The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1196 The Great Drive (please vote for recommendation)

The mold is worth at least 3,000 gold, and the materials required exceed 5,000 gold. In addition to the forging fee, which requires a master level, this 10,000-gold weapon may play an important role in the next game.

So Lu Li thought about it and supported him in doing it.

What if Xiao Mo is killed by an axe? Xiao Mo's health volume does not exceed 3,000. After all, he pursues high output, strong control, and fast maneuverability. His health volume is a little less than that of ordinary mages. If this weapon exerts its maximum attack effect and adds a critical hit, it will be an instant kill.

At present, the health of mages around level 55 is generally just over 3,000, and professions such as thieves have a little more, but under normal circumstances they do not have 4,000.

Except for warriors, the remaining professions that exceed 4,000 should all add points to their physical fitness, sacrificing other attributes in exchange for an increase in blood volume. Of course, we must consider the alternative existence of Xiong De, whose blood volume is higher than that of ordinary people. The Blood Ox Warrior is even thicker, and is a typical example of relying entirely on its large blood volume to resist monsters.

These professional characteristics will become more obvious after the specialization is refined after level 60.

After talking about the reward equipment that each other received, everyone still has something to do. After all, there is another BOSS that can be touched, and it is also the final BOSS in the lower level of Blackrock Tower. The team was defeated many times before it was defeated. Theoretically, it won't be too rubbish. s things.

The Dragon King's Emblem is the best thing that Vimsalak can explode.

Especially when fire resistance equipment is in urgent need, more and more people will regard this piece of equipment as fire resistance equipment.

Canmeng didn't get anything good just now, so Baobao was unhappy and lost face. Now he worked hard to regain his position on Wimsalak's body.

The first one was a synthetic stone, which reduced equipment requirements by 10%. Lu Li solemnly put the stone away.

He doesn't plan to use it in the short term, so he must save some demand-reducing stones for future use. After all, the drop rate of this thing has been decreasing. When Lu Li entered the game in his last life, there were actually very few new demand-reducing stones released. , the ones circulating on the market were produced a long time ago.

Use one less stone, and after Lu Li has been playing the game for two years, the newcomers who finally enter the game don't even know that there is such a thing as a demand reduction stone in the game.

This is the advantage of the Sword of Judgment. They can take advantage of the fact that stones that reduce demand appear from time to time and step up their collection. In the future, whether they use it themselves or sell it, it will be very good. However, this must have a prerequisite, that is, they have Money matters. Even in the era of reduced demand for production, the market price of this thing has already doubled several times.

The second one is a skill book.

After seeing this skill book, Lu Li became a little uneasy.

Why was this skill book published?

When a profession is able to fight enemies, set up a shield for itself, be able to group fear, chase and burn other people's mana, and finally dispel other people's invincibility, there is no lower limit to the shamelessness of this profession.

Yes, he is the pastor!

Priests have a certain output. There is no doubt about this. Although March Rain almost never wastes skill points on output skills, their treatment is the most balanced and comprehensive among all treatment professions. It can also be said to be the most powerful. Their protection You can not only add shields to yourself, but also to others. The mage profession cried when they saw this scene, because they could only add shields to themselves.

The Priest's group fear is one of the most powerful group control skills available.

Just ask the legal profession to know how disgusting the priest's blue burning is. Oh no, maybe you can ask the Paladin. This kind of small-breasted profession relies on that little blue to survive. The priest will burn a lot of it in just a few hits. Wow, their faces were all blue.

As for the final method of dispelling others' invincibility, it is naturally the book at hand - "Group Dispersal".

All priests have dispel, which is mainly used to dispel magic. Priests are not the only ones who have the same ability, but other professions also have it. Some can dispel diseases, some can dispel curses, and so on.

Dispersion in the game Dawn can be divided into offensive dispersion and defensive dispersion based on the player's summary.

The so-called offensive dispersal is to dispel the buff status on the target so that it is gone, which will naturally make it easier to kill. The defensive dispersal is when others give the priest or teammates some debuff status. , to dispel this state that can harm yourself.

Of course, none of this matters.

The important thing is that the current book "Group Dispersal" was learned by Sanyue Yu as soon as she got it. She didn't realize how abnormal the skills she just learned casually were.

Maybe she just thought, oh, it’s so easy. In the past, I had to disperse them one by one, but now I can eliminate them all at once.

Now only Lu Li knows that this so-called group dispersion is actually rarely called group dispersion. Under normal circumstances, it is called "big dispersion". Although the name does not mean that it is explosive, it can actually disperse refrigerators. (The mage cried), it can dispel invincibility (the paladin burst into tears), and the rogue's Wind Step cannot escape disaster (the thieves represented by Lu Li are also confused).

Other skills and special effects such as invincibility are all within the hunting range of the Great Exorcist.

From then on, no skill dared to claim to be invincible.

In fact, the game company probably doesn't want that kind of situation to happen. A group of people are fighting, and then they run away when they become invincible. A group of people are fighting, and a Stormtrooper walks away in a swagger...

Where there are shields and spears, there are disputes.

Of course, the great drive does not mean that the priest is the invincible nemesis. Under normal circumstances, there is a certain probability that the great drive will dispel the invincible. It does not mean that the invincible can be stripped away by just going up. Therefore, in group battles, a few paladins often charge invincibly, and then several priests throw large drives together. Whoever is unlucky will be driven away, and then be overwhelmed by a bunch of skills.

Lu Li planned to teach Sanyueyu how to use the Great Drive after the dungeon was released. He also planned to ask Sanyueyu not to use it publicly until he competed for the championship, and used it to blind Xiao Mo's krypton gold dog eyes.

As for rare materials, I was lucky enough to find a black dragon scale.

The reason why I am lucky is because Vimsalak is more likely to produce broken dragon scales, which is a kind of garbage material that even dragon quasi-BOSSs can produce, and it has few uses. It is estimated that no one would throw it into the trading house. want.

Black dragon scales are different. These are high-end goods. NPCs often issue generous rewards to collect them. If used to build plate armor equipment, it can easily produce top-notch attributes.

Lu Li put away this rare material. As a caster, he was very satisfied with this material.

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