The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1195 Arcane Ax

The first kill is announced, and it’s still the Sword of Judgment!

Some people are gnashing their teeth, some are rejoicing, and most people are indifferent.

This kind of highest-level game is just fun for ordinary players. Whether it is the first kill in the City of Glory or the first kill in the Sword of Judgment, it has nothing to do with them. Anyway, no one will share the strategy.

Of course, the one who suffered the biggest impact was the strategy team of Glory City.

Even though they came through all kinds of wind and waves, they still couldn't help but get confused when they heard the system announcement. The enslaver Kizrul, who was about to be captured, took the opportunity to kill them all, announcing that their strategy team would stop here.

"Sorry, it's my fault," Xi Shanbai said nothing on the surface, but anyone could feel his frustration.

"I underestimated Lu Li and the Sword of Judgment," Xiao Mo wasn't too angry. He said calmly: "Yanbo, please pinch the line around Yiren's tears. We were tricked by Lu Li."

"Why?" Yanbo from the city was anxious.

"Actually, people have a blind spot in their thinking, and they always subconsciously believe in things that are good for themselves, so we take it for granted that Yi Ren Lei Lao Zhi Rou is dissatisfied with their guild because the Sword of Judgment does not give him a chance to play in the competition. Have you ever thought about what happens if he doesn't want to go to the arena? Do you think he will betray Lu Li? If he didn't betray Lu Li, these so-called strategies were sold to us by Lu Li on purpose."

"He cheated our money and our materials," the blood dagger was still very deep.

"But why doesn't he want to go on the court?" Nishiyama Haku was puzzled. He didn't have a smooth career, and his talent wasn't that high, so he had to work harder than anyone else since he entered the industry.

Therefore, he can enter the City of Glory, squeeze out Wendelian, and become one of the top powerful figures in the City of Glory.

"Different people have different pursuits," Xiao Mo himself had found a dead end before. People like them who were in the professional circle always subconsciously felt that other people wanted to get in, but when someone reported that Yi Renlei was When Zhuozhirou ranked second on Arathi's first week of glory, he knew he was wrong.

Who would normally want to go to the field to mess around all day long?

According to the classification of PVP players, except for some PK maniacs who are itchy without killing people, such as Moonlight, normal people with a bit of pursuit will not join the battlefield. The battlefield is really weak compared to JJC (Arena), and it is basically impossible. mesa.

"Then what should we do now?" Yanbo under the city was also discouraged.

If Lu Li deliberately sold information to them both times, he, the intelligence leader, was the one who made the biggest mistake. According to the rules, he must take responsibility, but he must deal with the consequences before taking responsibility.

"Treat the Sword of Judgment as an opponent. They are qualified to be our opponent," Xiao Mo said solemnly.

Lu Li didn't know that he had become the number one enemy of the City of Glory. In fact, if he knew, he wouldn't be under any pressure. If he wanted to gain a foothold in the gaming industry, it would be a matter of time before he faced the pressure of the City of Glory. Xiao Mo's game How could the Godfather allow uncontrollable forces to exist on his own territory?

Since the rise of the City of Glory, no new forces have appeared in the gaming industry for a long time.

The reason why the Weiyu Pavilion system can gain a foothold is because of its strong background in reality. It is impossible for Xiao Mo to suppress a large financial group in reality.

Lu Li just needs to lead his team to win the professional league championship and let everyone know that the City of Glory is not invincible. By then, a group of large clubs will attack the City of Glory, and the pressure on the Sword of Judgment will naturally not be so great.

The most exciting thing about the first kill is not only being on TV, but the reward is also very important.

Fifteen people participating in the battle will receive fifteen rewards, which is more powerful than what you get from fighting any BOSS, and the system rewards are all things that each player can use.

Lu Li checked his reward. He found a pair of Thief's Legendary Boots. The attributes were not bad, but they were still not as good as his Champion's Boots. Before he obtained the Shadow Step skill, these boots were almost irreplaceable, and the kicking Plus one skill, whether it is PVP or PVE, it is super.

That's how the game is. After all, it's not developed by the company, so it's impossible to develop equipment according to everyone's needs.

The thieves in the guild are probably going crazy. They probably haven't even put on legendary boots. Boots are not weapons that can easily produce legendary boots.

Not everyone else got what they needed. The one who got the best thing was probably Piao Ling. He got a Paladin defensive armor with particularly powerful attributes. This piece of equipment alone was enough. Increases his overall armor by 20%.

It's a pity that it's exclusive to the Paladin, otherwise Azure Sea Breeze would probably take it away even if he cheated.

Azure Sea Breeze himself got a dark gold one-handed sword. He was so angry that he wanted to throw it away. The responsibility system was so blind that he couldn't see clearly that his MT was being tortured like a dog.

Mu Qiu participated in the first kill for the first time, and what he got was not bad. At least he was very satisfied with it.

Moonlight's luck is very good. He is the one who changes weapons the most frequently among all the players here. On the one hand, he always PKs in the wild and has lost several good weapons - he usually will not take the main weapon in the game. It's used for PK in the wild, but the spare one does drop out often.

What he got this time was a grinding tool - the Arcanite Axe.

This legendary ax only has two special effects, so it cannot be compared with the floating legendary armor, but it has an attack power beyond ordinary people's imagination, let alone a level 55 two-handed weapon, even a level 60 one There is probably no two-handed weapon that can compare with him.

Simply put, this is an ax that can kill someone in seconds.

What's more important is that it gathers the money and honor of all its owners. It became the symbol of a warrior during the gaming period of fifty to sixty, and whenever you see it, it will arouse people's memories of killing or being killed.

The drop of this ax is impressive. Each of the materials required is worth thousands of gold. The minimum cost of making this ax is five thousand gold.

Lu Li is still responsible for the forging. He only needs to pay the most basic material fee. If it were one of those high-end forgers on the market, this ax would make Yueguang bankrupt. So even if some people are warriors themselves, after getting the ax mold, Don't keep it for your own use, because you simply can't afford it.

After Yueguang got the mold, she threw it to Lu Li and asked him to do it for him.

He didn't frown when he knew that five thousand gold was needed. He still got a lot of money this season, so spending part of it to make a top-notch weapon was nothing to him.

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