The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1141 Trump Card

Since Lu Li created a good situation by trading one for two, and Qingqi Gujiu in Wushuang City was not a truly professional healer, there was no reversal in the final result of the team competition.

However, Wushuang City's Jedi counterattack was not ineffective. The shaman Luo Ying's Memories of the Sword of Judgment and the warlock Maomao Love Eating Meat were eventually killed by force. At this point, the points gained by both sides in the team competition are clear at a glance. The Sword of Judgment Six points, Wushuang City three points.

Including the points from the arena competition, the points ratio between Sword of Judgment and Wushuang City is now 11:7.

"The Sword of Judgment leads by four points. It doesn't look like the gap is very big," the commentator Jiufeng said, probably trying to be cute.

"It may not seem like a big difference, but four points means four kills. Unless Wushuang City can perform at an unimaginable level in the next game, it will really stop at the top eight," Sihaiyoulong sighed. .

"That's right, and did you notice that this time Wushuang City showed many methods that have not been used in previous games," Jiufeng also said seriously.

"On the home map, I used my trump card, but I haven't been able to lead the score. This can only be said that there is a certain gap between Wushuang City and Sword of Judgment, both in terms of strength and strategy," Sihaiyoulong paused and added. Said: "But I think if Qingqi Gujiu was in charge of the team competition, the result might be different."

"How do you say this?"

"It's a matter of style. Fatal Golden Pants plays a berserker and has a strong personality. When he saw the opportunity to kill Lu Li, he immediately took action and the original formation was disrupted," Sihaiyoulong said.

"Hey, it's not unreasonable to think like this," Jiufeng agreed: "You really shouldn't have rushed in at that time, but I think even Commander Qingqi Gujiu might not give up such an opportunity to kill Lu Li."

"Killing Lu Li is indeed a very attractive opportunity. I don't think anyone will take it seriously. However, the map selection for this game is mainly aimed at thieves. Since such a map was chosen, Lu Li's threat should not be considered. First of all, that’s why I said that this battle was first of all a strategic mistake. I know Qingqi Gujiu, and he would never make such a decision," Sihaiyoulong said rudely.

"And I discovered that Lu Li's critical hits seemed to be too high. After two consecutive critical hits, he actually exploded. It was still a big explosion. Otherwise, Xian Naier wouldn't have died like this. She also had three health points. There are more than a thousand," Jiufeng quickly changed the topic. They were just explaining and saying what needed to be said. It seemed aggressive to always hold on to the question of Fatal Golden Pants.

Besides, under the circumstances at that time, probably 80 to 90 percent of the people would choose to kill Lu Li.

"You can see the problem with critical hits. In fact, I think the first two critical hits may have been a result of luck, but the third hit was definitely a special effect of the equipment, which is the same as having only half a cigarette left. Similarly, he instantly cast a big move, followed by a critical hit, which is not the effect that the critical hit itself can achieve," Sihaiyoulong said.

He is older, but he has never given up playing and studying games. If he is asked to play, he may not be able to beat ordinary players, but when it comes to theory, he is definitely not comparable to ordinary experts.

"But their critical strikes should all be at full value," Jiu Feng asked.

"I don't know if there is only half a cigarette left, but Lu Li is definitely full," Sihaiyoulong explained: "According to the test data released by major studios, the full critical hit value of a level 50 mage is one hundred. Eight, the full critical hit value for thieves of the same level is one hundred and fifty. I think one hundred and fifty is quite easy to get, but one hundred and eighty is a bit difficult."

The so-called critical hit probability is not simply the sum of the critical hit probability of several pieces of equipment. In that case, even if Lu Li didn't take into account the special effect of Searing Mantra that increases critical hit by 60%, the total of other equipment would be more than 150.

One hundred and fifty percent, wouldn't every hit be a critical hit?

This is not the case. Under normal circumstances, Lu Li can only get one critical hit every five times. There are not many consecutive critical hits unless the opponent is more than three levels lower than him.

Therefore, some studios will conduct some tests to determine how much critical hit probability is required for different levels and different professions. For example, for a level 50 mage, if the critical hit probability is lower than 180, then there is still room for improvement. At one hundred and eighty, the extra part is useless.

A thief needs one hundred and fifty, and Lu Li has reached it now, but he still has room for improvement because he is already at level fifty-five.

As for how many critical hits each profession after level 55 requires, no studio has the ability to test it. Because there are currently only two or three players above level 55 on the level list, all of whom are members of the Sword of Judgment, it is impossible for them to go and help the studio test data.

If Lu Li replaces the Netherworld Claw with Ocean Wind, he can get an additional 10% chance of a critical hit.

If he activates the special effect of Searing Mantra and increases it by 60%, that would be a 220% critical hit probability, which is probably a lot more than that. Lu Li can't remember how many critical hits a level 55 thief needs. , but it will never exceed two hundred, so when he activates special effects, the critical hit will overflow.

It’s all top quality, so it’s not strange for some of it to leak out.

Top mage players may pursue a critical hit probability of 180 at level 55, but ordinary players will be satisfied with a critical hit probability of over 100, and the difference in effect is not as exaggerated day by day.

The two commentators made a summary, and the game was over after the points results were announced.

Then people from the two teams were interviewed by the media. The questions they asked were nothing more than how their own performance was, how the other team was doing, what their future plans were, and whether there was anything else they wanted to say... and so on. Although Wushuang City is still young, We have experienced many such scenes, but this was the first time for some of the players of the Sword of Judgment to accept such a formal interview, and they were a little reserved in their speech.

Fortunately, no mistakes were made. Everyone was competing and it was quite harmonious in private.

Finally, the Sword of Judgment came on stage to interact with the fans.

Don't underestimate this short period of twenty or thirty minutes. Many clubs only have half an hour to form a certain impression in players' minds. Players are usually busy competing or leveling up, so who has time to interact with fans.

It is appropriate to celebrate after winning a game. Players in some clubs will play games and may even invite some players to play together.

There are also some who can tell jokes. For example, Mo Wangfeng is a famous joker. Tong Yanwuji also likes to tell jokes, but his jokes are more dirty. Xue Dagger occasionally tells jokes, but unfortunately no one laughs, and his jokes are colder.

As for the Sword of Judgment, Fat Monkey may still be able to talk a few words, but he didn't play today and was in a low mood. Others don't have the talent in this area.

As a result, there was an immediate silence on the stage. Under the suggestions of the two commentators, everyone sat down and chatted about some topics that fans were concerned about.

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