The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1197 Dragon King Emblem

After picking up the miscellaneous things, including the mission items, the rest is the main event.

The first thing I took out was a piece of gold equipment. It has very good attributes and powerful special effects. It is also a fire resistance equipment. Unfortunately, no one on the scene still needs this thing. No matter how good the gold equipment is, it is still gold equipment. Its basic value is better than that of dark gold. A little bit different.

The second piece of equipment is dark gold equipment, but it is for healing shamans and no one wants it.

Lu Li plans to collect these equipment and hang them in the guild warehouse. As for the people who participated in the strategy this time, they can only compensate them with points.

The management of the guild warehouse is very important. If there are countless good things in it, the people in your guild will have the confidence to do whatever they do. For example, if you are doing PK in the wild, thinking about the many good things in the guild, you will immediately dare to fight.

The third item is still dark gold, but it is no longer ordinary dark gold.

Dragon Scale Heart, a dark gold badge.

Dawn jewelry drops less often, and is not much worse than an ordinary legendary equipment in terms of value. Players are accustomed to raising the level of jewelry equipment by one level, which means that the value of the dark gold badge is equal to that of ordinary legendary equipment. .

This badge is worth a lot, not just because it loses less.

The first is fire resistance. There are few equipment with fire resistance, and there are even fewer accessories with fire resistance. At the moment when fire resistance continues, any equipment that adds fire resistance should not be defined by the value of the equipment itself.

Then there are the occupational restrictions. This badge does not clearly stipulate which occupation can be used. In terms of attributes, it has added all attributes, so it will not be bad for any occupation. In addition to adding fire resistance, there is also an instant recovery. Special effects to measure health.

After Lu Li thought about this piece of equipment for a while, he left it in his backpack for the time being.

Don’t get me wrong, the leader of the Black Hand group has no intention of hacking the equipment. He intends to take out this equipment at the right time. When playing dungeons, equip it for Azure Sea Breeze or March Rain. When playing matches, he will consider whether the opponent has fire spells. Then hand it over to the right person.

"The next thing should be the legendary equipment. Let me show you the domineering power of the little red hand of the Mengmeng brand." The little hunter pointed at the sky and the ground to show off, and began to touch the legendary legendary equipment.

The others looked blank.

I really want to see how she can break it if she can't touch it, but it won't be good for everyone if she can't touch it. In the end, I can only endure the little girl's frustration.

"Wow, it is indeed a legendary equipment. I'm really good at it." Can Meng held up a small object and felt even more excited. Maybe touching good equipment would give him a sense of accomplishment. Lu Li had to succeed in assassinating Xiao Mo. For a while, it was really a very different state.

Lu Li glanced at the shape of the thing and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no need to look at the attributes. He knew that the thing was the Dragon King's emblem, a very high-quality ring. Vimsalak was a little dragon man, and he dropped the Dragon King's emblem after holding in his energy for a long time. Naturally, he was the best in the lower level of Blackstone Tower. Something.

It is said that the Emblem of the Dragon King is not something that belongs to Vimsalak, but was given to it by his master Nefarian.

Because of this Dragon King emblem, Vimsalak considers himself Nefarian's most loyal servant, and there is a line of his words engraved on the bottom of the equipment: For you, I am willing to sacrifice my life.

The Dragon King's Emblem is somewhat similar to the previous Dragon Scale Heart. It also increases fire resistance, but the Dragon Scale Heart adds 10%, while the Dragon King's Emblem adds 15%. As a level 60 equipment, This level of fire resistance is already pretty good, not to mention that it also comes with a fire shield. After activation, you can add an additional 5% fire resistance to yourself while the fire shield exists. In addition to absorbing damage, the fire shield can In addition, it can also cause continuous fire damage to melee players attacking itself.

But from this point of view, the Dragon King's Emblem is the best thing that Vimsalak can explode.

Especially when fire resistance equipment is in urgent need, more and more people will regard this piece of equipment as fire resistance equipment.

This piece of equipment belongs to MT, because it does not add all attributes, but specifically adds physique. Such attribute distribution may disappoint other professions, but as far as defense professions are concerned, the physique added alone is obviously better than the full attribute. The benefits obtained are large.

This piece of equipment was given to Azure Sea Breeze.

This is also the last piece of equipment in the lower level of Black Stone Tower. This brings the lower level of Black Stone Tower to a successful conclusion.

It was indeed quite satisfactory. The first kill was obtained, and everyone had more or less gained something. Lu Li, for example, got a good belt. It was not easy for a player of his level to replace a piece of equipment.

In fact, the most important gain does not come from copies.

The batch of materials contributed by the City of Glory is really awesome. If the Sword of Judgment is allowed to collect from wild BOSS by itself, it may not be possible to obtain it even if it costs a lot of manpower and material resources.

But soon Lu Li knew what adverse consequences this incident had, and Yiren Leihuanzhirou was targeted.

Someone was ambushing outside the city and trying to kill Yiren Tears. If he hadn't been a paladin and had been cleaning the battlefield these days, PK had developed a conditioned reflex, and he might have died on the spot.

Before the priest's exorcism became popular, the paladin was the most shameless profession.

Even if a thief has Wind Step, he will only be invincible for that second. A wider skill coverage will make it impossible for them to escape. The mage's refrigerator is even more ridiculous. There is a time limit for the turtle to hide its head, and sooner or later it will show up. , if you are surrounded by many people, you will die later.

Only the Paladin has a trick.

Invincible and Hearthstone!

In the history of this game, it is really unimaginable that there is such a rogue style of play. As long as the first wave cannot kill the Paladin before he becomes invincible, the Paladin will use Hearthstone during the period of invincibility.

The long invincibility time has given them enough time to finish reading Hearthstone.

Others could only watch helplessly as the Paladin returned to the city in the light of the hearthstone. It was obvious that Yiren ran away with tears wrapped around her fingers, but the excitement of walking on the edge of death at that moment still left him with lingering fear. He felt that such an attack was not an accident, so he talked to Lu Li.

Do you suspect that the City of Glory is taking revenge?

Lu Li asked Yiren Leihuo Zhirou to send a message to Chengxia Yanbo, but he found that Yiren Leihuo Zhirou had been blocked by Chengxia Yanbo.

Well, there’s no need to guess now. It’s obvious that all of Yi Ren Lei’s methods were discovered by the City of Glory. They cut off Yi Ren Lei’s line, and there may not be any chance of cooperation in the future. , but someone couldn't swallow this breath, so he arranged the assassination.

Even though it is not easy to check the coordinates now, it is still no problem to find someone with the power of the City of Glory.

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