The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 124 The world is so big

When one retreats, the other will naturally catch up. The water elf has no worries about not being able to catch up. Wind Step gives her an acceleration BUFF. Although the time is short, she has no problem catching up with Lu Li.

Just when the water elf was about to catch up with Lu Li, Lu Li's retreating figure suddenly stopped, and he kicked the empty space directly in front of him.

Moonlight was able to kick Lu Li out of stealth without using any skills, not to mention that Lu Li used the kicking skill, which would make him faster.

The water elf groaned, holding his belly, and revealed his figure in front of Lu Li.

The water elf kicked her feet hard and rushed towards Lu Li. Her first attack after using Wind Step would cause 280% damage of a normal attack. After fighting for several rounds, Lu Li only had more than 300 points of blood left. This blow can almost kill him instantly.

Will Lu Li lose?

of course not!

The water elf's own dagger had already touched Lu Li's leather armor, and she felt that victory was already waving to her.

However, at this moment, Lu Li smiled at her and disappeared in an instant.

The water elf thought Lu Li was sneaking, so he followed Lu Li's example and kicked him.

Only halfway through the kick, she knew she was wrong. The tingling sensation in her back told her that Lu Li appeared behind her.

The special effects on the Shadow Cloak!

The water elf's misunderstanding gave Lu Li the opportunity to attack three times.

Shadow attack, normal attack, backstab.

The moment the water elf turned around, Lu Li took a sideways step and appeared beside her. He turned around and hit her back with a backhand stab.

The water elf's already small blood tank was emptied instantly.

Lu Lisheng!

When Lu Li came out of the competition room, he saw the water elf who was eager to try.

"Come again," the wealthy woman was obviously not convinced.

"It's getting late, let's wait another day," Lu Li took the two hundred gold coins from Moonlight Trading and shook his head to reject the other party's challenge.

One hundred gold was Lu Li's deposit, and the other hundred gold was the water elf's bet.

Easily get a hundred gold.

This taste is really intoxicating, so it's best to stop in moderation.

Lu Li remembered that when he first joined the game in his previous life, there were often people who lost their entire fortune due to gambling in the game, or were detained by the Internet police, including many famous experts.

Besides, it is not easy to fight against the water elf. At least his equipment is not worse than his, and his skills are even better. A single Wind Step is enough to pose a great threat to him.

The key to being able to win the battle lies in Lu Li's rich PK experience. He is very familiar with Shuguang's game mode. He knows how to find gaps, knows how to cheat with skills, and knows how to grasp the situation. The water elf seems to have taken advantage of it. The advantage was actually within his expectation.

Especially cheating skills, which can be called the patent of masters in PVP. You can cheat with positions, movements, and skills. Only by cheating the opponent's control skills and reconciliation skills can you kill.

The current Shuguang players have been exposed to the free mode for too short a time and have not yet formed the concept of cheating skills.

The water elf felt that she had lost unjustly, which only meant that her understanding of this battle was too shallow.

She might have said to herself that if she had known better, she would not have used Shadow Escape so quickly, and she would be sure to use it correctly next time. In fact, even in another fight, Lu Li still had many ways to cheat her out of her main skills.

The invitation to fight was fruitless, and the water elf couldn't hit Lu Li on the neck with a knife, so he could only leave angrily.

"This piece of equipment is for you. It's not very high-quality, so just make do with it." Lu Li gave Moonlight a piece of black iron equipment in his backpack. He often fought bosses, and there was always some black iron in his backpack that he was reluctant to sell or had no time to sell.

Moonlight was not polite and wore it directly on her body.

Only then did Lu Li realize that Yueguang's equipment was not complete, and there were a few pieces of bronze equipment that looked inferior at first glance.

"What's going on?" Lu Li asked.

"Recently, I got a little carried away when I faced people from the Jiangnan nobles. I was killed several times," Yueguang said very calmly. What should have been a very angry or passionate thing, but when it came out of his mouth, it was as plain as boiled water. .

In essence, Moonlight and Azure Sea Breeze are different. Azure Sea Breeze has the boldness of a warrior, while Moonlight is more arrogant and withdrawn.

"You can't buy any good equipment in the trading house. It's better to download the dungeon together when you have time. Carrying an ax around all day is not a problem after all," Lu Li understood very well, but he didn't necessarily agree.

"You have this idea, please contact me when the time comes," Yueguang waved her hand and left.

While there was still some time, Lu Li quickly contacted Engineering Skills.

Bolt's experience was not enough for him to break through the elementary level and advance to the intermediate level (80), and the engineering experience bar stayed at 62 without moving.

He had to find some new recipes. Lu Li went to the trading shop and looked up basic engineering recipes, trying to find one that was practical and could save materials.

Engineering has always been unpopular. It is neither able to obtain various living materials like the gathering profession, nor can it produce various equipment like the casting tailor. Its products are all kinds of weird, but most of them are unreliable.

Bombs were the only motivation for Lu Li to learn engineering. With 2,000 natural damage, monsters below level 20 would be killed instantly, and monsters above level 20 could not withstand a few hits.

Just find a place with a lot of monsters, gather the monsters together, and drop a few bombs, which is probably a first-level experience.

Lu Li looked forward to holding a bomb in his hand and rising in levels one after another. He looked through the formulas sold in the trading house and finally selected a formula after looking at it for more than ten minutes.

Structure diagram: The world is so big

Recipe: Engineering

Required: Beginner (50)

Use: Teaches you how to make "The World Is So Big"

The world is so big: This is a very wonderful thing. Try it and you will find out that the world is so big.

This formula is not cheap, perhaps because the introduction is too weird. The price for players is 3 gold coins, which is equivalent to an ordinary piece of black iron.

Lu Li didn't hesitate much. He took a look at the price and confirmed that he would buy it at the fixed price.

The world is so big, and many people are confused when they see this name.

Lu Li knew what it was for. In his previous life, many people liked to find engineer friends to make a few of them and wear them on their bodies. The specific function was to look cute.

That’s right, cute!

The things made by "The World Is So Big" can make people smaller. After using "The World Is So Big", a man who is 1.8 meters can instantly become a small person of more than ten centimeters. When a person becomes smaller, the world he sees will certainly It has become bigger, so it is called the world is so big.

A little person of more than ten centimeters will look very cute.

Lu Li searched the trading house and found all the materials needed to make this thing.

Calculated, the cost of a piece "as big as the world" is about 20 silver coins. As long as everyone sees the effect, there will definitely be no need to worry about someone buying it.

Of course, Lu Li couldn't sell it too expensively, because a piece "the size of the world" could only be used three times, and would be scrapped after three times. An item that could only be used three times could only be sold for three gold coins at most.

Well, actually the price is already very dark.

PS: I have a cold, and things are relatively busy during the day, so the update is a little late. I'm sorry everyone. I kneel on the computer chair and repent for three seconds. Please forgive me. Thanks to 00mm0000, Yuerluo, Wushubudu111, Book Friends 140519225156588, woodmans, and I Hear Your Memories for their tips. Thanks to Love Is Not 9800, Sky Fox VS Demon, Arioc, and Day and Moon for the monthly tickets. Thank you very much. ,(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭? ~

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