The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1164 Something happened to the apprentice

"Is this taking medicine?" Jiufeng exclaimed.

"Wonderful, it's so wonderful!" Sihaiyoulong also cheered. He quickly explained the exquisite layout of Wushuang City, so that people in the audience could understand what happened at that moment. Wushuang City How much preparation people have done for this moment.

"Lu Li was actually killed. It's unbelievable." If someone had told them before today's game that Lu Li would die first, Jiu Feng would have thought that person was crazy.

"What's so strange about this? He is also a human being, and he is just a player. He has mental arithmetic but no intention. If none of the four can kill one, the game will be unplayable." In comparison, Four Seas Dragon is faster. Accepted the fact that Lu Li was killed.

Since the birth of games, fairness has become a theme that cannot be ignored, especially as the value of this industry chain increases.

Only a fair game can last long, but it cannot be too rigidly fair and lose its appeal. Industry elites have been thinking hard for generations to find a balance acceptable to both parties. Sugon is particularly persistent in this regard.

There was once a survey on what kind of game is considered balanced.

You won't die if you suck blood, artifacts are everywhere, you're hacking a street, you're lucky, this is obviously unbalanced.

But it's okay for two people to hack each other for a long time. That's the other extreme.

Wushuang City set up a trap to kill Lu Li, breaking the myth that Lu Li was immortal. However, being able to kill Lu Li as soon as possible was indeed worthy of their pride.

With the number of people reduced by one, the Sword of Judgment immediately fell into a hard fight. Not only did they have to give up the smiling half-step that was about to be killed by them, but they also had to turn back to protect their own treatment. Once March Rain died, the team competition would definitely be a one-sided situation.

Several people protected Sanyueyu while fighting. Fortunately, Mu Qiu was there, and the two healers took turns to cover, and they were able to survive the siege of the four powerful outputs of Wushuang City.

Moreover, Wushuang City had used too many ultimate moves and powerful special effects just to kill Lu Li instantly, and it was impossible to gain more in a short period of time.

Sword of Judgment alternate member Luo Ying recalled entering the field and smoothly joined her teammates, stabilizing the situation.

Losing Lu Li was not just as simple as losing a powerful output, they also lost the captain who commanded the battle, and also lost their spiritual support.

There was not much suspense in the subsequent battle, and Sword of Judgment only scored two points.

The result of this game was seven points for Judgment Sword and ten points for Wushuang City. Wushuang City handed in a perfect answer for the final scene of the league this season.

Although such a victory is very bitter, because it is not enough to shake the final result of the quarter-finals of Judgment Sword VS Wushuang City. Counting the previous two games, the final score of Judgment Sword and Wushuang City is 29:22. The Sword of Judgment qualified and Wushuang City was eliminated in the quarterfinals.

But Wushuang City's performance in the third game was so impressive.

Just like Sihai Youlong said, if they can also display such strength in the first game, then the final result will be really different.

In the next few days, the results of other groups in the quarterfinals were also announced.

Glory City eliminated the Scarlet Flag without any suspense. Their two guilds are considered to be the most powerful guilds in the gaming industry, but the strength gap between the two sides is very obvious. The former has dominated the gaming industry for the past few years, and its strength is indeed extraordinary.

Lu Li read several analysis posts and his expression became more and more serious.

In the previous Huaying Cup, Glory City obviously didn't put much investment in it. The Magic Cup was only used as a training ground. The league was the competition they really valued.

The levels of several players are rising every day, and all the equipment is equipped with dedicated personnel, including gems, enhancements, enchantments... Good equipment on the market is being promoted more and more, and a good equipment does not cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's strange.

The results of the games between Weiyu Pavilion and 7th Heaven were not disappointing. Although the point difference in each game was not big, Weiyu Pavilion won all three games and eventually became the third guild to eliminate its opponents and enter the semi-finals.

The Storm Legion defeated the Dawnwings.

If Weiyu Pavilion and Seventh Heaven are evenly matched, then the Storm Legion and Dawn Wings are completely planning to tie. After three games, there is only one point difference, but a one point difference is still a victory, regardless of Dawn Wings No matter how wronged I am, I have to swallow this victory.

The next semi-finals are the showdown between the City of Glory, Sword of Judgment, Weiyu Pavilion, and the Storm Legion.

What is more interesting is that of these four guilds, there are two alliances and two tribes. The two alliances, Sword of Judgment and Weiyu Pavilion, are allies, and the tribal guilds, Glory City and Storm Legion, are actually allies.

So some people boldly speculated that what if the semi-finals turned into Sword of Judgment vs. Weiyu Pavilion, City of Glory vs. Storm Legion...

Fight in a den first, decide the winner and then fight?

But no matter what, now that the semi-finals have been decided, all that needs to be done is to wait.

Lu Li took the time to pay attention to his little apprentice.

Liang Bing has been joining the Sword of Judgment for several days and has reached level 15, but Lu Li is not happy.

I originally thought that it would not be difficult to guide her to become a professional alchemist, but now the problem is that she is not satisfied with simply being a professional player in life, she wants to become a great magician.

In Lu Li's memory, Liang Bing was a professional life player who spent almost all of his game time practicing alchemy. Otherwise, he would not have become Dawn's top alchemist even after entering the game so late.

What exactly is the problem?

Lu Li was puzzled. He didn't like to force others, but it was a pity that Liang Bing didn't practice life skills. This was related to such an important thing as the resurrection potion, which was crucial to the future development of the guild.

After taking some time, Lu Li went to meet his rookie apprentice who was about to become a leveling madman.

At this time, she was leveling up with several mages from the guild.

Observing from a distance, this little rookie has improved a lot compared to a few days ago, but in Lu Li's eyes, he is still a rookie, not even as good as an ordinary player, and this girl has no talent for gaming at all. If not for other people to help her , let alone a group of monsters, she might not even be able to win in a one-on-one fight.

After Lu Li arrived, Liang Bing also stopped. Others formed a team to guide her, which would not delay her leveling up.

After some insinuations, Lu Li gradually understood the crux of the matter.

In the final analysis, it was indeed because of him that everything fundamentally changed.

If it weren't for Lu Li, Liang Bing would still have a master, but this master would be the most ordinary kind of player - the kind who works hard to make money every day and doesn't have much left in the end.

Of course, it is impossible for such a master to give Liang Bing much useful guidance, of course it is impossible to give her a large amount of gold coins to buy potions to repair equipment, and of course it is impossible to send a whole team of elite mages to help her level up. Of course, it is impossible to be like now. Fighting monsters and upgrading are as simple as drinking water and eating for Liang Bing.

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