The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1298: Power is good

As for what to do with it after I get it, I haven’t decided yet.

Now that his status is different from the past, Lu Li cannot hoard it like he did at the beginning of the game. In fact, the Phoebe Ring is completely hyped. If the merchants can't accumulate enough quantity, they won't speculate.

And how to distribute it after it is released is not a problem at all.

No one in the team would need this kind of thing, because although its attributes are acceptable, it is only gold-level equipment after all.

"I haven't played a dungeon for so long. I'm a little rusty. It's quite pitiful for a little girl to have to deal with corpses in order to survive." Can Meng rubbed her little hands and started her work of searching for corpses again.

"Hurry up and touch it. If you don't touch it, I'll get fucked," Hachi-chan said while hugging her dragon.

Her elf dragon is still in a state that cannot be ridden for the time being, but it has changed from a small one to a quite big one. When Hachi-chan holds the dragon, the dragon's tail will hang down, all the way to her At his feet, occasionally he wouldn't be high enough and would be dragged on the ground. At this time, the elf dragon would spit arcane fire at Hachi-chan.

"Why bother? If you press again, your dragon will be caught, roasted and eaten," Can Meng snorted.

"If you don't push me, you won't be Cui. Why are you so fierce?" Xiaobajiang comforted his baby dragon, but only intimidation broke the baby dragon's little heart.

In fact, the elf dragon doesn't grow very big, at least not big enough for people to ride on it, but it is clearly a flying mount. After eating the dragon blood essence of Eranikus, the elf dragon's Its size has reached the limit of its growth, and Hachi-chan tried many methods but failed to increase its size.

However, the shape is much more beautiful, with beautiful lines drawn from a flesh ball.

If you want to truly ride an elf dragon, you must develop a flying skill and a riding skill in the elf dragon. Flying is just as the name suggests, but riding is different from the riding learned by the player. It can carry the player on its back. , and it will also shrink the player by a certain proportion.

Hachi-chan, who is originally 1.5 meters tall, may shrink to less than 1.2 meters.

It will look very cute, which is why Master Mo Wangfeng, who obtained the elf dragon in his previous life, refused to show off this mount. If a girl is 1.2 meters tall, it's cute, but if a boy is 1.2 meters tall, it's nothing.

"Two strengthening stones, one rare material, the winding bone staff, it looks pretty, but unfortunately it is dark gold and its attributes are not very good," Can Meng simply commented on the equipment he touched. This little girl Now I am well-informed, which may not be good in other aspects, but I have a very good eye for equipment.

"The shape is very beautiful. Do you want it in March?" Lu Li asked.

This is the equipment for the priest profession. Even if it is not suitable for March Rain, you still have to ask.

"Forget it, the attributes are not suitable for me, I'll leave it to you," Sanyue Yu didn't struggle too much, just shook her head and refused. Although she is a girl, she doesn't have much feeling about the shape of the equipment. Others seem to think that Many beautiful things are not in line with her aesthetic sense.

"If March Rain doesn't want it, is anyone interested in other legal systems?" Lu Li asked.

"I want it. It will look great with my white dress," Maomao said a little embarrassedly. It was indeed too much for her to use such equipment just as a decoration.

In the eyes of the Sword of Judgment pioneering group, if you get an ordinary thing from the Sword of Judgment guild, even the elite group will definitely have demand for it.

"Take it if you like it," Lu Li said, giving the crystal-clear jade-like staff to Maomao Loves Meat. In fact, the market for this equipment is indeed in women's decoration.

Of course, deducting points is still necessary, otherwise it would be really excessive.

The second piece of equipment was a pair of mail trouser legs, something Luo Ying recalled could use. Although there was no improvement in comparison, the new equipment returned more blood, which was very suitable for Luo Ying's recall leveling, so she also spent some points to get it. Got off this piece of equipment.

The third item!

"The nanmu ring looks... just average, and it's actually just gold."

Canmeng expressed disdain. Although Shuguang did not have clear rules and the equipment might not be picked out in order from worst to best, it was quite depressing to just get gold for the last piece of equipment.

"If no one wants this equipment, just give it to me. I have a small use for it," Lu Li coughed twice and turned on the black equipment mode.

The boss had said so, so what could anyone else say? Besides, it was true that no one wanted a gold ring, so this nanmu ring got into Lu Li's hands easily.

In more than a month at most, it should be possible to sell at least hundreds of thousands of real coins.

After all calculations, this virtual item is actually more expensive than an ordinary diamond ring in reality. It is completely a hype item. The most indispensable thing in the game is the rich second generation who are stupid and easy to deceive.

After packing up, we continued on our way.

Continue going up the stairs on the left, go in and kill a group of orcs on the turning stairs, and then enter the room of the Flame Guard. There is a platform in the middle of the room. There are many orc controllers around the platform facing the fire element in the middle. Recharge.

It is safe at this time and no monsters will attack.

The premise is... Don't attack monsters in Azure Sea Breeze.

The first group annihilation happened so quickly, which was completely expected by Lu Li. However, there was no way he could remind Azure Sea Breeze that these monsters should not be fought. It was natural to fight monsters when they saw them. In fact, many teams were destroyed here now. Life and death.

The correct way to open monsters is to touch the fire element in the middle, and then these charged orc magic controllers will come up to stop them one by one.

Please note that they are here one by one, not in a swarm. The other magic controllers are still charging. In this way, Lu Li and others only face one of the monsters - if all of them are destroyed in this way, they can collectively committed suicide.

The charge warlocks were killed one by one, and finally only one fire elemental remained.

The fire element is not a monster, or it is not a real monster yet. It cannot be attacked temporarily. Many people don’t know how to trigger the BOSS to appear. In fact, it is very simple. Push the fire element to the altar next to it and let several legal professions fight against it. Just cast the spell on the altar.

No matter what kind of spell it is, whether it is healing or damaging, it is not limited to ice, fire or shadow.

As the altar was activated by magical energy, the fire element began to expand, and finally transformed from a cute little fire ball into a ferocious fire element monster.

"Haha, let me eat you as a thank you!" The released monster laughed ferociously.

According to the current plot, this monster named Abshir - Flame Guard Abshir, is the most loyal servant of the Fire Lord Ragnaros. In a peak showdown on the Burning Plains, he once Countless Blackstone orcs were incinerated into ashes, but Abshir was ultimately defeated. It was imprisoned in Blackstone Mountain, and the powerful energy in his body was used to speed up Nefarian's hatching of black dragon eggs.

A phoenix that landed on the ground is not as good as a chicken. It can be said that Aboshi has been tortured during this period.

These orc warlocks input shadow energy into its body, and then use it to convert this energy into fire elemental energy to achieve the purpose of hatching dragon eggs.

Don't think for a moment that Absher enjoys the process.

If you were to ask Absiel what he hates most, he would definitely say he hates the evil energy of warlocks, especially the energy of orc warlocks that are full of negative emotions. Absiel has been thinking about it all day long during these days. Run away, thinking about going home to my mother.

However, before that, it must first deal with these saviors.

One of the tasks Hachi-chan shared with everyone was from Duke Hydraxis, asking to kill the Flame Guard Abshir.

"Get ready to fight. Cheer up, everyone. Don't take it lightly because you think this is the first time." Lu Li vaccinated everyone in advance and removed the previous hidden BOSS. Abshir was the first one in Blackrock Tower last time. BOSS, serving as Nefarian's watchdog as a prisoner.

"It should be no problem. My current fire bed is so high that even a monkey can't do anything to me," Azure Sea Breeze was frightened upon hearing this.

"Be careful, it attacks with evil energy. In short, just pay attention to damage reduction." Lu Li briefly revealed the key to defeating this BOSS, which is that although Abshir has a fire element, his attacks are filled with evil energy. The source of these evil energies is naturally the warlocks who imprison it and charge it.

When a player activates the fire element, he will subconsciously think that the fire element is of course a fire attack, so he will naturally wear all the fire kang equipment on his body.

Fire resistance equipment can greatly reduce fire damage, and accordingly the damage to other systems will be reduced. If you are not careful, it is easy to lose your T here. This is not only true for MT, but also for other professions. When a group damage skill like Flame Nova brings evil energy damage, the group will be wiped out in minutes.

Lu Li's greeting in advance would not arouse others' suspicion.

Although there is currently no strategy for the upper level of Blackrock Tower - Blood Flag cannot be shared so early even if the dungeon is cleared - there are at least some speculations about the situation of Abshir.

Then, there was a group of orc warlocks just charging the BOSS.

A really good commander will think about the profound meaning of this official setting in the process of defeating the BOSS at this time. If they can think of it, they should let the Paladin open a group aura that is resistant to evil energy like Lu Li. .

"Senior Brother, your attack is to increase the blood of the boss. Can you please stop?" Lu Li was helpless.

"Uh, okay, let me tell you why the more I beat him, the more blood he gets," Fat Monkey said in embarrassment, and then squatted next to him and drew circles to help curse the BOSS. By the way, he also cursed the game designer. Although they designed Fire Mage to be Dawn's most powerful profession, the various conditions and restrictions are too harsh. Today's BOSS is even more extreme. No one can increase the BOSS's HP by fighting the BOSS.

"Stay at least five yards away from a distance. For melee combat... Bajiang pays attention to the blood volume in melee combat. Those with more stacks should stay five yards away," Lu Li said.

Most of the fire elements are covered with a layer of flames. In addition to providing protection for the caster, this layer of flame shield can also inflict fire damage to units within five yards. In the nightmare-level dungeon difficulty, these fire damage It can even be superimposed.

If the heated kang is high, you may need to stack it a few more layers. If the heated kang is not high enough, it is best not to hold it tight.

The solution is simple, just run away. As long as you stay five yards away from the Flame Guard, these layers will gradually decrease until they disappear.

As a result, the output of melee players will be affected. Even Lu Li lost a lot of attack opportunities because of running around. He is not even as good as the hunter Can Meng in the team output rankings.

It is said that the Scarlet War Flag replaced almost all melee professions when fighting this BOSS.

Lu Li would never do that kind of thing. He was used to using fixed manpower, and the pace was slower. There was no need to waste other people's CDs to enter the dungeon. As long as he came in to fight a BOSS, those who came in as replacements would be replaced. This copy cannot be played during the CD period.

The P1 stage is mainly the process of the BOSS transforming into a MT, and other players are in no danger as long as they don't let the flame shield burn them to death.

"I can't hold it anymore," Azure Sea Breeze was very depressed. He felt that he was already ridiculously strong, but why every time he stood in front of the BOSS, he was like a piece of dough that the BOSS could flatten and round.

"You have to hold on even if you can't hold on. This is the old one. If you can't hold on, what do I want you to do?"

"It's your uncle, if you have the ability, you can handle it."

"Haha, you are just a tank. You'd better be prepared to be beaten at any time," Lu Li yelled, "Stop talking and use damage reduction. Haven't you seen so many layers of fire damage on your body?"

"Piao Ling, come and change, I'm going to eliminate so many layers of damage," the blue sea breeze monster shouted.

"I don't care whether you live or die," he said so arrogantly, but Piao Ling still used his taunting skills to hold the BOSS back, giving Azure Sea Breeze a chance to run far away to eliminate the damage caused to him by the Flame Shield.

The second stage occurs when Abshir's health drops to 60%.

This stage is very simple, at least in Lu Li's opinion, as long as it causes a certain amount of damage to the BOSS within a limited time.

If it cannot be reached, the BOSS will use flame nova to burn all targets within fifty yards. The damage is very, very high, and almost no one can survive it. Therefore, the BOSS must be beaten to the P3 stage within the specified time. In this way The skill of Flame Nova was stillborn.

This is why Lu Li no longer asks everyone to break out in the P1 stage.

"Bloodthirsty, use whatever explosive skills you have. Don't worry about going berserk later." It's very dangerous to go berserk. It's possible to wipe out the team, but that's just a possibility. Once you can't get to the P3 stage as soon as possible, it's a certainty that the team will be wiped out. , there is no need to weigh it carefully at all.

In the P1 stage, Lu Li didn't do much damage reduction in melee combat. If he couldn't hold on any longer, he could just squat in the corner.

Now that the critical moment has come, there is no need to be stingy with damage reduction. In order to cause more damage, Lu Li is doing whatever he wants, just to kill the BOSS twice more.

In just three minutes, Abshir's blood volume dropped to 30%.

It was a full two minutes earlier than the five-minute limit in Lu Li's memory. This shows the strength of the Sword of Judgment group, and this was achieved by one person when he was idle. During the whole process, Fat Monkey, the The fire magicians were squatting in the distance and yawning in boredom.

"Okay, now is the P3 stage. Don't be too hasty. Use your cooldown damage reduction skills as much as possible to deal with the violence," Lu Li said.

He doesn't think that reaching this point means that the strategy is successful. The fire element itself has a violent temperament, and he probably won't pretend to be cowardly when it's time to be violent. This kind of fire-based spellcasting unit often uses group damage, and when it becomes violent, everyone will become a success in seconds. Pieces upon pieces.

It's good to have a strong MT. The Azure Sea Breeze can safely pull the BOSS and let everyone take a breather. If it were the water tanks of other clubs, other professions would often need to kite the BOSS to gain living space for them.

Even for casual players, if you are a powerful MT, many people will come online every day to invite you to form a team.

On the other hand, if you are too bad at being a MT, others will be afraid to avoid you, and you may even go to the forum and be criticized by someone. The title is all about someone who is a bad MT, which is harmful to people, and you have been wiped out dozens of times, but you still don’t think you are good enough. Wrong.

After delaying for two minutes, Lu Li announced that everyone could let go and fight with all their strength.

The healing profession requires magic to increase blood, and the Blue Sea Breeze requires damage reduction if it drags on for too long. It cannot be dragged on endlessly, and the longer the battle lasts, the greater the chance of the BOSS going berserk.

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