The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1303 Ice and Fire

Theoretically speaking, there is nothing wrong with floating ideas, but in many cases pure theory does not have much effect.

For example, he may not be able to taunt the Colorful Dragon just right, but he still inevitably suffers a group annihilation. The second time was even worse. Because of his taunt, the Colorful Dragon Geis turned his head and sprayed more people, and the melee profession almost completely annihilated.

The group was wiped out one after another.

Red's Blackhand's strength is only that small. After all, Gus is just a baby dragon. Any one of them can be easily defeated. The problem is that now the two of them are tied together, playing the role of one plus one greater than two.

Lu Li had been here once in his previous life, and he came with a jungle group. It was not on the nightmare difficulty, so he didn't know how abnormal the combination of dragons and beasts in the nightmare difficulty was. However, according to the rumors at the time, stronger jungle groups would have a chance to defeat them. These two bosses are in nightmare difficulty.

It can be inferred from this that the two guys in front of them will definitely be weakened in the future.

Lu Li was sure that no team could defeat the Redgas combination on nightmare difficulty.

To deal with Geth, the drifting method is correct. This is written in the normal strategy. Lu Li also used this method in his previous life when he came to fight on Elite difficulty. Two Ts, one Lared and one LaGace. As long as the coordination is skillful. You can pass the test.

But it's different now. Geis hasn't been weakened yet.

Lu Li calculated in his mind and found that the probability of being able to defeat Geis was not high, unless he was very lucky and allowed Piao Ling to pull the monster just right every time.

Lu Li didn't dare to expect this kind of chance, and he didn't intend to place his hope on it. Although most guilds were trying their luck to open up wasteland. If they were lucky, they might get through. If they were not lucky, they could only continue to open up wasteland. Looking forward to it. Better luck next time.

In fact, there is a side door you can take here, but most people would never think of it.

"The strategies in Dawn are almost not imagined out of thin air. In fact, there must be an antidote near poisonous weeds..."

"Lu Li, where there are poisonous weeds, there may not necessarily be an antidote. That's all nonsense. For example..."

"you shut up!"

"Okay, if you don't say it, don't say it."

"I understand what you mean, but what can be used here? I have tried the terrain, but there is no way to solve the freezing problem," Piao Ling said helplessly. He had really used his brain this time.

"Since it's frozen, it's natural to use fire to solve it. Look around..."

In order to allow the gentlemen above to clearly see the bloody fighting below, huge fire pillars were hung on the walls of the arena. Some of these candlelight lampstands were high and some were low, and they were all carved into the shape of giant wolves—— This is the style of the Blackstone Orcs, with flames shooting out of the giant wolf's mouth.

No one thinks about touching these flames, because in the system of dawn, the burning of nature can also cause harm.

Piao Ling didn't question Lu Li's proposal. He suddenly realized that burning was indeed very painful, but no matter how much it hurt, it wouldn't be as bad as Gus's freezing breath. In fact, burning would only do about ten points of damage per second, at most. A few dozen points are enough to hit the sky. Now the player's blood volume exceeds 3,000, so it is not difficult to bear such damage.

Just like some children have been afraid of something since they were young, and they will still be afraid of this thing when they grow up.

When players first entered the game, most of them had the experience of being burned by a campfire. At that time, a dozen points of blood or a few dozen points of blood could sometimes be fatal. "When they grow up," they will still think that burning is a fatal thing. , so when Piao Ling saw the pillar of fire at the beginning, he subconsciously excluded it.

"Now you stand under the fire and go to Lagas. The blue sea breeze stands next to another fire pillar. Don't worry about being burned. March Rain and you two healers should also stick to the fire pillar," Lu Li said.

"Is it that simple?" Piao Ling smiled bitterly.

"if not?"

"It feels so hot," Hachi-chan's words attracted everyone's attention. It turned out that the little girl didn't turn off the touch sense at all. Although it was not as real as in reality, it was still a bit painful to be in close contact with the flames, coupled with the psychological effect , of course it is inevitable to suffer.

Fortunately, there are a lot of fire pillars. Blackstone Tower is a tower, and in a place like Blackstone Mountain where smoke and dust block the sun, visibility determines the number of fire pillars.

For a new strategy, Lu Li chose a place that was close to the pillar of fire but would not be burned.

"Boss, why don't you stand close to the pillar," said Fat Monkey, who was proud of himself, but saw that Lu Li did not bear the burning at all. As a fire mage, he has a unique advantage in flame resistance, which is also the case for many teams. I would like to bring one or even more fire spells to fight this type of copy.

"As a racer, don't you think that reacting when danger comes can better reflect your level?"

He didn't feel that he needed to endure the burning to fight against the freezing that might appear at any time. When Gus was about to spray frost, he was confident that he could stick to the pillar before it sprayed him.

"I'll go, it makes sense," Fat Monkey's sense of superiority suddenly disappeared.

Anyone who has the confidence to react in time will naturally learn from Lu Li. After all, sticking to the fire pillar will cause damage. Even if the damage is not high, it will accumulate over time and it will be quite a lot.

The warchief was quickly beaten to the P2 stage, and everyone's hair stood on end, ready to react at any time.

"Actually, all dragon creatures need to breathe in." Lu Li saw that everyone was too nervous, so he continued to teach his experience: "Gas is no exception. Look at the tentacles next to its two gills. If they tremble inward, they will It means it's inhaling, and if it bends naturally like this, it means everyone doesn't have to be so nervous."

These so-called observations are actually not Lu Li's original work.

Among the people who play games in this world, some like equipment, some like quests, some like to simply fight monsters, and some like to get to the bottom of things.

There are even some people who, if they discover something, will suffocate them to death if they keep it in their hearts, so guides appear one after another. These people enjoy the admiration of others, so they have more motivation to discover new things. thing.

"Look, look at Gus's beard, his beard is moving," Can Meng shouted in a fuss. Ever since she listened to Lu Li's words, she only stared at Gus's two tentacles, even outputting the list. The flash sales on the website have dropped several levels.

Everyone immediately cheered up and stuck to the pillars one by one.

Now let's see if this almost burning pillar can help everyone resist Gus's freezing breath. If it can really go smoothly, everyone won't have to be destroyed to death.

Moreover, if this guide is sold - it is estimated that he will make a lot of money.

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