The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1291 The result of subversion

"While Lu Li hasn't arrived yet, gather fire for March Rain," Xiao Mo shouted.

This was the strategy of the City of Glory, and it couldn't be said to be incorrect. He also saw Lu Li appearing in the distance, but it was still quite a distance from the battle site. It was conservatively estimated that it would take more than ten seconds to arrive at the scene.

It is not impossible to solve March Rain in these ten seconds.

And even if it can't be solved in more than ten seconds, as long as March Yu is disabled, what will happen even if Lu Li comes? A thief still has to watch March Yu being raped and killed.

Therefore, several people in the Glory City did not pay much attention to the upcoming Lu Li.

Because Yueguang knew what Lu Li was doing, he paid attention by the way, so he noticed something that no one in the Glory City noticed - the group of snow monsters swarming towards him.

Some people say that one's origin determines one's behavior.

It's like a billionaire who comes from a very humble background and didn't have enough to eat when he was a child. He often drooled at the scallion pancakes on the stall. Even if he becomes famous, he is likely to often recall the scallion pancakes and even occasionally make him People buy it and try it.

Lu Li is a little gangster struggling to survive. His origin determines his behavior, which in the eyes of a moral gentleman is unscrupulous.

For example, he will naturally attract a group of snow monsters, and will not consider whether killing people with a borrowed knife will disappoint the passionate young man. In the heart of the passionate young man, of course, boss, you have to rush forward and confront Xiao Mo with real swords and guns. Flip him from the front and let him kneel in front of you and sing conquest.

March Rain used all kinds of methods, and this time he really had no reservations.

Yueguang also gave her a rescue at the right time, helping her bear part of the damage, and Yueguang and others did not deliberately attack anyone - if someone on their own side was targeted, they would usually attack a weak point of the other party. Members, if you really can't do it, just exchange it. When Moonlight goes up, it will be Whirlwind. His purpose is not to kill people, but to disrupt the opponent's attack rhythm, so that the people in the Glory City can't concentrate on focusing on the March Rain.

Others do the same thing.

Because Lu Li only gave two orders, the first was to protect March Rain, and the second was to hold back these people.

These two orders are not contradictory. As long as March Rain is protected, it is actually equivalent to holding back the people of Glory City, because if the people of Glory City kill March Rain, generally speaking, they will just stop it. Evacuate first, especially when soldiers are pressing down on the situation.

The first person to discover the snow monster was Xishanbai.

His game ID is Xishan Bai. In fact, he is also fair and fair. That face is the best interpretation of a pretty face. At this time, his face is obviously whiter, and it turned white instantly.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

"Withdraw? Why withdraw?" Seeing that March Yu was about to run out of blood, Xiao Mo didn't understand why Xishan Bai, who had always been reliable, suggested retreat.


Xishan Bai had no time and no need to explain anything. Following the direction of his finger, Xiao Mo saw the crowded group of snow monsters behind Lu Li. There were at least a dozen of them. This is why Lu Li arrived later than Yueguang expected. The reason why the time has come is because he wants to attract the monsters. If he runs too fast, the monsters will not be attracted.

"Fuck!" Xiao Mo couldn't help but curse, and then commanded his men to retreat at the top of his voice.

At this time, they can just leave. Yueguang, Fat Monkey and others all use their control skills to entertain them. Even March Rain does not add blood to himself, but works hard to control the City of Glory. Players, especially the three with the snow monster status.

Could it be that the snow monsters had already started to get restless since Lu Li brought the monsters closer?

They soon discovered the three adventurers with a bloody halo under their feet, and then they naturally abandoned Lu Li. Yue Guang and others who were standing there without any evasion were also ignored. Only the three were left in their eyes. The aperture means that three of their kind are being hunted.

The three in the City of Glory who are in the snow monster state are Xiao Mo, Blood Dagger, and Dakong Shura.

Xiao Mo's snow monster status is to increase critical hit damage and reduce ice magic reading time by 20%. It can be said that the magic system, especially ice magic, is in a god-level state. Xiao Mo did not expect to hit the first one. The snow monster burst out, and at that moment he even felt that the game had been settled.

Blood Dagger's snow monster state increased his speed, and he dared to say unequivocally that he could now run faster than any thief.

But what's the point of running fast? He couldn't even intercept Lu Li in advance. If he had intercepted Lu Li in advance, he might be able to use his own snow monster state to lure the snow monster away before it found anyone else.

The only reason is that he kept staring at the rain in March and lost the vigilance of a thief.

Dakinisura's state is to increase damage. This state increases his basic damage by at least one-third. Unfortunately, it is of no use. It cannot let him kill the snow monster at once, nor can it let him escape quickly.

Lu Li went up personally to intercept Xiao Mo.

The opponent that everyone was most looking forward to meeting did not meet in the group competition, but met on the map of the team competition.

There was no confrontation before the masters exchanged blows. Lu Li just attacked Xiao Mo without hesitation, completely stalking him. He didn't even ask to fight alone, because he was also cooperating with Yueguang.

The remaining people are intercepting Kong Xing Shura. As for the Blood Dagger and the other two who are not in the snow monster state, they have been completely ignored. However, it is impossible for them to leave, because if they leave, Xiao Mo and Kong Xing Shura will be finished. What’s the point of the next three.

This is the effect you want!

Lu Li felt reassured, he was really afraid that the other party would just leave like this.

In that case, these dozen snow monsters will kill Xiao Mo and Kongxing Shura, but after killing them, the target will shift to the people with the Sword of Judgment. Once the three people who ran away come back and kill them, There might be another chance in the City of Glory.

What Lu Li could think of, Xiao Mo should also be able to think of.

It's a pity that his mind is in chaos now and he can no longer think normally. The map he originally thought was advantageous did not gain the upper hand as expected, and the dozen snow monsters attracted by Lu Li made them fall into an almost inevitable defeat. situation.

So, why did we lose this team battle?

Dakinisura was controlled by the moonlight and surrounded by several snow monsters. He simply died.

After the snow monster killed the Dakini Shura, he came up to attack Xiao Mo, and Xishan Bai, who had attracted hatred for adding blood to the Dakini Shura. As for the blood dagger, he was trying hard to lure the snow monster away, but unfortunately the snow monster Although they were also attracted to him, they simply ignored the blood dagger's provocation until the snow monster players on the scene were completely eliminated.

Defeated, completely defeated!

Xiao Mo's skills were still sharp, especially after acquiring the Snow Monster state, he easily took away a lot of Lu Li's health. Unfortunately, the Snow Monster was getting closer and closer to him...

Xiao Mo was also killed, Xishan Bai was also killed, Blood Dagger ran away, and Shadow Fang was also killed by Maomao Loves Meat and Fat Monkey.

Now only the blood dagger and the new racers who came in from the bench are left in the Glory City.

Xue Dagger felt that he still had a chance. It would not be easy for the Sword of Judgment to deal with these dozen snow monsters, and he and his alternate player Hunter Feng Miao might be able to take advantage of the chaos and kill a wave of people. He didn't even think about winning this team competition where the gap in strength was indescribable. He only hoped to bring the score closer.

As long as they get closer, they can regain the situation in the next away game.

"Kill the one with the least HP." After taking care of the opponent, Lu Li asked people to start killing the snow monsters. It was difficult to kill so many, but it was no problem to kill one by force. After all, it was not a BOSS.

After the snow monster was killed, it fell into a state as expected.

It actually increases the speed of magic recovery, which is considered a good state in the arena. If the magic is recovered quickly, there will be no shortage of mana. If there is no shortage of mana, you can use your skills to your heart's content, especially for the top-notch Xue who is a healer. Weird state.

Lu Li did not give his status to March Yu.

At this point in the game, there was no treatment pressure on Sanyue Yu. The reason why he was in this state was to lure away these snow monsters, and the most appropriate candidate to lure them away was naturally Lu Li, who was a thief.

In fact, these dozen snow monsters cannot be beaten casually. It's not that they can't be beaten, but they will fight more and more, and they will call their companions to fight together.

Leaving aside the monster and running away is not an option. If you have fast legs, you can run away, but if you have short legs, it will be difficult.

So Lu Li directly ate the snow monster state, driving all the monsters away at once like driving a train. The remaining four people in the Sword of Judgment didn't have to worry about the two remaining people in the Glory City causing any waves.

Xue Dagger, who was probing his head not far away, was immediately dumbfounded. This script was completely different from what he thought.

How could two of them beat four? With the healing profession, he and Feng Yimiao couldn't kill any of them even though they were exhausted.

That being the case, that's all.

Blood Dagger quickly stopped in front of Lu Li, and tried to control Lu Li. Anyway, Lu Li was also in a snow monster state, and it was impossible for the snow monsters to give up on Lu Li and attack Blood Dagger again.

But how could Lu Li not be prepared for this? He immediately started to fight back. Both thieves were trying to kill each other, so they stopped running away or sneaking away. They were trying to make their opponents incapacitated as much as possible, so that they would be beaten to death by the snow monsters.

The snow monsters chased after them, and both of them became their targets.

The final result was tragic. Both Lu Li and Xue Dagger became the dead souls at the feet of the snow monsters. No one can survive for long under the trampling of a group of snow monsters, not to mention that there is a colleague who will support you even if he dies.

At this time, the competition is almost over. Of the six players in the Glory City team competition, only one hunter, Feng Yimiao, is left. The Sword of Judgment also includes Moonlight, March Rain, Mu Qiu, Fat Monkey, and Maomao Aikai. It was a completely disproportionate battle between the five powerful players. Feng Yimiao was sent off the field after a hard fight.

In the arena match, it was five to four, with Glory City having the advantage.

It must be admitted that in terms of the quality of its personnel, the City of Glory is indeed a great company. Master Huang said that the last game is the last one, so the team competition was replaced by Feng Yimiao. In fact, this kind of team is only one step away from becoming one. There are still many talented players in the ranks of star racers in the City of Glory.

And some star players are not even as good as them. After all, the professional circle has to take care of other clubs, and it is impossible for one club to have too many star players.

The assessment of players in Glory City is much stricter than that of other clubs.

What makes people speechless is the result of the team match, which was actually a terrifying 6:1. This was a team match at home. The league has not had similar problems for many years. When the game entered the second half, two senior players The commentators were all mute.

Some people in the audience were horribly silent, while others were noisy. In short, no one could really accept this result.

Even fans of Sword of Judgment don't think this outcome is normal.

Some people even began to question the rationality of this kind of map. The inappropriate setting of monsters like Snow Monster caused the result of this game. In fact, the City of Glory did nothing wrong, and neither did the winning side's Sword of Judgment. What amazing means were shown.

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