Even though the competition between Sword of Judgment and Wushuang City has been settled, the team competition still has to continue. Millions of players bought tickets to enter the venue. Even if the ticket price is only a few dozen silver coins, people cannot only watch half of it.

Dustwallow Swamp was the map used in the first game. Wushuang City took out this map with full confidence, thinking that it would add a big bargaining chip to the home battle. Who would have thought that they still lost that team game, and now Seeing this map again, the eyes of the people in Wushuang City turned red.

"Everyone, I won't say anything else. This is our last show, so I'll leave it to you." Soul Eater blinked and forced back the moisture that was pouring into his eyes. He is the president of the guild and the manager of the club. He rarely maintains such a low profile.

"Don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future," said Qingqi Gujiu, the captain of Wushuang City. He was equally uncomfortable, and his eyes were bloodshot when he looked at Soul Devourer.

"Then you arrange the manpower, I'll prepare to appease the fans," Soul Eater sighed and left first.

Wushuang City was defeated and stopped in the quarterfinals. No matter who looks at the players, this result will not be considered bad, and they are only an emerging club that has only been established for a few years, but the fans will not complain because of this. Peerless City has higher expectations.

"Naier, you..." Qingqi Gujiu first named Xian Naier.

In the first Dustwallow Marsh game, Wushuang City's defeat was mainly due to Fatal Golden Pants' commanding style being too aggressive, but the cause was Xianel. She played Lu Li and pursued her relentlessly, driving the team's rhythm and thus causing The formation was out of sync, giving the Sword of Judgment an opportunity to take advantage.

If she had just driven Lu Li away and played it safe, the result of the team competition might have been different.

"Otherwise, I won't fight this time," Xian Naier lowered her head and almost burst into tears.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you don't fight, who will fight? How about me?" Qing Qigujiu glared. The good old man was not without a temper. He was really angry with this little girl.

"I...I will definitely fight well," Xian Naier Nuonuo.

"You are not without responsibility for the last defeat, but what is past is past. Fighting well in the next game is the top priority. If you want to cry, cry well after the game," Qing Qigujiu comforted awkwardly He said, turning around and pulling the full-time assistant: "Assistant, you should be careful this time. You must win, and you must win beautifully."

"Yeah," the job transfer assistant nodded. He was not a person who liked to talk too much.

Qingqi Gujiu quickly finalized the lineup for Wushuang City, including the deadly gold-pants berserker, the Xiannel warlock, the full-time auxiliary shadow priest, the half-stepping shaman healer with a smile, and finally the half-cigarette mage left on the bench. The person sitting is a mosquito hunter who eats food.

As the captain, Qingqi Gujiu himself was absent from this last game. If a violent lineup is adopted, he will not be able to play a big role.

Lu Li adopted an almost opposite strategy to theirs.

Priest of March Rain, Paladin of Mu Qiu, Moonlight Berserker, Meat-eating Warlock of Maomao, Lu Li Rogue, Luoying Memories is sitting on the bench, and Fat Monkey is absent from the team competition.

"Although it is the last game, the game will not affect our qualifying, but don't forget that there are millions of people outside watching the game, so everyone must go all out," Lu Li obviously played the role of captain. He looked Everyone looked a little indifferent and had to give a pre-war speech.

Having said that, everyone really got excited. Thinking about the huge audience outside, it was indeed Alexander.

Now Shuguang not only has servers in China, most foreign countries have chosen cooperative companies to set up servers, and they were opened almost at the same time as China.

Although everyone cannot see each other at the same map coordinates, the content of the game is generally the same. For the professional league in China, players from other servers can also buy tickets and choose to watch. If you make a fool of yourself during the game, it will be really embarrassing. Throw it abroad.

The person responsible for the commentary is still the dragon and phoenix combination. From the beginning of "Wandering Dragon in the Four Seas", he was lamenting about Wushuang City.

Then he recalled the development history of the professional circle, from the birth of VR technology to the ever-changing present. Only a retired veteran like him can say it so emotionally. For someone who is still young, such as Jiufeng, she still has one level at present. As a racer, no matter what, I cannot feel the melancholy of time passing by and time not waiting for me.

Of course, everyone has the same passion for winning the championship.

After entering the scene, it was still the filthy dusty swamp. Lu Li was still sneaking in, but he no longer left the main force to act alone. It was a fluke that he was able to lure Shanair out last time. I guess he won't sneak in front of Shanair this time. Hanging around, other girls don't pay attention to him.

Moreover, the map of Dustwallow Swamp has been practiced many times by Wushuang City. Each of them can accurately judge the location of the thieves. If one fails, he may be beaten by a meat bun.

However, because one of the five people seemed to be missing, Wushuang City was naturally unable to determine where Lu Li was. This was an invisible pressure. Who knew when and where he would suddenly appear. No one would underestimate Lu Li. of explosive power.

When Wushuang City saw the people of Judgment Sword, they immediately accelerated and pressed forward. Judgment Sword had no reason to back down and naturally rushed forward.

Lu Li had his eye on Xian Naier - he was not a pervert, nor was he interested in others. He was a thief, and he couldn't break through the opponent's defense line to attack and heal, so he naturally chose the cloth-armored warlock who was relatively easy to bully.

Xian Naier was really nervous. Lu Li had already left a psychological shadow on her.

Fortunately, her basic skills were excellent and it was not her first time participating in a competition. After realizing that Lu Li was targeting her, she moved her angle to where there was only half a cigarette left.

In this way, if Lu Li dares to come and bully her, he can freeze Lu Li with Frost Nova with only half a cigarette left.

Will Lu Li back down?

Of course not. If one person can hold down two magic systems, it will be great for team battles.

"Lu Li!" the full-time assistant yelled.

Everyone, including the deadly golden pants who rushed towards Sanyue Yu, immediately turned around and focused their fire on Lu Li.

The explosion was fully activated, and the method of pressing the bottom of the box was immediately used. Lu Li's pupils shrank to the extreme in an instant, and the command to use Wind Step was issued in his brain like a conditioned reflex.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The ultimate move used by all four of them. They discovered Lu Li's location in advance, had an insight into Lu Li's purpose, and calculated the timing and location of Lu Li's attack. Some even started reading the message early, the moment Lu Li showed his body. They all threw their ultimate moves in Lu Li's face.

There are four ultimate moves, some of which are combos. Even Hanxiaobanbudian changed to a weapon with special damage effects today. No one is invincible. Whether it is calculated mentally or not, all Lu Li's health points were wiped out in an instant. .

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