The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1165: Attacking the Young Disciple (please vote for recommendation)

"It's so exciting to fight monsters," Liang Bing said, waving the level 15 golden staff she had just replaced. This staff was also prepared by the guild for her. It does very high damage and comes with two powerful special effects. If you take it If you go to the market and sell tens of thousands of real coins, people will grab them.

"Really, let me see how much progress you have made," Lu Li said, pointing at an elite monster that was attracting monsters over there.

"It's okay, just look at me," Liang Bing said very confidently.

She had killed hundreds or even thousands of monsters like this today, and they fell down before they could reach her.

Several players who were leveling up with her shook their heads secretly. They had already begun to feel sorry for Liangbing in their hearts. They had done well in other games before, but they were reluctant to change games after Dawn was released. As a result, the old games went downhill and their net worth shrank. Countless times, in the end they had no choice but to bite the bullet and change games. A friend who was doing well in Sword of Judgment introduced them to join this guild. Root No. 3 checked their previous achievements and let them in.

Of course it would be faster for them to level up together, but Liang Bing is a task given to them by the guild, and she is also a very good girl, so there is no reason to refuse.

It's theirs to attract and control monsters. Liang Bing only needs to use her skills on monsters. She has a set of top-notch equipment and the damage she causes to monsters is actually not low.

On Lu Li's side, Liang Bing skillfully threw a fireball at the elite monster.

The elite monster was originally led by another mage. Because it did not cause any damage, the hatred was not stable. Now that it was attacked, it immediately rushed towards Liang Bing.

This is an eighteenth-level coyote, and its name is the Snatcher. It has interlocking canine teeth and looks sharp and ferocious. It is accustomed to living in groups and moves very fast, hence the name. This creature is distributed in many places in the Barrens and is a natural predators, even lions may not dare to provoke them.

The damage of the fireball was very considerable, knocking out more than 70 points of health of the coyote, but this was not worth worrying about for the coyote with 800 health points.

Liang Bing rubbed fireballs again. Since ice arrows are longer than fireballs, she has become accustomed to using this skill. For group attacks, she has only used blizzard. As for fire blast, she uses this skill less because few monsters can. Get within eight yards of her.

But this time it seems different.

Liang Bing was horrified to find that the Snarled-Toothed Predator, who might have been killed before he even got eight yards closer to him, was getting closer and closer to him.

She remembered the teachings of her mage teammates and took a step back to try to distance herself. Even so, when the third fireball hit the coyote, she could not avoid the fate of being approached by the coyote.

It seemed that he had taught her something after being approached by a monster, but she didn't remember it at all.

Lu Li raised his hand and shot away the coyote in seconds, sparing Liang Bing, who would have been killed by another attack.

"How's it going? How do you feel now?"

"The coyote is an elite. It takes five people to kill it. It cannot be killed by one person." Liang Bing was not an idiot and quickly found a reason for himself.

Lu Li stared at her for a moment, then waved over a mage. He didn't call out his name, he just called a mage at random.

"Boss, what are you calling me for," a mage with hair dyed white ran over and asked. There are barbershops that can dye hair all over Azeroth. You only need twenty silver coins to change your hairstyle, and you can add forty silver coins. If you change the color later, the price will double every time.

"Kill an elite and show her," Lu Li said.

The white-headed mage smiled sheepishly at Liang Bing, and simply threw an ice arrow at a wild-toothed predator.

Next came the show of skill matching and positioning. This mage, whose level was not much higher than Liang Bing's, showed his superb ability to fight monsters, without losing any blood from the beginning to the end.

Liang Bing was dumbfounded. After being stunned for a while, he jumped up and attracted another monster.

The result was not much better. It was Lu Li who saved her life. Of course she was not willing to give in. Once or twice, even if she calmed down, she could not reduce the monster's health to less than half.

"What is going on, what is going on?"

Liang Bing's world view was almost destroyed, and the confidence he had accumulated during this period disappeared in an instant.

"I'm just telling you, you're not as powerful as you think." Even if he didn't plan to let this stupid apprentice become an alchemist, Lu Li had to tell her the truth, otherwise she would continue to live in a world where she was in trouble caused by a strange combination of circumstances. In the illusion of strength.

"..." Liang Bing was speechless.

"Actually, you can't make much money in PVE. How many people have you seen who make a lot of money playing PVE?" Lu Li said.

Lu Li really wasn't trying to coax her. Don't look at how Lu Li and the others got a lot of top-quality equipment from the dungeon. Anyone in his fixed group could sell their equipment for tens or even millions. That's because they took too much. With multiple kills, normal upgrades, dungeons, and missions, it is difficult for players to accumulate too many gold coins. Lu Li in his previous life is an example. He has high gaming talent and extraordinary perseverance. Just because he entered the game It was too late. Without the backing of a powerful guild, he could only earn enough to support himself and his sister. In the face of the huge amount of treatment, all his efforts were in vain.

"How about I take the PVP route and become a racer?" Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and ignorant people are fearless.

"Uh, then why don't you try entering the arena?" Lu Li couldn't help but said directly, "Don't be stupid, little girl. With your understanding, even if you were reborn like me, you wouldn't be able to become a racer." Since ancient times, there are people who can't cry without seeing a coffin, and there are still people who can't cry after seeing a coffin, so let her try.

So Liang Bing stopped leveling and went back to the main city with Lu Li.

Entering the arena through the PVP quartermaster in the main city, Lu Li pointed her to choose a level 15 1VS1 arena. Since it was her first time to enter, it was the lowest level.

Thirty seconds later, Liang Bing came out.

She cried with tears in her eyes: "It's too much, it's too much. The thief didn't even say hello. I even said hello to him, but he didn't pay attention to me. He just came up and killed me. He was a sneak attack!"

"His name is in your record. You can choose to challenge him again." Lu Li was very speechless. Such a disciple really wanted to crush her to death.

Liang Bing fumbled for a while and chose the person who had just killed her. It didn't take long before she received the message that the person agreed to fight again.

The current arena is much more user-friendly than before. It is extremely common for one party to be unconvinced and ask for a repeat after a match. It’s just that the rogue players don’t understand where the rookie got the courage to ask for a repeat.


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