The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1198 Set off to the battlefield!

Lu Li could only comfort him with kind words and let him keep a low profile for a while. Anyway, this guy rarely went out to level up. He only used the battlefield to gain experience.

"Boss, have you forgotten something?" Yi Ren couldn't help reminding her with tears rolling down her fingers.

"Oh yes, Arashi," Lu Li suddenly realized.

Oh, to your sister, I have told you this several times, but you still look like you have almost forgotten. This is obviously burning bridges across the river, and I am crying with tears rolling down my cheeks and my heart is full of grievances.

Arathi was originally the territory of the Kingdom of Arathor. After the invasion of natural disasters, the Arathi Highlands was formed. As a battlefield, it is called the Arathi Basin.

A long time ago, human footprints were all over the southeastern region of the continent of Lordaeron. Forced by the threat of the powerful forest troll empire from the north, they gradually gave up their ancient nomadic life. In the long-term battle against the forest trolls, A human tribe called Arathi stood out.

He not only unified all human tribes in six years, but also established the Arathor Empire, the first country in human history, on the plateau in the southeastern part of the continent of Lordaeron.

Later, the empire and the high elves of Quel'Thalas joined forces to defeat the common enemy, the forest trolls. It was at this time that humans began to learn the magic of the high elves and had the profession of human mage.

The Arathor Empire later split into seven independent countries due to continuous expansion and intensified internal conflicts: the Kingdom of Stromgard, the Kingdom of Azeroth, the magical kingdom of Dalaran, the Kingdom of Gilneas, and the small mountain country of Alteran. Ke, the sea power of Kultiras and the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Among them, Azeroth and Lordaeron are the strongest. In the following time, the seven kingdoms generally maintained peaceful coexistence, except for some scattered conflicts with forest trolls.

To this day, traces of the former Arathor and residual magical negative effects can still be seen in the Arathi Highlands.

Different from the Warsong Canyon battlefield that first appeared, Arathi is a new battlefield that only fifteen people can enter, which means that no matter whether the alliance or the tribe, only fifteen people can enter. The undead polluters representing the tribe and the undead polluters representing the alliance The Arathor coalition launched a fierce war here to compete for natural resources.

It has a total of 5 resource points, namely animal stables, mines, lumberyards, blacksmith shops, and farms. The player's task is to occupy these resource points and obtain resources. The two parties fight. Whoever obtains 2,000 total resources first will win. .

Fighting on the battlefield is a test of skill, and it not only includes things like personal combat effectiveness, although on the surface it seems that players are fighting against members of the enemy camp in order to complete various goals.

But once you get carried away by the atmosphere of the battle and fight and kill everywhere, you will easily lose the battle without any reason.

Therefore, the Arathi Basin, a battlefield that attaches great importance to missions and strategies, is changing rapidly. Even Lu Li would lose even his underwear if he was alone with Yiren in tears, and paired with a group of rookies randomly assigned by the system. Nothing left.

Therefore, it is very important to form a team before entering the battlefield.

"Fifteen-man battlefield, if anyone is here, call 1 on the guild channel," Lu Li said habitually, but after he finished speaking, he realized what a stupid thing he had done.

Before he was reborn, he had been in a small guild, and there were not many people in it. Every time he went to the battlefield, the leader would ask those who wanted to go to hit 1, and then he slowly formed a group of people, and many times he didn't even have enough people to join Alterac. The forty people in the valley battlefield just want the World Channel to shout some more.

But it's different now.

He is the boss of the Sword of Judgment. When he spoke out, the guild channel was silent for a while and then immediately turned into chaos.

A conservative estimate is that at least tens of thousands of people have typed the number 1, and some shamelessly posted it more than once. Fortunately, this is the era of virtual online games. If there was a game with such a sudden increase in data two hundred years ago, the server would probably have collapsed. .

Lu Li didn't dare to speak anymore, so he opened the friend interface and directly made friends.


If this kind of activity wasn't called moonlight, this guy might have gone against Lu Li's low-key PK.

Fat monkey!

I have to say that Fat Monkey is a very energetic person. He participates in competitions, dungeons, arenas, battlefields, and occasionally does tasks or takes the girl around to see the scenery.

March rain!

The Sword of Judgment has a consensus that as long as March Rain is there, we are not afraid of death.

Huadi Liqing!

This person doesn't like PK very much. In addition to downloading dungeons, the rest of his limited time is used for leveling. Otherwise, how could he be in the top three of the level list? But because he has to accompany his sister, he is in a place like the battlefield. He has nothing to fear, after all, he can suppress 99% of Dawn players just by relying on his level and equipment.

Falling Cherry Memories!

Although the shaman's bloodthirsty skills are no longer as rare as they were in the beginning, Luo Ying recalled that through hard training in PK skills, his position in the arena belonging to the Sword of Judgment has become more and more stable.

The rain is like a wanderer!

The leader of the small faction of the Night's Watch, whose main body is the Sword of Judgment. His status in the hearts of the members of the Holy Knights is not inferior to that of Lu Li. Almost all the players in the Night's Watch are members of the Sword of Judgment, including those who later accidentally joined the Night's Watch. Players also joined the Sword of Judgment under the inspiration of the Holy Light. This person is currently a magic stick in Lu Li's eyes.

The city is empty in mist and rain!

He is the healing shaman of the core elite group of Sword of Judgment. In fact, this guy comes from a big guild called Brotherly Love. In the last game, he was a member of the core elite of Brotherly Love. Needless to say, his level is very good. Because he offended the top of the guild, the game cannot be played anymore. Now, join the Sword of Judgment to seek refuge.

Bai Renyou!

His level may not be as good as Cain's left hand, but in reality his identity is quite sensitive and he belongs to the political circle. In addition, he is a good person and has helped the guild solve a lot of troubles, so he is also included in any activities in the guild. Play together.

Machine brother!

The healing priest in the guild has pretty good equipment and good skills. Because Arathi must have a certain amount of healing, he was chosen.

Piao Ling was going to try new equipment. He got a lot of good things in this dungeon. In addition, Nuo Yu, Mu Qiu, Maomao Loves Meat, Yiren Tears and Winding Zhirou, plus Lu Li were just enough. A strong lineup of fifteen people.

Lu Li was the unswerving leader. After forming the team, he created a chat room and then went to the quartermaster in the main city to line up.

The entrance to the battlefield is different from the dungeon. The team leader needs to apply to the quartermaster and create a file with the quartermaster. At about the same time, everyone in the team will receive an entry option. At this time, as long as you confirm the entry, everyone will enter the battlefield. entrance.

The two entrances to the Arathi Basin battlefield are both located in Arathi Valley, the Alliance entrance is in the Valley of Refuge, and the Horde entrance is north of Hammerfell.

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