The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1292 The outcome is decided

However, no matter how many doubts there were, the system presented the results of the game step by step.


City of Glory narrowly defeated Sword of Judgment 5:4 in the group competition, but was upset with a score of 1:6 in the team competition. Wasn't the final score exactly 6:10?

This score has almost determined the outcome. No matter how many capable players there are in the City of Glory, no matter how many legendary equipment they have, and no matter how hard they work in the next game, it will be difficult to reverse the inevitable defeat.

We can analyze the possible score results of the next game.

In the arena competition, the Sword of Judgment is not good, but the difference is not big. Even if the City of Glory is exhausted, it is estimated that it can only score 5:3 at most. The team competition is the home field of the Sword of Judgment. Even if the City of Glory uses all the means, how can it win? The ending of 6:3, unless it is an upset like today.

Lu Li was actually still in a state of confusion.

The pace of development of today's events was completely out of his imagination.

Perhaps Weiyu Pavilion is not a big threat to Glory City, and they are confident enough to defeat their opponents. Therefore, in the video Lu Li watched in his previous life, Glory City did not have the snow monster eating state.

But the Sword of Judgment is different. Glory City feels a lot of pressure from this new generation club.

Speaking of which, Sword of Judgment is actually not very strong. It requires money but no one, and it doesn’t see much potential for development. It’s just a grassroots team, but they are good at clearing dungeons to get the first kill, and playing games to abuse veteran players.

Brushing dungeons to grab the first kill is a way to gain presence in the entire channel. The more times you do it, the more ordinary players will remember the name Sword of Judgment. Over time, they will even naturally compare Sword of Judgment with established clubs, and even feel that in the minds of many people Swords of Judgment have outgrown these useless old clubs.

As for playing games and torturing veterans.

The old clubs shed tears when they think about it. From the first Huaying Cup and Magic Cup to the more eye-catching professional leagues, they can't figure out why they kneel when they encounter the sword of judgment.

The lineup of Sword of Judgment is weird.

At the earliest, it was the Iron Triangle of Lu Li Yueguang and March Rain, plus Luo Ying recalled this bloodthirsty maniac. No matter what the opponent’s lineup or tactics were, I would just go up and unleash bloodthirsty output, and beat the old boxer to death with random sticks. The tactics have to be said to be very useful. No one else has a bloodthirsty shaman.

Later, everyone's defense HP damage reduction increased, the bloodthirsty effect was no longer unique, and the Sword of Judgment found fat monkeys and cats who loved meat.

If Lu Li Yueguang Sanyue is already a rock-solid star player, then Maomao Loves Meat and Fat Monkey are really talented newcomers. I don’t know where they got the Sword of Judgment. Other clubs are exhausted. If you train ten people, if one or two stand out, it's not a waste of time. It's not like the Sword of Judgment, where a blind cat always meets a dead mouse.

Therefore, the City of Glory was very alert, fearing that the Sword of Judgment would cause a miracle.

This is also the reason why Xiao Mo chooses to eat statuses. He is seeking stability. As long as he eats a few statuses, he can crush the Sword of Judgment to the point where he kneels down and cannot get up.

His plan was right. If Lu Li hadn't attracted a group of snow monsters, a formal exchange of fire between the two sides would definitely be a one-sided situation. Unfortunately, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The swarming snow monsters made it impossible to reveal all the trump cards in the City of Glory. Woke up.

Xiao Mo: My racing skills are incredible.

Lu Li: But you lost.

Xiao Mo: We all have legendary equipment. I even have a piece of legendary equipment on me.

Lu Li: But you lost.

Xiao Mo: We have formulated various tactics...

Lu Li: But you still lost.

This is an unsolvable proposition. No matter what, Glory City lost, losing in the home team competition.

The results of the game are out. Regardless of whether you lose or win, you have to come out to meet people. Those in the virtual auditorium do not count. The tens of thousands of spectators and hundreds of media in the real stadium still have to meet.

As winners, the contestants of the Sword of Judgment walked out together, and the excitement reached a climax.

No matter how we won, we still won the game. Lu Li and the others couldn't cry in despair, nor could the thousands of Sword of Judgment fans cry in mourning. Now was the time to cheer enthusiastically, so the entire venue was about to be overwhelmed by cheers. flipped.

As the home court, Glory City certainly has more fans. It should be said that 80% of them are Glory City fans.

According to the convention of past competitions, even if you lose, you must be graceful. At this time, applauding the Sword of Judgment is the greatest support for the City of Glory. Unfortunately, they were unable to applaud, let alone did not want to applaud, so the atmosphere at the scene was very embarrassing.

People from the Glory City also came out.

This kind of experience of standing on the stage as a loser is very rare. Glory City has not lost like this in the league for several years.

They are losers. It is good for them to leave this stage early, but that will make people feel that they cannot afford to lose. They have to stand with the winning side for a while and accept the baptism of spotlight.

"Bah, bang, bang," Xiao Mo actually clapped his head.

His team members hesitated for a moment and then applauded too. This kind of applause drowned in the sound seemed to have extraordinary magic power, and the entire venue burst into warm applause.

In the spirit of friendship first and competition second, the two teams have to say something.

"Congratulations, this is a great win," Xiao Mo shook hands with Lu Li. His expression was sincere, showing the elegant demeanor of a big club leader.

"Haha, it's just a fluke," Lu Li shook his hand, his smile a little bitter.

lucky? It was a bit of a fluke, but when Xiao Mo heard it, he only felt it was very mocking, even though Lu Li did not mean to mock him.

Master Huang saw that Xiao Mo's face was a little pale, so he came over and said a few polite words, and then left the field with the players from the City of Glory. This is the stage for the winners. No matter how elegant they are, they stand with the winners. They all looked sad.

In fact, this is not the end. Both parties still have to attend the press conference in the evening together.

The result of this game was so unexpected that the media from all over the country increased the lineup and intensity of interviews. They originally thought that there would be one more game to see the outcome, but who would have thought that the next game might be just a formality.

The game team has not come out to give an explanation so far, but according to the practice of previous years, without any cheating, now that the result of the game has been announced, it is impossible to overturn and start over. In other words, the champion of this competition has already It's basically the Sword of Judgment.

At the press conference in the evening, Lu Li did not see Xiao Mo when he arrived.

After asking the staff, I learned that Master Huang will lead the team at this press conference. Xiao Mo may not be able to attend the press conference because he has to deal with guild affairs.

Lu Li felt a little heavy in his heart. It was not that he was worried about Xiao Mo, but that if Xiao Mo was hit too hard this time, they would probably regard the Sword of Judgment as their primary target. In that case, the Sword of Judgment would really It’s not easy.

At this time, the City of Glory is like an overlord. They are focusing on the entire gaming industry and even other extended industries.

Xiao Mo didn't even put all his energy into the game Dawn, let alone the Sword of Judgment. Xiao Mo paid little attention to the Sword of Judgment at best. Now that something like this has happened, the City of Glory is of course unwilling to lose, so it must regain its position.

Others could not imagine that it was at such a deep level, even the old man Cat Dad was smiling.

Soon after entering their respective positions, the press conference began. The audience was crowded with hundreds of reporters from various media, some of whom had just arrived from the airport.

"Hello, Master Huang, it's a pity that the City of Glory lost the game. Can you tell me your thoughts on this game." The opening questions are usually asked to the home club, and most of the questions are similar to the victory or defeat. As for the issue of opinion, there is nothing new.

"We trained very hard and performed well. It's really a pity," Master Huang, who is also a veteran, answered without any problems.

"Excuse me, before the game, have you ever thought about the possibility of today's result?" Someone finally couldn't help but stabbed. Reporters need sharp information and can't just do it in a tepid manner.

"No, to be honest, we didn't even think about the possibility of losing the game," Master Huang said calmly.

"Then can I understand that the City of Glory is very dissatisfied with the result of this game?" The reporter didn't know what his psychology was, and the questions he raised became more and more unfriendly. Maybe he bought the City of Glory. They all win, but end up losing a lot of money.

In fact, every game has gambling, especially the gambling becomes more exaggerated towards the end. Therefore, gambling is prohibited in today's society, but it cannot prevent all kinds of pervasive forms of gambling.

However, racers cannot participate in betting.

The first time you participate in gambling, you will be banned for one year. The second time you participate in gambling, you will be directly disqualified. Unless you pay a huge deposit to buy back the status of the competition player, the third time you participate in gambling, you can only regret it. No matter what you do, you will not be eligible again. May return to the stage.

Getting back to the topic, Master Huang did not change his expression when faced with such a question, and replied calmly: "The competition is just a competition, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with."

The implication is that he is convinced, but it also gives people the momentum of "let's wait and see in the future," which is a relatively good way to answer. If he says that Glory City is not convinced by the results, then the major media will be lively tomorrow. And Glory City will also be described as a team that cannot afford to lose.

"Everyone thinks that Glory City has not lost in terms of strength. What does Master Huang think?" This is obviously a friendly media of Glory City.

Such a well-established large-scale club certainly has no shortage of media friends. It should be said that at least half of the hundreds of clubs here have received benefits from the City of Glory.

"Although saying this is a bit hindsight, if we do it again, at least we won't lose so miserably. In terms of strength, I don't think the City of Glory is any worse. We have an absolute advantage in the arena competition. , As for the team competition, we lost because we didn’t have a thorough understanding of the map, and it had nothing to do with our strength,” Master Huang said firmly.

"But you lost to a junior in the arena, does this count as a gap in strength?" A reporter suddenly complained in annoyance.

"I don't feel ashamed to lose to my juniors, and I am very happy that one of my juniors defeated me, which brought a perfect ending to the last game of my career. I even hope that more and more newcomers will appear in the professional circle who can defeat their seniors. , This only shows that the game industry is developing in a good direction," Master Huang answered flawlessly.

"What do you think about Lu Li?" the reporter asked.

“I think he is an excellent racer,” Master Huang said without hesitation.

"How does it compare with Xiao Mo?" Of course the reporter would not be satisfied with this level of description. Who doesn't know that Lu Li is an excellent racer?

"The two have different styles. There is no need to compare them together, but they are both very outstanding." At this time, Master Huang was like a peerless master who was fighting Lu Li with two big axes. No matter what the problem was, when it came to him They will all be blocked perfectly.

"What about Fat Monkey?" In today's competition, Fat Monkey was actually the best. He challenged Xiao Mo. Although he lost, he was praised as a flower by the wandering dragons in the world.

"A promising newcomer, but he lacks systematic training," Master Huang said after a pause: "If he is willing to join the City of Glory, under the personal guidance of Xiao Mo and I, he will definitely have the opportunity to stand in the professional field in the future. As for the Dharma God, it may be just a scenery in his life journey."


Everyone present almost burst into tears. Is this Master Huang's rhythm of poaching in person on the spot?

Lu Li glared at the old guy with a resentful look on his face, wishing he could compete in a real PK, while Fatty Monkey laughed so hard that he couldn't close his legs. He was not happy because he had the opportunity to go to the Capital of Glory, but because of such respected seniors as Master Huang. Give yourself such high marks.

There are currently no more than ten newcomers in the professional circle who can be personally invited by this youth training camp instructor.

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