The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1290 Snow Monster State

When Lu Li saw everyone in the Glory City, he found that these people were actually fighting snow monsters.

He suddenly remembered a very important thing, and that was the question of whether to fight the snow monster. Back then, he watched the Peak Contest from the perspective of a learner. After his rebirth, he focused on familiarity when practicing this map. So he never thought deeply about whether to fight the snow monster.

Since they are entangled, it is naturally because each has its own pros and cons.

If you fight the snow monster, the snow monster will drop some buffs. If you eat it, it can increase the strength of the contestants within a certain period of time. As for the equipment and materials, there is no such thing. After all, it is a map specially made for the competition.

However, the drawbacks of fighting snow monsters are also very serious. Snow monsters have amazing combat power and are very difficult to kill.

What makes people even more hesitant is that the Wendigo will call his friends to help. Killing the Wendigo and eating the buff status of the Wendigo is equivalent to being labeled as an enemy of the Wendigo.

If two people are fighting on a snowfield map, and a snow monster suddenly pops out, it may attack that person because it is closer or because someone accidentally hurt it, but there must be a prerequisite that neither of them has eaten anything. Exceed the buff status of the snow monster.

Once you have the snow monster status on your body, you will immediately become the priority target of the snow monster's attack.

It seems that Glory City chose to kill the snow monster to obtain the buff status.

"Take advantage of the chaos?" Yueguang held her ax tightly, tilted her head and asked Lu Li, "It's okay to let him fight." He was not quick to make such a decision, and it was probably not an easy decision to make.

"Back off a little, there's only one snow monster, and it's about to be killed," Lu Li shook his head regretfully.

If there were three or five snow monsters fighting against the Glory City, he would lead the attack without hesitation. With five people on his side, plus three snow monsters, even if the people in the Glory City were in good condition, they would not be able to bear it.

His current tactical intention is clear and unambiguous, which is to temporarily avoid the edge, which is also a helpless move.

As for the City of Glory, of course they also saw the people from the Sword of Judgment. They had a wide field of vision on the snowfield and could see the target from a long distance. However, the snow monster in their hands had not been completely eliminated, and the distance between the two sides was relatively far. They For a while, I couldn't spare any effort to pursue him.

"It seems we have become prey?" Fat Monkey expressed his displeasure.

Fat Monkey's style is to take the initiative to attack. Even when fighting Xiao Mo, he is always looking for opportunities as much as possible. Now having him try every means to avoid the battle makes her feel more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Don't worry!" Lu Li replied: "You don't need to avoid them for too long. There are already three of them with the snow monster status. The snow monsters will definitely be interested in them. If that doesn't work, I will help lure a few snow monsters." Go up, but the snow monsters are still lurking now, and there must be a few battles to wake them up."

"What's the plan?" Moonlight asked.

"You just need to save yourselves. This can only be done by me, but we can't be too far apart, otherwise problems will easily arise," Lu Li said.

His plan was simple. After ensuring that he was far away from the Capital of Glory, he started to trample over the snow hills one by one.

Generally speaking, there are two types of terrain in snowfields. One is flat land or depression, which constitutes the main terrain of snowfields. There are likely to be snow pits and landslides under this terrain, which are very dangerous. In addition, there are convex areas. The small snow packs that rise up are also called snow mounds.

If Lu Li dug into the snow to ambush, he would form a snow hill, no matter how low-lying the place was originally.

Of course, there is nothing underneath most of the snow hills.

There may not necessarily be snow monsters where there are snow hills, but the snow monsters must be hidden under the snow hills. Lu Li can scare the snow monsters in the snow hills by stepping all the way over.

When the snow monster is under the snow hill, its hatred range is very small. Even if you pass by the snow hill, there is only a very small chance that the snow monster will jump out and attack. However, once the snow monster comes out of the snow hill, it will not attack. It's the same. As soon as these snow monsters whose sleep is disturbed see or hear any movement, they will immediately rush to fight.

In the world of wendigos, anything other than wendigos is scum and should be attacked.

Feeling a movement under his feet, Lu Li knew that he had finally stepped on the rightful owner. He continued running without looking back. The snow monster that was stepped on scratched its head in confusion, and then he saw Lu Li, who was running further and further away. He immediately roared and chased after him.

The snow monster is actually not very tall, about one and a half meters tall.

They look like white gorillas, with short and powerful lower limbs and very long upper limbs. When running, they can also grab snowflakes on the ground, squeeze them into balls, and throw them out.

Perhaps because the lower limbs are too short, even if it jumps forward, it actually runs very slowly. Lu Li ran further and further away and finally left its sight. The snow monster could only stop with a groan - after about half an hour, they would return to sleep under the snow hill again.

With the first one, there will be the second one, and soon one by one the snow monsters will be woken up.

"Lu Li, they are here. They will be overtaken soon. Hurry up and come back for help," Yueguang shouted in the chat channel - some maps allow voice chat, some do not. The map Snowfield is not available. The problem is, only the map like the tropical rainforest that Lu Li and his friends played last time that instantly refreshed the player coordinates was so abnormal.

"You guys delay for a moment, I'll be right back," Lu Li stopped and started to turn around and run.

In fact, he has been running around a place not far from his team, just to prepare for such emergencies. Since the Glory City has discovered their opponents before, their most urgent thing is of course to actively look for fighters.

After all, they have three Yeti statuses, while Sword of Judgment has none.

This advantage is enough to determine the direction of the battle. After all, the overall strength of the five players in the City of Glory is no worse than that of the Sword of Judgment. In their confident cognition, it is even better.

Lu Li was away, so Yueguang had to take charge of the overall situation. He took Sanyueyu, Fat Monkey, and Maomao to eat meat and evacuated quickly. This was just because everyone moved at different speeds, and the slow legs would drag down the fast ones, so the distance between them is shrinking a little bit.

If Lu Li never comes back, the entire army waiting for the Sword of Judgment will definitely be wiped out.

After all, five against four, and three of them were in the form of snow monsters.

On the white snowfield, three of them had a large bright red eye-catching light at their feet. They looked very powerful and murderous. It was difficult for anyone to ignore it.

Yueguang was not worried that the other party would resolve the battle before Lu Li came back. After all, Lu Li was not far away.

Sure enough, just when the two sides reduced the distance to the limit and the battle broke out, Lu Li's shadow appeared in the distance. He arrived a little later than Yueguang expected. According to Yueguang's calculations, Lu Li should have been able to get there before the battle broke out. It's time to get there.

However, when he saw it clearly, he immediately decided to admire Lu Li's cunning and insidiousness.

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