"No, no, no," Luo Ying recalled waving her hands: "I can level up so fast only because of everyone. I have been rewarded with so many things. Of course this land belongs to the guild. There is no need to say anything about the shares. I want that What is the use."

"After all, this is something the system rewards you with," Lu Li was quite surprised that the other party would say that.

"Oh, I'm not a gamer. Don't you understand what other clubs do? Lu Li, you can make me reach level 60 for the first time. I'm almost moved to tears," Luo Ying recalled, having played several games before. , being stuck in level more than once, she thought it would happen again this time, but she didn't expect Lu Li to have that idea at all.

After some more persuasion, Lu Li really didn't want to take advantage of this.

In the end, Luo Ying, who had always been generous, became a little angry when she recalled: "I am also a member of the guild, and I am also a veteran. Can't I do something for the guild, or do you treat me as an outsider?"

Having said this, what else could Lu Li say.

The two went straight to the administrative hall of Stormwind City and found the newly appointed city war administrator, Colonel Avery Brammer.

Colonel Bramer did not embarrass Lu Li. After all, Lu Li had the rank of second lieutenant awarded by Marshal Maxwell and was a member of the military system. He stamped the topographic map of the fortress submitted by Luo Ying. The capture time is displayed.

It was still early, so Lu Li led everyone to continue the dungeon.

The mobs at the back are also quite difficult to deal with. There are roughly two types of monster combinations. One is composed of two lava elements, a flame guard, and a flame walker; the other combination is a lava predator, and a flame walker. Fire Guardian and a Fire Walker.

No matter how it is combined, there are four monsters, so it is called F4.

F4 is a very dangerous mob. Each monster has multiple attacks. The combination of these attacks is very serious for an unprepared team. Lu Li watched helplessly as his teammates were wiped out several times.

Group destruction is not necessarily a bad thing. The more times you do it, the more you will gain.

Lu Li and the others discovered that both the Lava Reaver and the Lava Elemental could be driven away. After driving them away, they focused on killing the Flame Walker - this monster is the most dangerous one in each combination. It will release AoE spells to reduce everyone's fire resistance, and continuously release fireballs to cause a lot of damage to a single target. If no measures are taken, it can release three fireballs in one second, which is enough to kill most players.

Kill the Firewalkers first, then deal with the Fire Guards.

After killing these two, it won't be so dangerous to deal with the remaining two one by one.

Waves of F4 were killed, and finally the fourth BOSS - Gal was seen. Gar is a stone man, but he is obviously very intelligent, otherwise he would not be able to recruit a group of younger brothers to work for him.

One stone man looks funny, and two stone men look imposing. But when a big stone man brings eight small stone men, it can no longer be described by simple momentum. There were eight little stone men. Lu Li had no way to explain them in advance, so he could only continue to use group destruction to pay for the tuition.

Needless to say more details. After many group destructions, several rules were gradually figured out.

First of all, these little brothers of Garr cannot be cleared out alone. This will cause two consequences. One is that Garr will go berserk and you will kill all my younger brothers. It would be weird if you don’t go berserk. The other is that the younger brothers will be resurrected. As long as Garr does not die, Its little brother can stand up again.

However, everyone also discovered that there is a critical point here. There are up to four monsters that can be killed. If you kill more than four monsters, the Stone Man BOSS will go berserk.

Secondly, there is the problem of these mobs.

Although the attack power of these mobs may not be very abnormal, they will obey the BOSS's orders and explode.

Finally, it is the turn of the BOSS to be disgusting. It will launch a big drive (anti-magic pulse) every once in a while. Before, I have been enjoying the convenience brought by the March Rain drive. Now it is the turn of the BOSS to release the big drive. Players have to experience being The BOSS is dominated by fear.

In addition, there is Lava Shackles, which is a group slowdown trick.

The BOSS's physical attack power is actually not very high. It only does a few hundred points of damage to the MT. Even if it hits a critical hit, it only costs over a thousand points. The total treatment is not stressful.

So Lu Li changed a priest out and a warlock who could banish came in, so there were four warlocks inside.

The reason why so many warlocks are needed is to banish four of the mobs.

Gal was huddled together with eight monsters, running very fast as if they were on wheels. The four warlocks were dumbfounded. Even if Lu Li marked four of them, it would be difficult for them to cast the banishment spell on them.

Lu Li thought of a way and asked a mage to rush forward first.

Qingcheng Shang got this task. Huadi Liqing is not as good at handling as her, Short Circuit is not in good health right now, and Lu Li doesn't want him to be too exhausted.

The monsters didn't care what profession they were charging at. They immediately stopped running, surrounded Qingcheng Death and started fighting in a group. How could Qingcheng Death withstand the attacks of so many monsters - the reason why Azure Sea Breeze was not allowed to be the starter. The monster's mission was just because he couldn't handle it - so she immediately opened the ice barrier before the monster attacked her, which is the legendary invincible refrigerator.

A BOSS and eight of his boys were surrounding and smashing the refrigerator. They were spread out and didn't move around.

In this case, it would be really unjustifiable if the warlocks chose bad targets.

Four were taken away by the warlock, and the remaining four were taken away by each warrior and paladin. As for the BOSS, they were naturally entertained by the blue sea breeze.

The most important thing is the banishment. If the banishment is not done well, nothing will happen. This requires long-term exile, but the exile skill has a time limit and can be resisted, so warlocks need to use some auxiliary measures.

First of all, the warlock must establish good hatred before banishing, otherwise these monsters will run around after the banishment is over.

Generally speaking, it is best to summon the Void Walker and let the Void Walker keep attacking the target. In this way, the target monster's first hatred is the Warlock's Void Walker. Even if the monster wakes up, it will attack your Void Walker first and there will be no chaos. Run and will not attack other players.

Secondly, after the exile is successful, you must use the life channel skill to replenish the void walker's blood. After about 20 seconds, start chanting the exile spell on the target monster. If the monster is still in the exile state at this time, then you will be chanting halfway Take a step forward, interrupt the casting, and then chant again until the monster wakes up. This way you can ensure that you banish the monster in the first place without spending too much mana.

Finally, if the Voidwalker's health is too low, choose to sacrifice it, turning the Voidwalker into a damage-absorbing shield, and then immediately summon a new Voidwalker to replace it.

After the warlock was successfully banished, everyone began to kill the four stone men who were taken away.

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