The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 122 Battle against the Water Elf (Part 1)

The current arena is still very monotonous and far from as prosperous as Lu Li remembered. Those who play arena only account for a small part of the player base.

They formed chat rooms one by one to exchange their thoughts and experiences on PK.

The largest chat room is called Glory.

No salt has been exchanged: Yuse, why can’t I find your competition room? Are you still competing today?

Appreciating flowers and tasting jade: Yuse has been demolished and is crying.

Unsalted: What happened, is there something I don't know?

Autumn Festival: It is said that I encountered a tough problem.

Yuseruqi: I'm crying for you sister, I just lost a game, why...

No salt has been redeemed: That’s right, it’s not like you haven’t lost before, just get it back. Do you want me to help you vent your anger?

Feather like lacquer: Forget it, we are about the same level. We used to deliver food.

No salt has been added: Let me just say it, is it a master? How powerful is it that people don’t even have the courage to regain their position?

Yuseruqi: I’m not sure either. My ID is Wuming. Have any of you heard of it?

Lao Wang next door: Who is talking about Wuming!

Yuseruqi: I just opened a competition room and it was demolished by a nameless person. Do you know Lao Wang?

Lao Wang next door: Is he a thief wearing a black cloak and a mask? Who do you know? I was demolished too. It was demolished as soon as it was built. Damn it, you wasted a gold coin on me.

Yuseruqi: I'm okay, I didn't lose much, that guy can't fight, his speed and attack are too abnormal.

Tie Jian: It turns out that there are people here who share the same problem. I was defeated by him just now, and I am thinking about finding my way back. Even you have been defeated, so I'd better not bring trouble to myself.

Feather like lacquer: You have also been dismantled Tiejian, haha, then I have a much better psychological balance. Why do you think such a guy suddenly appeared? His level is too high. It’s not like the masters are practicing swordsmanship in the wild. Refining?

Tie Jian: You lose experience in the wild, unlike here where we only lose a little money at most. This Wuming is really strong, so let’s avoid it for now.

Suddenly a master broke in and picked ten people in a row, and they were all young masters who were confident in building their own competitive houses to make money. Naturally, there was a small sensation.

People like Yueguang will only find people who are similar to their level to compete with each other, otherwise they will go to the front lines of the camp to fight with real swords and guns. The quality of PVP players there is much higher than that in the arena. The incarnation of the unknown Lu Li makes these little masters produce A feeling of invincibility.

In fact, they were overly worried. Lu Li could only relax by playing in the arena, but the water elf game was worthy of all his efforts.

After playing several games without encountering a master, he decided to go to the Void Abyss to fight Illidan's Shadow. After playing Illidan's Shadow, he just took a break and waited for the battle with the water elf in the evening.

Three hours later, Illidan's shadow fell.

System: Successfully kill Illidan's shadow and obtain a skill point.

When Lu Li heard the system prompt, he didn't react for a moment. It took him a while before he subconsciously looked through the system records.

That's right, it's a skill point!

Finally got extra skill points.

Since the last time he manually upgraded Shadow Strike and the system rewarded him with a skill point, Lu Li has never received a skill point reward.

There were two skill point rewards when fighting the BOSS in the next dungeon, one was Can Meng, and the other was Azure Sea Breeze. It was not Lu Li's turn. This sudden reward made him instantly surprised.

Calculated in this way, Lu Li, who is at level 17, has gained eight skill points through upgrading. The Shadow Strike upgrade rewarded him with one, and now he will be rewarded with another one, for a total of ten points.

It took three points to upgrade Shadow Attack, two points to backstab, one point to unlock, one point to transform into a seal, and one point to wipe the throat, leaving exactly two points.

In addition to skill points, the BOSS contributed 13% of the experience. Lu Li was already level 17, and the experience value for killing a level 15 BOSS was not as rich as it was at the beginning. However, the skill book Shadow Cloak appeared in his hand again as expected. .

Shadow Cloak is a must-have skill for thieves. Otherwise, it is impossible to fight against the magic system, especially when encountering a more powerful warlock. Various debuffs will be thrown on him, and if he does not use the cloak, he will be on the ground in minutes.

However, shadow cloaks are very rare at this stage. The two shadow cloaks in Lu Li's hands are rare and expensive, so they will definitely fetch a good price.

In addition to the Shadow Cloak skill book, there is also a piece of legal black iron equipment with good attributes. It can be used by mages and priests. When the time comes, it will be left to Huadi Liqing and distributed among the brothers and sisters as they please.

After beating the BOSS, Lu Li first went to find a skill trainer to upgrade his skills.

He put all the two remaining skill points into Throat Wipe, and his attack power and critical hit chance were greatly increased.

Lu Li didn't have to wait too long, and Yueguang came to him soon.

Moonlight is not a professional pimp, he is just familiar with Lu Li.

"Don't be careless. I have fought with her twice, winning once and losing once. She has at least several pieces of silver in her equipment," Yueguang warned Lu Li again and again. As a naturally weak thief, being able to win or lose against a high-end warrior like Moonlight only shows that the water elf's equipment has reached a certain level.

"Why did you place her in front of a hornet's nest?" Lu Li asked.

"The hornet's nest technology is good..." Yueguang didn't know why Lu Li asked, so he subconsciously gave the answer.

"Then it's over. No matter how good the equipment is, without technical support, she is not a big threat. If you can't defeat her, why should you compete with those in the hornet's nest?" Lu Li does not look down on anyone, but he does not As for treating everyone as a lifelong enemy.

It's not like Lu Li doesn't have silver equipment.

His Furious suit is no worse than the silver equipment. He has got the blood pattern badge back from Azure Sea Breeze a long time ago. The ring is even better than the silver equipment. Most of the other equipment on him are top quality with special effects.

As for skills, his Shadow Attack is at full level, and he also has two finishing moves, Backhand Backstab and Throat Wiping. Moreover, Wiping Throat is already level 4, so he is just a little bit closer to maxing it out.

"Oh, no matter what, you just have to figure it out," Yueguang said suddenly as if remembering: "That rich woman is very rich. If she likes any of your equipment, don't dare to bid. As long as she thinks it's worth it, she will never do it. question."

"I can't sell what I have on me to her, but there are some things in my backpack that I'm worried about not finding a buyer for. You should contact her and finish your shopping as soon as possible and go back to bed," Lu Li urged.

In fact, Lu Li also became a friend of the water elf, but the beautiful woman contacted him several times and wanted to compete with him, but he used various excuses to deal with it. This time, the contact was through moonlight, so Lu Li didn't bother anymore.

The water elf came very quickly, and soon arrived at the center of Astrana's arena.

To create a room, you must find the NPC in the center of the arena. To challenge the host, you can apply from anywhere. After confirmation, you will be transferred directly to the arena room.

"Oh, it's really rare to see her," the beautiful lady said with a prickly tone.

"I can't help it. I have been busy to make a living," Lu Li laughed at himself.

"So you are really a professional player. Let's take a look at what good stuff you have..." The water elf looked at Lu Li's equipment up and down. His eyes looked like those of a pervert.

PS: Please continue to ask for subscriptions. It’s not complicated to recharge at the starting point now. Order everything you can. Thank you for the reward of Dandanxiangyouyoufeng.

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