The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 123 Battle against the Water Elf (Part 2)

Lu Li took out the "Shadow Cloak" skill book from his backpack and showed it to the water elf.

The female thief's cold face suddenly showed a look of shock, and she swallowed: "Are you willing to sell it to me?"


"Why did you sell such a good skill book to me?" Happiness came so suddenly, and the water elf couldn't believe it for a while.

In the entire Shuguang, there were no more than ten people who could learn the Shadow Cloak. Water elves were everywhere buying it at high prices, but there was no progress. She thought she had no hope in a short time, but she never expected to see a copy of it in Lu Li's place.

Lu Li smiled and said nothing.

The answer was self-evident, and the water elf opened his eyes wide: "You actually got two copies of "Cloak of Shadows"."

It’s three copies, silly girl!

Lu Li felt quite proud, but it didn't show on his face at all. He shook the skill book in his hand and said, "If you want it, just give me a price. If it suits you, I'll sell it to you. I'm too lazy to lose the trade."

"One hundred gold!" The water elf hesitated and directly gave a price.

When Lu Li first entered the game, he was unlucky enough to get a copy of "Frost Nova" with the mage's group control skills. The price at that time was twenty gold coins, but please don't forget that the price of gold at that time was one thousand five to one, twenty gold coins. The gold can be exchanged for 30,000 real coins.

Nowadays, the price of gold is more than 300, and the water elf offers 100 gold, which means that "Cloak of Shadow" is already equivalent to "Frost Nova". In fact, the value of Cloak of Shadow is much lower than that of Frost Nova.

This price reflects the sincerity of the wealthy woman. Although Lu Li could have asked for more, he did not do so. Instead, he traded the skill book directly, "One hundred for one hundred, just give it to Moonlight. It's tonight." bet."

"Thank you so much. I'll treat you to tea when you have time." The water elf nodded happily, with a bright smile, and his whole person seemed to light up in an instant.

She is the kind of beauty that makes people unable to take their eyes away when they see her. However, she is usually too aloof and aloof, which makes people feel that she can only look at her from a distance and not play with her. But now her true feelings are exposed and her smile is pure. For a moment, she is really captivating. .

At this moment, Lu Li said, "Okay, if there's no problem, let's get started."

Unable to understand the charm, the mature and prudent Yueguang couldn't help but sweat for Lu Li.

This guy deserves to be single for the rest of his life!

The water elf nodded and began to paint something on the dagger.

Lu Li couldn't help but narrow his eyes and sighed in his heart. Rich people are rich people, and they can use poison so quickly.

He once obtained a bottle of poison when he stole the undead apothecary, but unfortunately he used it when fighting the boss. Later, he searched for it several times in the trading house, but he never found it. He didn't know whether the poison from the water elves was obtained by him or them. Made by people from the guild.

If they were made by players from the Weiyu Pavilion Guild, you can discuss buying some after the PK is over. As for now, forget it, no matter how stupid someone is, they will not send poison to the enemy in front of the station.

Lu Li spent a gold coin to build a competition room commonly used in thieves' civil wars, and then told the water elf the room number and password.

Not long after, the two appeared in the competition room.

This map was similar to the one Lu Li had just gone to the arena. It was a small circular platform.

Lu Li and the water elf looked at each other and entered the stealth state almost at the same time. Both of them lost the position of the other. However, the arena was so big that there was no doubt that they would meet.

Lu Li's footsteps were very light, and his route was unpredictable and without any rules.

It was almost there. According to the normal speed, the water elf should be not far from him. Lu Li carefully sensed the flow of air, as if weaving a net in his mind to filter out his opponents from the air.

The wild druid in his previous life also had a stealth profession, and Lu Li's stealth was very natural.

However, he soon learned that he was overconfident.

The sound of wind coming from the back of his head made the hairs on the side of his neck stand up instantly.

A dagger, like a fast arrow that came off the string, pierced the back of his head with lightning speed.

The opponent definitely has equipment with stealth effects!

Lu Li's mind was spinning rapidly, and he was not satisfied with the movements of his hands and feet. He quickly tilted his body and blocked the dagger without even looking at it.

The clanging sound of gold and iron came, and Lu Li knew that he had blocked the blow, at least he was not knocked unconscious by a sneak attack.

The water elf was not disappointed either. Following the first blow, the subsequent attacks came overwhelmingly.

Some of Lu Li's techniques were learned from the water elf PK videos he saw in his previous life. Now that he finally saw them in person, he could feel the oppression of this attack method even more.

One word - quick!

It was really too fast, the water elf's attack speed was very fast, almost once Lu Li attacked her, she had already stabbed Lu Li two or three times.

This kind of speed does not mean how high her attack speed is, but she sacrifices the attack effect in exchange for it. She will leave immediately without stopping, let alone the degree of completion. The damage she brings to Lu Li is generally Around thirty or forty.

The poison was not the slowdown Lu Li imagined, but a quick-acting poison with a relatively average effect that could cause additional damage with the attack.

And when Lu Li hit her, it would be at least over eighty, or even over a hundred.

System: The completion rate of the sneak attack skill is 65%, causing 72% weapon damage.

It was supposed to be a skill with a high degree of completion, but it lost a lot of its degree of completion because it was blocked.

Overall, Lu Li lost more blood.

Lu Li knew that his situation was a bit bad, but he was not nervous at all, but was very patient and interacted with the water elf.

No matter how intensive the attack, there will be loopholes. The water elf's attack method will be affected by position change and skills. Seeing the opportunity, Lu Li turned on the agility effect on his shoes and instantly swooped to the side of the water elf. She followed. There was finally a small pause when he turned around.

This is what Lu Li wants.

System: The completion rate of the sneak attack is 89%, causing 112% skill damage, and the target is stunned for 1 second!

After being stunned, the water elf immediately used Shadow Escape wildly. The moment Shadow Escape took effect, the attack could be ineffective because it lost its target. She hopes to use shadow escape to protect herself from being knocked unconscious by sneak attack skills.

After just one second of dizziness, Lu Li's attack came, and the water elf's shadow escape was used.

Everything seems perfect.

Things always have surprises. What surprised the water elf was that Lu Li didn't use a sneak attack this time, but a normal skill.


As soon as this idea came up, the water elf felt the chill of the dagger behind his back.

The real sneak attack is coming!

Fortunately, she did have two brushes, and they were not looking for useless vases. At this moment, Lu Li saw Wind Step.

Speaking of which, this was the first time in his life that he had seen the Wind Step.

Wind Step is known as one of the most powerful skills among thieves, including invincibility, strong concealment, acceleration, and explosion.

I don’t know what level the Water Elf’s Wind Step is. The full level Wind Step has 2 seconds of invincibility, an acceleration effect of 80%, and the first attack after becoming invisible can cause 280% damage.

He finally knew why Moonlight won one and lost one. The water elf's skills were so good and the equipment was so good. Lu Li could guarantee that this rich man was completely covered in level 15 black iron.

Thinking about it, it is not impossible. There is a big guild standing behind him, and he is very willing to spend money. It is strange that the equipment is not good.

Lu Li pursed his lips, his expression remained calm, but he looked like he was retreating in panic.

PS: Well, because I didn’t cover myself with a quilt, the author caught a cold again. I swore to my main computer case that after I get over this cold, I will go for a run every night and exercise! Thanks to Dragon God Fei Wu and Jian Xia Feitian for your monthly tickets, thank you.

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