The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1368 Fortress Rewards

System: Congratulations to the player of the Sword of Judgment Guild - Luoying Memories, for successfully reaching level 60!

This is Dawn's first level 60, a feat recorded in the game's annals. Of course, there will be a system announcement, and it is a first kill announcement that is more eye-catching than the system's first kill.

"Hurry up and see what the reward is," a group of people gathered around Luo Ying and recalled, chattering to satisfy their curiosity.

"Enhanced bloodthirsty skill book, and a lot of reputation, I'm just a little short of learning skills directly," Luo Ying recalled joining a small camp of draenei people. Unfortunately, she didn't like doing tasks very much. The reputation of the copy was not enough at all, but now it is more than enough.

This feeling is like being on the street when you are about to eat, and suddenly you are told that you have won 5 million in the lottery.

"There is another weapon, legendary level, ah ah ah~" Luo Ying recalled that she was almost dumbfounded, and then she fell into the ecstasy of the second form. She was just a leveling madman, a half-assed racer, but suddenly she suddenly In time, he became a person with legendary equipment.

Others gathered together to observe this rare legendary equipment.

Lu Li stood far away and did not go up to join in the fun. Piao Ling patted him on the shoulder and asked in a low voice: "Do you regret it? In fact, I asked her to wait for you to reach level 60 first. There is no problem at all. There are other clubs. Team captains or main players do this, I’m right, it must be a reward for legendary equipment.”

"I know, but there's nothing to regret."

As a reborn person, Lu Li certainly knew what he would be rewarded with: a top-notch enhanced skill book, legendary weapons, a lot of reputation, or maybe even some limelight in the game.

Piao Ling's suggestion is also very simple. Let Luo Yinghui and others with higher experience points than Lu Li go back first without upgrading, and then replace a group of substitutes with lower level experience than Lu Li. This will push Lu Li directly to level 60, and let him Come and get this reward.

Don't think this kind of thing is unkind.

In fact, this kind of thing is normal in the gaming circle. After all, the value of Luo Ying's memory reward is different from that of Lu Li's reward.

Not many people paid attention to who Luo Ying recalled.

But once Lu Li becomes the first person to reach level 60, his personal reputation will definitely reach a higher level, and his title as the number one player in the game will become more worthy of his reputation.

Legendary weapons can also play greater value in Lu Li's hands.

Luo Ying recalled that she was not the main player on the field, nor was she the main output in the dungeon. She was not too interested in PVP in the wild. The only thing she liked was leveling. However, when leveling, whether she was holding a legendary weapon or a legendary weapon, In fact, the impact is not big.

That's why Piao Ling would make such a suggestion. He didn't have any objection to Luo Ying's memories, but he considered the issue from the perspective of maximizing interests.

Now that they have defeated three Molten Core bosses, this means that the large area before the fourth boss will constantly be refreshed with mobs. The efficiency of upgrading with mobs is much faster than outside. Even if Lu Li is here He only occupied the top twenty on the ranking list, and he would soon reach level sixty.

Lu Li did not adopt his opinion.

On the one hand, there is the issue of his personal level. There are more than ten people in front of him, and there are still several who have removed the Sword of Judgment.

If someone showed off his power and reached level 60 first, he wouldn't have time to cry. Lu Li never felt that he was invincible. There were all kinds of adventures in the game. Who could guarantee that others would not find a faster way to level up than in the dungeon? Baidubuqijie is currently undertaking a large-scale mission. The large-scale mission chain in Dawn will increase a wave of experience at the end.

On the other hand, it's not fair to Luo Ying's memories.

Put yourself in Luo Ying's shoes, if Lu Li is Luo Ying's memory, she has to participate in competitions and dungeons to open up wasteland. She is leveling up while others are shopping, and she is leveling up while others are eating. She squeezes out almost every point. Every second is leveling up.

Almost all the money this girl earned was invested in leveling up.

Some people may not be willing to take potions even after downloading a dungeon, but in order to save some time, she would even save the time to sit down and eat bread, and just carry a backpack of potions on her back to take it at any time.

She was about to reach level 60, but she was told that she could no longer practice. She was asked to leave the honor and rewards of being the first to reach level 60 to others. She was asked to sacrifice her own interests for the sake of the overall situation, and she was also told You can't go out and say whatever you want, and then take the hush money and feel sad secretly.


Why did Lu Li leave the Star and Moon Guild so early?

It was just because the Star-Moon Guild made unreasonable demands and it was just a game. Whoever left them would not be able to survive.

Lu Li hated this kind of thing the most. It was naturally impossible for him to do such a thing, so he rejected Piao Ling's opinion without hesitation. It was just an enhanced skill book and a legendary weapon. There would be many opportunities in the future.

There is a reward for the first one, will there be a reward for the second one too?

Azure Sea Breeze, who is still close to reaching full level, screams and rushes towards the next wave of mobs. The three brothers and sisters are also at the same level as him, the March Rain brother and sister. Currently, the Sword of Judgment dominates the top five in the level list, and the sixth one is the Sister who cannot be ridden in a hundred tears. , in fact, the gap in their experience is not big, only a few percentage points at most.

If Lu Li remembered correctly, there was indeed a reward for the second prize, but the level of richness was far from the same.

Today's time is not enough for them to reach level 60.

The next day after going online, Luo Ying recalled that she received an email telling her that she could acquire a piece of land to build a primary fortress from any city war administrator in the main city. The coordinates given were located on the map of Ash Valley.

According to the normal process, players who want to build a fortress must wait until the fortress system refreshes the map and opens one or more pieces of land. These will become the targets of competition for many clubs. First, the land is shot, and the guild submits a certain amount of gold coins to participate in the war. , the top eight companies with the highest amount are eligible to capture the map. The capture map is carried out in a copy-like manner, with many monsters and BOSS defenses in it.

If the capture fails, the gold coins will be lost.

If the capture is successful, all the gold coins will not be lost, but it still depends on how many winners there are. If there are more than two, the system will randomly arrange the attackers and defenders. In short, the purpose is to eliminate only the final winner.

Luo Ying recalled that being rewarded with a piece of land seemed like no big deal, but in fact the Sword of Judgment took a big advantage.

Firstly, there is no need to acquire the land, and secondly, there are no competitors. As long as it is captured, the land will truly belong to the Sword of Judgment. Of course, other guilds will submit applications for siege every week, and the Sword of Judgment must be defended to truly have its own fortress.

Lu Li made the request straight to the point.

The club will purchase the ownership of this land from Luoying Memories. After it is captured, this land will also retain part of Luoying Memories' shares.

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