The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1142 Interview (please vote for recommendation)

"Ladies first, let our Miss Sanyueyu decide first," Jiufeng said with a gesture.

March Rain has many fans, and she has the most fans among all the players of Sword of Judgment. On the one hand, she is beautiful, on the other hand, she has a good temper, and she looks like a quiet and good girl with a soft voice. Some people want a wife like this, some people want a sister like this, some people want a sister like this, and some people want a daughter like this. In short, the audience is wide and everyone loves it. , flowers bloom.

"Shuguang is my first official game. I played it with my brother," Sanyue Yu said a little shy, after all, facing so many people.

Although I knew that there were millions of people watching my game before, after all, I just knew that during the game, the audience could see the racers, but the racers could not see the audience at all. Now I was sitting on the big round stage, face to face with millions of spectators. Watch.

"March Yu's brother is called Huadi Liqing. Please look at the big screen. Isn't he very handsome? This family has really good genes." Jiufeng said with emotion: "Although he has always been at the top of the ranking list, it's a pity that he doesn't like to fight. game, otherwise everyone can see him on the field."

The others in the Sword of Judgment tried hard not to laugh. Huahua didn't like competitions. He was simply a competition idiot.

"How do you know Lu Li?"

"When I was in Novice Village, my brother and I were doing a mission and met Lu Li. He helped us defeat monsters and even had conflicts with others." Sanyue Yu recalled that she felt quite uneasy at the time.

At that time, it was actually the first time for her and Huadi Liqing to actually play the game. There was no operation at all. A mission monster made them embarrassed. When they met the person who was trying to steal the monster, they just wanted to calm down the trouble, because they didn't know how to do it at all. I don’t know how to fight with others.

Lu Li changed their brother and sister's game concepts, so one became a celebrity on the ranking list, and the other became the best rookie player in the Huaying Cup.

"Well, actually there is another question that everyone is curious about." Sihaiyoulong opened a questionnaire and stared at Moonlight and asked: "Mr. Moonlight, you defeated the Deadly Golden Pants head-on. Your status is even higher in the eyes of the warriors. Everyone wants to What is your relationship with an alcoholic?"

"There's nothing to say about this," Yueguang responded calmly: "I am an alcoholic."

In fact, everyone suspected that Moonlight was an alcoholic, and insiders even believed that Moonlight was an alcoholic. But what really made fans excited was that he personally admitted his identity.

There are many versions of what happened in the arena back then. Anyway, it was nothing more than love, hatred and betrayal, so that a large club with many star players disappeared in an instant. Now that the Demon Palace is mentioned, I am afraid that not many people know about it. too much.

In the past few years, the players from Demon God Palace have been scattered all over the place. Some have new owners, some have completely disappeared from the gaming circle, and some are living in confusion.

Moonlight has now boarded the ship of the Sword of Judgment and has officially restored her identity. She is obviously ready for a big fight.

"Oh, the following question is for Fat Monkey," Jiufeng took out a questionnaire again and read it out slowly: "Why is our senior brother such a funny guy, who promised to be cool and cool, and blow the sky with his mouth."

The audience burst into laughter, and Fat Monkey almost fell off his chair.

"Ahem, I think people may have a little misunderstanding about me. Although I am not as handsome as some people, my aloof temperament is definitely enough. Look at my expression. Isn't it cool? Isn't it dazzling? Don't laugh. Ah, if you laugh again, I will get angry, really angry..."

Then there are the other players. The questions drawn cover a wide range of topics, so no one will be ignored.

Luo Ying recalled that what she was asked about was about rotten culture. Even Lu Li, who was a teammate, and the others only now knew that this girl was a celebrity in a rot girl forum, but the forum didn’t know the two Luo Ying recalled yet. It's just the same person.

It’s more common for cats who like to eat meat to ask whether they have a boyfriend according to their age and constellation.

"Someone asked Mu Qiu here," Sihaiyoulong paused, his eyes flashing: "Did you leave the Bloody Banner because you were treated badly?"

This problem is actually quite dangerous. Both the Sword of Judgment and the Bloody Banner are facing pressure from the City of Glory, so even if their relationship is not that good, but they both belong to the same camp, they are basically on the same page.

If the two sides turned against each other because of Mu Qiu, it would really be a good show.

"Leave the Blood Flag..." Mu Qiu shook her head slightly: "There is no such thing as unfair treatment. The atmosphere in the club is very good. It's just that I personally want to seek better development."

"In other words, the bloody battle flag is not suitable for your growth?" Sihaiyoulong asked.

"No, it's not that the Blood Flag is not suitable for me, it's that I am not suitable for the Blood Flag. I chose the path I insisted on, and this path obviously cannot be integrated into the system of the Blood Flag, so I chose the Sword of Judgment. In fact, it changed It’s not as complicated as everyone thinks. Whether it’s a player or a club, everyone is choosing in both directions and working hard to find what suits them.” Mu Qiu has been in the professional circle for more than a day or two, and her emotional intelligence is not low, so she naturally understands How to speak.

It's not like the Four Seas Wandering Dragon and the Sword of Judgment have any grudges, and they admire Mu Qiu's cleverness, so naturally they won't pursue him relentlessly.

It was Lu Li's turn, this was the finale.

He didn't have the most fans, but he was indeed the most curious. Who kept Lu Li silent all day long and covered his face when he went out?

There were only some blurry videos of him recorded at the beginning, but the angles of those videos were not very good and the environment might be a little dark, so his image in the minds of fans was almost chaotic.

These days, the more you hide something, the more it arouses people's curiosity.

Now, even if Lu Li is sitting on the stage, he is covered in equipment. His face is completely covered by the ghostly face of the Night Killer. Coupled with his calm and calm temperament, he just has the cold temperament that Fat Monkey wants but cannot get. .

"First of all, the first question, why did you create the Sword of Judgment," Jiufeng himself was also very curious.

"It starts with when I went to the spider lair. At that time, I discovered that Dawn is not a game that one person can play well." Lu Li was actually lying, but that was all he could say. You can't say that I had foresight and knew about Dawn's future. It’s all a world for group players.

"So who do you think helped you the most in this process?" Jiufeng changed a questionnaire. There were so many questionnaires that it was easy to find ones that could be connected.

"It should be Third Brother (root number three) and white bread," Lu Li said subconsciously, and then quickly added: "Actually, all the teammates in my fixed group have put in a lot of effort, and there are some others. Members, it should be said that it is the joint efforts of everyone that has created the Sword of Judgment today.”

There is a group account in the profile. Friends who are interested can add it. In addition, we will recruit a Juju who has experience in managing large VIP groups.

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