of Judgment can make it to the finals, facing It was also a brutal battle beyond imagination.

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