The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 127 I have the final say in everything

After going online the next day, Lu Li spent two gold coins to teleport to the Western Post near Yuexi Town. He first met Dou Jingjing who came to pick him up. Her character in the game told him not to fight Doudou, probably because of the sentence "Eat, sleep, fight." Doudou", Dou Jingjing was so impressed that she was called Doudou since she was a child, so she chose such a name.

"We can only provide you with one position," Dou Jingjing said worriedly.

In Dawn, the dungeon that is entered through the dungeon scroll, that is, the private dungeon, will have three chances. However, one thing must be noted: the team that enters the dungeon three times must not change more than half of its personnel.

Yuexi Prison is a five-person dungeon, which means that there must be three people in the team who have entered the dungeon for the first time.

In addition to the three landladies, there were two other players in the initial team, both from Weiyu Pavilion.

Yang Liu Yiyi didn't go in the second time. She was a hunter and gave up a DPS position to the water elf. Now someone had to give up a position to Lu Li. After some discussion, Dou Jingjing gave up her position.

"It seems like your guild isn't that friendly either," first Yang Liu and then Dou Jingjing. The three of them had already given up two positions, but neither of the two players who had obtained the dungeon scroll with them had quit.

As for why Zhou Huanhuan didn't quit, it was because this task was the one she received first, and she couldn't have done it without her participation.

"I'm usually fine, but when something happens..." Dou Jingjing lowered her head in frustration.

"In this case, I ask for two pieces of equipment and one material. You go and tell them. If it doesn't work, forget it." Lu Li did not have the good demeanor of these three silly girls.

A private dungeon of elite difficulty, with at least three pieces of equipment, as well as experience points and first kill rewards. Forget it if it is to help a friend. Except for the materials he wants, everything else doesn't matter. However, something is wrong now. His Of course, Lu Li was unhappy because only one of his friends could enter the dungeon.

"You..." Dou Jingjing was angry, but she also knew that Lu Li was aggrieved for them, so he could only talk about the situation in the team channel.

Shuguang has two communication methods, one is voice and the other is text. Dou Jingjing naturally uses text to communicate in the team channel, but her face clearly shows that the communication is not pleasant.

At this time, they had arrived at the location of the dungeon, just behind Yuexi Town.

Several players were already waiting there. In addition to the water elf that Lu Li had met several times, the two landladies, there were also two other players, a female mage and a male warrior.

Unexpectedly, Weiyu Pavilion has already begun to recruit male players at this moment. It must be that it cannot withstand the pressure of the national game.

In the face of such a huge game player base, if you still want to maintain the guild's ranking, relying on these female players alone is obviously not enough. Appropriate recruitment of some high-level male players is an inevitable trend for the development of Weiyu Pavilion.

"Doudou, what do you mean? He's not satisfied with just two things. Why does he need to add more? Is it because he's your friend? Your elbows are turned outward." When the female mage saw Lu Li and Dou Jingjing coming over, she started to speak directly. shouted.

Lu Li didn't even look at the woman and nodded to the water elf.

The water elf looked lazy and just nodded slightly, seemingly unaware of the tense atmosphere in the team.

"Lu Li..." Dou Jingjing is unruly, but she gives up when she encounters unreasonable people, so she can only pull Lu Li's sleeves with a sad face.

"You failed to get through the game twice, so you have no right to negotiate terms with me. If you have ever thought about this dungeon, you'd better not mess with me," Lu Li said rudely, not giving the water elf any face.

The water elf snorted, but still said nothing.

"Who are you? Why do you say that?" This female mage entered the game after the second system update. She seemed a little unfamiliar with the name Lu Li. The male warrior pulled her several times and she didn't react.

"It's only level 15, you don't need to go in. Doudou, you join the group, and you," Lu Li pointed at the soldier, "If there's no problem, just stay. You must listen to my command. If there is a problem, you also You can leave the team.”

"I, I have no problem," the warrior nodded desperately.

This warrior was so understanding that Lu Li couldn't help but accept the team formation application submitted by Zhou Huanhuan and waited for them to replace him.

The good-looking female mage is quite popular in Weiyu Pavilion, especially among the male players in the guild. Lu Li was so disrespectful to her that she almost went crazy and almost swung his staff. Slap Lu Li in the face.

"Okay, you can go back," the water elf interrupted the female mage, causing the female mage to swallow all the vicious words she wanted to blurt out.

The person in front of me is one of the top figures in the game's beauty list. Her proud appearance is a joke in front of the opponent. Moreover, she is a rich woman and a highly skilled female thief. More importantly, she is a guild member. The top of the top.

Some people say that although the president of Weiyu Pavilion is not a water elf, she is actually the financial backer behind the guild. Even if this is not the case, it only takes one sentence to make someone unable to stay in the guild.

The female mage glared at Lu Li angrily, turned around and left.

Zhou Huanhuan sighed helplessly, unfolded the copy scroll, and began to read the copy.

Level 17 Lu Li, level 15 Little Xiong Huanhuan (Zhou Huanhuan), level 16 Don't Fight Doudou (Dou Jingjing), level 15 Brother Ye, and level 16 Water Elf, five people entered the dungeon one after another.

Xiaoxiong Huanhuan is a shaman healer, and Brother Ye is a warrior MT. These two are relatively low-level, and their equipment is not very good. It is a bit difficult to play the elite difficulty of Yuexi Prison. Fortunately, Lu Li is reborn, so it is impossible to follow the routine. Play directly.

In order to confuse others and pave the way for future foresights, after entering the dungeon, he started telling stories about this abandoned prison in Yuexi Town.

The people of the Defias Brotherhood once tried to release the prisoners here. After all, the enemy of their enemy is their friend. Unfortunately, they never expected that the first thing they saw was a crazy jackal, and many of them were killed and injured. Finally, he withdrew from this area and it became a forbidden area.

As for why the Jackals were imprisoned in such a place, that is another story.

"You know so much," Zhou Huanhuan said with sincere admiration.

"When you have nothing to do, just hang out in the library. In fact, learning more about background stories or celebrity biographies will help you discover quest clues and research dungeon strategies," Lu Li said enigmatically, "Just like this prison. The first BOSS is the Jackal Aldin. If you know its origin, you may know its weaknesses and commonly used skills..."

It is said that listening to your words is worth ten years of reading. Even a cold-blooded person like Water Elf couldn't help but look at Lu Li with admiration after listening to Lu Li's explanations, not to mention several other people, who looked completely impressed. .

After killing the BOSS, the progress will be saved, but the mobs do not have this kind of treatment. The mobs that Zhou Huanhuan and the others cleared last time spawned again. They can only clear them bit by bit. However, because there are two people, Lu Li and Water Elf. For powerful thieves, clearing mobs is not a problem at all.

Ten minutes later, they stood in front of the first BOSS, the jackal Aldin.

PS: Thanks to Duanshi, Gasboy, It’s So Hard to Name, 454648 and others for their monthly votes, as well as “Dark Colors, Like Wind”, Feathers as Colorful as Paint and the Mist of the Night Moon, Hengtian Cross, and Xueman*Snow.RUN. Thank you very much for the reward.

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