The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 121 Arena (please subscribe)

After Lu Li came out of the dungeon, he first made some intermediate healing potions.

As the level of alchemy increases, potions can be made faster and the possibility of failure is smaller. It doesn't matter if you relax. You can get enough rest while making potions.

While Lu Li was making potions, he logged into the official forum and checked some information about PVP. He generally understood some of the rules of the arena at this stage.

There is no doubt that the arena at this stage is still very rough. It only has a battle field, and there is no such thing as a correction field.

The so-called battle field means that players submit an application to the system to create a battle room. The number of players can be set by themselves, which is very free. After the room is built, the system will immediately select the players who applied to compete.

It takes one gold coin to build a competitive room, which is considered the challenger. The challenger needs to pay ten silver coins. If the house owner wins, ten silver coins will go to the house owner. If the house owner loses, the challenger will not only get back his ten silver coins, but also get additional rewards. Ten silver coins.

The failed homeowner will lose the room he created. If he wants to continue to be the contestant, he will have to spend more money.

Of course, if you have an agreed-upon opponent, one of you will create a room and set the password, and the other person will enter the information. After the system confirms, you can play directly.

Lu Li will have a fight with the water elf at night.

The water elf was a well-known thief that Lu Li knew in his previous life. Although his skills were not the most advanced, he couldn't stand up to this wealthy woman with her well-equipped equipment.

Therefore, Lu Li planned to play a few games in the arena to randomly find his status, so as not to lose the battle if he was not in good shape.

Feather color is like paint, mage level 15, wins 43 and loses 15.

Lu Li randomly found a room and saw that the owner was a level 15 mage with a decent winning rate. At least he was not a rookie, so he submitted an application for a battle.

System: Dear players, welcome to the competitive system. Do you want to modify the battle ID?

Lu Li was stunned for a moment, and then realized that in the initial competitive system, you could set a new ID, which was equivalent to changing your identity. However, most players would not bother with it. Firstly, it was not necessary, and secondly, it was just for playing a game. , why walk at night in brocade clothes?

After Lu Li entered the game, too few people used this function and it had been canceled by the system.

Lu Li thought for a while and casually changed his ID to "Unnamed". It was not that he wanted to show off on a whim. The name came from his black iron mask, which could be used as a new method to confuse people.

Since the name has been changed, Lu Li will naturally not enter the scene with his true face.

He took out a black iron mask and covered his face, matching it with the dark shadow cloak, making him instantly look taller.

After paying ten silver to confirm entry, Lu Li appeared on a circular arena. The arena is no more than fifty yards in radius. Not only is the terrain flat, but there are no obstacles to hide in.

This kind of terrain is not static, but is chosen by the homeowner. If the homeowner chooses, it is of course the most beneficial to him. This is also the compensation for the user who created the room. After all, he paid a gold coin.

Yuseruqi is very lucky. She has won seven games in a row today and can earn ten silver coins for each game. The cost of opening a competitive room will soon be repaid.

A white light flashed, and a new challenger entered the room.

Wearing tight leather armor, a black cloak, a black hood, and two daggers, he was a thief.

Yuse Ruqi almost laughed. He felt that this kind of dressing up was really funny. Occasionally one or two would appear, and everyone might still feel the so-called mysterious temperament, but you met several people a day, all dressed up like this. , I can only think that they are second-rate.

The one in front of me is even more extreme. Not only is it equipped with a mask, but the cloak is also in the form of a cloak. Although the design is clever and will not affect the battle, is it really good to look cool like this?

When he checked the challenger ID to figure out where this weird thing came from, he suddenly felt bad.


Do you dare to be more pretentious?

I hate people who are more pretentious than me, so I decided to teach this guy a lesson.

Lu Li did not go up to be polite. After the ten seconds of preparation time passed, he took a few steps back and hid his figure.

With a move of his feather-colored hand, a green water element appeared in the field.

Seeing this strange-looking thing, Lu Li's contempt was greatly reduced.

As expected, those who play arena and dare to build their own rooms are not fuel-efficient. Just by attracting the water element, this mage can be a big step ahead of ordinary players.

He approached cautiously, and when he was almost within the warning range of the water element, he turned on the acceleration on his shoes, rushed behind Yu Seruqi like a phantom, and struck the opponent with the dagger, knocking him unconscious.

When Yu Seruqi saw his water element raising his arm, he knew something was wrong, but before he had time to react, he had already entered a dizzy state.


He knew he had hit a brick wall this time.

The water element's perception is very high, and there is a high probability that it can detect nearby hidden units.

But this guy named Wuming can knock himself out before the water element can react, which shows how fast he is.

After being stunned, the next step is to attack.

Yu Seruqi was even more desperate when she discovered that the water element's ice arrows hit Lu Li, only causing less than fifty points of damage, while the damage caused by Lu Li's attacks were all over one hundred, and his skill damage even exceeded two. three hundred.

This is the effect after the back stab penetrates the armor, the difference is obvious.

When he woke up from the dizziness, Yu Seruqi suddenly flashed out.

At the same time, the water element raised his arm and pointed at where he was just now - Frost Nova.

The water element's Frost Nova is a castration skill and has an effective range of only eight yards.

However, no one dares to take it lightly.

The same eight-second freeze, the same surprise, most people can only be frozen in place and allowed to be slaughtered.

"Hey," he fully expected to see the thief who was frozen in place. Although Yuqiu had no health left, he felt that he was well equipped, had high attack power, and had the water element as a helper, so he might not be able to counterattack and make a comeback.

The premise of all this is that the thieves are controlled.


A circle of ice mist dissipated where he stood just now, and nothing was frozen.

Then, Yu Seruqi felt a stabbing pain in his back, and he was sent out of the competition room in just two strokes.

The system prompted Lu Li to win this match and receive 20 silver coins.

On his information board, the PVP column shows: Nameless, Thief, Win 1, Lose 0.

The first victory was easy. It wasn't that the opponent was too weak, nor could the mage with the water element be that weak. After all, the mage at this stage didn't have a shield.

Once the master has a shield, the battle between the mage and the thief will really become interesting.

Then came the second game, where I met a warrior.

Thieves have a natural weakness against plate armor professions. This weakness will be more obvious when encountering warrior professions. Plate armor professions have high physical defense, and many of the damage dealt by warriors have bleeding effects. Thieves who are affected by the bleeding effect will be killed in a short time. After losing the ability to become invisible, you will have no choice but to be slaughtered.

Of course, there is no strongest profession, only the strongest players.

The player Lu Li encountered was much weaker. Under his violent attack, he was in or about to be stunned. After the stun ended, the player was unable to launch an effective counterattack, and was finally defeated by Lu Li. Kicked off the ring.

Just like this casual challenger competition room, Lu Li's record quickly reached 10 games.

Win ten games!

PS: Thanks to Miaomang Yeyue, Dark Blue Coconut Water, Lightly Fragrant Breeze, Imaginary Space, Feather Color Like Paint, Pegasus and Demon Scorpion for their tips.

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