The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1299 Leeroy (asking for monthly ticket)

The healing profession requires magic to increase blood, and the Blue Sea Breeze also needs to reduce damage if it drags on for too long. It cannot be dragged on endlessly. Moreover, the longer the battle lasts, the higher the chance of the BOSS going berserk, and the more violent the rage.

The blood volume was reduced bit by bit, and Flame Guard Abohir finally realized that the players were not easy to mess with.

He began to try to escape. If the hatred of MT was not stable at this time, he might return to the fire element interface from the altar position. The black dragon continued to use fire to hatch dragon eggs here, which had broken the stability of the space.

The fire elements in Azeroth all come from the fire elemental plane, which is a very magical place.

It is said that dead fire elements will be resurrected in their original plane, but the resurrected fire element is no longer its original self, it has lost its memory and emotions.

Abshir didn't want to end up like that, so he finally started to go berserk.

"You have never known the true power of fire. Let me show you Abshir's wrath."

The violent BOSS's attack power is greatly increased, especially the fire damage. However, this is not fatal to players, because everyone has a lot of fire resistance equipment piled on them. This is when these fire resistance equipment can be truly reflected. the value of.

"Fortunately, brother's fire resistance is high. Oh my god, you are still burning. You are addicted, right? Brother, hurry up and fight. It's a bit unbearable if you keep burning like this," the blue sea breeze shouted.

Others didn't dare to watch him die, so they all sped up the pace of killing monsters and increasing health.

"Master will avenge me," Abshir waved his sleeves, said harsh words, took the lunch box and left. He finally discovered sadly that after fighting for more than ten minutes, he didn't even kill a single opponent.

The level 60 dungeon BOSS is also very sad.

"Oh, you've finally finished beating me. It's really hard work." Fat Monkey ran over, grinning and looking very much in need of a beating.

"Senior Brother, you are just a fool," Hachi-chan said while glaring at Fat Monkey.

"Haha, the little girl knows what a softie is and is not a softie. If I really joined the war, he would be with the BOSS. I really should have roared at that time. The fire spell is coming again. Please hurry up and call daddy. Don't shout. I will add blood to the BOSS."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and touch the equipment, this is the first BOSS, what are you talking about," Lu Li said.

So, Canmeng started touching the equipment.

There are a few strengthening stones, a synthetic stone that increases critical damage, and the skill book is relatively ordinary. It belongs to the fire profession. Fat Monkey has already learned it, so he can only keep it and ask other people in the guild if they need it.

"This stone is too little. Such little damage is just a waste of grooves." Piao Ling shook his head: "It seems that someone has killed the old one in the nightmare difficulty before us, so we don't have much hope for the equipment." .I don’t know what guild has this ability.”

"It's quite normal. No one died when we defeated this BOSS. Why don't we allow other people to open up wasteland successfully?" Lu Li concluded that the people in his family were too ambitious. They seemed to think that no one in other guilds in Dawn would defeat him. Copy.

This is not a good thing.

"Crow Zui, you were right, the equipment is all mediocre," Can Meng glared at Piao Ling.

There are four pieces of equipment in total, two gold pieces and one dark gold piece. This is indeed the normal drop rate of the nightmare copy that is not the first kill. It is just a dream to get legendary equipment from the gatekeeper BOSS.

This is also why legendary equipment is still very scarce.

The drop rate is too low and the demand is too great. All the major guilds and mercenary groups rely on repeated grinding to be able to produce some legendary equipment. Even in the City of Glory, their legendary equipment is not all their own. . Some of them should have the same origin as the Sword of Judgment borrowing equipment from Weiyu Pavilion Wushuang City, and they must be returned after the game.

"If you want good equipment, then work harder and walk next," Lu Li urged.

This was not long after the start of the dungeon, and I had not failed a few times. Everyone was in the best condition. It took a long time to complete this dungeon that had no first kill.

After killing Flame Guard Abshir, the door on the left will open, revealing a room full of dragon eggs.

"Don't get too close to the dragon egg. Let me test it out." Actor Lu walked over and cautiously approached the dragon egg - these dragon eggs are not dead. They are arranged here one by one, and occasionally Shaking it once proves that the things inside are almost ready.

"Good luck to you," the blue sea breeze whistled, looking like he was waiting for a joke.

"Hmm... I don't think it's appropriate for a thief to test this. Mr. Feng, you should do it. Your skin is thicker. Even if there are more monsters, you can still accept them all," Lu Li sneered and left the task of testing to him. MT.

"Don't do this, please, boss, I was wrong." Looking at the densely packed dragon eggs, Azure Sea Breeze hated himself for seeking death.

"Haha, look at how cowardly you look, it's just some dragon eggs," Lu Li went up and kicked a dragon egg. The egg immediately cracked, and then a small dragon man came out.

The one Lu Li kicked out was not a real dragon, but a dragon-man developed by Nefarian.

He obviously intends to create a dragon-man army, but he doesn't know how these eggs are laid. Since they are dragon-men, at least one of them should be human, at least a humanoid creature. As for the other party - more and more like Huang Jokes.

After the little dragon hatched, it rushed towards everyone.

Not to mention, almost all creatures are not too ugly when they are born. At least this little dragon looks cute, so that the female players are reluctant to do anything to the little dragon, but such a little dragon is obviously not too ugly. He couldn't make any waves and was beaten to death in a few seconds.

A piece of broken dragon scale is dropped. It is an ordinary material and almost all dragon creatures will drop it. It is not worth much.

Then Lu Li went up and kicked another dragon egg - the color and shape were different from the previous ones. These two types of dragon eggs were the main ones in this hall. As a pioneer to test the enemy's situation, Lu Li only needed to choose one dragon egg each for testing. That’s it.

This time, after the dragon egg cracked, a small dragon appeared.

They are about the same size as the dragons, but are very different in shape. The dragons run on the ground, while the dragons can flap their wings and fly.

Can Meng tightened her grip on the long bow and moved closer to Hachi-chan.

"Hachi-chan, let's bring one over and fight."


"I want to catch him and make him a baby. The little dragon is quite cute."

"I'm not good for anything."

"If you don't help me, I will use the taming skill on you. Have you heard that a hunter in the tribe caught a tauren druid as a baby? There is still a certain probability that the taming skill can tame the druid. of……"

"Liar, you must be a liar, I'm not a three-year-old child..."

"Humph, you also know how powerful my probability of taming pets is. I have added two more things to increase the success rate of taming."

"I... how about I help you, don't miss the wrong target with your taming technique," Hachi-chan took out her staff and knocked on an egg that would hatch a dragon.

Although the strength was not very strong, the dragon egg still cracked in shame.

A little dragon flapped its wings and flew up from the broken eggshell. After it came out, it flew towards Xiaobajiang. Xiaobajiang turned into a bear with great experience. In the bear form, even a magician could Healing also adds a lot of armor.

As expected, Xiaolong couldn't knock out much of Bajiang's health.

But after Canmeng attacked, Bajiang couldn't hold Xiaolong back. She was not a professional MT after all. Fortunately, Piaoling next to her took the time to give Xiaolong a taunt. It was not easy for the others to watch the two little girls blindly. After a lot of tossing, the little dragon was beaten to the lowest level of blood.

Can Meng can now read the taming technique to the little dragon.

Hachi-chan's face turned pale, and she hid behind Sanyue Yu. She could see clearly that Can Meng's taming technique was clearly aimed at her head.

Can Meng catching a baby dragon was just an interlude. Lu Li also calculated the damage and HP of the baby dragon.

"Actually, we can kill them one by one, why do we have to kill them all together?" Piao Ling didn't understand very well. If he was allowed to take command, when he encountered this weird dragon egg hall, he would definitely advance cautiously, little by little, but Lu Li didn't know Why are you crazy? You actually asked Azure Sea Breeze to pull up all the dragon eggs and kill them together.

"Save time. Didn't I try it just now? Xiaolong is easy to kill. Stop talking nonsense. Let's get started. Let's help lure him over and let Master Feng hold him. Huahua, please remember the ice ring later. Let's use group attack skills to clear the area. ," Lu Li immediately started giving orders.

What if the group is destroyed? More time will be wasted.

Although Piao Ling did not agree with this approach, since the commander Lu Li had already issued the order, he had nothing to say, and even if the group was destroyed, there would be no real loss.

Several professions that are fast in melee combat are running very fast to destroy the dragon eggs. One by one, the little dragons or dragonmen burst out of their shells and chase after the person who broke the dragon egg. They are chasing and killing them. Apparently he hates being woken up from his sleep.

The entire hall was full of running figures, and all the dragon eggs were quickly broken, at least hundreds of little dragons.

Everyone ran to Azure Sea Breeze and stopped, asking MT to use taunting skills to pull the monsters away. In this way, with Azure Sea Breeze as the center, all the monsters in the hall were gathered together.

Lu Li stopped the legal profession from releasing their skills. He explained: "I read in a book that it is said that if you can kill more than ninety-nine dragons in a very short period of time, you will be able to obtain an achievement. Title, the level of these dragons must be higher than my own level."

Only then did everyone understand what Lu Li was going to do, and they no longer dared to use his skills casually.

It's the end of the month. If you still have monthly tickets, please support the author. Thank you.

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