The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1304 Side Strategy

Because there was a basis for judging whether Gass was going to exhale, Piao Ling accurately taunted Gass's head. This time, only he was frozen.

Freezing is a very long process. At least for that kind of huge damage, the full thirty seconds duration will put any profession in danger of death. After all, there are critical hits in this game that need to be taken into account. Critical hits are rare when fighting a BOSS, but when the BOSS hits a player, they will just hit one critical hit after another.

three hundred?

There was actually only 300 damage. This time, Piao Ling deliberately did not turn on damage reduction in order to test the impact of the fire pillar. This meant that the damage he suffered from the front was only 300, twice as much as usual. Under normal circumstances, it should be 5. Hundreds of upwards.

"This is so powerful, and..." Lu Li paused and added, "The damage is actually slowly decreasing."

The second time it jumped out, the damage was less than 300, and it was less and less each time.

"You can add blood, it's okay," Lu Li said.

"Are you sure?" Sanyueyu tilted her head and asked. She was frightened by the cold contamination, which was almost an instant kill.

"If you die, it's mine," Lu Li rolled his eyes.

As for how to count him after he died, there is no need to investigate. Sanyue Yu finally added a healing spell to Piao Ling. She was frozen almost as soon as the skill was released. But what is surprising is that this Freeze damage - after 700 points appeared, it never happened again.

Only one injury!

"Don't look at me like that, I'm quite surprised," Lu Li said, saying that he was innocent.

Of course, he couldn't really be surprised. Even if it was an accident, it would be the kind of magic that comes after seeing the strategy take effect with his own eyes. This side strategy, which was discovered very late, Lu Li had no chance to use in his previous life. Even a seventy-level player would not say it. You can get down to Blackstone Tower.

The first freeze is a continuous freeze and will not be lifted by any means.

However, the contagious freezing can be lifted by receiving new damage. After receiving the freezing damage just now, Sanyueyu was obviously burned by the fire pillar, thus lifting the freezing effect.

The P2 stage is so easy to solve. Before the side strategy appeared, the dragon and beast duo were very, very difficult to deal with. A normal strong team would inevitably have to be wiped out several times. There was a saying at the time that if one person To say that he has never died after entering the game, then he must have never been defeated by Blackstone Tower. Among them, the dragon and beast duo contributed a very heavy share of killings.

The third stage comes when the Warchief's health drops to a little more than one-third.

At this stage, the player actually faces the two bosses, because Red jumps off Gus's back.

Although there were two BOSSs before, they were actually not able to exert 100% of their strength. After all, one was riding the other, and the other was being ridden by the other, making it difficult for them to reach out to each other.

Now, Guth is free, and Red, the berserker, comes up with Whirlwind.

Whirlwind - Warchief Red Blackhand swings his weapon like a whirlwind, causing physical damage to all players within eight yards every second.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way," Lu Li shouted immediately upon seeing this.

There are two kinds of whirlwinds in the Berserker BOSS. One is used in the early stage. It looks flashy and can scare people. In fact, its power is only average. It may not be as high as the damage of a single attack. There is another one. This is used after the blood volume has dropped to half. This is an amplified move when you are in a hurry. It will scrape off half of the blood in one stroke. If it is heavy, it will kill you instantly.

Although Reid may not be able to kill him instantly, at least half of his blood will be gone if he sweeps him away.

As soon as everyone heard Lu Li's shout, they immediately ran away...

However, at this time Geth took action, and the timing of its attack was just right, just when everyone was running away - the players who left the pillar of fire were immediately frozen.

This freeze is even more unbearable than the previous one. If you can't run away when a berserker spins the Whirlwind, the consequences can be imagined. In just the blink of an eye, the fifteen people of the Sword of Judgment's land reclamation team are gone. After failing seven, I almost passed the halfway mark, so naturally I couldn’t go on.

"hang up and try again," Lu Li sighed inwardly.

He deliberately did not emphasize the need to run against the pillar of fire. He originally thought that everyone would pay attention to it, but it seems that he still overestimated the understanding of these guys, or he expected these guys to think, so the sows climbed up the trees.

The advantage of having a good commander in the team is that the copy will be smooth all the way, but the disadvantage is that the team members will rely more and more on instructions.

As long as you follow the instructions, you will be able to clear the dungeon. This concept has been engraved in everyone's hearts unconsciously, so when Lu Li did not emphasize Geth's breath, everyone ignored the colorful baby dragon that was obviously breathing.

However, the team had been wiped out so many times before, and now it seemed like it was nothing. Everyone couldn't understand why Lu Li's face didn't look good.

Failure is the mother of success. Whether it is true or not, in short, because of the last group destruction, everyone has finally figured out how to avoid Cyclone. The principle is that I will stick to the pillar today and avoid leaving. Whirlwind Slash, you will die on the pillar.

After Gase got rid of his baggage, he didn't just blow bubbles.

Knockback - Geth deals physical damage to the current target and knocks it back.

Corrosive Acid Breath - Guth breathes corrosive acid, reducing the armor of all players in front of him and causing Nature damage every 5 seconds.

Fire Breath - Geth breathes fire, dealing fire damage to all players in front of him.

In addition to the previous freezing breath, this colorful and unhygienic spitting dragon can spit out three kinds of things. Even if you think about it, you can't figure out how its mouth is structured to spit out both ice and fire. .

Fortunately, both acid and flames only deal damage, and will not cause the player to continue to lose blood, nor will they restrict the player's movement.

However, one thing is more important, that is, when Geth is breathing out flames, do not stand close to the pillar of fire - that will cause a very tragic death, and thanks to this not being a heavy game, otherwise the game will definitely be for the players. Simulates the aroma of barbecue.

Because of the Flame Breath, Lu Li and others used Tuan Mie to pay tuition twice more.

I can’t remember exactly how many times the team was wiped out, but it took at least two hours before both Gus and Red were beaten to a pulp. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you kill one first. It’s just that according to the general principle of the strategy, the two bosses are all They all like to kill together because they are worried that if one kills the other, the other will go berserk.

This time, they were very lucky. Neither Gus nor Red went berserk.

In most cases, one of the two will go berserk. If two go berserk at the same time, just stop struggling and just lie down and let the BOSS ravage them. Like Lu Li and the others, neither of them goes berserk, so they can quit the game and buy lottery tickets.

Alas, I’m too embarrassed to see anyone.

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