The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 126 Yuexi Prison (please subscribe)

After logging off, the room was dimly lit with a bedside lamp. Lu Li got up from the bed, rolled his sore neck, and walked outside wearing a pair of slippers.

When you have money in the future, you must buy a health store. Regardless of whether the nutritional solutions promoted by the merchants are useful or not, the human structure design of the health store and the various massage systems are more comfortable than using a helmet.

In the living room, the three landladies were cuddling with each other on the sofa...watching TV.

Beautiful beauties are always pleasing to the eye, and beauties cuddling together are even more imaginative, but this definitely does not include Lu Li. He hummed as a greeting, and walked straight through the living room to the kitchen without pausing his eyes.

"Is he sleepwalking?" Dou Jingjing asked curiously.

"Probably not," Zhou Huanhuan was not sure.

"You are not as good-looking as a piece of bread in his eyes," Yang Liu said with ill intentions.

"Oh, the great god is different," Zhou Huanhuan attributed everything to Lu Li's status as a great god. Once he mentioned the great god, everything could be explained.

"Great God? Yes, he is also a great god. Why don't we try with him," Dou Jingjing patted Yang Liu's thigh, looking like he had just realized something.

"Even the water elves can't do it. Do you think you can survive by looking for him?" Yang Liu shook his head.

"I'll ask him," Dou Jingjing jumped off the sofa and ran into the kitchen barefoot.

Lu Li was chopping vegetables, planning to braise braised pork and then make stir-fried shredded potatoes. His knife skills were good, and the potato shreds he cut were uniform in thickness. If you didn't look carefully, you would never see any difference between the two.

"Hello, great god," Dou Jingjing came over jumping up and down.

"What's the matter?" Lu Li put down the knife and raised his eyes.

It is said that because of beauty or some other reason, the three landladies don't play games as much as Lu Li, so everyone's eating and resting time is spread out, but there is not much communication under the same roof.

"How are you living here? Are you comfortable?" This little girl, who is usually quite unruly, found it difficult to speak softly.

"Very good, thank you for taking care of Xinxin," Lu Li squeezed a cup of cucumber juice and handed it to her while he was busy cooking.

"Xinxin is very cute, we all like it, it's not like taking care of her," Dou Jingjing took the cucumber juice and leaned on the marble table to watch Lu Li busy.

Lu Li would cook more meals at this time, and his sister just happened to come back from cram school for lunch. Lu Li originally gave her lunch money, but the little money man is used to being poor, and he really can't bear to sit in a restaurant near the school and spend dozens of yuan. Eat a bowl of noodles.

"Is there anything else?" Lu Li asked.

"Well..." He was usually not polite to Lu Li at all, but when he asked someone for help, he found it difficult to say anything. Dou Jingjing said awkwardly: "Sister Huanhuan got a copy of the scroll. We have tried it twice and failed. ”

"Dungeon scroll, what kind of dungeon?" Lu Li really got excited.

"Yuexi Prison is an underground prison on the human side of Yuexi Town," Dou Jingjing said.

"Yuexi Prison, let's talk about it," Lu Li had to admit, he could get this kind of dungeon scroll, and he was not the only lucky player.

"A small team of us got this scroll when we were doing a mission. We didn't make any preparations at the time and went in directly," Dou Jingjing said unhappily: "We were killed directly by the first BOSS."

"The first BOSS? Is there a second BOSS inside?" Lu Li was even more surprised.

"Yes, it's an elite difficulty scroll. When entering the dungeon, it prompts you to kill two bosses." Dou Jingjing didn't think there was anything wrong with the two bosses.

Well, what a lucky guinea pig. The elite difficulty dungeon scroll is relatively difficult to get out, and the monsters in it are naturally not easy to defeat. Of course, the five little white mice who entered it will be destroyed.

"The second time, who did you ask for help?" Lu Li was really interested in this copy now. One of the materials for upgrading his ring was called savage blood, which was probably obtained from the jackal BOSS in Yuexi Prison. If it falls out, even the elite mobs in the dungeon may fall out.

"The second time I went to our guild's great master, Water Elf," the three landladies are all players of Weiyu Pavilion. It's understandable that they go to the top management if they have any difficulties.

"The result still hasn't passed, right?" Lu Li was not surprised.

"Yeah, the MT can't handle it. It's already the best MT in our guild. Even the oldest one can't beat it. Sister Water Elf said this is not something that can be beat at this stage," Dou Jingjing said very depressed.

There is a pile of treasure right in front of you, but you can't get it. This kind of depression is more painful than having nothing.

"In other words, you only have one chance left." The dungeon scroll not only has a three-day time limit, but also a limit on the number of times. There are only three chances. If you cannot defeat the dungeon three times, it will be considered a failure.

"You must have something, right? You got so many first kills," Dou Jingjing really didn't pay attention, so she suddenly got sick and sought medical attention.

Rather than wasting the last chance without hope, she might as well let Lu Li give it a try. Lu Li's status in her mind was higher than that of the water elf. After all, he was a man of the hour.

"Tomorrow morning, I will go find you," Lu Li wiped his hands and said, "I want to give priority to one material and one piece of equipment from the dungeon."

"You...okay," Dou Jingjing was annoyed that Lu Li wanted payment, but thinking about it, she didn't think there was anything wrong. He couldn't let his trip go in vain. They were familiar with Lu Li, but not familiar enough to help him for free.

After dinner, Lu Li stayed in the gym until his sister came back.

"Brother, you didn't go to bed," Lu Xin was a little surprised. Since her brother started playing games, he has been confused with black and white most of the time. She rarely sees him recently.

"Yes, I'm waiting for you," Lu Li sat down next to his sister and looked at the little girl he had watched since childhood.

She just looks a little pale. I thought it was just due to malnutrition or studying too hard. Who would have thought that the disease was already raging in her body.

"What's the matter?" Lu Xin couldn't help but twist her body as she felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by her brother.

I always heard Sister Doudou say that there is a kind of person called sister control, which is very dangerous. Could it be that brother... It's impossible. We grew up together and are brothers and sisters...

Lu Li didn't know that his beloved sister had been led astray by his classmate Dou Jingjing. He reached out to touch his sister's face and said gently: "Call the school later and ask for leave from the teacher. I'll take you with me on Monday." Go to the hospital, I've already made an appointment."

"Ah, why," Lu Xin was still immersed in the fantasy world created by Dou Dou. She suddenly heard that her brother was taking her to the hospital, and she felt a little stupid.

"I... a friend of mine is sick, and it's in the terminal stage, so I plan to go to the hospital for a formal physical examination, both of us." In order not to put too much pressure on his sister, Lu Li made up an excuse at the last minute, and he also Accompany me for the check-up.

"But I think I'm fine," this may be a case of hiding the disease and avoiding medical treatment, but the reason is very sad to say. The Lu family siblings couldn't afford to get sick before.

"I have made some money recently, so don't worry about expenses. Brother will make more money in the future. Just be obedient." Lu Li patted Lu Xin's little head and concluded. Finally, he warned: "Don't forget Got on the phone."

PS: It seems to be even later today, but don’t worry, at least two updates are guaranteed. I had a fever all morning, and it got better in the afternoon. I dealt with some work matters, so I can only code at night.

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